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Author Topic: Ingredients for traps  (Read 156 times)

Pen N Popper

Ingredients for traps
« on: July 24, 2006, 01:35:48 pm »
I hesitate to even mention this since the CNR system seems rather stable and unchanging. However, perhaps in a future incarnation this will be taken into consideration.
  Traps require gears and wire, both of which are made of metal ingots. Since a halfling's favored class is rogue, and they don't make very good miners, this is a difficult proposition. If these components took a single ingot each that would be reasonable.
  A minor trap takes 6 ingots, average 12, strong 18, deadly 24. That's a lot of metal to mine and smelt.
  An alternative would be to change the components to be wood planks and thread. Perhaps several spools of thread to signify their being braided, etc.
  Overall, traps do not come into play often in adventuring. Certainly not the minor and average ones.

Guardian 452

Re: Ingredients for traps
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2006, 01:44:14 pm »
There have been talks about changes to making traps in the past.

I think it all boiled down to a pretty obvious statement that if trap making were simplified that more traps would be made (lol duh right?)

Then the rogues could use them in attempts to solo more things.... or set up a long chain of them and lure beasties across them.... etc.

Having a rogue myself (Danny Downfelder) who would love to make traps part of me agrees with you Pen N Popper.

But looking at the world as a whole, making traps easier to create I dont beleive will be a good improvement to how this world is meant to be played.


Black Cat

Re: Ingredients for traps
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2006, 02:15:47 pm »
Hmm. Yes, traps is hard to make that's true, lot of metal is required. My rogue char is looking to make them but hasn't tried yet due to lack of metal that he cannot mine. But...

a) you can always look for someone willing to mine for/with you. Get a party, and steal, errr... share the ore/ingots (I advise you to look for another miner/smelter each time, for one thing, they might not be available anymore. Who says don't walk on the trap?).

b) there are some people who specialize in acquiring things for you. Ask them, though it might cost a bit.

So yeah, it would be nice to be able to make traps with wood and thread. Or maybe you know make new sorts of traps, quite difficult to make and even more to set up (who says watch out for the... *squish, burnt smell and blood everywhere*). I mean some wire trap, you trip on it and... what happened before.

But since it would require a lot of work and such and such, and what Guardian said, I think the trap thing should stay as it is. At least for now.

Pen N Popper

RE: Ingredients for traps
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2006, 05:15:50 am »
To continue this thread on trap ingredients: I have grown fond of the idea that more powerful traps have ingredients of lesser traps (in addition to other base components).
  Example: Average Fire Trap - 1 minor fire trap, 1 alchemists fire, 1 thread
  But where would the minor traps come from? They would have to be found or recovered. You have no business making traps if you can't set and disable them yourself. There are plenty of recoverable traps out there and even more are found in drops.
  Why thread? Rogues are not known for their mining skills, so metal-based ingredients are just a nightmare to try to get. While I'm all for encouraging the working with other players, unless you are in a guild it can be very difficult. Being able to gather your own ingredients is pretty key to success in a craft. Thread is just a suggestion of something that could be made by many.


Re: Ingredients for traps
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2006, 07:11:09 am »
I'm in support for the it also links in with the making of the LockPick tools....which require around the same amount of Metals.....and yet have only one use.


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Re: Ingredients for traps
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2006, 03:44:54 pm »
*cast raise thread*
As I've said in at least one other fourm, Great idea.


Re: Ingredients for traps
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2006, 06:12:58 pm »
This problem has been brought up before, and the previous problems would still remain, if this were made widespread.  Happily, there is, in development, the solution to all of this, and then traps will be accessible to the masses - I speak, of course, of the Layonara Trap Limiter!

If this works well in a PW setting, it will obviate the need for expense to limit trap use, and the CNR recipes for traps can be reduced until they are once again craftable by those who would use them.  (Not that trap-upgrading is a bad idea either, but it would induce a run on the available respawning placed traps.)

