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Author Topic: GM decisions for Saddlebag Pawn Shop  (Read 3127 times)


GM decisions for Saddlebag Pawn Shop
« on: May 22, 2019, 01:31:14 pm »
Hi Fine Folks,

It's been several decades since Riven was involved with Saddlebag Pawn. I'm reaching out to the GMs to see if you all need to make any decisions regarding the shop prior to Riven getting back involved. Such as have any PCs been running it, or has it been NPC shopkeepers and shop guards, etc. What to do with the funds (donate to rebuild X, Y, or Z, or it's been taken to compensate those who run the shop, or there's a theft at the shop, etc.).

Riven started the shop back in the day, using a mule and saddlebags. Eventually, he collaborated with Tyrian, the owner of the Twin Dragon Inn, to house the shop in the back of the inn. And later Riven joined forces with Calylith to move it and expand it in a more convenient location for folks. I also had a halfling shopkeeper character named Tinpin who helped with the ledger (only function of that character was RP in the shop, no questing, no leveling).

The info I learned on Discord was it sounds like the shop has been running on its own, with shopkeepers and shop guards assumed to be there.

I'm bringing this to your attention so you can decide what has transpired so I know how to play Riven, when he knocks on the door and inquires about the shop.

Before RL hit me and I fled Layo, Riven and Cali had discussed running it together, and getting Breanna involved. I don't know how that turned out (I've messaged Elohanna about that). Also, I just talked with Tobias on Discord, and his character Celador was in a relationship with Cali, and he has interest in helping with the shop.

At any rate - i leave it in your hands if there are decisions to be made. And otherwise, once I get Riven's description changed (as he's older), I'll log in, see if my bedroom and chests are still there in the building, and offer my services to whoever PCs or NPCs are currently "in charge", assuming they don't just say, "so long, Riven, you've been gone too long, so stay gone!"
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Re: GM decisions for Saddlebag Pawn Shop
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2019, 01:44:34 pm »
Also, not sure this makes any impact on decisions: Cali and Riven's finance arrangement was, I believe, to split any gained funds four ways: Riven, Cali, whoever logged the purchase or donation, and then fourth - investing in the business.

And although Riven put a ton of effort originally into the shop, it's been a long time since he's been involved, so I'm not expecting much or anything from the shop during the years of my absence, and it also could make sense that it's out of my hands entirely at this point - as you GMS choose.


Re: GM decisions for Saddlebag Pawn Shop
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2019, 01:57:46 pm »
For now lets just have me take most of the gold out of the chest later today and log it for safekeeping, you can assume the shopkeepers and guards diligently took their cut and deposited the rest into an account and we'll go from there about what to do with it.

Aside from that the shop is yours to take back over and run as you see fit with aid from anyone who may be willing.

It could of course be managed easily if you just considered the possibility that Riven hasn't been gone, he's just been a functioning NPC who hasn't been played and PCs could just play it as though they never ran into you.

 It sounds like you have a story on your disappearance already though. If that's the case then you'd probably have been presumed dead but no one wanted to take things over completely so it just ran with the aid of some help here and there.


Re: GM decisions for Saddlebag Pawn Shop
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2019, 06:09:02 pm »
good idea! I'll think on this, but maybe that's the simplest - Riven stayed connected with the shop over the years, managing behind the scenes, and hiring shop-keepers and guards to take care of the day-to-day biz, and the cleaning and maintenance of the building. And maybe Cali is also helping behind the scenes (so if they return, it's seamless transition). Thanks for the perspective and help on this!


Re: GM decisions for Saddlebag Pawn Shop
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2019, 01:14:25 pm »
one last question re: Saddlebag. Originally, I had a bedroom upstairs, and a moveable bookshelf (at the end of the hall just before the stairs) so I could access the upstairs. Now (with my absence) I realize that I don't "own" any of the 3 bookshelves in the back of the hall, so i cannot access the upstairs. Although I could live with that of course, it would be ideal to change ownership of one of those bookshelves back to me as the original intention would be that cali and I would live in the house together while managing the shop.   

Oh, and I can imagine it to be difficult for new players to find Saddlebag, since there is no sign out side and the door is treated as a player house door (knock, open, etc.). What hoops do I need to jump through to get a sign on the building, similar to what the Angels have across the road?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2019, 01:17:46 pm by Riven »


Re: GM decisions for Saddlebag Pawn Shop
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2019, 01:32:18 pm »
one last question re: Saddlebag. Originally, I had a bedroom upstairs, and a moveable bookshelf (at the end of the hall just before the stairs) so I could access the upstairs. Now (with my absence) I realize that I don't "own" any of the 3 bookshelves in the back of the hall, so i cannot access the upstairs. Although I could live with that of course, it would be ideal to change ownership of one of those bookshelves back to me as the original intention would be that cali and I would live in the house together while managing the shop.   

Oh, and I can imagine it to be difficult for new players to find Saddlebag, since there is no sign out side and the door is treated as a player house door (knock, open, etc.). What hoops do I need to jump through to get a sign on the building, similar to what the Angels have across the road?

Please post these two requests in the Disputes section of the forum so I can make sure to action them and it's not lost in these threads.
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Re: GM decisions for Saddlebag Pawn Shop
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2019, 03:25:06 pm »
One of those books shelves is own by Celador so I can access the back room.
The following users thanked this post: Riven


Re: GM decisions for Saddlebag Pawn Shop
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2019, 11:57:39 pm »
Celador, let's meet up in-game, and see if I still have a room and my personal chests there.