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Author Topic: RP Event for Charity  (Read 1414 times)


RP Event for Charity
« on: November 15, 2009, 07:54:18 am »
[SIZE=18]A baking competetion and bake sale will be held on Freas, April 27, 1458 (//December 5th at 6:30p.m. EST) at the Twin Dragon Inn in Leringard to benefit the Harmony's House for the Young which is an orphanage in Hempstead.

We are on a search for the best pie in the lands and will be naming a winner. The famous Tod Fellow will be one of our judges. We all know he knows pie!

The idea is that every chef will bring at least three pies. One will be given to our judges, the other two will be put up for sale. All money and left over pie goes to the orphanage.

Not a baker? That is ok! All people need to eat. Come out and support the children by buying a pie.. or 5.

New adventurer who can't afford an expensive pie? Well this is for charity folks. Pay what you can and get a pie made by one of the best chefs in the lands.

So come one, come all and help feed the children.

If you have any questions, seek out Alazira.[/SIZE]

//If you are a chef intending to enter your pie into the competition, please write up a description of what your pie might taste/smell/look like and get it ready on a piece of parchment/paper to turn into our judges.


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2009, 01:06:57 pm »
*Tacked below in a fine italic script*

I, Andrew Reid, will be hosting (and competing in) a bardic contest to run concurrently with the pie contest.  This is a charity event, so each contestant (including myself) will pay a modest fifty True to enter.  

The subject shall be: Pie.  Either songs or poems are welcome.

I name the lovely Zira as the judge of which song pleases her most.  She has agreed that the prize shall be the pie judged best in contest.

So come one, come all, to recite or sing and possibly walk away with the best tasting pie on the continent of Mistone!  Sign up below.

*Beneath is a row of lines for names to be entered - the first name on the list is Andrew William Reid.*

//send PM if you are entering pie poetry or song


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2009, 07:00:45 pm »
*On her way to the Hempstead fields, pulling a fairly large cauldron on a wagon too small for it, Jennara sees the notice and decides to set aside a few pies from her baking efforts for the good of the children.  She then continues on her way to prepare extra soup for the displaced citizens.*


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2009, 01:12:50 am »
//for the record, I might not be able to be there but the door is always open for events like this at the Twin Dragon//


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2009, 01:43:12 pm »
*peels some fliers off of Alzira's message and his addition and moves it to where it can be better seen*


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2009, 01:53:31 pm »
*Zarianna tacks on a note written in large loopy script to each of the fliers she sees*

As an additional prize to the winner of both the pie contest and the poetry and song contest, I will give a coupon redeemable for one free custom clothing design.  



Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2009, 09:57:59 am »
A flurry of wings and a squeal of joy catch the ears of some townfolk. Turning, they see the small red form of an imp flying east and fast, cackling delightedly to itself.


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2009, 06:05:07 am »
*Zira is seen putting more posters up, happily humming and telling people...*

Remember the pie event will be soon, This is for the children, remember?


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2009, 01:39:31 pm »
*Tyrian begins to ready the Inn for the coming festivities and tacks up a notice on the door*

I shall have beverages and other edible items for sale, with all profits going to the children. I shall also open my store in the backroom for your viewing pleasure, no reasonable offer shall be refused, with all of the profit from that going to charity as well. I have a large selection of arms, armors, scrolls, wands, cloaks, and other interesting trinkets... anything you could imagine.

My Thanks,
Tyrian Baldu'muur



Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2009, 08:42:19 pm »
Zira can be heard telling anyone who will listen how excited she is at the success and that was had at the Charity fundraising event.


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2009, 08:44:08 pm »
*After the crowd begins to disperse, Jennara spends time talking to the orphans, playing games, and telling stories as long as she can.  She tells them she is an orphan, too.  Though she doesn't dissuade or avoid discussion of lost family, she does try to keep things upbeat and hopeful.*

// This was a really nice event.  Lots of thanks to Alazira.  After learning which poem won, maybe more people will give it a go next time, eh?  hehe


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2010, 01:37:05 pm »
I have arranged for some of the best sculptors in the area to display their artwork for the public on Threas, Decilar 5, 1464 (//Sunday, May 2nd, 2010 @ 4:00p.m. EST) at the Twin Dragon Inn in Leringard.  It is asked that a modest donation be made upon entry.  All entry fees shall be donated to Harmony's House for the Young which is an orphanage in Hempstead.

If you have any question, seek out Alazira.  

RP Event for Charity


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2010, 10:28:54 am »
//Just bumping this as it is for tomorrow. :)


Lance Stargazer

Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2010, 05:31:37 am »
*As the days pass on the city, the streets are filled in amusement as the workers start to carry great crates over the city heading towards the Twin Dragon Inn, the citizens are amused , as a big thing was installed on the streets during the night.

An amazing statue of bronze and gold can be seen displayed on the streets a few blocks away of the Twin Dragons Inn.

The artistic comunity of Leringard is at shock for the things brought here, several young sculptors are seen arriving at the city for trying to participate on the event*


Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2010, 03:59:17 pm »
This is happening now as of this message.
Please feel personally invited to this RP event.
Twin Dragon Inn, 137 Leringard.

Lance Stargazer

Re: RP Event for Charity
« Reply #15 on: May 03, 2010, 10:28:15 pm »
*In the busy streets of Leringard the rumor is that some there was an attempt of thievery on the art gallery, The blackwatch aphreended the criminal and put him on jail. he is waiting for a trial *

*On other news it has been arranged that the exhibition will stay for another month for those still willing to come and see it, this was arranged by a local art collector Mimossa Smithson*

*The great gala and opening exhibition was a success gathering near 50,000 trues that migth help to keep feed the children of the "Harmony's House for the Young" Praises to Ilsare are heard from some art collectors and artists that arrives to watch out the master pieces *

*The blackwatch report no other major incidents, save a seminaked woman with a frustrated attempt to destroy some artwork during the opening. The brute was subdued and the art kept safe *

