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Author Topic: need of allies for a trek to the underdark  (Read 223 times)


need of allies for a trek to the underdark
« on: August 03, 2006, 11:07:07 am »
A few members of the arcane alliance decided do go on a small feildtrip to the underdark to find some emeralds for the guild, instead we encountered a small boy held hostage by a drow campsite. It seemed they had just set up for the night, and you could hear the wails and screams of the boy. We decided to act upon our compassion, and sprung the boy from captivity.

When we traveled back to the boys home in Arabel, we learned of his mother, still trapped in the clutches of the drow. We learned that the boys mother is either held in Orlist Orbinn at the top of the faerl tower, or at the deeper drowcity of Olath Chath.

We require people of staut stature, and great courage and exprience in dealing with either of these two cities. Please sign up for this mission, time is of the essence.

We will gather together to travel from the town of Arabel on Belinara.


The Arcane Alliance

// This is noted as Lia's WLDQ on the GM's Calendar for this Satureday, but all you know is that the Arcane Alliance have written this note. Level cap 15+. I dont really care who goes on this trek, but there are a few characters (they know who they are, heh) who have had a bad history with Lia and thus she will not allow them to go down there with her.

