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Author Topic: No-go areas in 124 Leringard  (Read 764 times)


No-go areas in 124 Leringard
« on: June 03, 2017, 05:44:48 pm »
Bug ReportDescription: While decorating the house and starting to place furniture around the house I noticed that parts of the room are not usable/walkable. These occur in all similar rooms as displayed in the screenshots, so in 4 rooms (first three rooms on the left, first room on the right while entering). The non-usable areas occur in the same place in all 4 rooms. I tried marking the areas green in the screenshots. The first issue appears close to the door on the left hand side or the room and is shaped more or less like a rectangular. The other issue is located at the end of the room (please not the odd break in the wall and on the floor, as if a different tile was used).I don't know if 124 Leringard is the only house with these issues.Also, as pictured in the screenshots I am currently using an override for the interior design. This error also occurs while using a vanilla version.Location: 124 LeringardVerified:Reproducable: Yes, feel free walking these rooms for yourself.


I glanced at the walkmesh IG
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2017, 07:03:08 pm »

I glanced at the walkmesh IG yesterday after getting the house number and can confirm this is nothing specific to an area but a problem with the tile, which is unaffected by overrides. I've not yet had a chance to look at the model, though I'm aware of the tile number in question. My assumption is that when the decor was ripped from the Bioware tiles to create the blank areas, the walkmeshes were not edited to match. The second issue - what I assume is the remains of a shop counter - wasn't visible by color, so that one will be needed as well... 

The tiles in question are tin01_m03_03 and tin01_m04_03. (Incidentally, this has also been cause to notice an error with that tile group preventing that room from being used in new areas...)



Re: No-go areas in 124 Leringard
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2019, 07:58:44 pm »
Fixed in next update. Thanks Acacea!