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Author Topic: A few questions some wish to know.  (Read 1200 times)


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    A few questions some wish to know.
    « on: May 14, 2007, 05:10:50 am »
    Hi I am that annoying guy with all those questions you say can be found here if you read it

    So please bare with me I have been asked a few question about this and I said I would get right on it so here I am.

    #1 Is the server low magic? what do i mean by low magic? are there any perma haste item? that would be what most from our old server would think pretty high magic.

    #2 lol I am sure this one you will find silly but is there any chance of vampire, a monster race being a player subrace in the future. I am sure you have a big rule posted some where which probly answers -NO- to this one. I fully understand.

    #3 Does the server have a working mage portal system? that allows for mages to open gates to set locations and the likes from nearly any location?

    #4 Does the server use any kind of custom bard songs, or are bard's restricted to that single bard song and single curse song?

    #6 does the server have any custom spells like word of recall for druids and clerics or mass word of recall? Returning them to some sort of bind spot?

    #5 where can I find the changes made to classes if any?

    #7 if RDD is taken can a player lose the generic red wings for that of a different color?

    That is about it if I get anymore I will write them down, just a few question I have been asked and I don't know the answer to or could not find. but with each day I am learning alot more of this server *pats the players handbook he just got today*

    Yes we have check the spells but the spell list just has all the basic NWN ones
    well thanks for your time, hope the questions were not to pain stakenly simple that you could have found the info in seconds.


    Re: A few questions some wish to know.
    « Reply #1 on: May 14, 2007, 06:03:11 am »
    I'll go ahead and post what I know here, but a GM's word does override mine, so if I'm mistaken, my apologies to both...Just trying to be overly helpful as usual *snickers*


    1. Low magic is meant to be used that there is "less" magic in the world, therefore what there is of magic is stronger. Wizards and sorcerers and clerics are probably the strongest classes you find here. There is and never will be a perma haste item.
    2. Can't answer this one. *shrug*
    3. At level 14, a wizard gets a Tome of Teleportation they can use. I'm unsure on the uses per day or if there is such a thing, but you can open it up and portal off to certain locations in the game, I believe.
    4. 5. 6. Check out LORE under Layonara links and try querying some of these...All spells and such are listed here, included with any changes. The classes also can list the druid/bard changes, but as far as I'm certain, there have been no major spell changes. Again, this really is more of a GM answer...
    7. RDD is a WLCDQ (one year character existence required) reward. You also are required to know the Draconic language, and no active PCs at this time are familiar with this.

    Again, hope there's no problems in me posting.

    Tialle Dianesis

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      Re: A few questions some wish to know.
      « Reply #2 on: May 14, 2007, 06:25:19 am »
      Quote from: Joyrock

      #2 lol I am sure this one you will find silly but is there any chance of vampire, a monster race being a player subrace in the future. I am sure you have a big rule posted some where which probly answers -NO- to this one. I fully understand.

      Funny you should ask. I recently came across this thread a few days ago with the same question in mind. I was tempted to bring it back to the top, too. So far this still seems to be open for discussion. If it's possible or even in the works I haven't a clue, but maybe a GM is willing to shed some light on that. *crosses her fingers*

      Quote from: Joyrock

      #3 Does the server have a working mage portal system? that allows for mages to open gates to set locations and the likes from nearly any location?

      As Interia mentioned earlier, yes at level 14 wizards get a tome of teleportation. It has a limit of 3 uses per day and all that one needs to do is use the tome and target any spot as a way to bind oneself to the location. Then that person can just use the tome on oneself and be recalled to the memorized location no matter where they maybe. :) That's about all I can answer.


      Re: A few questions some wish to know.
      « Reply #3 on: May 14, 2007, 08:19:04 am »
      #7 RDD is a very difficult PrC to attain. I have never actually seen a RDD before. If you look at that link, that is question regarding that. According to that post there has been only 1 RDD approval known  since the life of this server...


      Re: A few questions some wish to know.
      « Reply #4 on: May 14, 2007, 08:40:00 am »
      1) Perma-haste items: If anyone has one, they're extremely rare, so let's say "no" with that.  

      2) Vampires, lycanthropes and other such monstrous races being playable: It's been discussed, but it would be a fair amount of work to get them to fit well into Layonara.  Looking forward, I'd say this is unlikely.

      3) Wizard portals: What they said above about the Tome of Teleportation.  Druids also gain a similar ability at the same level.  Further, there is a general portal system that can take people to various pre-defined locations. The locations available depend on the portal.

      4) Pretty much the standard songs, unless one takes levels in the Skald PrC, in which case they get some nifty other songs which utilize their bardsong uses/day.

