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Author Topic: Gnomish Long Lens  (Read 239 times)

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Gnomish Long Lens
« on: October 16, 2005, 03:53:00 pm »
The gnomish long lens, behaves much like the telescope in which one can buy a deed. However, the gnomish long lens is compactible. Can be used to see great distances, seeing your foe before they see you. Could probably receive enchantments, thus enabling someone to use it to to see in the night, through darkness, or even see invisible targets.
Although rings can be made, the crafting process requires you to have a fine gemstone..

The recipe I am submitting reuires you to find metal rings, though the common ring is copper and the not so common ring is silver.
This recipe calls for the finding of eight(8) copper rings.
Requires four(4) small molds
Requires four(4) ingots of copper
Requires two(2) glass eyes.
Requires one(1) leather pouch.

Combining these components on the jewellers table allows one the create the gnomish long lens. It is a device that can be used in two ways.
Add +1 to spot checks, when kept in your equipment (silver, +2)(platinum,+3)

If it is in inventory, and the character is using any crossbow.(Only a crossbow)
Adds the same bonuses, not to spot checks, but increases chance to hit and increases chance for critical on an aimed shot.


RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2005, 08:45:00 pm »
These could be a nifty thing to enchant onto a helm the way we enchant onto weapons as well.

Talan Va'lash

RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2005, 10:04:00 pm »
Komoda, you need to learn how NWN works.  There is no such thing as an aimed shot.  The only "head" inventory shot we have is a helm.  There is no way to give a bonus to attack bonus to ANY weapon except on the weapon itself or by a stat bonus in NWN.  Even less the ability to make one that give a bonus to AB for a specific weapon.  And I'm not sure what you mean by increased chance for a critical.  NWN is based 3rd edition rules.  An important word there is based.     After all that...   I like this item.  There's just no way to even script an item that would behave in this manner  -TV   Edit:  However, the Goggles of Minute Seeing are in the game from the OC.  Though I don't think anyone has one on Layo.  I don't think they're overpowering in any way and would be good RP for your character.  Possibly you could do a CDQ to make/invent them.

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RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2005, 01:07:00 am »
Eventually I will get it right, heh :)

thought it would be cool to give a crossbow a scope.

the minute seeing is that not a gem? (Gem of minute seeing)

I will see if I can not find the original recipe for it in my dnd library, and convert it to nwn.


RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2005, 01:50:00 am »
I just like the idea about having a lence just for RP purposes. But a crossbow with a scope would of course be a nasty weapon (making the grounds for a new class "the gnome sniper") perhaps it could just have the same abilety as a compound bow adding 1d6 on a critical due to the fact that you could aim for vunerable parts...

Inspired by unreal tournament a speaker could say "head shot" each time one made a critical.


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RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2005, 05:40:00 am »
Now we are on scopes on crossbows, why not also a red gem enchanted to give off light, then placed in a silver compartment with some lenses and stuff to produce a narrow beam...and voilá dot sights ;)

These could be mounted on light crossbows, whereas the scopes would go on higher caliber (heavy) crossbows. As Harloff had the idea with then Gnomish Sniper, the light crossbow with red dot sight could lead to the class/prestige class "Assault Gnome" a specially trained gnome skilled in all forms of combat and suited to handle high risk incidents as part of the GWAT Force aka "Gnomish Weapons and Tactics Force"

Yes I know it is silly, but I couldn't help myself ;)

EDIT: I couldn't resist the temptation to illustrate the GWAT: Imagine an angry wizard barracading himself in a tower, the Sniper gnomes (with scopes on the crossbows) deploy around the tower covering the windows while airborne assault gnomes on ropes swing in through the windows on the upper floor, the ropes secured in their a) balloon or b) griffon transport. The wizard is quickly neutralized due to the assualt gnomes ability to quickly target their enemy with their red dot sight crossbows. As the airborne assault gnomes enter a squad of ground based assault gnomes break open the door at the bottom of the tower, easily circumventing the magic wards due to their special training, thus helping to catch the wizard in a pinch manouvre.

