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Author Topic: RE: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin  (Read 348 times)


RE: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« on: September 09, 2008, 11:17:21 pm »
hello all

i'm new to your world (still awaiting character approval), but i've a query for anyone who's interested...

i'm trying to locate the city of Huangin, of which it is said

On the Northern coast of Tilmar lays the wealthy city of Huangjin.

and yet, the maps (i know i'll draw the Ire of the Cartographer's Guild!) i have been able to locate indicate an island of "Talimar" but no "Tilmar"

nor, on the island map of "Talimar" can i find evidence of the fabled trading city of Huangjin - tho i do see Trax, Rodez and "Terror Village" (sounds like a cheerful place!)

perhaps someone can direct me to the proper map?

a thousand thanks beforehand!




Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2008, 12:04:51 am »
There's been some lore changes since that map's creation (obviously). Apparently that map needs updating. I'll let the loremaster (EdtheKet) weigh in here, but I'm kind of thinking Huangjin is where Rodez used to be. Also, "Roldem" isn't the one kingdom for all three islands anymore.

The full sized Layonara map has the correct island names and shows the kingdoms on the isles, though not the cities.


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2008, 02:40:40 am »
To further clarify - Roldem is no more.  It has been broken up into several smaller kingdoms.

Huangjin is on the northernmsot tip of Tilmar (Talimar, with a retconned name).  You can find Tilmar on this map, as well as Huangjin, and the other kingdoms that were once Roldem.


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2008, 03:24:59 am »
Correct Rodez is now Huangjin (and in fact has always been Huangjin) due to retconning.

That map shouldn't be there anymore! :)


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2008, 12:33:05 pm »

is there anything written up about the culture and people of what once was the roldemian kingdom?

(just curious - 'cause i'd created a character from that area, but am somewhat in the dark about the actual details....)


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2008, 12:49:20 pm »
Two things. One, a question for those even more Loreiffic than I. I've heard the term Rohden floating around as the name for Roldem... Was I mistaken?

Two, an answer for Oldskooler: To overgeneralize, think far east.


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2008, 01:00:30 pm »
Quote from: darkstorme
To further clarify - Roldem is no more.  It has been broken up into several smaller kingdoms.

...kingdoms that were once Roldem.

Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
Two things. One, a question for those even more Loreiffic than I. I've heard the term Rohden floating around as the name for Roldem... Was I mistaken?

Nope.  No mistake.

To clarify even more, there was also never any Kingdom of Roldem, as it was retconned into the Rohden Alliance.  

This one is often missed, though, because the name changes happened between when the Alliance (or, in old terms, Kingdom) was destroyed and when the separate kingdoms as they exist now rebuilt and recovered from the occupation; it stopped existing before the name was changed.  So this one falls through the cracks a lot.


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2008, 01:50:39 pm »
are there three kingdoms in place of roldem/rohdem now, then?

(thanks for your answers, btw)

also, i wonder if the three islands each have a different culture - perhaps one is more akin to chinese culture and the other approximates that of japan? just trying to suss out some more info so's i can get a feel for the lands that my character comes from (if/when he's approved)


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2008, 03:15:33 pm »
Huangjin would be a good read.


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2008, 06:28:32 pm »
Quote from: oldskooler
are there three kingdoms in place of roldem/rohdem now, then?

There are five kingdoms on the three islands.  On Corsain, Dragonsong Dominion and Driran Kingdom.  On Tilmar, Telish Throne and Bilkan Kingdom.  On Alibor, Zuan Kingdom.  Corsain is possibly the most orderly and civilized of the three overall, but not by some great degree over Tilmar.  What I know about Alibor is basically what I've seen in-game, which is that it is a dangerous mess of marshy, jungley, rivery terrain.


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2008, 07:09:04 pm »
thanks for the links and the infos. i couldn't really read the names on the color map of old eyes i guess...

so would i be correct to assume that the city of Huangjin is (circa 1422) a part of an empire whose culture approximates japan?

is there in the area an island or kingdom that's more culturally akin to chinese than japanese?

just curious....i'm still thinking about "fleshing out" a first time character, and wasnt able to find all that info

also, is the dragonsong dominion a good-alligned or evil alligned Power?



Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2008, 02:18:25 am »
It may help you feel less lost, or at least less alone, to know that almost no one else knows exactly what the cultural influences are, either.  The new information (if it has all been written) hasn't been released to the public (in the form of the new handbook), and there is no indication of when it may be released.  The general "it's based somehow on Japanese culture" is pretty much all of what is out.  So, it would be safe to assume that there are Japanese influences on Huangjin, yes.  That also goes for pretty much anywhere else on the islands.

