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Author Topic: *posted on the board*  (Read 128 times)


*posted on the board*
« on: May 19, 2009, 11:35:31 am »
Benjamin Poetr seeks any adventurer or townfolk that have had dealings with a Yvale, Druid of Silkwood ta give a recommendation as ta her character.  Small reward offered fer true accounts.  Contact Ben Poetr, Angel's Guild, Hempstead, Mistone.
 Also seekin a painter to make portrait.  Compensation is assured.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: *posted on the board*
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2009, 03:01:56 am »
A letter arrives for Benjamin.

Quote from: Letter

To Whom it May Concern,

It is with great pleasure I provide a character reference for Ms Yvale, sometimes known as "Yvale the Druid", othertimes known as "Look, an accursed dark elf, run for your lives!"

Firstly, let me preface my reference with an admission of understanding and sympathy. I understand the merit of vigilance when dealing with the dark elves. I understand a healthy suspicion amongst the administration and general populace to be a necessary burden. I understand to allow exceptions is to risk a certain lassitude amongst folks where a lowering of the guard can lead to increased danger for one and all. I make this reference for Yvale with these things very much in mind so please read on with an assurance that these things have been taken into account and my recommendation for tolerance is made irrespective of such considerations.

It is my firm belief that Yvale was cloaked in the flesh of a dark elf purely as a result of administrative error by the Gods.

I have known Yvale for approximately twenty years. Yvale's greatest strengths are her integrity and loyalty. Yvale is an example to all residents and visitors to Hempstead as demonstrated by her manner, industry, friendliness, reliabilty, warmth and dedication to ensure the good and lawful path is always taken. Yvale has great initiative and often takes it upon herself to solve challenging problems that plague the city. Kobolds, rats, various other menaces to the city have all been handled by Yvale even though she knew in her heart such service was never likely to lessen the scorn by which she was treated by the great City of Hempstead.

Ok, where to start? To write a character reference for someone with a view of supporting an application for a city admittance I can only proceed with the following mindset - What qualities and attributes would I need to see possessed by a visitor to whose care I was entrusting lives and property within this city of mine?

Forgive me, i'm a tick the boxes kind of person.

Reliabilty. Someone I could trust to have the respect for others to maintain the property as if it were their own. Tick.

Someone who takes pride in the place in where she will visit. Tick.

Someone I could trust was financially stable enough to pay their dues and taxes, every time. Tick.

Someone I knew was emotionally stable with business and personal ties to the area. Tick.

Someone I could trust would have enough empathy for me, the city administrator, that they would always consider the 'right' thing to do by my interests. Tick.

Someone who had a sense of professionalism and rationality that I could trust, in the unlikely event of a dispute of any kind, would deal with me in a concilatory and reasonable manner. Tick.

Someone I could trust that in six months time I would not be walking through the ruins of my city and lamenting over graffiti and corpses. Tick.

Someone I knew was not a member of any bandit group or affiliated association. Tick.

Someone I knew who had friends of unquestionable character themselves (me!) that could be called upon to help and support that person, thus further protecting my city. Tick.

I can't think of any other boxes I would need to see checked. Makes me wish my home city were not so distant and she would visit me more often.


Arkolio Salvorre

Principal - Grain to Go Merchants
Principal - The Vault Banking Institution - Since 1414



Re: *posted on the board*
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2009, 01:26:43 pm »
Bejamin pockets the second letter after seeing its a duplicate and crosses off the need for a painter, with that he makes his way to the temple of Illsare to make a serious donation.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

