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Author Topic: Half-Giant subrace  (Read 242 times)


Half-Giant subrace
« on: December 15, 2009, 12:47:07 pm »
Ive been looking over the half-giant subrace for maybe my next PC.  I have a few questions regarding the skin of this subrace.

At character creation, will I only have access to "Half-Orc" heads or are there seperate ones for Half-Gaints, once I put "Half-Giant" into the subrace field?


can anyone send me a .jpg or something showing the skin for the Half-Giant?  I have not seen one in game yet and curious as to what they look like so I can select and applicable portrait for him.


not sure what weapon he will go with yet.  I saw a two handed "Maul" in one of the weapon merchants stock..  didnt check it then, what are the stats on this weapon?  AB?  damage?  crit mult? etc.

I have read the requirements for playing a "half-Giant" and know the (+ & -) of them for when the time comes to submit this PC for approval.

any other "info", "tips" or anything regarding playing this race in Layonara would be appreciated.

Thanks GMs


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2009, 01:36:02 pm »
the greatsword is a better weapon overall than the maul by the way


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2009, 03:19:36 pm »
ofcourse it is, and others are better then the greatsword for sheer damage base...but didnt ask the question about the Maul for that.  Since this a RP world and not a "power build" mod, I dont take weapons soley on their damage output, but rather more of "what fits" for a certain class and charcater.  

Ive had many PCs on power mods and even had PCs at level 60 that were even immortal.  Its not hard to make a power house character when there are no resistrictions to classes and prestige classes. That is not what I believe Layonara is.  IMO - from an RP point of view ,I just picture a half-giant as a brute and not really of a sword wielding warrior...just swing and smash approach.   That was the inquiry about the Maul..I just thought it fit the Half-Giant race more then a sword would.   In most stories, movies, etc.  The biggest guy on the battlefield is the one who is usually carrying the heaviest and the biggest weapon out there...and that usually means a Maul or a double bladed weapon weilded with one hand (*hence showing the massive strength).

to each his own i guess...  I just think in a RP world, one should create their character based on "how would this character act in a real world Layonara", and not just based on how high one can get thier BAB, Feats, Abilities, Weapons, Armor, etc....maxed out as high as they can.

well just my two cents for whatever its worth....


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2009, 03:39:32 pm »
here's what the half giant body looks like - I believe it switches to a custom head as well, but I don't remember for sure - I keep a hood on mine at all times, and hope people look at the portrait instead. There's also a helmet model that looks rather giantish, that some people use as a head.

You can also see the maul he carries, which I do think is a suiting weapon (and favored by Grannoch). The drawback is that none of the weapon feats (weapon focus, specialization, etc) work with a maul. I can't recall the stats off-hand, but you can always check from a weapon merchant.


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2009, 04:15:27 pm »
thanks ycelption,

didnt realize that the Maul doesnt not work with W focus, specilization...thats a biggie...guess that the Maul is out now, but Ill check the merchant just in case

back to ideas then...thanks for that good info.


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2009, 04:39:07 pm »
The half-giant only has 6 or 7 heads, and they look nothing like the half-orc heads.  Generally, people who have half-giant characters ask a GM to set up their head for them once the character is created and in-game.


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2009, 04:47:03 pm »
cool, 6 or 7 just for Half-Giants..thats plenty.  didnt know about asking a GM to customize it in game either...have to remember that one.

thanks to all for replies


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2009, 04:59:44 pm »
Be careful to get the age right.   All half-races have to be older than a certain age now, because (due to an in game fight between Aeridin and Corath which Aeridin lost) all half-races are now infertile.


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2009, 05:02:01 pm »
Quote from: SteveMaurer
(due to an in game fight between Aeridin and Corath which Aeridin lost)
Actually, one could (and I would) argue that he won ;)


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #9 on: December 15, 2009, 06:54:57 pm »
Quote from: EdTheKet
Actually, one could (and I would) argue that he won ;)

Pacifists don't win battles.  They merely prolong the inevitable. :D

*cheers for Corath*


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #10 on: December 15, 2009, 10:40:43 pm »
I fully understand that no subraces were born after the year of 1421..


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2009, 10:51:19 pm »
No no, not subraces, Half-races.  Half-elf, Half-ogre, half-giant, half-orc, Tiefling, Aasimar...


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2009, 11:37:08 pm »
ok ok sorry..half-races


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2009, 02:44:38 am »
Quote from: lonnarin
Pacifists don't win battles.  They merely prolong the inevitable. :D

*cheers for Corath*

*Recalls the destruction of Corath's avatar at the event in question*


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2009, 03:12:14 am »
Yeah sure but that was like the Model T avatar. Wait til they see the Veyron version Corath has been putting together.


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2009, 03:57:40 pm »
Personally I would go for: Club of Bloodiness //Bludgeoning 1d4, Piercing 1d4, Daze DC16 50%/2 rounds, Usable by Giant, Orc, Half-Orc

High level requirement I reckon, but a good weapon for a mauler!


Re: Half-Giant subrace
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2009, 04:26:40 pm »
hmmm...Club of Bloodiness sounds interesting......

just started the big guy's Bio and will finish it over christmas vacation in Florida sitting poolside at me bro's house...:)

I dont suppose that somewhere in LORE, there is a complete listing of weapons available in game?  showing LR and any bonuses?  prob not as Im sure there are many not even including the crafted weapons from players.

