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Author Topic: The Return of the Buck!  (Read 47 times)


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    The Return of the Buck!
    « on: February 23, 2007, 02:49:10 am »
    ::Tacked onto a wall...most likely completely covered by far more important notices such as "Free Dirt for Sale" and such, written in a very sloppy hand::

    To all of my fans:

    I have returned to Hlint~!  Yes, 'tis I, your Ever-Present Hero, your Unblemished Role Model, the (future) Ineffable Chord Star, the Buck!  After a large and arguous journey into the outer reaches of sanity, I have returned, unscathed, mind you, to bless this shining town with my gift of song and music!  Rejoice, all of you Bucksters, rejoice!  Let the Band of the Buck ride again!

    Be prepared for more Bucktastic adventures~!

    -"The Buck" Jeremy Buckley