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Author Topic: storage ROOM needed  (Read 105 times)


storage ROOM needed
« on: January 22, 2008, 08:51:11 pm »
i am a beginning supply collector and possible craftsmith.

i need an affordable room to rent to store my stuff in.

if you have a place - let me know.

SLIP sa'way.


Re: storage ROOM needed
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 09:14:46 pm »
Give me a real name and we'll talk. ~ Pyyran Rahth


Re: storage ROOM needed
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 09:22:06 pm »
wow. that's a nice way to approach someone. that reminds my of that pleasant cat witch i met the other day.

i am called SLIP. some refer to me as slip sa'way.

i can't help that i am like a fish in water.

but no matter, i am still interested in a room or a chest to rent.


Re: storage ROOM needed
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2008, 02:45:01 am »
A man named Slips Away isn't one I'd bet on to pay me.

Again, if you give me a real name, in private, if you prefer, we can talk.

I am an untrusting fellow, but I have space and more space.

Your given name, and two hundred True (or equivalent) per month, and you may have a room to call your own.

This room, however, will be in the Haft Lake district of Prantz; as spacious as you will ever need, with a magical portal to return you to Mistone at no charge.

My price, however, remains the same: the name you were born with, and two hundred True per month.

A better offer I doubt you shall find, and my terms are in no way unreasonable.

~ Pyyran Rahth


Re: storage ROOM needed
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2008, 03:27:25 am »
That be a she – a sexy she – I be, just so you know. I must admit I don’t recall having a name before slip. All I remember of my past is waking up to a emty bed – family gone, the fire out. I was cold and alone. I was found by a troupe that named be slip – because I was as think as a slip of paper *she laughs. As for a true name, I would like to find that out myself.

So slip will have to do and do pay I will. 200 true might be a little step for me right now as I have lost my ox. I need to get a new one. I am working on securing steady work as a supplier.

So, a name will come. The 200 will be difficult, but I will manage.

Does this work for you?


Re: storage ROOM needed
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2008, 04:33:04 am »
Perhaps. ~P.R.

