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Author Topic: A quick question about Multiclassing  (Read 430 times)


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    A quick question about Multiclassing
    « on: April 08, 2007, 06:35:04 pm »
      My character Trajan was recently approved as a ranger/rogue. My first level was ranger. Since my entire concept was accepted, upon second level am I free to start taking rogue levels? Just want to clear this up before it becomes an issue.



    Re: A quick question about Multiclassing
    « Reply #1 on: April 08, 2007, 06:58:38 pm »
    You were approved as a Ranger/Rogue split, so yup, you can take character levels in both from the get-go.  Just make sure you've got at least five levels in each by level 20.

    Have fun!


    Re: A quick question about Multiclassing
    « Reply #2 on: April 08, 2007, 07:58:26 pm »
    It will only 'become an issue' at around level 10 if you are a 1 ranger/9 rogue.  So if your concept is a 5rgr/15rogue, keep the split appropriate... i.e. 1 ranger level every 3 rogue levels.


    Re: A quick question about Multiclassing
    « Reply #3 on: April 12, 2007, 08:30:50 am »
    I got a little query along these lines.....about a Third possible Multiclass.

    I've a Ranger 10/Rogue 9.....and if I were to hit 20 ( 10 in each ) it possible or allowed to switch to a different

    So I would infact have a Ranger/Rogue/Fighter. That even allowed?


    Re: A quick question about Multiclassing
    « Reply #4 on: April 12, 2007, 08:39:21 am »
    See HERE for the guidelines for such things.
     "If you plan on re-submitting your character for another class AFTER the character creation process then you must submit an updated bio and a link to your character development journal showing the progression into the new class. Depending on the class(es) desired they may be granted on the basis of the journal alone or a CDQ may be requested. There are certain requirements for CDQs that must also be met."
     In the case of multiclassing after level 20, the five levels must be take sucessively then you are free to split the remaining any way you desire
     ie Ranger 10, Rogue 10, Fighter 5 to level 25 , then you can go any direction you wish with levels within those classes.


    Re: A quick question about Multiclassing
    « Reply #5 on: April 12, 2007, 08:45:11 am »
    Would the character suffer any kind of XP penalty or ECL type thing added for having a third class?


    Re: A quick question about Multiclassing
    « Reply #6 on: April 12, 2007, 09:38:18 am »
    Quote from: LordCove
    Would the character suffer any kind of XP penalty or ECL type thing added for having a third class?

    Multiclassing never creates a level adjustment (LA or ECL).

    You will almost certainly get an XP penalty, unless your race has the third class as its "favored" class.  If you are already taking a penalty on your first two classes, the penalty will increase by adding a third until you get at least two classes within one level of each other.

    [INDENT]An Elven Ranger 11 / Rogue 9 would take a 20% XP penalty as long as the Ranger and Rogue levels were more than 1 apart, since the Elf's favored class is Wizard.  If the character takes one level of Fighter, the XP penalty jumps to 40%.

    The same character with a level split of 10/10 would take a 20% penalty when adding the fighter level, but no penalty if he or she took a Wizard level.

    A human or half-elf character with a level split of 10/10 would take a 20% XP penalty by adding a level of any base class, since it's the highest class level that is considered "favored".
    [/INDENT]Prestige classes never count toward XP penalties.


    Re: A quick question about Multiclassing
    « Reply #7 on: April 12, 2007, 11:17:15 am »
    20%! Ouch!

    Okay....thanks folks!