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Author Topic: Can an elemental speak?  (Read 430 times)


Can an elemental speak?
« on: October 05, 2009, 01:36:05 pm »
Been rp'ing they speak in an element-inspired voice, but someone poked me about some other druid rp'ed that they could not speak at all...

Any official standpoint on this?


Re: Can an elemental speak?
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2009, 03:00:19 pm »
air - boasts of its greatness in long drawn out speeches.
water - gurgles a lot and not much can be understood
fire - very preachy in a loud and energetic way its speeches are always about doom and gloom.
earth - sounds like most dwarves ;)


Re: Can an elemental speak?
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2009, 03:28:44 pm »
*raises a hand*

I'd believed this to be a grey area.

And so... figuring the Druid being mentioned is me.. then yes.

None of my Elementals can speak.
The main 2 I use.. Water and Earth... don't even have a face.. never mind a mouth. *shrugs*

But I also believed its to peoples preference whether they speak or not.. unless told otherwise :)


Re: Can an elemental speak?
« Reply #3 on: October 05, 2009, 03:32:58 pm »
I think it falls in the same category as the familiars. If it doesn't has the int, and vocal chord then it was said that it was impossible. Ie fey can because of their int and humanoid form (ie vocal chord) So if fire, air, rock and water wouldn't have the proper equipment to speak...... My own thoughts on this matter.

Black Cat

Re: Can an elemental speak?
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2009, 04:05:25 pm »
I did raise the point with Log and indeed use both LC's druid as an exemple. I agree and understand that it's somewhat a grey area and can be subject to interpretation.
My own interpration of elementals ... well they are beings made of elements... they took a vaguely humanoid shape, but inside... it's just water/earth/fire/air, and to me it feels strange to hear and elemental speak... and more so with a dwarven accent ;)

*points up to Jrizz post* If an elemental does speak... I would imagine them to speak with a likewise sound as their native element (although I'm not sure an earth elemental would have a dwarven accent, unless you mean hard sounding.. but dwarven is not like that at all.. it's a most musical language ;) ... to dwarven ears.)

