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Author Topic: Open for hire  (Read 421 times)


Open for hire
« on: March 26, 2009, 04:15:38 pm »
*a scribbled note on the notice board of the inn*

Dae ye need an escort?
Dae ye need anythin' collectit?
Dae ye huv any 'delicate' jobs needin' dain?

Nothin's too big or too sma'. Competitive prices gi'en. Money refund if you kin get the same service fur less money.

Oh, an' we're guid at keepin' wur gubs shut, sos wees ur, if'n ye catch ma drift. (appears to be an afterthought, written as it is in what appears to be some dark red ink?)

See Ma Baker (she's the wan in white) at the Scamp's Mug, or in 'e vicinity o' Hempstead.


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2009, 05:26:33 pm »
'So ye waant the wagon back?' Ma Baker said to the cloaked figure, well outside the vicinity of Hempstead.

A deep voice comes back, 'Yes, and it's contents, if that is possible. We can't leave any clues lying about for others to find, if you catch my drift?'

'Oh, ah caught it, awright. Noo, whit aboot the spons fur this joab. It'll no be cheap, by the way. And wull ye tell that burd tae shut it's gub? It's ferr dain' ma heid in, so it is.'


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2009, 07:39:05 pm »
*A human man, of middling years and middling appearance, wanders into the Scamp. His gaze drifts over the faces of the patrons in the crowded inn, some familiar, many not. The eyes narrows ever so slightly as they alight on one lady in particular*


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2009, 07:22:08 pm »
Shortly afterwards, the human man, of middling years and middling appearance makes contact with a woman of indeterminate race, height and appearance after they both had made certain neither were followed.

They withdraw to a quiet place, and after a lengthy and quiet conversation, decide on the terms and agree on a contract. A chink of money may have been heard, but the sound is quickly muffled and the two part with a new arrangement.


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2009, 04:32:00 am »
*Slips a sealed note to the bartender at the Scamps addressed to Ma Baker*

I have a very delicate job requiring a high level of discretion. I would like to meet to discuss the details. Leave response with the bartender for "Adder." I will check back soon...


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2009, 04:36:24 pm »
And some time later, offers are exchanged and accepted, and a deal is struck.

Even later, another note is left with the barman, and the two meet again to complete the transaction to the satisfaction of both. What can this be about?


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2009, 09:23:09 pm »
*Slips a sealed note to the bartender at the Scamps addressed to Ma Baker*

I have another very delicate job requiring a high level of discretion. I would like to meet to discuss the details. Leave response with the bartender.



Re: Open for hire
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2009, 06:32:49 pm »
Dusk was starting to set as the two people set up their fishing gear around the small pool.
  Without looking at the man, she says: ‘Hiya,’ in a voice that sounds like liquid gold with even one word.
  He says with a grin, ‘Fishing again?’
  ‘Aye an’ ra fishin' is guid. Wit aboot yersel’?’
  He laughs. ‘Sure... my luck has not been great though.’
  She whispers after looking around her to make sure no-one can overhear, ‘Well, ah huv that “item” ye wur efter; it’s ready,’ she says.
  He fiddles with the line, ‘Really? Not much trouble?’
  ‘Nah, no frae this end at least. Dae ye huv ra money wi' ye?’ She asks greedily with honeysuckle dripping from every word.
  He nods. ‘How much true for the project?’ He asks, knowing full well as his memory is faultless.
  ‘A snip at five thoosand, as agreed,’ she replies without any hesitation or tremor in her voice.
  He nods again, ‘I do... money is never something I fool around with.’

  She moves towards a nearby tree and, with an almost imperceptible look to make sure he is watching, she bends over and pulls out a waterproofed package from a pre-prepared hole under a handy rock. She glides up to him and they exchange the package and the money with a final lingering touch to complete the deal.
  Slipping the package inside a hidden pocket, he asks quietly, ‘Are you seeking more work? Could be worth quite a pretty penny.’
  ‘Sure thing,’ she comes back, ‘always oan ra lookout fur mair dosh,’ and her interest is piqued, yet again. ‘Whit dae ye need daein’ this time? Sumwan needin’ seein’ tae, perhaps?’ She shivers: is it from fear or excitement?

 He tells her the details of his next tasks and finishes by telling her to be the epitome of discretion.
  She replies with a laugh like bubbling water, ‘Aye, ah ah’m avoids ither peepil if ah kin, but…’ He raises an eyebrow. She continues: ‘Ah um tryin' tae cultivate sumwan as a sweetheart. He's pure dedd simple, but it may help in a tight coarner, an’ ah even think he's taken a shine tae me."   
  He says, ‘Ensure he does not know of this then. It could be bad for him. I am sure I need not say elaborate?’
  ‘Aye, nae worries. He’s “disposable”.’
  ‘Very good... Tools are only as good as long as they are of use.’   
  After a brief pause she says, ‘Let you know when ra joab’s dun in ra usual weigh 'en?’
  A brief exchange of looks follows, cementing their deal and she finishes her business with him. ‘For now then - be safe.’
  ‘Aye.. and you.’
  She bows farewell to the man, but keeps her eyes on him as she steps back and melts into the deepening shadows, leaving behind only the faintest trace of an exotic perfume.


