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Author Topic: Through the Forest...  (Read 4609 times)


//Zig is staying with the
« Reply #60 on: March 04, 2015, 11:37:13 pm »

//Zig is staying with the book to make sure it gets somewhere out of the Great Forest



//Iron Oxide is staying with
« Reply #61 on: March 05, 2015, 12:46:33 am »

//Iron Oxide is staying with the book.



*raises hand to stay with
« Reply #62 on: March 05, 2015, 08:27:59 am »

*raises hand to stay with book*


"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


// Anyone else?
« Reply #63 on: March 06, 2015, 05:31:56 pm »

// Anyone else?



*Foresta was waiting for Plen
« Reply #64 on: March 10, 2015, 10:53:00 am »

*Foresta was waiting for Plen on this one she will accompany him likely depending on the plan*


Foresta watching the group decide on their respective journeys turns to Plen to seek confirmation. "My understanding was you had agreed  with Milara to take this book to a meeting with him. If this is not the case -  where is the book going?

where are you going? and how do you think this action will affect the greater balance?

Do you think Milara will consider the status quo ended...will he be on the move?

 It's difficult to commit to well anything really but here now it all seems so uncertain."


//for completeness, without an answer in time, Foresta will drift off from the party and head for the Great Oak, intending to catch them up or make her own way to their destination.



Alatriel wrote://I don't
« Reply #65 on: March 10, 2015, 10:36:56 am »

Quote from: "Alatriel"&cid="2756974"

//I don't particularly want to go through Nesar, but I don't think we have much choice.  If there is a closer port that we can charter a ship to cross to Tilmar, that would be preferable.

// Is this your final answer here? I need more than hand-waving, unless you're (collectively) fine with the assumptions we'll make based on what little exists.



Plen has been darting up and
« Reply #66 on: March 10, 2015, 11:18:17 am »

Plen has been darting up and away every now and then into the canopy of the Great Forest. As the group approaches Hilm Castle he notices the strength of the company has diminished somewhat and he returns to the ground to walk with them.

He speaks stoicly. "The safety of the artifact is paramount. I will continue to journey with you to get it to a safe place. As for Milara, there was never any agreement on how soon we return the item. In fact to be quite frank I'm not sure what we actually agreed upon. I also want to study it myself once we reach a safe place. Through Her divinity, I've some skill in ascertaining magical properties."

"I counsel we travel to Miritix then take Abiorn's portal to Center then travel to Moraken's and take the portal outside his place to Tilmar. I'd rather not be on the seas much and I also feel like the journey from Center to north of Hlint will be fraught with the least peril as well as possible allied escapes or perhaps even counsels with the Silkwood Witch and Moraken himself or guarded towns such as Fort Wayfare, Krandor and Fort Llast."




*Griff nods to Plen* Aye best
« Reply #67 on: March 10, 2015, 01:41:24 pm »

*Griff nods to Plen* Aye best weh be tink'n bout dis 'ere route weh tak'n.  Dis cargo weh got way'n heavy on meh moind n could well change deh balance of tings.  Oi still say weh head tah Hilm Castle n see if dat Drach War portal work'n n where it pointed te.  If memory serves it was last pointed tah Spellgard, but Oi done took alota hits tah meh head since.  Also tink it was redirected 'ere n der at toimes.  Nay sure weh can work it wit out dat Connor fella.  Either way, Oi say weh check it n if it go tah Spellgard weh can travel from der tah Morakens n den Tilmar.  Best would beh if we could point it tah Tilmar.  Moight beh some downtoime figurn'n it, but at least weh at Hilm Castle n dat beh as good a place as any tah make a stand.  Also, if weh at Hilm Castle n still need tah travel on foot, weh can get some ov der troops tah 'elp us.  Heck Oi tink der may even beh some Voraxian kin still assoigned der.

*He looks to the others and turns again to Plen*

Oim wit ye on not taken boats.  Las place Oi wana be is at sea when whoever come look'n.  So, if deh Drach War portal at Hilm Castle nay work, den Oi say go wit Plen's oidea about travel'n.

//Not sure if it really makes that much difference, but I don't recall if we were ever told our exact landing spot after we took the portal in the "book room"; did it take us back out to where we made the climb down or some other place in the great forest?



