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Author Topic: Have we beecome so complacent?  (Read 51 times)


Have we beecome so complacent?
« on: June 20, 2008, 09:45:08 pm »
"Have we become so complacent? So comfortable within our borders that we have let down the security of our people? We have a burden of responsibility to the people within our nation to protect them from such horrible villianry as pirating and slavery. The life of a slave is no life for any of our people!"  

These words were spoken this morning from the throne room of Queen Arania Mouring of Trelania when word arrived of a series of raids along the nations eastern coast. Local Governors and Mayors of coastal villages between Kheldell to Luxia to Fort Hurix all have sent in reports of lightning raids by fast tri sailed vessels on communities in their care.

The attacks have been swift, well planned and well executed. Before help could arrive from the main cities the raiders were long gone along with numerous men, woman and especially children.

Reports by captains of ships plying the trade routes in the Straights of Kheldell indicate that a number of odd vessels have been spotted shadowing the trade routes but as yet no attacks on any merchant vessels have occured.

The small number of Trelania naval vessels trying to cover vast stretches of coastline were hopelessly inadequate for the sheer sudden and well coordinated attacks.  There has been no further sign of any of the attacking vessels.

In all reports indicate just under a dozen villages were hit along the coastline with more than a score of attacking vessels. Current estimates put the loss of life in the attacks as more than a score dead, fourscore missing and presumed taken. Authorities are horrified and incensed at the brazen attacks, slavery and pirating something these people have not been accustomed to for well over a century.

The Queen has dispatched a further three naval vessels to the Straights as well as a compliment of the Queens 23rd Regiment to Fort Hurix under the command of Captain KorDoblin to oversee village defences and bring any aid required to those isolated villages along the coast.

A reward has also been issued for information that leads to the capture of slavers or pirates within the lands of Trelania.

