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Author Topic: In The Pursuit of Knowledge -- The Research And Ramblings of Meriam Paessen  (Read 65 times)


Character Name: Meriam Paessen (Meer-ree-am Pa-sen)
Race: Gnome
Age: 47
Deity: Goran
Occupation: Illusionist, Diviner, Inventor & Innovator
Most Seen: Hlint
             I am here, the melting pot  of all the world, the place where the adventurers gather. My mother, in an act of great kindness pressed a pouch of Truths into my hand, leading my from our little house to the boat in Llorindor. From there, I found myself in the town of Karthy, and what a crazy place that was. It’s a good thing that I had Widgit with me, or else I would have been completely overwhelmed and lonely. I handed a Halfling some of my coins , and took a caravan to the city of North Point where I took another ship to Port Hampshire…more Truths from my pocket, more caravans, until finally I arrived in Hlint.
              I hopped out of the wagon, baring the driver a safe travel, and making sure all of my doodads were in place before lowering my spectacles as I tend to do and take my first look around. It was small. Smaller than I thought it would be. I was expecting a great city like Prantz. Not sure why, every book that described Hlint described it as a small town. I guess I was just expecting more from the center of all activity.
              Since that time I’ve managed to meet a few people and do a few odd jobs around town. Deliver this letter fetch this find that go make me blah blah blah the usual. I haven’t had hardly a moment to sit down and practice many spells, and even less time to get back into a lab. In fact, I can’t even find a public lab. There is a craft hall, and there is a magic tower, but there is no laboratory resembling anything close to what I am used to. Perhaps I should seek to raise a bit more money to buy a house or something and convert it into a lab of sorts. Perhaps I should make a post about it in the local inn, the wild surge..
              I haven’t talked to many people that much, but a couple familiar faces: An elven girl Nyyana helped me with a few things around town, a man named Jharl talked to me…A strange woman , I don’t think I got her name…red rimmed eyes…she bit me! And then broke my doodad! My Prize winning Doodad!....
  Nothing exceptionally interesting yet, I guess I was expecting more. Things should be sure to pick up soon…However, as I write this I can only fear what may happen as a result. Things have a funny tendency of happening when ever I so decide to write them down. My mother said it was a slight touch of a Seer. I doubt it…I’m an arcanist but I’m nothing that special..Am I?


Re: In The Pursuit of Knowledge -- The Research And Ramblings of
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2006, 03:05:57 pm »
I find it disappointing that such basic disregard for law is especially evident amongst the mortal kind of today. This seems especially evident in paladins whom one would expect to have a respect for law amongst all others. It was my previous understanding that paladins do not verbally attack their fellow beings when things do not go as planned. What I mean of course, is that some poor sod started yelling at me while I was collecting clay to fill Lilian’s order. Should I have been made to assume that the reason he was attacking the skunk (which was not bothering either of us) Was to get the clay that stood near it? I was always brought up to believe that assumptions are particularly dangerous things and that one should never make them. That being said, I was in every mind to share the clay I had dug up by the time he had finished killing the skunk, just in case the clay was his intent. This never came to be due to the fact that this so called paladin of the law started to attack me verbally! Imagine! A paladin succumbing to blind rage and general spoiled childish behavior. Needless to say I don’t think he will last long in his current “calling.”

   That being said, I have completed the order for Lilian and came up with a few more odd jobs to help myself in acquiring some gold to sponsor my research and gain of a research facility. Until then I am on a constant search to find a suitable lab, or a cheap suitable area to turn into such a place.

