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Author Topic: Divine Relation:  (Read 121 times)

Krell Himmler

Divine Relation:
« on: January 06, 2008, 10:03:47 am »
How should divine relation work?

I've had people cast it on me and refuse to travel with me for example, is this correct?


Re: Divine Relation:
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2008, 10:10:18 am »
For one thing, it isn't "cast" on you, it simply just happens and you have no way of telling what happens but the cleric in question is able to determine that you are of a diety that his or her diety likes/does like. There is no magical indication or anyway you can detect this IG so your character would be oblivius to what happened really.
As for the refusal to travel with you part, it depends on the cleric in question and the circumstances. People can't refuse to travel with you because they somehow see you follow X, however they can refuse to travel with you because you follow an enemy of their diety and therefore they do not like you for that. It might seem rather harsh but the clerics are extremely devout and wont just help people who are following enemies of their faith, for clarification on that.


Re: Divine Relation:
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2008, 10:39:55 am »
Pibemanden is essentially correct.  Due to mechanics, it looks like a spell is being cast upon a person.  However, in execution, it is simply no more than a cleric silently asking his/her deity about another character and getting back one of five possible responses:  Allied, Friendly, Neutral, Unfriendly and Enemy.

If the "target" character does not have a deity, the response always comes back as Neutral.

Also, it is very correct for a cleric to use this to determine whether or not he/she should travel with or openly aid another character. We take the relationships between deities very seriously here, and so do the deities themselves.  Clerics, Paladins and Champions need to be very aware of who they aid.  Their deities do not long tolerate the use of their blessings upon those who follow their enemies.  

We have, in the past including two incidents pretty recently, taken powers away from divinely-empowered characters for a practice of aiding followers of enemy and unfriendly deities.  

One last thing:  It's very important for everyone to remember that when a divinely-empowered character refuses to travel with or aid someone on the basis of deity, this is an IC response, not an OOC one.  Keep in mind that it is the character properly portraying deity relationships, and it should not be taken personally in an OOC sense as the player refusing to help another player.

