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Author Topic: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her...  (Read 367 times)


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If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her...
« on: December 12, 2008, 04:47:58 pm »
Or, in other words, if Shindy invites Toran to all her parties and Toran doesn't recipricate, does that mean that Shindy has a crush and Toran is just being resistant?

This all stems from a Shindaleria cleric traveling with a Toran Cleric, where my bless spells bless him but not visa versa.  Toran's Friendly to me, but Unfriendly from him.  Is this normal?

Thanks :)


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2008, 04:51:24 pm »
Yep, your deity might view something good out of an other deity, but the other may no reciprocate. Just like in real life.


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2008, 04:51:48 pm »
I'm not a GM but...

With Toran it's pretty normal.  Ask Ilsare and Aragen.  Same thing.  Toran views them as unfriendly, they view Toran as friendly.

Really it all boils down to Toran is just so great that all the other gods like him, but he has high standards and picks his friends very very carefully.


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2008, 05:24:38 pm »
Yes, there are a number of other of these threads, with specific deities, asymmetrical relationships are definitely part of the Gods' social life...

(Mist I know has a couple... even one that's allied on one end, and unfriendly on the other)


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2008, 07:03:40 pm »
Toran hates fish because they are like evil, which never blinks.


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2008, 07:06:39 pm »
Shindaleria is an alluring mer-temptress done Deific. Toran shuns all love and warmth, rejecting beauty, peace, and prosperity. He hates Prunilla and Deliar, too.



Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2008, 08:00:41 pm »


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2008, 08:12:39 pm »
Maybe he can't swim.  Or read, turn a profit, find a girlfriend, cast a spell, or grow a nice lawn.


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2008, 09:41:25 pm »
Quote from: Gulnyr
Maybe he can't swim.  Or read, turn a profit, find a girlfriend, cast a spell, or grow a nice lawn.

That's Toran for you.


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #9 on: December 12, 2008, 10:38:47 pm »
:(  It's sad that when someone has high standards and morals, they are berated by those that don't...



Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2008, 07:09:46 am »
asymmetrical relationships are definitely part of the Gods' social life...

Not to mention everyone's day to day real life.


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2008, 03:03:55 pm »
The thing that really cracks me up is Xeen and Folian.  I think she cheated on him, so he wont give her any more of the rugged elven loving.  It reminds me of whenever one of my exes calls me up during the holidays to wish me a Merry Xmas, and I just scream back into the phone, "Stop calling me, you cheated on me on my birthday, you skank!" and hang up.  She keeps calling and I keep chewing her out and hanging up.  

Corath and Lucinda went through a nasty divorce, so while they mutually hate eachother, they both like Xeen and she loves that they keep buying her stuff to win her over.  And then Corath starts showing up outside their house, stalking them from time to time, and Toran has to come down out of the divine sheriff's office to chase him off again and again.  Needless to say, Toran thinks that whole family's messed up in the head, and would rather have nothing to do with them.

But everybody hates poor Shadon.  He's not even evil, just a crazy little gnome who sets off exploding pies.  I imagine he's somewhat of a peeping tom, because it seems almost all the godessess dislike him, regardless of alignment.  Interestingly enough, Sulterio likes him.  I suspect Shadon's the only being that has ever made the Glumlord chuckle.

Deliar likes Xeen but Prunilla dislikes her?  Methinks that Harlot's been after her man!

In the end, the god's relationships are best described in a plethora of parables, or a weekly half-hour long reality TV show.  :D


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2008, 03:59:11 pm »
Heh, you forgot the part about how Toran told Rofirein after the trial and execution of Navarre "Oh yeah?  Well... you're not my friend anymore.  hmph"  and Rofie just said "But I still like you..."  So now they're touchy, but at least can generally be in the same room with one another.  So Toran clings very hard to his one last friend that he's a crazy battleraging dwarf...  I sure hope nothing happens to split them up!


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2008, 04:19:38 pm »
"Yes, brothers and sisters, rout injustice wherever you may find it, unless it is unjust in our favor.  Remember Navarre, who was taken to trial for his terrible misdeeds, stood steadfast and honest in his guilty plea, and was punished without special favor?  Well that's no good, is it?  Toranites should get special favor.  And remember those formerly faithful who took him to trial in the Rofreinite courts we fully supported, happy to see justice done to uphold the name of Toran?  Well, they aren't here anymore, are they?  We kicked them out for being too just and unwilling to compromise their high standards.  We can't have their kind here, making the rest of us look bad."


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2008, 04:59:47 pm »
Quote from: Gulnyr
"Yes, brothers and sisters, rout injustice wherever you may find it, unless it is unjust in our favor.  Remember Navarre, who was taken to trial for his terrible misdeeds, stood steadfast and honest in his guilty plea, and was punished without special favor?  Well that's no good, is it?  Toranites should get special favor.  And remember those formerly faithful who took him to trial in the Rofreinite courts we fully supported, happy to see justice done to uphold the name of Toran?  Well, they aren't here anymore, are they?  We kicked them out for being too just and unwilling to compromise their high standards.  We can't have their kind here, making the rest of us look bad."

I have a very Neutral Good response to this; a quote from one of my characters.

"Sometimes Right is more important than Good... But sometimes, Good is more important than Right."


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #15 on: December 13, 2008, 05:58:35 pm »
I'd go along with that, though I'm not Lawful or even Good, as you can see by my submission.  And it is well and good for the Neutral Good, but the Lawful Good shouldn't be throwing away their "high standards and morals" just because negative aspects of living up to them have come back to bite one of their own, hmm?  hehe

And as an (even more) off-topic concern, wouldn't Navarre have been some sort of icky  undead anyway?  He was brought back well beyond the three-day limit for resurrection.


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #16 on: December 13, 2008, 06:19:09 pm »
Yeah... as far as I know Navarre was still an undead... so on an ooc basis, I totally agree with the Rofies on that one.  Ew... undeads are yucky.


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #17 on: December 14, 2008, 05:37:16 am »
Oh, and the whole Corath/Lucinda->Xeen thing is going to go (or will be nothing else then some story).
The Night of Flesh and Magic will be removed from the writeups too.


Re: If Shindaleria brings a cake and Toran slams the door on her
« Reply #18 on: December 14, 2008, 11:14:43 am »
okie dokie then, that makes it official..... :)

*shakes his fist at Tobias for confusing the heck out of him*