Foresta agrees to remain with
« Reply #68 on: March 10, 2015, 02:07:23 pm »

Foresta agrees to remain with the group. "I think our movement through portals might serve to provide a little confusion as to our true destination. I know I am confused."




Daniella nods with Plen, "I
« Reply #69 on: March 10, 2015, 03:03:26 pm »

Daniella nods with Plen, "I think the actual trip will take longer that way if we go over land the whole way, but I understand your concerns over sea.  I don't particularly like going to Miritrix either, but it's better than Arnax, especially if we get in and out quickly."


//since this is the way she -actually- took in game, I'm good with this too! *wink*



*Zig sends out a raven from
« Reply #70 on: March 10, 2015, 06:47:35 pm »

*Zig sends out a raven from time to time and other animals along the journey to help scout for any impending danger as they travel.  He sends off a raven with a few caws and a screetch before talking "common" again*

Oi de Bird Lord has eht roite.  Nae inte takin' de ships oither.  Maybe we check de portal tingy in Hilm as we come tru loike Griff say.  But Oi agree we mus' protect dis ting from gettin in de wrong hands at all costs.  Lest ye forget eht caused vast amounts of damage te Nature and be de root of de Drach wars.  Jus' a lil' remoinder, Moraken may be a gud at what he does, but his abode nae safe from de Tainted dragons either.  De assaulted his tower succesffuly in de cult war Oi heard.

Aye but agreed eht be de best route and we mus' stop peelin' off and stand firm on dis.



davidhoff wrote://Not sure if
« Reply #71 on: March 10, 2015, 07:05:24 pm »

Quote from: "davidhoff"&cid="2757069"

//Not sure if it really makes that much difference, but I don't recall if we were ever told our exact landing spot after we took the portal in the "book room"; did it take us back out to where we made the climb down or some other place in the great forest?

//You landed somewhat nearish the exit of the place, but without the climb back up. Then proceeded to retreat from the presumed collapse of the place. There was at least groundquakes if not actual collapse.



Plen thinks for a short while
« Reply #72 on: March 10, 2015, 08:01:10 pm »

Plen thinks for a short while and finally speaks up. "I would prefer we not have to deal with any keepers of gates or other bureaucrats who may wish to observe things in the castle. There could be odd reactions and danger involved with portalling with such an item and we risk having to declare its possession amongst us. The fewer people who know, the better."

"I stand by my original suggestion. The distance from Center to Hlint is expedited by century old roads and fairly flat lands. It is a road all of us are very familiar with and we could move at a keen pace, even mounted if we wish."



*Griff adds in*Aye Hilm
« Reply #73 on: March 11, 2015, 03:54:52 am »

*Griff adds in*

Aye Hilm Castle can git a bit stuffy, but if'n ye tink'n on avoid'n burakrats, den jus ye wait till ye get tah Haungjin *chuckles a bit and then turns a slight gaze toward Tyra*.  Ye know, lass moight beh roite bout destroy'n deh ting roite now.  No reason for it tah be about.  If ye tink weh can destroy it wit out a huge explosion er worse, den dat moite be deh way.  If ye tink weh aint got deh brain power tah figure w'at weh do'n on destroy'n it, den dat beh another problem.

Oi'm foine wit get'n a move on tah Miratrix, but weh must stay Vigilant.  If der gona beh a foight, den der gona beh a foight n Vorax gona bring it.  Weh need tah stay ta'getha n stay strong.  Der ain't a betta group tah transport dis ting dan those weh got about us, so pray n maintain ye battle prep'rations.  May deh Eternally Vigilant's Axe watch over us all!



// Assuming no one objects to
« Reply #74 on: March 14, 2015, 11:26:59 pm »

// Assuming no one objects to the plan as laid out above...

With the path planned and a purpose in direction, the group makes their way generally south through the Great Forest. Your path is anything but typical, however. Within a few nights, those on watch catch flashes of unexpected lights, sounds of someone or something moving in the brush and seemingly not far outside of firelight and the growls of creatures that seem neither natural nor native to the Great Forest. In the morning little to nothing can be found of such things, but for things like footprints, trampled foliage and the occasional pool of blood or the remains of half-eaten animals. One grisly find after setting out one day is a pair of bloodied spears planted in the ground and crossed in front of their path, an eagle impaled upon each. Some nights, however, are silent...eerily silent...without a trace of movement seen or heard but for those the group makes themselves.

