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Author Topic: Elven druids and their bows.  (Read 191 times)


Elven druids and their bows.
« on: February 21, 2010, 12:18:13 pm »
Are they allowed to have cams and mighty parts added to them?


Re: Elven druids and their bows.
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2010, 01:17:56 pm »

From [lore]Druid Information[/lore]

Druids may use any ranged weapon that is not refined or that does not use objects that may harm the connection with nature. Such objects may include pulleys, or metal. Acceptable ranged weapons at this time are slings, shortbows, or longbows. Crossbows and their like are not accepted as they harm the connection with nature. Compound longbows are not allowed either due to their refinement process.

(emphasis added)

Edi: actually, upon reading this I'm almost positive that's supposed to say "may not" use pulleys or metals, and I feel like there was a discussion of this before... let me try and dig it up. Another edit: on a third reading,I think the intent is that "such objects" refers to those that harm nature... still trying to find the thread I'm thinking of...


Re: Elven druids and their bows.
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2010, 01:21:53 pm »
Okay that's for the compound. What about the mighty's? Same thing?

Guardian 452

Re: Elven druids and their bows.
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2010, 02:23:46 pm »
The mighty parts are made of metal and power essences... id think its in the the same boat as the cams. Agood question to have cleared up though! :)


Re: Elven druids and their bows.
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2010, 02:32:38 pm »
Yep, a good question. But to my understanding, Guardian is indeed correct--it isn't that the bow is compound, necessarily, but the process of refinement and extra materials required to make it so. Natural or rustic longbows or shortbows made out of worked wood and a bowstring are acceptable, but refining the weapon with a good deal of worked metal and less "natural" parts makes it unacceptable for druids.

Thanks for the question!


Re: Elven druids and their bows.
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2010, 03:11:35 pm »
Well that's what ruffles my feathers a bit. Since metal is a natural product and every thing that is needed to do the mighty parts are natural products to. No magic involved what so ever. I can understand the working of the metal into something else though. But then again they do use a scimitar which needs to be smelted and worked into a weapon.

But eh, don't have a druid myself but I wanted to know for reference if druids came to Feh for bows and arrows.


Re: Elven druids and their bows.
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2010, 03:27:21 pm »
The use of the scimitar, made of metal, is an allowance for druids to help them in combat only, as far as I know.

I use a scimitar, but never refer to it as metal as part of my rp, based on the above.


Re: Elven druids and their bows.
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2010, 07:59:22 pm »
Quote from: Hellblazer
Well that's what ruffles my feathers a bit. Since metal is a natural product and every thing that is needed to do the mighty parts are natural products to. No magic involved what so ever. I can understand the working of the metal into something else though. But then again they do use a scimitar which needs to be smelted and worked into a weapon.

But eh, don't have a druid myself but I wanted to know for reference if druids came to Feh for bows and arrows.

Metal ores are natural. Refined (smelted) metal is not.

Regarding scimitars, they are a ritual "weapon" that can also be used for combat, though was primarily intended for other purposes (such as harvesting their spell components).  Druids are allowed daggers and sickles too (traditionally used for similar purposes), but let's also keep in mind the limits of our game platform before picking apart the mechanical and RP restrictions on druids.

A druid's scimitar could be made instead from Ironwood (or something similar) rather than metal, but as we don't have anything like that, they are metal mechanically.  Even if we had something like Ironwood, we couldn't keep a druid from equipping a metal scimitar.  

Similarly, a druid's dagger could be made from ironwood, stone or even bone, but again...we have limitations. Something similar can be said for sickles.

Scimitars, daggers and sickles, while traditionally metal, have been a part of the Druid class since 1st Edition.  One should not then extend the fact that these things are typically (or are) metal to justifying the use of metal in other forms by druids.


Re: Elven druids and their bows.
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2010, 02:51:41 am »
Quote from: Xaltotun
The use of the scimitar, made of metal, is an allowance for druids to help them in combat only, as far as I know.

Correct! A metal scimitar is just as much a forged weapon as a metal longsword is. But it's allowed because of the whole D&D background.