      5) The best place to check for information on classes, regular and prestige, is on LORE. Click "Query" if you don't see a search box.  This is also a good place to check for spell changes, feat changes (standard and custom) and just a generally good place for info.

      6) No word of recall.  As mentioned above, Druids have a Tree Walk-like ability after 14th level.  Incidentally, all characters can bind themselves to a bindstone and will return there after death.  I know it's not quite the same as Word of Recall, but I just thought I'd throw that out there.

      7) As was mentioned, RDD is not approved except for Epic characters and only then after a very difficult WLDQ/ a minimum.  It is done this way because dragons have been pretty rare over the last 60 or so game years, and also because Leanthar does not want them to be common.  To date, exactly one character has successfully completed the necessary trials to be approved to take RDD levels...and to date, that character has yet to take a single RDD level.  So if someone happens to make it to 10th level of RDD, we'll talk about changing wing colors. ;)


      Re: A few questions some wish to know.
      « Reply #5 on: May 14, 2007, 02:42:31 pm »
      4. Skalds are the most wicked bard PrC ever.  You get to choose from Fear, Blindness/Deafness, Slow, Sonic Damage and Wailing Death, each of the song types using your actual bardsongs/day.  Many thanks to Dorganoth and the team in revamping this PrC into a solid class that has to be the most fun PrC to play of all time.

      I don't even enjoy NWN2 now because there's no skald class!


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        Re: A few questions some wish to know.
        « Reply #6 on: May 14, 2007, 03:00:59 pm »
        Wow thanks, alot of the answers were more to what folks were hoping for then I thought, when we came here we were willing to give up certian things, "when in rome"

        nice to know we don't have to, vampires and lycans was something I was asked to ask, but they never had there hopes up lol. with them though if you ever thought about adding it from a purely NWN function I can help with alot of the work there for you, we had the best system for both and redid them.
        purely script based.

        I know RP is more important then the game mechanic's so we won't get our hopes up. does not hurt to ask, but I have a feeling I would have been if I did not -_-

        think star will be upset about the RDD but they might just make it a goal to be the 2nd person to get it, and the first to 10 levels of it.;)

        thanks for all your help!


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          Re: A few questions some wish to know.
          « Reply #7 on: May 14, 2007, 03:58:01 pm »
          Quote from: Joyrock

          think star will be upset about the RDD but they might just make it a goal to be the 2nd person to get it, and the first to 10 levels of it.;)

          O.o  a year ? ...that really long time . hm i understand the lvls needed though

          anyway i see joyrock know me too well ;)

          thanks for that infomation


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            Re: A few questions some wish to know.
            « Reply #8 on: May 14, 2007, 05:15:49 pm »
            I know all my old players to well ;) let me guess star, sorc/RDD blue dragon family?  \\You can always make a drow. though I would read up on there version of them, it is different from FR drow in some ways. Perhaps we will see a return of kira?


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              Re: A few questions some wish to know.
              « Reply #9 on: May 14, 2007, 05:18:39 pm »
              New question, what is the good/nuetral/evil ratio of the server if you were to take a guess?


              Re: A few questions some wish to know.
              « Reply #10 on: May 14, 2007, 05:22:06 pm »
              I hardly know any evils, I think I can count them all with both hands...Neutrals are everywhere, and there is a fair amount of good, although one would argue how good a good is being.


              Re: A few questions some wish to know.
              « Reply #11 on: May 14, 2007, 05:35:53 pm »
              Evil is a very slight percentage compared to Good and Neutral, as we only recently relaxed the restrictions on Evil alignments. It was once something you had to work toward over time with your character.  It can now be approved at character creation time provided certain other requirements are met.  As a brand new player here, it's unlikely you would be approved to play an Evil character out of the gate.

              A couple things to note: 1) Evil is to be played smartly here, and is not an excuse to behave badly.  2) Chaotic Evil will not be permitted for PCs.  If a PC slips to CE, that PC becomes an NPC.

              OK, so that's more than you asked.  I don't know the particulars, but I could probably run a query against our database for people who have logged in over the last  year and get some numbers...but I don't really have time for that right now. It is safe to say though that there are far more Good and Neutral aligned characters than Evil ones.


              Re: A few questions some wish to know.
              « Reply #12 on: May 27, 2007, 01:58:44 pm »
              Quote from: Dorganath
              3) Wizard portals: What they said above about the Tome of Teleportation.  Druids also gain a similar ability at the same level.  Further, there is a general portal system that can take people to various pre-defined locations. The locations available depend on the portal.

