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Author Topic: Frustrated  (Read 3143 times)


Re: Frustrated
« Reply #60 on: March 26, 2007, 01:04:03 pm »
A lot of these frustratons should be brought much ealier to someone rather than letting them fester. Many times before I brought concerns directly to Leanthar and found him to be very responsive and caring.
 I've been here for a while..not quite as long as Orth and OneSt8 but long enough to see the cycle of these type of posts that in end only serve to heighten emotions rather than go to the issue that needs addressing.
 There are things I don't necessarily like in Layo but then I remember what Layo used to be like and what it's like now.  Back when it was Just North and South things were no where near the content we have now.  Then I also remember how much team members get paid for the work they do as well as how much grief Leanthar gets to keep this world going.  I may not like somethings but instead of asking to change something I find ways to get it in parties.
 If you have frustrations that you don't feel are being addressed, PM Leanthar, he's a great guy and will help if he can.
 As for other servers....good luck finding one.  I've looked, quality ones just aren't there with the feel of Layo
 As for the team members I would also like to re-iterate a heart felt thank you for the work you do here.


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    Re: Frustrated
    « Reply #61 on: March 26, 2007, 01:05:27 pm »
    another note... had you actually read my post the but was there for 3 days... I believe 2 +1 = 3

    but = bug


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      Re: Frustrated
      « Reply #62 on: March 26, 2007, 01:07:07 pm »
      Quote from: AeonBlues
      Zergon, you failed your diplomacy check.  It is not that you point are not valid, it is how they are being presented.  You started off with what sounded to me like an ultimatum, and that is why I was asking you to apologize.

      V3 is hardly buggy.  A few kinks, but I am loving layo more now then ever.  If you want see what a buggy server looks like, then try playing on a NWN2 server.  Let me tell you, when it comes to persistent worlds, that program is a  buggy piece of ox dung.  Leanthar made the right decision when he chose to not take us to NWN2.  Now, that might happen some day, but NWN2 is not ready for layonara.

      On fear of DMs.  It starts with bad RP.  It starts with players going places they should not, or using a lot of OOC chatter, or trying to exploit the server in some way to their characters advantage.  I started out here on the wrong foot.  I started  out with bad RP and being fearful of DMs.  As a more experienced player, I know now that some of the times I thought a DM was picking on me, it was not the case.  The unexpected event that I was facing was the result of another player doing something like dragging a spawn near a transition and leaving it there.

      That being said, there has been definite times when my character was killed by a DM, lets just say punitive spawn.  In my opinion, when ever a  DM makes a punitive spawn, there should be follow up.  PMs and messages on the forum to explain what happened and  why.  I have heard players sending me tells worried about bored DMs.  I love bored DMs.  Some times your character will die because a DM added a critter you were not expecting.  I have heard about a character being killed by a DM, and thought, well if that guy was not just running as fast as he could from one encounter to the next, maybe he would have formulated a strategy.  But that paladin runs around like berserker on cat nip.

      Another thing that happens, is that a very high level character comes through an area while invisible.  Then your character walks through and gets greased.  An inexperienced player, will suspect that a DM killed them, and become fearful of DMs.  

      As far as our topaz expedition goes...

      The only fatality that we experienced was from a friendly fire death magic spell.  So, nothing too off balanced was thrown at us.

      Nope, some invisible yahoo was blocking me from getting started on the stair ramp.  I never saw that mysterious spawn.  I have never seen a level 20 character there either, so I am still not convinced that what ever it was, was a DM spawn.  It could have just been a level 20 spawn, hmm.


      Try # 3
      I am abrasive.. I will come off harsh obstinant.. angry... and down right mean... don't like it tough luck


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        Re: Frustrated
        « Reply #63 on: March 26, 2007, 01:09:57 pm »
        Quote from: twidget658

         As far as fearing GM's...maybe fear is not the right word, but getting bashed in the forums publically tends to turn people off and have a sense of withdrawal and seperation from the GM's. When a GM comes across as "this is how it is and I don't care what people think" or the "don't like it, don't join" attitude, it makes people shy away from expressing their thoughts on it. And not just to the GM involved, but to all GM's. Some folks, I am sure, feel that if they dispute one GM, then they have just taken on the whole GM team.

        over all i would agree too the state ment for a non-adult. I'm very new too Layo. after 3-4 weeks i realised i made my first PC wrong. I did not know i could just strat him over so i made a new PC

        Xune or X'une  in my character semmision thread got lack of a better term i argued with the CHaracter approver/s. I stated my points and backed them up with information aviable on teh forum's a rules. althought it was a bit painful and frustrating in the end i made teh character i wanted too for teh most part. the comparmises were wuite minimal. I did nto feel i was takeing ont eh entire GM team but i feel since i stated my case with out getting angre it worked out in teh long wrong.

