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Author Topic: Yer a dwarf - Ya need place ta put stuff? - Look at dis!  (Read 86 times)

Black Cat

Yer a dwarf - Ya need place ta put stuff? - Look at dis!
« on: January 24, 2007, 01:24:29 pm »
*written in dwarven on a piece of parchment*

Dear kinsmen,

Oi be lookin' inta buyin' a house on Dregar, but ah lack da funds.

So ah came up wit dis idea, loike

Fer a small one toime fee of about 15'000 trues, ah'll give ya a key ta da house an' yer own large crate ta put yer stuff in.
Fer a fee of 25'000, ahm willin' ta let ya have two large crate.
Da fee will be used ta buy da house an' da crates. Oder furniture ah will pay fer an' set as ah see fit.

Ov course ya'll be free ta use da portal an' oder facility ah may put in der.
If ya want ta know more, contact me. Only honorable dwarves or follower ov Vorax dat be known ta me need ask. Ah won't answer oder people

Grohin Silveraxe, battlepriest of Vorax, Deepsnur's division, Hargranar's company.

//send me a PM or a tell in game to discuss things.

//This note is only readable by dwarves and, well,by those who knows dwarven.
//If this goes through, all furniture will be place by me to avoid problem if someone disappear unexpectedly (items stored in chest will be kept or taken care of by a DM, I will NOT take them).
//More storage spaces might be negotiable depending on place and number of offers.
//The use of a sleeping room and common lounge/ maybe a meeting room too will be granted to all.
//I'll ask that other areas be considered private and only entered by invitation.

Black Cat

Re: Yer a dwarf - Ya need place ta put stuff? - Look at dis!
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2007, 02:45:57 am »
*Grohin put the notice up a bit and adds a notes*

Da house been bought, but da offer still stand.
If ya want ta hav a luk before buyin' yer place, feel free ta contact me.

*a small drawing of what looks like a floorplan is added to the note*

look at the floorplan


gilshem ironstone

Re: Yer a dwarf - Ya need place ta put stuff? - Look at dis!
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2007, 10:14:49 am »
*Gilshem sees the post and a broad smile breaks across his face*

Nice, lad... I'm gonna 'ave ta see wat furniture I kin build fer it now.


RE: Yer a dwarf - Ya need place ta put stuff? - Look at dis!
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2007, 01:47:30 am »
I know of a few dwarves been asking about this. Best to keep it up where they can see it.
  *A scholarly looking dwarf who looks like hes just had his head used for a battering ram moves the posting to a more prominent place where his kin can read it.