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Author Topic: Knockdown concerns  (Read 678 times)


Knockdown concerns
« on: April 18, 2009, 04:56:15 pm »
I recently aquired the knockdown feat at my last level up and have some concerns regarding the feat.  I now know(the hard way) that if you click on a  party member using knockdown attack that it will target that party member.


I have heard that even if you click a hotile/NPC with knockdown that after you kill the NPC your character will auto attack allies/party members nearby.  Is this true, and if so does anyone have any suggestions on how to avoid this catastrophe from happening.  I have seen other player characters use this feat effectively around party members with no incidents.

Thanks for any suggestions or help.


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2009, 05:17:03 pm »
got to be careful with the feat but it is very good to have


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2009, 05:24:24 pm »
It just takes practice, as far as I know.  If there are any secrets, I don't know them.  I do have some tips, though.

It is true that an unintended target can be hit by a properly targeted Knockdown, but I've never seen it strike an ally.  What I have seen is an upcoming Knockdown target an enemy running by in an Attack of Opportunity rather than the clicked enemy.

If your enemy is pretty much surrounded by allies, and that enemy isn't very much more powerful than the party, then the chances are good it'll be dead soon enough; there isn't much point in using a targeted feat like Knockdown on it.  You also avoid risking the click on one of those in that big wad of allies.  If you really gotta try the Knockdown (or other targeted feat) for whatever reason, try moving the camera to look straight down.  It might help you get a clean click in.

If your enemy isn't completely surrounded, it may help to move the camera around for a better view.  You should be able to find a clear look at the enemy from some angle.

Depending on the enemy, it may be more useful to use Knockdown early and just whack 'em later.  With that in mind, try spamming a few Knockdowns as you charge and then just let it be if things are going well in the battle.


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2009, 06:16:42 pm »
Just have to be careful using full PvP areas...meaning friendly fire can and does happen.

I have mistakenly targeted another PC and killed her with a Crit Hit Knockdown a long time ago. One of those coincidental enemy dying and the target switching immediately to the PC next to it. Learned real fast how to manuver the camera to get a clear target on enemies... :)


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2009, 06:31:22 pm »
Yep, I am positive you can knock down party members in full PvP areas... One of my characters has improved knockdown and I've misclicked on a party member before.

That being said, you just have to rotate the camera a bit and you can get a better feel for your target.



Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2009, 06:54:56 pm »
Thanks everyone for your replies and help, especially about the camera angles and tips.

SteveJW did you say that you had an experience like I mentioned previously were after you killed an enemy using knockdown that your character automatically targeted a party member without you clicking on the party member?  Thats the one thing that concerns me the most.

Thanks again.


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2009, 06:56:45 pm »
Quote from: SteveJW
I have mistakenly targeted another PC and killed her with a Crit Hit Knockdown a long time ago. One of those coincidental enemy dying and the target switching immediately to the PC next to it.

From the sounds of it, Willhoff, it's more likely Steve was about to click on an enemy, the enemy died, the cursor was now floating over one of his allies, and he didn't notice before he clicked the mouse.


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2009, 07:26:09 pm »
Ok, thanks for the clarification Darkstorme, after re-reading SteveJW's post that makes sense.  A relief for sure because I do like using the feat.  The best way to use the feat safely is seems is to use it as a wizard would use phantasmal killer or some other nasty spell.

Thanks again.


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2009, 07:53:10 pm »
Yes Darkstorme...that is exactly what happened...thanks for the backup.


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2009, 08:34:32 pm »
From experience at knocking down party members on a regular basis and killing a few over the years ...oops did I say that out loud!

You do have to be careful of which targets you click on...also when you click on a target for knockdown it goes into a cue on the top left hand corner of your screen. Often during combat there is a series of actions that must take place before your knockdown occurs. If that target gets killd in that series of actions before its reached knockdown in the cue if you have cleave or great cleave it will use that knockdown on the next available target. Normally its an enemy target but if there are no enemies available it can sometimes target an ally.

So yes one must be very careful with knockdown. I once kncked down a character who shall remain nameless with my warrior Sasha and did over 137hps of damage in two hits rendering them to -7 before I realise and pulled her off. Scary at the time, hilariously funny with the RP after such an event!!!


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2009, 11:57:35 pm »
Thanks Dezza, a very concise and detailed explanation which I have come to expect from you.  Ok, so it is possible for a knockdown to auto attack a pc if the enemy you clicked knockdown on gets killed before your knockdown plays out in the cue (and no other enemies around to cleave on). Good to know for large groups.

And at the expense of missing out on some great rp I will be very careful with this new feat.

Oh, by the way, you did a fantastic job GMing the Deliar Chalice quest I was on the other night.  I'll mark my calender for your future quests.


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2009, 01:09:08 am »
Quote from: Dezza
From experience at knocking down party members on a regular basis and killing a few over the years ...oops did I say that out loud!

You do have to be careful of which targets you click on...also when you click on a target for knockdown it goes into a cue on the top left hand corner of your screen. Often during combat there is a series of actions that must take place before your knockdown occurs. If that target gets killd in that series of actions before its reached knockdown in the cue if you have cleave or great cleave it will use that knockdown on the next available target. Normally its an enemy target but if there are no enemies available it can sometimes target an ally.

So yes one must be very careful with knockdown. I once kncked down a character who shall remain nameless with my warrior Sasha and did over 137hps of damage in two hits rendering them to -7 before I realise and pulled her off. Scary at the time, hilariously funny with the RP after such an event!!!

Hmm why do I have a feeling the rp actually went to. I hit you because of what you did with that **blanks the woman name** the other night.. ooh don't play coy I know you did.


Lance Stargazer

Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2009, 01:28:01 am »
Yet accidents can happen .,.. especially to those prunilites *grins *

*Runs and hides *


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2009, 01:57:27 am »
Quote from: Lance Stargazer
Yet accidents can happen .,.. especially to those prunilites *grins *

*Runs and hides *

Yes yes I remember what aesthir... or was it lance, did to Eslar's wife *eyes squints* binding his time.. binding his time *laughs maniacally as he walks home, but half way there and when no one is looking he coughs like an old man out of shape.*


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2009, 02:27:39 am »
Earlier today Czukay hit Cass so hard with a knockdown that he lost another Soul Strand, hahah!


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2009, 03:20:43 am »
Quote from: willhoff

Oh, by the way, you did a fantastic job GMing the Deliar Chalice quest I was on the other night.  I'll mark my calender for your future quests.

Deliar Chalice? NOOOO!!!! I missed it!!! *grumbles*


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2009, 03:47:52 am »
Quote from: Link092
Deliar Chalice? NOOOO!!!! I missed it!!! *grumbles*

Yes it was a good one!  I was very happy to come along for that gnoll's stream of uncanny insults!


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2009, 04:26:52 am »
Yeah he had a good mouth on em' but bad taste.  He turned down some of Earl's bestest brew.


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #18 on: April 19, 2009, 05:11:14 am »
stay away from sasha, one of her knockdowns could keep you down permantly... :)


Re: Knockdown concerns
« Reply #19 on: April 19, 2009, 06:19:02 am »
Quote from: willhoff
The best way to use the feat safely is seems is to use it as a wizard would use phantasmal killer or some other nasty spell.

Thanks again.

I think you have it. Once, at the start of a battle before your allies run in and confuse matters is the safest path. Take it from me, he whom has had more characters knocked down and killed by errant epic weapon master blows than anyone else.

:mad:   <-- *directed towards Dezza*