        I would sugest too peoply dissagreeing with a GM/DM is ok depending on how you go about doing it. There'salways teh possiability you simply are viewing something differently or are miss understanding teh real issue.

        as a new player some times Layo feels like a members only club that really does not want any new members. i would say over all my gaming experiance with other players has greatly improved in V3 from V2. keeping in mind i only played each for about 3-4 weeks.


        Re: Frustrated
        « Reply #64 on: March 26, 2007, 01:15:04 pm »
        Quote from: OneST8
        Leanthar made $40 in donations last month.
         I highly recommend people that uses the monthly PayPal payment check your account. I have had the payments stop for some unknown reason. No one could answer up to why it was cancelled, so I had to go in and set up a new one.


        Re: Frustrated
        « Reply #65 on: March 26, 2007, 01:16:25 pm »
        All right, yo, you all need to step back and reconsider trying to make a point on the Interweb.

        It doesn't work.


        Re: Frustrated
        « Reply #66 on: March 26, 2007, 01:22:15 pm »
        This has kind of disintegrated into frustration venting, but considering the title of this thread and the things that have been stated back and forth I'm not really sure that's a bad thing, if everyone has a drink or something with it.

        What I am hoping is that instead of everyone looking at each side and backing their friends or same-opinion posters, more people will look at the frustrations on both and understand the dangers of widening the already existing gap. I don't know, maybe talking about it will help that?

        I would like to think so, yet the part of my brain that has tiredly been down this road suspects that these posts will merely be seen as attacks instead of mirrors to player feelings and signs that more cooperation is needed. I'm afraid that the posts by orth, OneST8, and Dorg will be seen as a shining example of bloodthirsty admins leaping down the throats of the common players who are merely expressing their opinions, players will start listing their specific examples where they have been crucified by a DM, and we will crucify the team with a list. I'm really familiar with this one...

        If this is the case, and I am sure that it is for many people, please just step back and try to hit this from an angle that you can see both sides from... I can't speak for everyone, but I know a lot of things said here and in a few other places bite kind of hard, but are not really unusual.

        For example... the part I AM familiar with, regarding the team and community jumping on ideas and ridiculing suggestions and so on, I know 2/3 of the people here put me in that category and that there is nothing I can do about that. I am kind of used to the fact by now, that if I try to answer a question, even lightheartedly, that is in any way a negative comment on the merit or feasibility of a suggestion, I will be disliked and be considered as tromping on the players or something, despite the fact that I AM a player, and not even a part of the team, and have openly disagreed with members of it or a few practices on more than one occasion.

        I know that there are a ton of people who are afraid to post lest they be ripped apart, DMs included (just as much as players...), because most replies are in offense or taking them personal, fueling the negative outlook. I hate replying to posts, I just do it because I have always been of the opinion that reasoned-out input is good, from more than one viewpoint. The general feel of the response is "no one asked you," but hey! I've always been able to deal with not being liked, as long as the accuracy of the subject is there.

        When I look at the answers given by the few people that still try to reply to everything, and then at some of the posts that complain about them, I often wonder who is more hostile?

        I have been slammed both to my face and behind my back, both in-game and on the forums, in tells, in character, in PMs, or accused of wanton hostility more than once on the forums, generally in a much more hostile manner than what I presented, annoying smilie faces and all, where people are jerks complaining about a DM forgetting say thank you an extra three times, and when confronted say "yeah so, that's how I am, live with it." Why the double standard? Oh yes, the official thing...why don't we just make it a courtesy thing instead?