              6) No word of recall.  As mentioned above, Druids have a Tree Walk-like ability after 14th level.  Incidentally, all characters can bind themselves to a bindstone and will return there after death.  I know it's not quite the same as Word of Recall, but I just thought I'd throw that out there.

              I thought it was level 16 when Druids got their teleportation sticks.  My Druid is level 15 and I don't have one.  If it's really level 14 do I need to make a request to get my stick?


              Re: A few questions some wish to know.
              « Reply #13 on: May 27, 2007, 04:56:41 pm »
              Eh, no...I mis-spoke and confused the teleport ability with the paladin warhorse, which is granted at 14th level.  Sorry. :)


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                Re: A few questions some wish to know.
                « Reply #14 on: May 27, 2007, 06:05:49 pm »
                Would you like a teleportation system for druids, and clerics done? I can do it send it in. ;)  the spell mass word of recall and recall  for clerics, and just old fashioned recall for druids. they teleport you back to your bind location with some fancy effects, and mass teleports everyone in your nearby party to there bind location.

                for mages I can make a actual portal script that can open usable gates to those locations you al'ready have down for them to goto.

                Normally this system requires them to speach draconic (the langauge often used in ancient magic scrolls, and just magic spells in genral) and they must speak the true name,  not only could they use the portal but others could as well, and would not even need to be in the party. (all optional, and the portal does not last for more then 3 minutes)

                lots of pretty spell effects as well. These are all pretty old idea's we used in the past. Having seen how they work I can recreate it if you wish, consider it part of that work load if you like. while I don't see this as a need, I do see it as a fun very useful toy which would spice things up and give folks another reason to come on stay and try to obtain.

                While I don't play any of these classes, I know folks like useful things like this and makes the world more alive, and fun. none of it would need haks, trying to think of something I could offer to get that movable corpse in.


                Re: A few questions some wish to know.
                « Reply #15 on: May 27, 2007, 07:10:09 pm »
                Druids do have a teleportation system.  We get a stick at level 16, I believe, that allows us to memo one place, if I recall correctly.  A Cleric's teleportation spell has been talked about in the past.  If I recall correctly the team didn't like the idea behind it.

                Tialle Dianesis

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                  Re: A few questions some wish to know.
                  « Reply #16 on: May 28, 2007, 05:49:42 am »
                  Quote from: Joyrock

                  for mages I can make a actual portal script that can open usable gates to those locations you al'ready have down for them to goto.

                  Normally this system requires them to speach draconic (the langauge often used in ancient magic scrolls, and just magic spells in genral) and they must speak the true name,  not only could they use the portal but others could as well, and would not even need to be in the party. (all optional, and the portal does not last for more then 3 minutes)

                  I'm loving your ideas. :) You should start another thread for this one.


                  Re: A few questions some wish to know.
                  « Reply #17 on: May 28, 2007, 06:27:33 am »
                  I would say that granting mass teleportation would be sort of wrong given some certain IC things, maybe in the future but definatly not right now. I can see that it would be neat and everything but there are a few reasons for postponing this a bit if it ever gets in.


                  Re: A few questions some wish to know.
                  « Reply #18 on: May 28, 2007, 06:35:56 am »
                  Just to inject a counter point, why would the players want to skip areas/content to make the game more fun?  As is stands, you can cross Mistone in about 20 minutes, and that's hitting almost every area.

                  I understand the allure of instant transport, having played a wizard in EQ.  It was terrifically handy to be able to mem up a port spell and pop a party to the opposite end of the world or to the moon, if I so choose.  (And one time to the Plane of Hate, but I canceled the port after they screamed)

                  However, Layonara isn't that large.  Being able to zip from Mistone to Belinara might be useful, but I can't help but think of all the RP opportunities that would be missed as a result.

                  And honestly, if I was standing about and overheard anyone say "prt plz", I'd break down and cry.


                  Re: A few questions some wish to know.
                  « Reply #19 on: May 28, 2007, 08:56:56 am »
                  Teleportation en masse is pretty hard here, too... plus distance/number of people being taken. I'm not sure exactly who makes all these housing portals IC but they're not exactly representative of difficulty.

                  Plus all wizards will get it, even if they have conjuration as their banned school. *Squints at Storold.* :P

                  I wish there was a way to make things based off of the specialist schools... I reaaally wanted to tweak some things for them but there doesn't seem to be a function or a work-around for detecting that. :(

                  And I'd rather fix clerics to be more mechanically individual between deities before giving teleportation to them all. Domains only do so much for priests that are practically different classes to themselves ideally, not one class with different names in the deity field and a lot of different restrictions, hehe.

                  As a side note, Draconic is not the speech of magic on Layo. :)