I just had to share this hehe, and it was not meant as a hijack of the thread.


RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2005, 06:27:00 am »
A lonely gnomish sniper is laying on a roof top, the GWAT has been called and the town trembles in fear. Finally the the flying GWAT troops can be heard riding their gigantic black hawks. "SHREK* the hawks cry as they circle above the town and starts the descent. Everybody in the town starts breathing slower, as they see the deep gnome sergeant of the team. They all know that he has been called back to save GWAT. He has put a group of hard hard gnomes together with just one female gnome member just to give the male viewers a little extra to look at. The sniper starts sweating he knows he has only one more chance to hit the target. He wipes his eyes this is it. he had met this big bearded man called Harloff a few months back, and had planned the hit ever since. He squeezes the trigger on his sniper crossbow. "HEAD SHOT" and Meizter falls to the ground, his life pases in march past him, and he can't help but thinking if only I hadn't suggested GWAT this would never...

Silence, the members of the GWAT team knows that their team will be dismantled, the hard gnome with the ultra short beard sheds a tear “is this really it" he says...



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RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2005, 06:38:00 am »
Suddenly there is a bright flash and where Meizters body was there is a grave. Will he return to regain what he has lost or will he hide in the secret GWAT HQ untill it is time to again roam the lands in search of high risk incidents to handle with his squad of bad to the bone gnomes...the GWAT!

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RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2005, 02:44:00 pm »
Now that's cute, that little story actually brought a smile across my face, heh.

Seriously, that is very nice idea, just adding d6 damage to criticals with a crossbow.
By the way, I have only ever seen compound bows, never a compound crossbow. In film the only cool crossbow I have ever seen is the dual bowed crossbow, or a crossbow with the cho'kuno apparatus, which allowed for fast action firing, auto loading. The apparatus allowed for the firing of 5 bolts per attack round, and lasted for 4 rounds, and took 3 rounds to reload. (Do not now how that would work IG, probably would not.too bad.)

Talan Va'lash

RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2005, 05:46:00 pm »
A craftable "precision crossbow" or "lens crossbow" that has the massive criticals property (maybe d6 for light crossbows and d8 for heavy) is entirely possible to make and not overpowered.  I'm for this.  Will repost it in the project team for discussion.



RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2005, 04:14:00 am »
I would like to prattle off that the crits shouldn't be added seeing it takes moe time to aim wiht a scope and make a dead on shot... I mean you don't see hunters running around the woods and shooting at the firs.... errr....

What I mean to say is you don't see any snipers popping shots off at the first chance..And Lucinda knows if this was a PNP game and I was dming I woould do things like -ac or make them waiste a turn to aim. Its a great I dea and I wish there was a way to make the + what ever number to HIT and not damage that would be good...

I am a very good aim with my .30-06 winchester and standing up and shooting a target 100 yards-ish...(shoot milk jugs on a hill next to my home. can't see it with out a scope so I am guessing 100 yards..) will take me 3 to four minutes standing where as prone or with a stand will take me 30 seconds to a minute to pop off a round and hit my mark.

And I do laugh at people slipping scope on pistols and revolvers. Its about as usefull as teats on a bull in a unaimed shot. IE pulling it out and shooting or shotting when a Bear or something jumps at ya.


RE: Gnomish Long Lens
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2005, 06:12:00 am »
I can't see what you are aiming at lunchbox. You say that it shoulnd't be extra critical damage because of the longer time it takes to aim, but a bonus on hit rating instead. In line of your argument this would also take longer time, hence I simple can't see your point.

Besides there are many things in D&D that doesn't make much sence, e.g. as you get better at figthing you get more attacks per time. This might be true that people who are very skilled could be a bit faster but making 4-5 times as many attacks pr. time unit is simply impossible. My point is you can't use RL exambles as arguments in relation to D&D combat.