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Author Topic: Top of the Pops  (Read 639 times)


Top of the Pops
« on: September 01, 2011, 11:06:13 am »
Please forgive me if I missed a post but can some one explain to me how Leisa Magreve accumulated over half a millon points in poison crafting? (On the back of a ciggarette packet I worked out ot would take over 50 years(and not Layo ones!)  on average!)I ask this because my character Droog worked very hard i.e. hundreds of hours to try to be the best food crafter so i could call myself The Pie Miester...I call myself this even though Tegan is above me in points(but is the same level and indeed achieved 22nd level (just) before me. If my particular field had been poison making......sheesh well whats the point in striving to be number one. So anyways Id love to know how this was done


Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2011, 11:43:19 am »
Leisa is considered Layonara's premiere poison specialist as per the results of her WLDQ (World Leader Development Quest). As part of this accomplishment, she leaped to the top of the poison crafting charts, both because of the work she put in as an assassin with poison use, but also as a means of demonstrating her superior proficiency with the use and designs of poisons.

EDIT: Moved to a more appropriate forum.


Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2011, 11:48:57 am »
I do not have a problem with "Leaping to the top"  because of some deed or as a result of a quest but it appears to me that no one can ever catch her up...Is this fair? If it is then I say why bother with publishing the charts at all.

Guardian 452

Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2011, 11:52:34 am »
Of couse someone can catch anyone else. You just were told how they got there. If someone else wants to become the best of the best.... they just need to put their minds to it (and it sounds like have a WLDQ) lol. Of course a paladin isnt going to become top poison maker. It sounds like this character fit the mold so to speak.

So there ya go.


Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2011, 12:02:14 pm »
My  point is that you can now no longer catch up by crafting (quite an important part of the game You will agree) Im sorry but I dont understand the Paladin reference.

Jilseponie Wyndon

Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2011, 12:14:58 pm »
They are saying, if you want to rise above her level, you also would have to apply for a WLDQ. (World Leader Development Quest).  

He was just making a Paladin-Pun.  Odd humor ... yes ... Hmmmm


Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2011, 12:24:14 pm »
Using poison is considered an "evil" action, dishonorable, and so a paladin could never become the best poison user due to alignment conflict.

No, you can't catch up to Leisa by crafting, and that was in fact the point. She's the best of the best. You cannot become the best of the best through the crafting mechanic alone. Put another way, a PC that has achieved the highest crafting level available (25th) is not by default the best character in the world at that craft. He/She may even be a level higher than any other PC at that particular craft, but PCs make up a very small population of the world. The best of the best in most crafts are in fact NPCs, and you'll never catch up to them simply by crafting. You can only become the best of the best through story, through quest, and through RPed character development.

"Why even bother rising through the crafting ranks, then?" Because if you do have a goal of becoming the best in a certain craft, you still have to practice that craft. You can't jump from 1st level enchanter to the greatest enchanter in the world.


Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2011, 12:51:44 pm »
I still dont understand the Paladin reference to me in particular as Droog is a barbarian. That aside forgive me but the only reference I have is the published charts.May I state that I do not wish to catch up Leisa....all I am saying is that whats the point of the charts if NPCs do not appear and Player Characters can be promoted to the top.

Script Wrecked

Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2011, 01:21:25 pm »
I suggest that it would take a CDQ to gain a title with any merit; self titling doesn't have much credibility.


Script Wrecked.


Re: Top of the Pops. ooh another ten penneth
« Reply #9 on: September 01, 2011, 01:39:25 pm »
Part 365 in Zoogs logic worth just the ten old pennies.......

One would suggest that if poisoning is an evil act that those who strive to better the best just kill her by other means. She cant be top of the pile if she's dead!

Smallprint.  Zoogs characters, zoogs characters to come, people who know Zoogs characters and people who have met Zoogs characters cannot be implicatated in any way, shape or form in the above statement and it should not be considered an incitement to riot or commit any harm to any character now living.....................just an observation..................bwahahaha

Zoogmuch. The sage of Yorkshire. Now to find onions.


Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #10 on: September 01, 2011, 01:59:55 pm »
Quote from: Nom
all I am saying is that whats the point of the charts if NPCs do not appear and Player Characters can be promoted to the top.

Let me try and explain better.

As part of her WLDQ reward, which as milty stated involved her RPly becoming among the best, if not the best, poison crafter on Layonara.  We gave this a mechanical representation in the form of putting her at the top of the crafting list and making sure she stays there.  Granted, if someone else did a WLDQ along similar lines, then there might be two people at the top and there'd be a contest between them.  That aside, Leisa's place on the charts is a visible and mechanical recognition of her hard-earned RP status.

I want to make a distinction between someone who is capable in a craft and someone who is capable in the science of that craft.  I could draw an analogy between someone who is very good at assembling watches from a collection of parts.  Over time, one's muscles, vision and manual dexterity all work together in a way that is just as precise as the watches the person is making. However, just because that person can assemble a watch doesn't mean they'll be any good at designing a watch.

Apply this to crafting, and you have a situation where mechanical levels indicate a degree of practice and skill, but not necessarily innovation.   Leisa's promotion to the top of the rankings represents both in as visible of a way as possible.  There's a new poison recipe (with its own custom effect) in-game due to Leisa.  Who else can claim that?

I am in no way saying that anyone else who crafts is just going through the motions, but mechanical level does not necessarily equate to any degree of actual mastery.

So why have the list if NPCs aren't on it and PCs can get promoted?  Simply put: competition between players.  Those lists are not meant to be a world-wide ranking of all crafters of any sort throughout Layonara. If it were, given the vast difference in the size of the non-adventuring population to the adventuring population, PCs would hardly show up on the list at all; it would be mostly filled with NPCs who do little else but study their craft...not practice their craft but really study it and become true experts.

So it's simply a competition for players...something for you to see how well you're doing against others.  You could also use it as a way to find a PC mentor for RP purposes.  

Leisa is the first time this has been done....ever. It is the first time it has been appropriate to do so. It should not be seen as something we just do on a whim or with any frequency.

Dorax Windsmith

Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #11 on: September 01, 2011, 02:14:36 pm »
Good explanation Dorg, I was thinking this is similar to when Brac'ar and Alantha developed new spells that were added to the game.


Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #12 on: September 01, 2011, 02:16:06 pm »
Quote from: Dorax Windsmith
Good explanation Dorg, I was thinking this is similar to when Brac'ar and Alantha developed new spells that were added to the game.

It is actually very similar to that, yes.


Re: Top of the Pops
« Reply #13 on: September 01, 2011, 02:50:40 pm »
So why have the list if NPCs aren't on it and PCs can't get promoted? Simply put: competition between players. Those lists are not meant to be a world-wide ranking of all crafters of any sort throughout Layonara. If it were, given the vast difference in the size of the non-adventuring population to the adventuring population, PCs would hardly show up on the list at all; it would be mostly filled with NPCs who do little else but study their craft...not practice their craft but really study it and become true experts.

So it's simply a competition for players...something for you to see how well you're doing against others. You could also use it as a way to find a PC mentor for RP purposes.

That was pretty much my next post, but Dorg beat me to it.

