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Author Topic: Acrobatic Attack  (Read 291 times)


Acrobatic Attack
« on: November 09, 2007, 01:53:09 pm »
Right... So, there are numerous possible problems with this Duelist-specific feat, and we've come to the conclusion on IRC that the questions can't be answered there, as noone really knows whether it's working as intended or not.

Why? Because we don't know what was actually intended!

LORE: Acrobatic Attack

Is this LORE entry what was actually intended for the feat? If so, was it intended to lower DEX to 3 during the performance of Acrobatic Attack?


What all, exactly, was this feat intended to do?


Re: Acrobatic Attack
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2007, 05:48:56 pm »
Er.... Bump?


Re: Acrobatic Attack
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2007, 06:47:49 pm »
I'd ask Angela Swan.  I don't know of any other duelists high enough level to answer this.


Re: Acrobatic Attack
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2007, 07:43:47 pm »
The thing is, he's mostly asking for some ancient DM/Scripter/Ghost about the original intentions of that ability when it was first coded. He and Angela know what it does, mechanically - he simply wants to know if that was the intent, or if it is in fact a difficult/impossible-to-fix bug like it appears to be.

DMs and players both could go on about what they feel the ability should do or whether it works fine the way it is or not, but I'm not sure there are that many who could peek into the 'original intentions' area ;) Since it was Dorg being talked to on IRC, I'm not really sure who else on the forums is going to be able to check with any ease.


Re: Acrobatic Attack
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2007, 12:56:40 pm »
Bump. It's been a while, and this is still something of a pressing concern for me as a player, if, admittedly, not much for anyone else.

Edit: I also propose for Acrobatic Attack to simply give KD. As a Trip attack, it seems pretty nifty. Just... Special Ability: Acrobatic Attack (Character receives Knockdown as a bonus feat.)


Re: Acrobatic Attack
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2007, 08:36:01 pm »
Tell you what I'll check if acrobatic attack is also broken in the PrC.  If it is not broken, I'll have a look at what is needed to fix the layonara version.   The PrC version is fairly different to Layo, so I'm not sure if it will be applicable.


Re: Acrobatic Attack
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2007, 10:31:59 pm »
According to the PrC's site, their Acrobatic Attack involves a Jump check... And Layo's NWN doesn't incorporate Jump. Tumble might work, but then, virtually all dex-based characters max out Tumble.

According to the PrC, it's a Jump check, and success gives a +X to attack rolls for the next round.

Then again, their Duelist is more to the PnP flavor of the swashbuckler who jumps around in a tavern and aboard ship.


Re: Acrobatic Attack
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2007, 10:54:15 pm »
One possibility would be to give duelists JUMP / TAKE-TO-THE-AIR like the cloak of the watchers has and remove the Acrobatic Attack.  This would be a cool non-combat ability adding more flair to the class.


Re: Acrobatic Attack
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2007, 11:01:51 pm »
Well, Take To The Air can be extremely easily abused... And heck, it's not even abuse in some cases; how is a goblin going to climb a cliff that even an experienced Duelist has trouble scaling? Then it's just Out Comes The Bow and bam. Dead stuff.

Honestly, from what I've been told about the code, the only real "solution" is to rebuild it from the ground up, if they want it to do what it says it does. The debugging, (just based on what I'm told, now; total hearsay) would be too much trouble to go through.

Though I don't have the first idea how much trouble rebuilding it would be.

