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Author Topic: Duur gud  (Read 1240 times)


Duur gud
« on: October 28, 2004, 02:54:00 pm »
Duur would like to say a few things about his journeys so far.

Duur sleep. Duur see big sca-lee. Big sca-lee say Duur go chop. Duur wak inna nu hom. Man say nu hom Lint. Man say Duur chop bad meenee git eer. Man say need git lee-tel chopur n meebee big chopur. Duur git lee-tel chopur n big big chopur.

La-dee say git papurs. Duur help la-dee. Duur go inna hol. Duur chop lee-tel sqweeek meebee tin sqweek. Duur chop big sqweeek. OW. Big sqweeek ow Duur. Duur sleep. Duur wak no inna hol. Duur go inna hol. Duur chop sqweeek. OW. Big sqweeek ow Duur. Duur sleep. Duur wak no inna hol. Duur see man. Man gud. Man Spur! Spur need chopur. Duur sho Spur chopurs. Dum Spur git lee-tel chopur. Duur n Spur go inna hol. Chopin sqweeek. Spur mak spark-lee!!! HaHAHAHa. Duur chop big sqweeek git papurs! Lad-ee giv Duur goldee. Spur go.

Duur go chop bad meenee. Ooo. Meenee kid-dees. Da say Duur no hurt kid-dee. BAD. Dees kid-dee meen giv Duur ow. Meebee Duur chop meen kid-dees. Duur chopin meen kid-dee tak eer wit lee-tel chopur. Duur go Lint. Man giv Duur goldee. Duur go.

Man say meebee Duur chop ded badees. Dum man. Ded badees no need chopin. Duur go inna hol. Badee no ded. Duur chop bons. Duur chop gray men. Duur git sik-kees. Duur go. Duur see la-dee. La-dee gud. La-dee Til-da. Til-da tak sik-kees. Til-da stop blud. Til-da blud stopur! Til-da lik bons. Duur giv bons. Til-da give goldee!

Man say Duur chop meen kid-dee inna hol. Duur go inna hol. Duur chop meen kid-dee meebee tin lee-tel kid-dee. Duur git hed. Duur go Lint.

Spur! Duur sho Spur sak. Spur lik junk. Duur giv Spur junk. Meebee bat doodoo. Meebee papurs. Meebee uddur junk. Spur giv Duur goldee! Spuur gud.

Duur see pee-pel meebee tin pee-pal. Dey go chopin scalees. Pee-pal say Duur ogr. Duur no ogr. Duur big man! Pee-pal say meebee Duur chop scalee. Duur gud chopur. Duur go chop sca-lee. OW. Sca-lee ow Duur. Duur sleep. Duur wak. No pee-pal. Duur go find pee-pal. Mor sca-lee. Duur chop sca-lee gud. OW. Sca-lee big bad. Sca-lee ow Duur. Sca-lee ow pee-pal. Meebee tin sca-lee. Duur sleep. Duur wak. Pee-pal! Pee-pal say go chop sca-lee. Duur no go. Pee-pal say meebee Duur go? Okies. Duur go chop sca-lee. Duur chop gud. Sca-lee ded. Sum pee-pal say go inna hol. Sum pee-pal say no hol. Duur no go inna hol. Duur go Lint.

Duur need beer. Duur git beer. Lee-tel gurl say meebee Duur git pri-tee. Gurl say pri-tee inna hol inna trees. Duur go git pri-tee. Duur chop bugs git guts wit lee-tel chopur. Duur chop spidee git guts wit lee-tel chopur. Duur go inna hol. Duur chop lee-tel scalees. Duur chop big jel-lee. Duur git pri-tee. Duur go Lint. Lee-tel gurl giv Duur goldee!

