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Author Topic: Request for Item Collection  (Read 78 times)


Request for Item Collection
« on: January 07, 2007, 03:03:30 am »
*Jacchri walks into the inns around Mistone and post the following notice*
[SIZE=18]True for Item Collection[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]I Jacchri Abianca is looking for the following items urgently and will pay for anyone able to deliver this to me.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=16]1 Box of Pears - 2000 true 1 Box of Cherries - 2000 true 1 Box of Blueberries - 2000 true 20 Patches of Lichen -2000 true[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]Full delivery of all above items will entitle you to a bonus of 2000 true[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]This offer is valid for the first person to deliver the items to me in person[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13]You can reach me by leaving a note here, at Raven Trade or at my house in Vale[/SIZE]


RE: Request for Item Collection
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2007, 01:20:46 am »
*Jacchri walks in and removes the notice as all items have been collected*