        The point was that everything I feel about it ("do I really want to post and sink the reputation further into the negatives? Oh well, I'm used to being disliked.") goes triple for anyone who is actually a part of the team, so to be honest, there is a larger reason that I have never applied for any of them...I would not want to be a public DM or builder on Layo if they paid me, because I can hardly post as a player. I feel like having my name on anything would be the death of me, and actually would probably hurt the team's reputation as well, so I would just as soon avoid painting my name to use as a scapegoat for free, and just continue to talk myself into my own hole. At least the ones that I dig are of my own making. :)

        The point wasn't really to say, "hey, I'm bummed out too!" so much as, if we say it goes much more for people actually official, then we have players afraid to post for fear of being smashed apart by bloodthirsty DMs, and DMs/admins who are afraid to post lest any word they say be used against them by a bloodthirsty community. My observation in both cases seems to be mostly a few cases that have created a paranoid fear of the whole, and the whole "waiting until the last angry moment to speak up" thing. A lot of knee jerk reactions and lack of thought, a forgetting of living organisms behind screens and so on.

        It just seems like everyone needs to knit back together in some way where communication can occur, or split off completely to where you have to fill out a form and send to the collective label just to make a bug report instead of actually ever speaking to anyone in charge.


        Re: Frustrated
        « Reply #67 on: March 26, 2007, 01:25:39 pm »
        Quote from: Zergon
        Try # 3
        I am abrasive.. I will come off harsh obstinant.. angry... and down right mean... don't like it tough luck

        I encourage you to give some thought, as to whether this is an effective means to communicate what you are thinking and feeling.  In my experience, making people feel angry and defensive is not a good way to be heard, or get a point across.



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          Re: Frustrated
          « Reply #68 on: March 26, 2007, 01:41:52 pm »
          Quote from: AeonBlues
          I encourage you to give some thought, as to whether this is an effective means to communicate what you are thinking and feeling.  In my experience, making people feel angry and defensive is not a good way to be heard, or get a point across.


          one word comes to mind
          I will be me... i can not control others, their feelings or how they respond to stimuli... Nor will I try... you either like me... understand what I am saying and take it as feeling-less words... or you don't... i don't care



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            Re: Frustrated
            « Reply #69 on: March 26, 2007, 01:45:31 pm »
            I've had it with this thread so i'm done with it....
            My attempts to accomplish something are ending in debates totally off topic, turning into a pointing fingers match and attempts to change my chaotic, free willed personality...
            *sigh* they never learn


            Re: Frustrated
            « Reply #70 on: March 26, 2007, 02:01:41 pm »
            You know, I think all of us, myself included, could benefit from THIS PAGE.  I know that from time to time, I trip and need to reacquaint myself with it.


            Re: Frustrated
            « Reply #71 on: March 26, 2007, 02:13:15 pm »
            Quote from: Zergon
            another note... had you actually read my post the bug was there for 3 days... I believe 2 +1 = 3

            I see... so why didn't you report it on day #1?  

            I fixed this particular issue it as soon as I got home from work and could both verify and address it on the same day that a conscientious player made me aware of the problem.  Now you are bringing it up and saying you knew about it 3 days before it was fixed?  I'm your professional setting, does it help to not let those who could fix a problem know about a problem?  Does that fly in a commercial environment?

            As a developer yourself, can you fix bugs you do not yet know about?  No?  I didn't think so.

            I understand only so many resources, and time....
            But I also understand that players have the same thing and if i'm not mistaken... the players are why you do this.
            I'm keenly aware of this, and when I'm not improving this world and I have time, I am a player too.  All GMs are players here, as are everyone on the Project Team.  Why is it you think we don't have the entire community in mind?

            I'm also keenly aware of how much time I can't spend playing because of everything I am doing on the development and administrative side of things.  And I'm not the only one.  I do this because I enjoy it, and because this world means a lot to me.  That includes everyone...the whole community.

            I realize all too well that everyone has limited time.  I myself may have played a total of 10 hours since V3 was released.  Yes, really.  So please do not presume to remind me of time constraints that people have. I am all to well aware of them.

            So you have X amount of resources, and X amount of time (each day) to work on this project. You have 3 servers at least... though your webpage used to boast you were spread across more than that. There are very few people ever on some of these servers (planes for example) and any of them would be well suited as a test server to see how things will be.
            A fair question, but do you really want me to respond about why?  Do you want me to list how we had a hard enough time getting people to beta test the LSPM that they could do on their own time?  Do you want me to list how difficult it really is to get people to take time out of their own enjoyment of playtime to work at play-testing a new module version? Do you want me to go into all the other reasons why this will not produce the results you think they will?  I kind of doubt that you do, as I'm pretty sure you see everything I have written as a flimsy excuse.

