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Author Topic: At Corax Lake  (Read 110 times)


At Corax Lake
« on: November 01, 2006, 07:32:56 pm »
Quill sits along the cliff overlooking Corax Lake as the wind whips his hair to the east. He stares across tha lake watching the wind push wrinkles onto the once still water. He sighs lightly looking up the sky as he reflects apon the last year. "So much has changed and so much left to be changed." *he smirks to himself slightly as he pulls an uncut emerald from his pocket and twirls it in his finger and closes his eyes* "I wonder where you are now my shadow?" he whispers lightlyto the wind. "I could use your help now. I don't know what I am to do. I know what I must do but is it the right choice?" *heclutches the emeralds tightly before placing it back in his bag. I see those dwarvespatroling the city and my blood burns to know that they do not belong there. They taken something that was never theirs, something that was a symbol to the people ofDregar andturned it into somthing to rebuke. It sickens me walking by the statue of their leader, his coy face mocking all of the citizens of the once proud city."
  Quill gazes out over the lake letting the wind rush against is body why searching with in for answers. "I want a peaceful life for us but I know now that I can never give that to you. I cannot, my heart will not allow for the those that call out for aid to go unheard." He pauses, running his hand through his hair. " You would probably tell me it is foolish for me to think of others that don't give a damn about me. But I still think about them, about their hardships and I want to take that away. I want to heal their wounds. I want to heal the world."Dark rain clouds begin to a hover over the lake casting darker shadows upon the already grayed landscape.
  He sighs heavly watching the shadows creep across the lake."I don't think I will ever be the elf for you my shadow and for thatI am sorry, I am sorry for the words I can never seem to find when you are around. I am sorry for not being brave enough to take your hand. I am sorry for not being able to be where ever you are. And I am sorry for these things I will never tell you." He wipes a single tear from his eye as the clouds begin to release the rain. He whispers a small prayer and vanishes. "I am sorry for being weak.."

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: At Corax Lake
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 09:08:44 pm »
*At first as the shadows ripple across the lake they start to weave themselves into a slight pattern, nothing recognizebale at first, but definately somthing out of the ordinary. Slowly the cascades of darkness take on the shape of familiar terrain, mountains, and lands recognizable as Dregar, and more specifically, The Great Rift.*
  *But then, as Quill speaks again, the shadows fade and become still suddently, his words seemingly affecting them at their source. The shadows deepen into dark blacks and greys*
  *Finally at Quills final words a figure appears from the shadows in the distance justas he leaves, watching as if lacking understanding the figure does not make an attempt to move, nor disappear*

Lalaith Va'lash

RE: At Corax Lake
« Reply #2 on: November 04, 2006, 01:02:03 pm »
*Lalaith continues to watch for a long while as his figure fades beyond the horizon. She presses her lips togeher , and with a slight look of determination and prupose in her movements, she disappears into the shadows*


Re: At Corax Lake
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2006, 05:29:08 pm »
*Quill leans against a dock post in Lorindor, gazing out over the night sky. He glances down at a letter he recently received. After a moment time he slides down the post and sits, sighing heavly, waiting for an encounter that he knows will be hard on both parties*
   "Mother help guide my path as you have done before, give me strength in my actions, wisdom in my choices and give me courage in my heart. You have brought me a shadow to guard my path but I feel my actions and choices have pushed her away." *he hangs his head looking deep in the mirky ocean, Heavy shadows from the boats dance on top of the water as the the torches light spreads over the decks of the frigates and galleons. He swallows hard as he watches the dance of the shadows dance closer to him.* "Please help me to keep my shadow as she protects your gem." *he gazes up once more into the night sky with a smile as the shadows consume he whispers.* "Hello my shadow. . "

