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Author Topic: Treasure maps  (Read 3102 times)


Treasure maps
« on: July 29, 2012, 07:29:43 pm »
I had done a little set up for a treasure hunt where you had to follows clues to find the next step, and today when the person it was intended to tried to do it, we noticed that there had been a bug.

The set up was pretty simple, set the treasure chests in opposite order.
Chest 5 containing the last clue, map of chest 5 goes in chest 4
chest 4 containing the clue and treasure map for chest 5, chest 4 map goes into chest 3.. and so on. The map that leads to the first treasure chest either handout manually or left in a quest chests.

The problem today is that the two last chests (5 and 4) were no where to be found. I had made sure to where I had buried the chests, but when we went to find the second to last chest, standing at one or two steps away from where it was buried resulted in a "the landmark of the area does not correspond to the location of the map" or something similar. No matter if you moved on top of where it was buried, you would not get the chest to appear.

4 years ago I had done something similar and did not have this happened, so maybe it's something in an update?

Milton (as a gm avatar) tried to find the two missing chests but he couldn't either.


Re: Treasure maps
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2012, 07:59:42 pm »
This is actually a known thing and one not simple to resolve (or it would have been done already).  You cannot nest treasure maps like that. If I recall, the limit is one, meaning you can put one map inside of one chest that is linked to another map, but if you go deeper than that, things get lost. NWN apparently does not do well with nested objects like that.

There's no way to tell what you did four years ago, but there haven't been any changes to it for at least that long.


Re: Treasure maps
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2012, 09:13:02 pm »
Just confirming that I did look for the hidden chests with my GM avatar.


Re: Treasure maps
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2012, 10:40:17 pm »
Quote from: miltonyorkcastle
Just confirming that I did look for the hidden chests with my GM avatar.

I'm sure you did.  The thing is they don't really exist anywhere until the location is found with the map.  It's actually the map that stores the "treasure chest" and its contents, so ultimately, there's nothing to find with the GM avatar.


Re: Treasure maps
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2012, 10:49:07 pm »
Quote from: Dorganath
This is actually a known thing and one not simple to resolve (or it would have been done already).  You cannot nest treasure maps like that. If I recall, the limit is one, meaning you can put one map inside of one chest that is linked to another map, but if you go deeper than that, things get lost. NWN apparently does not do well with nested objects like that.

There's no way to tell what you did four years ago, but there haven't been any changes to it for at least that long.

wow.. okay.. I must have been lucky the first time I did this, cause I had 10 chests linked. O.o I used the same principle as the first time. The only difference is that it was spanned over a larger distance (mistone, alindor) while this time it was all in a relatively closed area on mistone.


Re: Treasure maps
« Reply #5 on: July 29, 2012, 10:57:03 pm »
I'm sure you did. The thing is they don't really exist anywhere until the location is found with the map. It's actually the map that stores the "treasure chest" and its contents, so ultimately, there's nothing to find with the GM avatar.

I figured as much, but since it seemed bugged, I decided to have a look around anyway.


Re: Treasure maps
« Reply #6 on: July 30, 2012, 12:46:59 am »
Quote from: Hellblazer
wow.. okay.. I must have been lucky the first time I did this, cause I had 10 chests linked. O.o I used the same principle as the first time. The only difference is that it was spanned over a larger distance (mistone, alindor) while this time it was all in a relatively closed area on mistone.

It may have been possible. Distance doesn't matter as the system doesn't know how far it is from one area to another.  

As my memory slowly comes back to me, I seem to recall that the problem comes with logging out with treasure maps on your character. It is the character saving process that does not work well with the way nested items are saved.  So if you set them all up and didn't log out, you might be OK, but again, I would not count on least not with anything valuable.


Re: Treasure maps
« Reply #7 on: July 30, 2012, 01:04:11 am »
Quote from: Dorganath
It may have been possible. Distance doesn't matter as the system doesn't know how far it is from one area to another.  

As my memory slowly comes back to me, I seem to recall that the problem comes with logging out with treasure maps on your character. It is the character saving process that does not work well with the way nested items are saved.  So if you set them all up and didn't log out, you might be OK, but again, I would not count on least not with anything valuable.

hmm I think I did crash when I set the 4rth chest, but I didn't log until I had set the first map in a quest chest. Might explain it.