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Author Topic: Vampire Hunters of Mistone  (Read 42 times)


Vampire Hunters of Mistone
« on: May 13, 2005, 01:41:00 am »
*Written in a neat and tidy script*  Good folk of the land, there seems to have been a increase in the incidence of vampire sightings.  These sightings have be made in several locations. These night walkers pose a threat to the stability of the land and present a clear danger to travellers and adventurers alike, we need to be vigliant in our wanderings.  A small band of adventurers encountered a female of thier spiecies the other day. Despite our bravery and determination, we were not able to put the cretaure to rest, with several of our party injured we had to break off our engagement. Her attack follows a classic pattern of disorientate, strike and run. With the first indication of its pressence being an all consuming darkness, followed by a swift and effective strike on a party member.  What did seem strange about this creature, is it seemed to attempt to lure us deeper into the broken forest, I sent one of my hounds after it, but moments later, Agath returned having lost the scent.  If the authorities are not going to do anythng about this, then we must.  
    Travel in groups.
    Dont linger in areas where these creatures have been sighted.
    If attacked, dont be lured into chasing them.
    If attacked, report your sighting, by appending to this note.
    Vampires can only be killed by decapitation or a wodden stake through the heart, dont assume they are dead.
    [/list]  For further details contact Ulver Arndt.


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RE: Vampire Hunters of Mistone
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2005, 02:01:00 am »
*posted below*

 Whenever assistance is needed to deal with those abominations, send me a bird and i will reach you as soon as possible.



RE: Vampire Hunters of Mistone
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2005, 10:58:00 am »
*posted in elaborate script below the other notes*

Do stakes of any wood work and where can we get them?  I frequently travel to Port Hampshire and do not want to be caught without these stakes.

Owen Lo'Kiar
Bard Extraordinaire

