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Author Topic: Strangers in Hlint  (Read 615 times)


Strangers in Hlint
« on: November 15, 2010, 12:28:18 am »
"You notice em fellah's arrived yestaday? Frank say's they came down the road from Leringard."
The grizzled farmer turns to his friend next to him at the bar.
"Nup, don't care much fer strangers, I stay outta their way, don' really care to much."

His friend shrugs,
"Jus was thinkin cause Frank says they said they was merchants and they ain't got no cargo cept some big crates on wagons that they parked north of the town near Morakens tower. They look real fierce but, an they speak some foreign tongue too."

"Like ah said, I really dun care much about others business, Im gunna get me home, close and lock mah door and sleep like a babe before I ave tah get up again an work tha farm. I suggest yah do tha same." With that he stood, stretched his back, clutched a tattered straw hat on the bar and walked slowly out into the night.

"I suppose ya right Bernie." The grizzled farmer downed the last of his ale and also left.
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Re: Strangers in Hlint
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2010, 06:13:17 pm »
A few days later at the same spot at the bar Bernie and Gord continue their conversation.
"Ya know how I was talkin bout them fellahs the other day Bernie?"
A low grunt greets his comment.
"Well them fellahs were asked tah move along by some of the local militia folk, seems that steward for Moraken asked em tah move away from that tower an they told him to go jump." Chuckles a bit.
"Fancy that eh, Old Moraken'll prolly roast their hides for em if the steward asks."

"Don't care much fer magickers, jus' a lot of trouble ifn ya ask me." Bernie follows his comment with a swig of ale and grimaces at the low cost swill.

"Frank says one of em, a big fellah with a long moustache told tha milita ta scram or he'll kill em all and wipe out the town too. Big words ifn ya ask me. Seems every second person round ere these days thinks thay ae better'n everyone else."

"It's us that suffer it is, them bloody adventurers reckon theys own tha world. They just make it worse for us who do all tha bloody work." Bernie takes a moment to hawk and spit into a spitoon near his foot. Its evident there have been a lot of misses. Then he slides off his stool and grabs his straw hat from the bar.

"I'm going home Gord, talk bout them adventurers puts me of ma drink."

Gord nods looking at his own ale.

"It aint the adventurers Bernie, its tha pee tastin ale that puts ya off."

Bernie grunts and makes his way out of the Inn leaving Gord to muse on his own thoughts.


Re: Strangers in Hlint
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2010, 02:30:07 am »
Another day passes and Bernie and Gord are up to it again after a hard days work on their farms outside Hlint.

"Hey Bernie, I was talkin ta Frank on the way over here again, he says some magickers came into town today, whole bunch of em." A grunt is his only answer. "Frank says they ain't from Spellguard neither, he says they says they was from Leringard but they had the same funny accent them other fellahs I was toellin ya about had."

Bernie shifts slightly to regard Gord momentarily. "I dun told ya I don't like magickers, bunch of troublemakers, just like adventurers."

Gord sipped from his ale mug idly then wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Why do ya think they came here Bernie? I mean, what if they cause trouble? We had enough trouble in these parts over the years."

"Ain't gunna be no trouble, Guard'll see to that."

"How do ya know Bernie? the guard are just locals, you know what Frank's like, he'll run away first sign of real trouble."


Gord regards his friend momentarily. "Reckon he'll come down outta that tower of his and travel here to help us? He ain't dun it before, really."

"Don't matter, if he don't, just get in some yahoo adventurers and let them get beat up."

"If you say so Bernie."


Re: Strangers in Hlint
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2010, 01:35:56 am »
"Ah hate ta say Ah told ya so Bernie, but I did tell ya so. I knew them folks was up ta no good. Frank was right on there you gotta admit."

Bernie, covered in dust from the tracks leading through his fields south of Hlint, turns, hawks and spits onto the ground. Around him his fields have been commandered by the Queens Fifth regiment and dozens of tents and makeshifts stalls have been set up in all directions where hundreds of residents from Hlint are residing while the battle to the north for Moraken's tower continues.

"An I told you I don't like adventurers or magickers an now we got both, an, me fields are taken over and me crops done."

Gord regards his usually sullen and moody friend who is standing, leaning on a rake regarding the activity around his farm with a stupid grin on his face.
"I dont get it Bernie, if ya don't like em all, why are you smilin'?"

Bernie regards him for a moment, "Cause that there Sergeant gave me his solemn word that tha queen 'erself is going ta pay for the use of me fields and any damages done. I told em how much I make each season an they didn't even blink, agreed to it right away."

"I don't get it Bernie, we aint made much more an we need the last few seasons."

Bernie suddenly snorts a laugh then regards his friend. "The total I said to em was for the last ten years, and they just agreed."

Together the two of them stood in the middle of a great deal of activity in the makeshift camp while the magical pall of billowing clouds still hovered over the north around Moraken's abode chuckling to themselves.


Re: Strangers in Hlint
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2011, 07:11:48 pm »
Gord once again leans on the railing of his horse hitching post and regards his long time friend Bernie.

'How much longer ya figure them folks gonna be couped up ere eh Bernie! The wars bin over now fer weeks, Old Moraken beat em Cult fellahs an now we got tha bloody plague ere. Tis bad luck I reckon, reckon them dead bodies caused it. I heard the soldiers lost some men to it an the Kregers lost two of their kids just yesterday, I heard others losing folks too."

A grunt from Bernie.

"Theres some big deal priestess ere tryin tah fix things I here, saw her and some of her folks with her the other day touring the refugee camps ere. Seems nice, folks seemed to warm to her but can't see much happenin tah stop the plague right now, lots of em standing around scratchin their 'eads."

Bernie shifts and regards Gord for a moment. "Long as they keep payin me I dun really care."

Gord smirks, "Can't pay ya ifn ya dead from tha plague Bernie."

Bernie shrugs, "I aint stupid, I got me own water supply and food stocks under tha house, same as you. We'll get through it I reckon and we'll be much better off for it too."

Gord smirks again, "You're right Bernie, as always. Hey, I saw Old Moraken the other day, he was talkin to the Sarg about going tah Blackford Castle fer a meetin with the Queen, somethin about organising a counter attack.

Bernie snorts, "Yeah? Well, good on em I say, I ain't goin nowhere but. They wanna wage a war on tha other side of tha world, let em go for it, more land for us I say when they get dead an don't come back to their farms."