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Author Topic: 2 questions  (Read 269 times)


2 questions
« on: December 18, 2009, 01:18:15 am »


Can someone explain how Base Attacks for a multiclassed character are formulated? I was positive that I would get an extra attack when I leveled but... nope...:( Talked to a few people IG but each seemed to have a different idea on how it was calculated.


Why is displacement not listed as a still spell? Everything else is but not that. I can cast the spell at the lower level normally, but if I look at a level up for it in stilled its not there. My Char casts everything stilled and everything else has always been there except this now.

My Thanks,

Lance Stargazer

Re: 2 questions
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2009, 01:44:57 am »
On the base attack i can coment mate. . Check out the Table BAB

you have to figure out the classes you have and take the bonus liste there. For the example of lets take the example of a Fighter / Wizard  ( 6 / 11 )  ;)

We have 6 fighter levels. That will net you a +6 on the base attack.. now if we see the table for a wizard 11 that give another +5 To a totall of +11/+6/+1

how is this calculated well.. Lets say that the player took his first six levels of fighter.  That will net him a +6 at lvl 6,then he decides to take his first wizard level. The 1rst level of wizard adds a +0 to the bab as the table listed, So when the player take his second wizard level he will get a +1 for a +7 ( this is at 8th Level ). And so on.. you only have to see if at the current level of the class there is an advancement in BAB. Additionally. the character got an extra attack each time the last attack reaches to a +6 , hence why we got +6 /+1; +11/+6/+1; and +16/+11/+6/+1.

So back to our example of our friendly Fighter/ wizard we see that the wizards has an increase on BAB to +6 when he reaches the 12th level wizard ( 18th character level ), and will got another when he reaaches the 14th Wizard level ( 20 character level )

Hope this serves !!

As for the other question someone else should have to answer..



Re: 2 questions
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2009, 01:50:35 am »
To your first question: calculation of BAB.  Essentially, you sum the BAB of your various levels.

To your second, Displacement is one of the few spells that has no somatic component, so it is effectively already "stilled".


Edit: Ninjaed by Lance on the first one, but the second one is still valid.

Edit the second: Oddly, LORE lists Displacement as having a somatic component.  Checking.

Edit the third: Checked Layo's 2da.  Verbal only.  So yes.  Changing LORE.


Re: 2 questions
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2009, 01:53:37 am »
Thanks Lance! So no more additional attacks for me until the afterlife, oh well!

Makes sense now that I look at that chart that way, I was trying to figure it out through the NWN manual... and yeesh what a piece of rubbish that is!

Anyhow, anyone for ideas on Displacement?


Re: 2 questions
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2009, 01:55:31 am »
Gah! Thanks Dark!

Had I bloody known that I would have been casting it a lot sooner... :)

Thanks everyone!


//just looked at Lore as well, and both the places I can find it list it as having a somatic requirement//


Re: 2 questions + another
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2009, 02:06:54 pm »
Clarity is the same way, it does not show up on my list of stilled spells.

My Thanks,

Script Wrecked

Re: 2 questions
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2009, 06:58:33 pm »
Because [LORE]Clarity[/LORE] only has the somatic casting requirement, it can't be removed, otherwise the spell wouldn't have any casting requirements at all.