            I'm MetaPhaze on IRC and you probably don't remember it as it wasn't directed at you... It was more of a question of "how do i join this team"
            and the response was about as great as some of these i'm getting now.
            OK, I do vaguely remember that, and if the response was "wait for the applications" then yep...that's the only response we have at the moment.

            This kind of offer is appreciated, but for very valid reasons it is something we will most likely not do. The most significant and hard-line reason for this is that the Layonara modules have been "stolen" at least once in the past when access to the module source was more freely available to those who could contribute (i.e. GM and Project teams). As a result, direct access to the modules is restricted to a select few. This probably will not change.
            exactly what i expected to hear... no less...
            another example of why some don't post.
            Alright...I'm confused now.  What does the desire to protect 1000's of hours of work, manpower and intellectual property have to do with why some people don't post?  What am I missing here?  

            My comment as stated is the reason why we don't just hand the module out, nor do we even hand out our entire script-base to the Project Team.  It is a decision Leanthar made a long time ago after he was stabbed in the back by someone who took the Layonara modules and started their own world with it as a base.

            My comments are just getting excuses... no real work getting done.
            Your comments are being explained.  I'm not sure what you want to hear, or what more can be said.

            Want to make a difference?  Great!  You don't seem to have any qualms about speaking up, so please, bring all concerns, bugs and suggestions to us in a constructive manner and we'll do what we can, as appropriate.

            If I may point out, however, for all the problems you believe Layonara has, there has been little to no input or reports from you regarding such things. If I am mistaken, please let me know.


            Re: Frustrated
            « Reply #72 on: March 26, 2007, 02:36:17 pm »
            How can being blunt be so difficult, despite the questionable wording?!
            Playing D&D 3.5e, D&D 5e, Pathfinder, and exploring Starfinder through a VTT


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              Re: Frustrated
              « Reply #73 on: March 26, 2007, 03:38:02 pm »
              exactly what i expected to hear... no less...
              another example of why some don't post.

              Alright...I'm confused now. What does the desire to protect 1000's of hours of work, manpower and intellectual property have to do with why some people don't post? What am I missing here?

              your read too far into it...
              exactly why some people don't post... because they know the answer


              Re: Frustrated
              « Reply #74 on: March 26, 2007, 03:46:40 pm »
              *sings to calm all of the hurt feelings and anger*


              Re: Frustrated
              « Reply #75 on: March 26, 2007, 03:56:02 pm »
              Quote from: Zergon
              exactly what i expected to hear... no less...
              another example of why some don't post.

              Alright...I'm confused now. What does the desire to protect 1000's of hours of work, manpower and intellectual property have to do with why some people don't post? What am I missing here?

              your read too far into it...
              exactly why some people don't post... because they know the answer

              Thank you for clarifying.


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                Re: Frustrated
                « Reply #76 on: March 26, 2007, 04:05:29 pm »
                it seems allot of people her ehave valid comment's and issues. Many times it's how people say things not what is said that is remembered. Even text canhave a "tone" too it.  Since i'm on the board of directors in myoffice i'll use figures.

                55% of comunaction is your body landuage
                37% is how you say it ( tone ect)
                8% is the acrualy words you say.

                i can feel for a tech savy player who sees mistakes/bugs and actually knows how too fix them getting frustrated when his offers for help go unaccepted. i think i would complain after that also

                i can feel for a dm/gm ect who do this for free getting a bunch of greaf over issues.

                perhaps i'm my lack of knowladge of V2 content that makes me like v3. like i've said in teh post before over all my gamming experiance has been better with v3. How the sudded apperance of monsters spawing right on top of me has killed me a few times. i really lost no SS or any real money exp so it's no big deal.

                too many times in this thread it seems people are more taking shots at eachother rather than actually dissucing teh issue's at hand. I have no dought there's a DM/GM or too that abuse there power, also there'splayers that abuse they system. it happens, teh best way is too use logic/facts to get your point across it's very hard to argue with emotion over logic and actuall win, you just end up looking like a fool.


                Re: Frustrated
                « Reply #77 on: March 26, 2007, 04:12:50 pm »
                Quote from: Kirbiana
                One surface area (directly adjacent to Vehl) where neither my Level 5 nor Level 9 PCs feels safe is the road through the mercenaries which leads to the Gloomwood.  Going there does not seem to cause a problem, but despite trying to stay strictly on the road on the way back to Vehl, the mercenaries more often than not notice you and follow you through the AT (often long after you think you've made it through safely).  Not sure if having an unsafe road is the intention there, but my poor Aeridinite cleric has given up clearing the Gloomwood of undead after having gotten caught and killed there twice.  It's a little frustrating, since there's not many places a lower-level Aeridinite can RP their main clerical purpose in life, and the Gloomwood seems as if it should be a nice stepping stone between the Vehl crypts and the much harder crypts of Krandor and Storans.