If it helps any, I've sprinkled a few traditional sayings I know to be Chinese into my RP and noted in-character that they were Rohdenese in origin.  That's pretty mild, though, and not like claiming whole cities or kingdoms follow some tradition or whatever.  *shrug*  

If I remember right, the general alignment of each kingdom's top-level governments are LN for the Dragonsong Dominion, NG for the Driran Kingdom, CN for the Telish Throne, and NG for the Bilkan Kingdom.  That doesn't mean there aren't local town governments that differ or that groups of any given alignment can't be found within any of them, though.  

Specifically to your question, the Dragonsong Dominion puts a lot of emphasis on honor and order and such, so Rofirein has a strong following there, including among the leaders, who are expected to set the example.  If you check out the first paragraph on the Rofirein LORE page, you can see that any Evil tendencies in the LN would be more like lawyer evil than baby-killing evil.  In addition to the last line - "Aid others whenever and wherever possible, as long as it is in accordance with the law and does not make way for acts of evil" - there is a line currently missing that reads "The common people are the strongest force in bringing order and prosperity to all; we must protect them."  So despite the N in the LN alignment for the top-level government, you can see how there's quite a lot of what would be considered "good" in the philosophy.  The government is more about maintaining a standard and order (without being oppressive, which is bad for prosperity) than actively "doing good" for the citizens, whatever that means, thus the LN alignment.

Try to remember I don't have the final word on any of this, and I'm only offering the little I know and a couple of educated guesses to try to help you out.  I could be mistaken on some of it.


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2008, 10:17:08 am »
many tthanks!!


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2008, 11:31:50 am »
With the old Alliance, there was also a strong military and navy.  Many of these people have seamanship in their blood.  
 We have a society of fishermen, sailors, shipbuilding and all the trades associated with that as well.  Lots of fodder to drawn upon without getting into the nitty gritty of societal norms.
 PS.. Likely a fair bit of both pirating and privateering as well  ;)


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2008, 12:46:29 pm »

now i've got something to work with....didja know (btw) that one of the biggest pirate fleets in the history of man was assembled around (my memory fails me at the moment, but i awas always fascinated by this) the 18th century or so in china - there was this huge pirate army fleet of like, 100,000 pirates led by a woman who had been at first the wife of a pirate chief but who later gained control of the entire fleet when the old man died or was killed

anyway....'s an interesting bit of historical flotsam...

thanks again for all the info!



Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2008, 12:51:35 pm »
this is all great! i have gotten some really cool prologue ideas for character development just from the info you've all been so kind as to provide!

i think i've gotta go re-do my character profile/bio now, and hope that i can get it approved with alacrity


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2008, 01:01:08 pm »

one thing i notice....i was reading the bio of the dragon god Rofirein and it lists at the end, in the 'gods relationship' area that the god of trade Deliar (CG) is "unfriendly" - or at least the two clergy/churches are - i wonder what basis this animosity between the deities/churches has?

seems that their portfolios don't necessarily conflict (tho they're both listed as "protectors" of a sort (one is more mercantile the other martial)

i wonder if this is a cultural thing? old gods and new gods?

the reason i ask is that the character i had envisaged was a lay-member of the delian church due to the mercantile history of the family, it just seemed logical that a chaotic good 3rd son of a petty merchant would be raised in the church of a (CG) merchant god.....and well, if there's some sort of cultural warfare reason, then i could maybe incorporate that into the background of the character.

any thoughts and opinions are appreciated


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2008, 01:03:27 pm »

you can see that any Evil tendencies in the LN would be more like lawyer evil than baby-killing evil.

makes me kinda think of bureaucratic evil - bad tempered functionaries at the DMV perhaps....heh


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2008, 01:08:20 pm »
The likes/dislikes of the gods are a bit topsy-turvy; it's not the Rofirein hates trade, but more that the Dragon God probably finds Deliar, that smug, always-lucky little halfling, irritating and, well, unpredictable.

Then again, it's not for us mortals to know. ;)


Re: Roldemian Kingdom Isles - Huangjin
« Reply #19 on: September 11, 2008, 01:22:31 pm »
Quote from: Stephen_Zuckerman
The likes/dislikes of the gods are a bit topsy-turvy; it's not the Rofirein hates trade, but more that the Dragon God probably finds Deliar, that smug, always-lucky little halfling, irritating and, well, unpredictable.

Then again, it's not for us mortals to know. ;)

i see!

it's like my old schoolmaster said - "never meddle in the affairs of the Gods - it makes them soggy and hard to light."
