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Author Topic: Wemic armor and weapons  (Read 391 times)


Wemic armor and weapons
« on: April 18, 2012, 08:06:36 am »
A little something I've been wandering about. Wemics may not have access to metal armor or weapon on Veapra but after being brought to the mainlands and possibly finding there wood and stone weapons well... breaking or becoming rather ineffective against there armored opponents. (Ex: Wood spear vs metal plate. Which would break first?)

Could they later (post creation in-game) opt to use metal?

Being mostly a chaotic race that gets me thinking that some or even most may tend to break away from traditions as going entirely by tradition is like being orderly and expected were as chaotic is to do things unexpected, right?

Additionally, and I'm assuming this is mostly to do with them not using metal armor or weapons on Veapra that they would have no knowledge of heavy armor, but would learning to use and equipped say... banded or plate armor cause any skin problems or just cover the human torso like leather does?


Re: Wemic armor and weapons
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2012, 09:25:42 am »
From an IC perspective, it is less a matter of what is expected (i.e. tradition) and more a matter of a mindset common to the Wemic race...though in truth the two are interlinked. It's not a matter of it being unknown to them. They actually do know of it, but they choose not to wear heavy armor.

(from LORE)The Lion People look down on wearing armor and will never wear metal  armor. After all, the prey they hunt does not wear armor either. Their  abstinence from metal armor is also a matter of practicality, as it  would seriously hamper their movement and battle prowess.

Wemics are hunters, by genetics and culture. Metal armor is neither efficient nor practical for hunting, in their minds. It's loud, it smells funny and it hinders efficient movement due to its weight and bulk...and it's not fair to their prey.


Re: Wemic armor and weapons
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2012, 06:53:58 pm »
then what about weapons? could a wemic learn in game how to use metal weapons like a sword or an ax?


Re: Wemic armor and weapons
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2012, 11:04:41 pm »
Quote from: drakogear
then what about weapons? could a wemic learn in game how to use metal weapons like a sword or an ax?

From the same LORE page:
Wemics are always seen carrying a few spears and a short bow. These are  the weapons of the hunt, and these are the only weapons, with the  exception of their claws, that are used in killing prey.

I think the question is less what a Wemic could learn to use and more what he would learn to use.  It depends on a lot of factors, clearly.

Keep in mind also that a Wemic is considered a large creature, which affects what it can and cannot equip.

I understand the idea behind a mold-breaking, rebellious Wemic as a concept, but the impression I'm getting is that you're trying to play a brute-force, armored Fighter who just happens to be a Wemic rather than a Wemic who tries to figure out the world outside of the Sea of Grass.


Re: Wemic armor and weapons
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2012, 11:21:02 pm »
well, perhaps. Though was mostly just wandering what weapons and armor would be acceptable for wemics.


Re: Wemic armor and weapons
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2012, 11:37:08 pm »
Quote from: drakogear
well, perhaps. Though was mostly just wandering what weapons and armor would be acceptable for wemics.

If you're wondering for the sake of a submission, then it is my opinion that it would be very difficult to justify a Wemic starting with anything different than what is described on the LORE page.  I will not comment on what may or may not be possible over time.  Any questions on what would be acceptable for a Wemic character submission are the domain of our Character Approvers.


Re: Wemic armor and weapons
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2012, 11:41:35 pm »
ah, well ok. Thanks.