                I have not read this whole thread yet. I have to agree with Kirbiana here. That road is a little off. My 4th level paladin while traveling with a cleric of the same level (we were off to hunt undead) got creamed there and then when we tried to return to our graves (which were right on the road) we got creamed again from mercs that attacked us while we were on the road (this had been how that road has worked every time I have been on it). My 4th level pally even lost a SS on that road :( (now that is bad luck). I think the spawns are two close to the road and the spawn triggers and too close to the road. What I think is happening is that a party with run through with no mishap but thye will "wander" a little of the road, that triggers the spawns. The spawns begin to wander. the next party or PC to enter the area gets a good bashing.


                Re: Frustrated
                « Reply #78 on: March 26, 2007, 04:23:03 pm »
                Quote from: Leanthar

                ".....I took him into a cave (not named for CNR purposes) and he about got his butt handed to him. I found out that the cave only contained greenstone and copper. My character is level 21 and should not be taking such beatings from the things that were in the cave....."

                Was that on West? A cave should not be that difficult for west CNR, unless there is something there that I am not aware of at this time. PM me please.

                Oh yeah that cave :) I went in there with a mid to high level party there were 5 of us (my PC being a 19th level Barb/fighter) and we were able to get it done but it took a lot of healing, we lost one PC, and found it was only for copper :). My PCs comment at that point was that the price of copper just went up LOL. If this has not been done already, removing the acid shields would make it right in there.


                Re: Frustrated
                « Reply #79 on: March 26, 2007, 04:40:19 pm »

                Alright, as someone who has just read this entire thread from start to finish for the first time, I'd just like to say a few things.

                It seems this topic has flown off the tracks. I think a large problem here is that people are taking player and DM frustration the wrong way. When someone expresses issues that are giving them a hard time in game, they are not degrading the team, the creator, nor the campaign itself, intrinsically. Getting into arguments about topics like, what's more important the DMs or the players, is just needless and ridiculous. People who are clearly frustrated and bringing their frustrations to light are being slammed for aggression and guilted for complaining when so many others spend so much time and money - and then they're slamming right back. It's a cycle and it's not going to end until the thread is shut down.

                What I would like to ask is that we step back and take a look at the core of the matter. Some players are expressing various frustrations they have had, and a large part of what they get back is negative. This is the same for DM or team-member responses. You can see how this perpetuates the problem.

                When someone expresses a dislike about an aspect of the server, they are not criticizing it and everyone involved in its creation and upkeep.

                There has also been much talk about "us vs. them" in this thread, but some of what has been said has been self-defeating - people from both "us" and "them" seem to be pointing out reasons why it's the "other side's" fault.

                I personally think quoting someone else's post, section by section, to counter-mine every point they have raised, is more often than not also a negative cycle.

                Please, instead of questioning whether so-and-so has a right to be frustrated or complain, can we give this topic more constructive direction? Could we try to post possible solutions to perceived issues, or try to get some consensus as to what aspect of the death system could be re-examined?

                *Edit: Some of the posts here also highlight and illustrate what was brought up about players fearing DMs on the forums. Some people are behaving as though your thoughts and opinions can be assumed as uninformed and argumentative simply because you are a player. I think it's not so much fear, but the feeling that your comments and opinions are worth less merit as a player that is the problem.

                I for one have a question about the chances of stabilizing while bleeding to death. My Sorceress character has a higher constitution than my BardBarian, yet he usually stabilizes while she does not. Also, sometimes you die instantly - is this relative to the amount of damage received? Maybe not the best place to ask this question, but maybe something to do with stabilization rates would help the death frustration many players feel. There are several ways you can recover - saved while bleeding, stabilize, even then you don't have to lose an SS, etc. Yet it seems to happen often that we die, despite all these measures - perhaps this is an issue with enemies doing too much damage? I know if a spellcaster is unfortunate enough to take a hit or two in battle, they are dead. Now, I know they usually aren't wearing armor, but still - if one crit is all it takes..

