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Author Topic: Tenants and Codes: Congregation of the Faithful  (Read 217 times)


Tenants and Codes: Congregation of the Faithful
« on: May 30, 2005, 06:17:00 pm »
// Some Feedback please from those involved and another invitation to those who arent yet to get involved!

Congregation of the Faithful
The 10 Tenants of the Congregation:
1) To work towards the prevention of the loss of faith i.e. apostasy.

2) The discussion of any faiths or false worships acting against accepted faiths.

3) To reflect and discuss the balance of worship across the faiths based on the balance of power held by the Deity/s in question.

4) To investigate matters which directly affect the future of our Faiths.

5) To investigate incidents which could lead to an external or internal attack either physically or spiritually on any of the accepted faiths, worshippers of the faiths or any member of the orders of accepted faiths.

6) To act against those who seek to destroy the reality of the existing ethos of Gods and the heads of all those faiths on earth by false ecumenism, which leads to the acceptance of other unaccepted faiths, asserting that each one of these unauthorised faiths has some part of the truth.

8) To act against those and to prevent any who seek to destroy the foundation of unity through faith of the Congregation, through subtle and/or insidious attacks on its members.

9) To directly represent the Faithful of their respective Gods.

10) To provide an information network to the Heads of all Orders of the actions of all the faithful and convey the support to the gods themselves.

Codes of Conduct for members of the Congregation:
1) No member can ever seek to gain power or influence in any form whatsoever through membership of the Congregation

2)No member can act against another member of the Congregation

3) No member can tell/divulge/write/notify in any form whatsoever to anyone outside the Congregation any information that is declared to be ‘Null Suti’ (That is of such sensitive nature the members for the Congregation must first discuss the issue before it is made public). If a member calls for ‘Null Suti’ then a vote will be called from all members to decide if it is to be so. Once a topic is deemed ‘Null Suti’ then it is so until discussed at the next meeting.

4)Alliances, treaties and the like that members or faiths have with each other are null and void within the meetings of the Congregations. All members present are representatives of their own Faiths first and foremost.

5)Members discovered to be acting against the tenants of the Congregation will be barred from attending future meetings and the head of their order informed of the decision and why.

6)No member will engage in activities contrary to the best interests of the Congregation

7)No member will speak of any activity/event/action in any form whatsoever that they have participated in in the name of the Congregation if it is declared ‘Null Suti’.

8)No member can maintain any records in any form whatsoever of any action/event/ activity that they or any other member of the Congregation have participated/aided/observed in in any form whatsoever if it is declared ‘Null Suti’

9)If a member feels they have issue against the Congregation where there is a conflict with their own faiths tenants. In the instance that this occurs the matter is to be referred to the Advocate of the Faith who will take the matter up with the head of the respective Faith and a decision will be reached on behalf of the member between the Advocate and the head of their order.

10)Religion has no part in the Congregation, members are representatives of the Faithful of the God whom they serve.