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2009, 06:54:07 pm »
*Meanwhile, a human man, of middling years and middling appearance, wanders back into the Scamp. There is something in his demeanor that suggests he cares not a whit for posts 5 through 8 and sees them as distractions from other tasks at hand. Tasks over which his patience grows thin.*


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #9 on: May 15, 2009, 07:51:57 pm »
A small halfling looks up from his ale at the man's demeanour, and finishing his drink, leaves the inn with a rush.


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2009, 05:23:04 pm »
A smallish woman, dressed in off-white from head to toe, wanders into the Sacmp's Mug and looks around: she seems to be looking for someone. If asked, patrons may say they were aware of a faint aroma of crushed diamonds and honey as she walked past.

A short while later she walks casually over to the bartender and in a whispered voice like gently flowing water, asks if he's seen a human man, of middling years and middling appearance recently. The barman looks about; for the man or to see who is watching them?, and he nods imperceptibly.

A small note passes over and the more discerning, or less fuddled patrons may also see the glint of Trues exchange hands.

As the barman looks back up from slipping the note into his apron, he is not surprised to see the woman has gone; faded as if she has folded herself into the darkness in the room. A small smile crosses his craggy face.


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2009, 05:45:39 pm »
'Well, oi dun't think oi trushts 'er, is all oi saysh.'
 'Away wi' ye,' said the second. 'She's a heart o' gold, that one. Why, I've hear she's been doing good deeds for some of the villagers north of here. Even been buying flowers from the merchants to brighten the place up.'
 'Well oi never!' The first drunk seemed to mull something over in his befuddled brain for a short time, then, 'Oi bet she'sh a real beaudy under thoshe heavy hoodsh she wearsh as well. She shure walksh real pruty, ...prooty, ...perty, ...nishe,' he slurred, then paused for a moment. 'D'ye know,' he asked of his new found best friend, 'yer all roight fer a wee fellow. Another drink? Shure, oi'll 'ave another ale, if yer buyin'.
 'Now, about this wee job oi've got...'


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2009, 12:26:52 pm »
'Hmm, so it's a kidnap yer efter? Ye shure ye dinni waant me just tae them... go away?'
 Their eyes meet across the darkened room and hold each other for slightly too long. Unspoken messages flit between them like fireflies, one sparking off the other. An observer would swear they could feel the electricity between them.
 Then it's gone, as if it was never there, and they complete their business. The last few pieces of information are given and received and the two part company - for the time being.


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #13 on: August 11, 2009, 09:32:11 am »
*//OOC it would seem that the market for a private investigator is on the rise*

'So, ye waant me tae collect information, incriminating him? Is that right?' She asks.

'Yes indeed and we shall take proceedings from there. You need do no more..'

'Awright. A deal. Noo let's discuss ra fee.'

His eyes lift a little, but otherwise does not reveal his scorn. The 'fee' agreed, they take leave of each other and agree to leave word when the time comes.

Lance Stargazer

Re: Open for hire
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2009, 11:00:08 am »
*After some days, a tall and well build figure covered in dark and brown clothes, is seen entering the Scamp's Mug, his step a bit prideful yet wary, he walks amount the patrons his inquisitive look posing from patron to patron, as if he were a hawk looking for the next pray.

Some moments before he heads towards the bar. and with his hood lowered he exchanges some words away from prying eyes and eager ears. Some trues are passed from a hand to another alongside an evelope with a stylized F on it.

Some moments after that The figure is seen walking out towards the city turning over a small alley, but nobody saw him walking out of it*


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2009, 02:24:11 pm »
A small woman, dressed in red and white, approaches the barman and orders a drink. It arrives very quickly, and she takes a delicate sip, a fine example of Tower Malt, and in that action, pockets an envelope discreetly.

She nods her approval to the barman and passes over some Trues in payment for the drink. The more alert patrons might wonder why she paid so much for the drink.


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #16 on: August 15, 2009, 08:59:20 am »
Some time later and after she has read the note inside the envelope, she decides to act on the information. In case it's a trap, she takes someone else with her, as backup.

//OOC Lance Stargazer narrated the description of the site and the plot to them, revealing the plot line as they made decisions based on his descriptions.

Major kudos to Lance and Mearden for this adventure. This picture is one of the highlights when Maw Baker was asked to make a decision based on her wisdom:

Lance also made her make several hide checks, bearing in mind she was completely clothed in red and white - always good colors for hiding. Great fun all.


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2009, 02:30:50 pm »
*A notice is posted on a wall of the Wild Surge Inn. The words cobalt and and ore are written more heavily and the ore is underlined as well.*

Ah huv a client who is lookin' fur tae buy cobalt ore, in bundles o' five.

Leave a message if yer interestit' in supplyin' cobalt ore, an' let me know whit price ye wid waant per ore. Mah client may be able tae trade fur it as well.

Dealer's may apply. Traders may apply. A' dealin's ur confidenshul.

~~ Maw Baker


Re: Open for hire
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2009, 07:15:13 pm »
*A notice is posted on a wall of the Wild Surge Inn. The words cobalt and and ore are written more heavily and the ore is underlined as well.
 The notice has a heavy red line drawn through it and underneath is written...*
 Mah client hus enough cobalt noo. However, ah kin buy any spare mithril ore ye may huv lyin' aboot. Top prices paid too.

