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Author Topic: Restoration of Stone  (Read 157 times)


Restoration of Stone
« on: February 07, 2007, 11:33:18 am »
*posted around various towns on mistone*
  Stone has long stood in ruins since the invasion of Bloodstone's Forces.   Years have passed, yet nothing has been done.      It is about time any one who cared for this town, or still does care, to help provide aid.
  Some of you may remember being able to travel to this quiet town, a lot of you may have never visited before the fall, and I fear there are many more, who have not even heard Stone's name.
  If you think you can be of any assistance to the reconstruction of this town, please don't hesitate to raise a hand in helping. Even if your not sure you can, but would like to help in this effort, let it be known.     A meeting will be taking place just outside the temple of Ilsare in Hlint to discuss matters, and what resources will be required.
  Relates to the calender event:


Re: Restoration of Stone
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2007, 12:15:45 pm »
*Quill walks by looking at the poster. He stops pondering for a moment after reading.*

"Curious a cleric of Ilsare would want to rebuild Stone."  *he rubs his chin in thought briefly then nods to himself*  "I will contact the other Emeralds and this Ranewin."


RE: Restoration of Stone
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2007, 07:22:57 pm »
**In a tidy scrawl, a note is affixed to the bottom of the page**

I'm not much by way of a labourer, but I'll aid in the reconstruction in any way I can.

- Timulty Keel, Evoker at Large


Re: Restoration of Stone
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2007, 09:25:07 pm »
I will not be able to attend the meeting as I am needed elsewhere but rest assured that The Queen Kayana Memorial Relief Foundation has been collecting donations of food and clothing for distribution in Alindor and will aid in this endeavor in what everway possible.


Katrien Hommel


RE: Restoration of Stone
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2007, 09:56:05 pm »
// I may not be able to make it.  It depends on whether or not I have internet tomorrow at that time; which right now is kinda touch-and-go.  Sorry to waffle.


Re: Restoration of Stone
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2007, 07:33:18 am »
// I will not be able to make it today myself.

