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Author Topic: I need better protection.  (Read 77 times)


I need better protection.
« on: May 16, 2006, 02:00:19 pm »
*this note seems to have been given extra care in writing it. Though you can see some dropes of blood here and there on the note.*

I am writing this not to anyone who can craft stuff.
I am a sorceres and i am not always looking after myself, and often find myself being healed by someone when I did not know I needed it.

*a drop of blood*

There for I am asking help to all of you craft folk out there. I am in need of something that can help me.      *An other drop of blood*
I have heared that there might be a way to make my cloth stronger but I am not sure if this is true? And if so, what would I need to get it stronger.

I don't have much gold yet but I am willing to get the stuff you might need.
Contact me anyway you see want.

Sonya DarkA....
*the last name is partly covered by a drop of blood, It is very hard to read the full name, witch is: "DarkAngel"*

//OOC My character Sonya DarkAngel is a level 6 Sorceress., Human, Female and Lawful Neutral.


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    RE: I need better protection.
    « Reply #1 on: May 16, 2006, 05:13:20 pm »
    *Tegan walking up to the board, seeing Sonya's note. *Grimacing at the sight of blood on it*  *Writes in quick motion*  Sonya, I can understand being a sorceress myself. I have lesser mage armor for sale if you are interested. That may help you right now till you grow in your powers and are better able to protect yourself. I can be found in Hlint sometimes, or neighboring towns. If you are interested. Look for Tegan.


    Re: I need better protection.
    « Reply #2 on: May 17, 2006, 05:11:52 am »
    You could always hire someone to protect you when you go out. Mercenaries and adventurers (who are really just mercenaries with a sense of pride, as well I should know) are suprizingly common in Mistone, particularly near the small town of Hlint.

    Though the Mage's Armor should help considerably, as well.

    ~Pyyran Rahth, Adventurer


    Re: I need better protection.
    « Reply #3 on: May 17, 2006, 09:24:11 am »
    *Rhynn walks into the Inn, Looking to the boards for messeges that may interest her*

    I wonder, did you Aid the man in Fort Llast by buying the various weapons he asked for? If You do he will offer you a helm that will allow you to cast a spell to protect yourself. Then, if you help Kit in Haven , she will upgrade that helmet to give you a spell to protect yourself further.

    If you are looking into spells of abjuration, why not learn such things as Sheild, Stoneskin, and Ghostly Vistage if possible...
    I suppose its easier for a Wizard such as myself to learn these things....

    My last bit of advice is to Check the Leilon Arms and/or the Freelancers when it is open for people selling Lesser Mage Armor.



    RE: I need better protection.
    « Reply #4 on: May 17, 2006, 01:54:08 pm »
    *walkes in the tavern to see if there are any updates*

    Thank you all for your help. I will try the lesser mage armour if it's not to expensive.
    I will also try to find those poeple in Fort Llast and Haven.

    Thanks again for your advince.

    Sonya DarkAngel


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      RE: I need better protection.
      « Reply #5 on: May 17, 2006, 05:53:45 pm »
      *small, neat parchment with message printed in gold ink*

      To weaver Sonya,
      My Lord & Liege, Rofirein, emphatically favors Magic & Knowledge.  As a dedicated paladin of the Gold Dragon, I offer my services of protection whenever you may have need so that you may enrich those realms.
                                 May His Gold Eye guide your journeys,
                                         Thomas Stormsinger

      "A great many people think they are thinking when they are only rearranging their prejudices."                 William James