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Author Topic: Somethings is up with invis  (Read 774 times)


Somethings is up with invis
« on: November 21, 2006, 04:24:22 pm »
my last 3 times i have died before the last one was while being invised, once was after i clicked on a transtion, about 5 feet from the transition, to go out of the place haven left my dire wolf to protect my escape, they got me while i was steping on it by an arrow.  But now it only tells me that there is someting wrong.
  I decided to go berzerk on the giant at Dalos lake. Threw him a fireball, shot him, run, shot him and ran again but then he got to close to me so i decided to go invis.  He hit me once just after casting so that was expected. But then he starts persuing me around the lake, hitting me.  all of that while I was invis. He even changed direction twice to cut my path by going around the other way of the lake.  
  the second pic I took while i was able to run away under haste you can see that he hit me multiple times while being invis.  There is a concelement of 50% that is there on some hits, but that would imply that i had gholsty visage that gives a 50% concelment but I didnt I had invis. And i know that this Giant does not have see invisibility.  So something is wrong there.


RE: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2006, 05:02:36 pm »
There are well-known issues with Invisibility, and yes, they do exhibit exactly how you describe. However, there is nothing that can be done about this by anyone except Bioware...short of removing Invisibility completely.


RE: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2006, 05:59:54 pm »
Nope, it doesn't. It's beyond our control and fairly well-known. Same deal with G. Sanc bugs. Use them at your own risk.


RE: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2006, 06:02:56 pm »
sorry decided to pm you instead to not start a polymic.


Re: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2006, 11:50:15 pm »
Please note that not even Soul Strands are refundable due to these bugs.

Actually, you are quite lucky to have invisibility. G-sanc tends to have a much higher failure rate. :P


Re: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2006, 02:53:38 am »
@hellblazer, Please do not PM us with this sort of bug (replying to your 'pm you post above'), we have enough to deal with than to handle a PM about a bug that you have reported and that we can do nothing to fix. There is nothing we can do about it as Dorganath stated twice. Keep the replies in the community so that they know about the bug. Thank you.


Re: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2006, 01:27:57 pm »
A general trend I have noticed with the invisibility bug is that creatures who have sneak attack are almost never deterred by invisibility ONCE THEY HAVE TARGETED YOU.  When I move around under invisibility without fighting, it almost never gives me any problems.  The 50% concealment is the same thing you see when you target an invisible creature.

Sometimes breaking the sight line will break off the attacks.  My personal policy is "don't count on invisibility to get you out of a fight that goes badly."  It's great when it works, but you just have to accept that it often won't.



Re: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #7 on: November 23, 2006, 03:17:48 pm »
I think the reason that invisibility functions in this way may have been intentional - I'm not CERTAIN, but I think an attacking creature gets a bonus to spot/hear invisible creatures with the new (1.63) Bioware AI.  Ergo, there's still the 50% miss from not being able to see you, but that doesn't mean you're imperceptible.


Re: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2006, 11:57:20 pm »
Yes, I have heard about that too. But, the DC to beat is like 60-ish, which most probably wouldn't be possible for the giants to do (remember! 20 doesn't mean auto-success on skills!). :)


Re: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2006, 10:58:48 am »


Re: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #10 on: November 25, 2006, 03:06:52 pm »
Leanthar - 11/23/2006  5:53 AM  @hellblazer, Please do not PM us with this sort of bug (replying to your 'pm you post above'), we have enough to deal with than to handle a PM about a bug that you have reported and that we can do nothing to fix. There is nothing we can do about it as Dorganath stated twice. Keep the replies in the community so that they know about the bug. Thank you.
 actualy L i did not pm the bug, but a question i had regarding the answer that was given to me by dorganath. I had posted my question but revised myslef, so that question wouldnt start a myriade of questions and possible flames since it was regarding refunds. In the mean time while i was pming him Dorg was actualy answering it in this thread. If you are refering to the other pm that was because i didnt noticed that the post had been moved and couldnt find it. I had initialy pm Dorg when i couldnt find my post since he is one of the only two person affected to monitor the thread where i had posted it.
Crunch - 11/23/2006  4:27 PMSometimes breaking the sight line will break off the attacks.  
 Well he went all the way around the lake to reach me while i was running in the oposite direction, i think that breaks the line of sight realy.
  osX: the only reason why they got rembursed is because there was a dm present with them when it happened.


RE: Somethings is up with invis
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2006, 05:04:27 pm »
OK, let's not turn this thread into a nit-picking of reimbursement policy.
  @osXmallard, as Hellblazer pointed out, those incidents were witnessed and approved by GMs, which is within the bounds of our policies. In fact, anything can be reimbursed if a GM witnesses and approves it. The original question regarding reimbursement was a general question and Weeblie's response was absolutely correct in a general sense. We do not accept "invisibility bug" on its own as a valid reason for reimbursement of anything, whether it's GPs, XPs or Soul Strands. The same holds true for any Bioware bug, for these are things over which we have no control. And because we have no control over them, reimbursement of losses due to such bugs is restricted to GM-witnessed (and possibly WL-witnessed) events only. To open things up to such bugs would invite abuse on a grand scale, and no one would ever have to fear Soul Strand loss again.
  To reiterate/clarify a couple points mentioned earlier...
  * this bug seems to occur after being targeted by NPCs using ranged weapons and/or who possess the sneak attack ability.  * line-of-sight does not mean visible distance but rather the presence of a significant physical tileset barrier between the attacker and the attacked. Placeables do not produce an effective barrier. Anything less than full-height terrain features of the tileset (buildings, "trees" tiles, hills, ledges, etc) will not produce an effective barrier. Distance over open terrain will not produce a proper barrier. * Invisibility is not guaranteed to be an effective means of escaping combat. Don't rely on it bailing you out. * Random loss of Soul Strands, XP, GP, items or pride due to this and other Bioware bugs will not be reimbursed except when witnessed and approved by a GM or WL. Note that WL witnessing is not by itself enough for an approval, but it may be the only chance one has in the absence of a GM witness.
  I hope that's clear.