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Author Topic: To all followers of Beryl and allies of Her Perfection  (Read 117 times)


To all followers of Beryl and allies of Her Perfection
« on: December 22, 2005, 04:49:00 pm »
*tacked to all inns and taverns across Mistone.*
  I ask all followers of Beryl and those followers of other gods that are allied with The Deep Mother to come to her aid now. Beryl has been greatly weaken, by what I still do not know, but I feel as most of us that her powers have been weakened by some great force.  Now is when she needs our prayers the most aswell as all our effort to restore back all that she governs.
       I still do not know the extent of damage to the temple in Stone or to the town itself but by all reports it lies in ruin. I know during this time of war money and items can be difficult to give up or to find. If there is any gold or items ( lumber, Iron, Copper, Bronze) to donate to the rebuilding of Stone  and the temple of Beryl if it so needs please post under this notice and I will find come and collect what you can offer. I will come back in a couple of days after I go to Stone to look at the damages and give a full detail account of how bad the forces of Blood destroyed the once beautiful town.
    May Beryl keep you hidden and safe friends.
  Quillwem cleric of Beryl  