Man say Hi. Man is gud. Man is Lon. Lon say meebee chop big sca-lee. Uh, meebee no chop sca-lee. Lon say meebee chop ogr. Lon sho Duur ogr hol. Duur see pee-pel. Meebee tin pee-pal. Pee-pal meebee go chop ogr. Duur see lee-tel boy. Lee-tel boy gud. Lee-tel boy To-mee. To-mee say help chop ogr. Ogr big big bad. OW. Ogr ow Duur. Duur no sleep. Blud Stopur stop blud. Duur chop mor ogr. OW. Blud Stopur help. Duur go deep inna hol. Duur chop ogr meebee tin ogr! Spark-lees! Pee-pal chop Ogr. To-mee git hed.

To-mee say meebee go sand. Sum pee-pal go sand. Duur go sand. Duur chop wig-gel. Duur chop bug. Duur chop ogr. Duur go Lint.

Spur! Duur giv Spur junk. Spur lik junk giv Duur goldee!

Man say Duur big! Man say meebee Duur chop medul. Man say Duur git medul chopur. Man say Duur git pown-dur. Duur git medul chopur n pown-dur. Man say medul inna hol. Duur go inna hol. Dum meen kid-dee. Duur chop meen kid-dee. Duur chop medul. Duur go Lint. Duur melt medul. Sli-pee medul. Sum medul go inna fire. Duur pownd medul. Duur mak blokur. La-dee lik blokur. La-dee say meebee Duur mak blokur meebee tin blokur.

Duur help pee-pal. Sum pee-pal say Duur big. Sum pee-pal need chopin. Sum day Duur help pee-pal. Sum day Duur see Spur. Giv Spur junk. Spur lik junk giv Duur goldee. Sum day chop medul. Sum day melt medul. Sum day pownd medul. Sum day Duur giv junk. Sum day pee-pal giv Duur goldee meebee tin goldee.

Duur big man. Duur gud chopur. Duur chop baddee. Duur chop medul.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2004, 10:05:00 am »
Duur meebee go inna hol git medul. Nop. Duur see pee-pal meebee tin pee-pal. Grownd mov. Duur see big big wig-gal. Pee-pal chop wig-gal. Duur see Lon n To-mee. Dey say meebee Duur help. Duur help. Duur gud chopur. Pee-pal say go fort. Big bad cum. Man say meebee mak fi-er. Fi-er? Fwooooosh! Duur chopur git fi-er! Fi-er gud! Hahaha! Pee-pal go. Duur go. Duur see bug meebee tin bug. Duur chop gud. Duur see sca-lee. Duur chop sca-lee. Pee-pal chop sca-lee. Pee-pal go fort. Duur go fort. Man say help big bad cumin. Man say meebee Duur git mor fi-er. YUP! Duur lik fi-er chopur.

Sca-lee cum meebee tin sca-lee. Duur chop. Pee-pal chop. Big sparklees. Sca-lee ded. Man say meebee mor. Big green man cum big lik Duur. Duur chop. Mor cum meebee tin green man. Big sparklees. BOOOM. Duur chop gud. Pee-pal chop gud. Green man ow Duur. Blud stopur help Duur. Man say green man trowl.

Sca-lee cum! Mor sca-lee meebee tin sca-lee. Pee-pal chop. Duur chop. Trowl cum! Duur chop trowl. Big sparklees! Sparklees ow Duur. Duur meebee sleep. Nop. Blud stopur help Duur. Blud stopur is Ree-us. Ree-us gud. Man say meebee Duur git mor fi-er. YUP!

Fi-er man n fi-er dog cum. Duur chop gud. Pee-pal chop gud. Sca-lee la-dee cum. Duur chop. Pee-pal chop. La-dee go.

Grownd mov. Big big wig-gal cum. Duur chop wig-gal. Pee-pal chop wig-gal. Big big Sca-lee cum! Duur no chop sca-lee. Sca-lee big. Duur run. Pee-pal chop sca-lee.

Sca-lee cum meebee tin sca-lee. Trowl cum meebee tin trowl. Duur chop gud. Pee-pal chop gud. Sca-lee la-dee cum. Sca-lee la-dee chop gud! Sca-lee la-dee ow Duur. Ree-us help Duur. Duur chop la-dee. Duur chop gud. La-dee go!