Perhaps the most gruesome find comes when the group happens upon a hunter's shack. The door to the shack is painted in blood, and the hunter to whom both shack and blood likely belonged is found nearby, staked to a tree. Other distressing finds include various animals broken but purposefully left alive.

The noises at night become a regular thing. The grizzly finds less so, but they all begin to wear on your moods, resolve and mental state. Lost rest due to sounds at night also begin to take their toll as well. However, through all of it, you never face a direct confrontation with any of those responsible. Giants and other denizens of the forest are easily seen and avoided, should you choose, but these other things seem to follow you...or lead you...all the way to Hilm Castle.

It is simple enough to avoid the Castle, or at least avoid engaging the authorities there, should you choose.

Moving through the Hilm Protectorate seems peaceful by comparison. Nights are as they should be, and days bring no unexpected (or at least no gut-wrenching finds). You are able to rest well, and there are no signs of being followed...or led.

The last few days outside of Miritrix unfortunately see a return to the first part of the journey, with gruesome finds apparently meant just for them. Yet despite the portentous nature of these omens, the group comes under no direct threat of harm.

You all eventually arrive at Fort Miritrix and the house of Abiorn...

// For this next step, we're going to need a "marching order"...who goes through the portal first? Most importantly, we need to know where Daniella is in the order.




Daniella suggests that they
« Reply #75 on: March 15, 2015, 08:19:53 am »

Daniella suggests that they send half of the group ahead through the portal, then she will follow with the book, followed lastly by the other half of the group as rear guard.



"That would work, if all goes
« Reply #76 on: March 15, 2015, 09:51:33 am »

"That would work, if all goes well..but if the book cannot be ported....we will have split the party in two. Yet if the book goes first but closes the portal...we will have left behind half the party....Unless we can ascertain the likelyhood of book travel then an even split of skills would be wise!" Foresta offers adding in a more foreboding tone "Of course if the book is hijacked, or diverted in transit - the book holder may end up up very much alone."



"That would work, if all goes
« Reply #77 on: March 15, 2015, 09:49:31 am »

"That would work, if all goes well..but if the book cannot be ported....we will have split the party in two. Yet if the book goes first but closes the portal...we will have elft behind half the party....Unless we can ascertain the likelyhood of book travel then an even split would be wise!" Foresta offers



Daniella addresses Foresta's
« Reply #78 on: March 15, 2015, 11:28:48 am »

Daniella addresses Foresta's concerns.  "It's already been through one portal.  I don't see why it wouldn't go through a second.  The question is more of what will await us on the other side, or what will wait for us to split up on this side?"



Plen stifles a tired chuckle
« Reply #79 on: March 16, 2015, 10:41:00 am »

Plen stifles a tired chuckle as he makes his way into Abiorn's. "It seems as though Chimes has somehow beat us this way. Perhaps she awaits in Center." He doesn't remark on how he knows this but returns his thoughts to the task at hand.

"I agree with the Commander that it'd be wise to leave both ends guarded and have her departure being midway in the line. Foresta does raise a valid point that there may be some odd reaction to these particular portals as opposed to the one we first used, but I think that's a chance we'll have to take."

He takes another moment to think that speaks up again.

"Perhaps it would be wise that someone maintain a personal connection to Daniella as they pass through the portal. If you wish Commander, we could enter simultaneously, hands locked. Thus if some sort of unwanted redirection occur it would be the two of us at least."

"There's no doubt that we're being watched. I wonder if the watchers are intending to waylay us somewhere or simply just continue to watch. I know not what level of battle we may face if attack is on the horizon."

He strokes his chin thoughtfully and continues.

"Perhaps it wise that those who have steeds would travel mounted. Speed and escape may need to be planned. I believe my horse is grazing somewhere near Center. Commander Stormhaven, of course, can call hers at any point. Maybe we should cross that bridge when we all reach Center. Though we should leave that peaceful area and its villagers as soon as possible."

"The order  for travelling through the portal I'd suggest is Grog, Foresta, Daniel, Daniella and myself, Griff, Zig, Iron." // If I missed anyone I didn't see your post saying you're with us.