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Author Topic: Troubling news in Sedera  (Read 47 times)


Troubling news in Sedera
« on: December 02, 2007, 05:54:39 pm »
From survivor to sailor, from sailor to merchant, from merchant to innkeeper, from innkeeper to you comes a bloody and brutal tale from Sedera.

You are told in hushed whispers the frightening story of a man, tall and bearded, skin burned dark by the desert sun who plagues the nightmares of all peace loving folks in this kingdom. He wields twin blades of death and ruin and slays all who stand against him without discrimination - soldier, farmer ... adult, child.

The whereabouts of this recently arrived plague of Sedera are unknown ... he leaves no track to follow and few alive in his wake to report his movements to the authorities.


Re: Troubling news in Sedera
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2007, 06:09:30 pm »
* A little goblin, darting past the Inn suddenly stops in its track and scurries over to one of the posters.
It takes long moments to read it, scratching its bald head as it does.
Finished... a lets out a frustrated shriek and pulls one of the many posters off the wall, shoves it in its mouth, chews it up and spits it out in a ball.

In an instant it is darting its way back out of Hlint.

