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Author Topic: Rurik Kessel  (Read 1148 times)


Rurik Kessel
« on: September 09, 2005, 04:31:00 pm »
Name: Rurik Kessel

Level: 20

Xp:5772272 to next level: 6860000

I have done some things in my life. Master tailor,wood crafter, and tinker. I have worked hard on my skills to become good at what I do. Not for pride at being the best but for the love of my craft. What beauty there is to find in joing  several things into one item. I have always enjoyed gathering though, it allowed me time to survey the world. TO see you places and meet new people, heh and the gold never hurt no one. But, for a long time I had to stop for too many people had taking up my trade and were bringing some animas close to being wiped from this world. So I spent most of my time  helping and protecting some of the most endangered animals so that Nature could take its course and and produce more to they were safe from being extinct.  

Forming one of the most sucessful guilds, the Orcbashers with my friends Gloin and Alex. The times we had working on the guild itself, the guildhall and gathering gold and resourses to make it what it is today. Helping the the dwarf build the shop I can say now that my wounds are heal that was a great experience. When I look back on the idea of it, I thought that it would never work, no one would want to come to town and buy goods that other people sell, you would just have to find them.. Sad when we as a society have become so lazy to hunt down a better deal. So yes, I smile everytime I walk by the shop and see people waiting for Gloin or Grubber to open the doors to them.

   Then there was the Bloodpools. How everyone pulled together to destroy two of them..I was glad to be apart of that even though it cost me more of my soul.The first one destroyed was deep in the underdark where we had to cross an invisble bridge to get to. Once there though we were confronted by Eon the Betrayer and while we did battle with his golems and demons it allowed Ozy and Triba time to decipher the correct pool and launch the potion that was giving to us by Xora into it and flee as the blod pool erupted and destoyed the tower it was hidden in. The next one we found was past the great red dragon, Fisterion, who allowed us passage into his domain so that we may have a chance at weakning Blood further. We made our way down until we cam again to the place that housed the second blood pool. There again we had to battle Bloodstones army of demons and elementals. Yet once again Triba and Ozy were there and a host of over brave adventurers. Again we bought them tiem to find the blood pool and to throw the potion in to destroy the blood pool. Once down we had to run before the labrynth collasped. It shows me that this world has a chance to stop Bloodstone and his generals. Yet once again Triba and Ozy were there and a host of over brave adventurers No matter what are differences we can pull together in times of need to form something that Bloodstone could never hope to break. I just wish now more then ever there was more of me to give to that cause..

 Along after that I was fortunate to help Triba and Ozy again in rasing money to rasie the Great Library even though it was more financial was I was there when we went down to rasie the library and was there when we agreed to with the elves of Voltrex that the Great library would be built a new in Volrex. With my great donation to her Casue I was allowed a permenant pass to Voltrex.

 Soon I hope to be accomplishing more things for my life. I plan to venture to go into the Forest of Mist and build a rangers grove and move out unwelcomed guest that have made there hime in the woods.Also I would like to form a guild of Rangers to help guard the forest of Dregar..


RE: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2005, 08:19:00 pm »
Update on this please.


RE: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2005, 06:49:00 am »
What has been holding up my ECDQ is xp.. I still have 400-500xp to go until 21.But with all the DT's I have seen lately has made Rurik a little scared to come out of his house :)
  Current xp: 6560000
  To next level: 6860000

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2005, 12:09:00 pm »
Tobias. Please "bump" this thread when you have reached the experience needed for your ECDQ.


RE: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2005, 02:57:00 pm »
I was hoping that I could get started running on my ECDQ since what I want will be pretty long I think..


RE: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2005, 03:24:00 pm »
*points up to the XP Rurik needs*
   Looks like ya need 300'000 experiance to me. 8 hours of questing would cover the 200k, so another four hours and the 300k is taken care of. (I'm sure a three or four part ECDQ series for Rurik could span twelve hours easy)


RE: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2005, 03:32:00 pm »
Current xp: 6360000
    Gotta love xp typo's. Sorry but I knew it was 500k.
  So that 12 hours of quest xp to hit the goal of 200k from lvl. I can do it!! *runs out to buy the soul mother gifts*

Harlas Ravelkione

RE: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2005, 12:21:00 am »
Rurik. When you are ready, please assign a GM to your ECDQ and PM him/her what you have in mind.


Re: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2006, 01:55:22 pm »
I was curious on what procedure needed to be followed in order to get a a second chance at an ECDQ? Considering I am the first one to fail one and I don't know the steps to follow for "Resubmitting for an ECDQ"



Re: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2006, 02:04:49 pm »
Once the two months are up just post back in your original ecdq request letting us know you are ready to try again. Once we approve that just follow the normal process.

Keep in mind, part of being epic is that you also support the community and are working well with the community. So a second attempt may not be automatic if for some reason the player started doing things that were not part of how they were acting/assisting/working with the community as a whole.

Not that this is a problem for you, just something I wanted to state so that people know that 2nd attempts are not automatic...though they will not be denied very often--and when they are it will be due to player actions (not character).


Re: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2006, 02:36:28 pm »
Oh and the character needs to remain active in the world--not just disappear for two months to come back for the ECDQ again.

Since this is a first time event the team and I are discussing what/if any other requirements there will be--so a heads up that there may be more.


Re: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2006, 02:46:45 pm »
Rurik has not been on alot, hardly ever really, but that is do to the Freelancer guild needing alot more attention and working on the retaking of Stone with Quill. But I am comfortable with any deceision you guys make. :)


Re: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #12 on: May 03, 2006, 02:47:05 pm »
Oh and thanks for the quick reply :)


Re: Rurik Kessel
« Reply #13 on: May 15, 2006, 07:57:06 am »
Tobias, this is denied at this time. You need to play the character actively again before it can be approved. Once you are again actively playing Rurik (for at least two months) it will be approved.