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Author Topic: Reward : missing person  (Read 57 times)


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    Reward : missing person
    « on: January 07, 2007, 11:12:21 pm »
    ** posted upon a fine scroll on common and elf **

    My twin sister JennaJade De'shade has gone missing , chasing something unwarrented quite possibly and does need to speak to those of us in hlint whom care for her well being. A reward of 500 trues is being offered for information leading to her where abouts , payable from me  , Solarina De'shade. Anyone having information on her where abouts that leads to us finding her should contact myself , or lady mylindra or barion. The reward shall be paid in full by myself however , but all three persons of intrest named in the above are searching for her. Send a bird to any of the three named above , and if said information leads to her where abouts the reward of 500 trues plus the sum of 50 trues to cover the cost of the bird chall be repaid , again by myself Solarina De'Shade as the payor. Tact , Discreation and politeness appreciated and required , this is a delicate yet serious personal matter to the above named indivduals , and your co-operation regaurding tact and discreation is thanked by us ahead of time.

    //ooc if ye see JennaJade dont bother sending solarina the bird as its a diff char played by myself , send the bird to barion or mylindra , but seek solarina for payment in full.


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      Re: Reward : missing person
      « Reply #1 on: January 07, 2007, 11:35:13 pm »
      added underneath on shoody parchment is a oil painting of her image with the label " JennaJade De'Shade " wraped in golden text and swirls.


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        Re: Reward : missing person
        « Reply #2 on: January 09, 2007, 12:34:22 am »
        She has Been Located , Thank You L ,

        Solarina De'Shade