Ree-us say meebee no go. Ree-us say sca-lee la-dee meebee cum. Yup. Sca-lee la-dee cum. Pee-pal chop la-dee. Duur chop la-dee. OW! La-dee ow Duur. Duur sleep.

Ree-us wak Duur. Ree-us gud. Ree-us ti-erd. Ree-us say meebee Duur git sol pri-tee. Sol pri-tee gud gud. Meebee git sol pri-tee inna tem-pal. Okies. Meebee Duur git.

Wer sca-lee la-dee? Pee-pal say sca-lee la-dee go. Fort saf. Duur ti-erd. Duur sleep.

Duur wak. Duur go fort. Duur go. Duur see big big ci-tee. Duur see tem-pal. Duur say need sol pri-tee. Duur need goldee meebee tin goldee. Duur git goldee. Duur git sol pri-tee. La-dee say Duur rub pri-tee say Duur. Sol pri-tee hot. Duur put sol pri-tee inna sak.

Duur need fi-er chopur. Duur lik fi-er chopur. Fi-er gud.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2004, 08:43:00 pm »
Duur see pee-pal. Pee-pal say meebee Duur help chop sca-lee. Hmmm. Duur chop sca-lee. Duur say meebee git Blud Stopur. Pee-pal say ok. Pee-pal go muk. Duur go muk. Duur chop sca-lee meebee tin sca-lee. Duur go. Pee-pal go. Duur chop sca-lee. Duur go. Pee-pal go. Duur chop sca-lee. OW! Sca-lee ow Duur. Mor Sca-lee ow Duur. Duur meebee sleep. Duur say HELP Duur! Meebee Blud Stopur help? Nop. No Blud Stopur. Duur sleep. Duur wak. Duur mad. Duur no lik pee-pal.

Duur wash min-ral. Duur see man. Man is Cra-lek. Cra-lek say meebee Duur hav min-ral. Yup. Duur hav min-ral. Duur giv min-ral. Cra-lek giv goldee. Spur lik min-ral. Spur lik bug guts. Duur say meebee Cra-lek lik bug guts. YUP! Cra-lek lik bug guts. Duur giv bug guts. Cra-lek giv goldee n red ol. Cra-lek say red ol mak fi-er chopur. Duur lik FI-ER chopur!! Cra-lek say meebee Duur want mor ol. Yup! Duur meebee git mor ol. Duur giv Cra-lek mor guts. Cra-lek say cum tow-er. Duur go tow-er. Cra-lek play wit guts. Cra-lek giv Duur red ol n pow-dur n green wa-tur. Cra-lek say red ol mak fi-er chopur. Cra-lek say pow-dur mak si-kees. Cra-lek say green wa-tur mak ow. Cra-lek gud.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2004, 11:48:00 am »
La-dee no want mor blokur. La-dee say meebee Duur mak medul hat. Hmmmm. Medul hat need mold. La-dee say meebee git cla fir mold. La-dee say meebee Duur git scoopur. Duur git scoopur. Duur git cla. Duur mak mold. Nop. Mold tuf. Cla gon. Duur git mor cla meebee tin cla. Duur mak mold. Yup! Duur mak medul hat. Nop! Mold brok. Duur dum. Duur see Spur! Duur giv Spur guts n junk n min-ral. Spur giv Duur goldee. Duur say mold tuf. Spur say meebee Duur tri. Okies Duur tri. Duur see Rin. Rin like skin! Hahaha! Duur giv Rin skin. Rin give Duur medul n goldee. Rin is gud.

Duur see Jon. Jon lik papurs. Duur hav papurs. Duur giv Jon papurs. Jon giv Duur goldee. Spur lik papurs. Spur lik junk. Meebee Jon lik junk. Yup! Jon lik junk. Duur giv Jon junk. Jon giv Duur mor goldee. Jon is gud. Jon say meebee Duur help chop sha-do inna trees. Duur no lik sha-do. Sha-do ow Duur. Jon say mor pee-pal cum. Meebee Duur no git ow. Okies. Duur help chop. Duur go inna trees. Duur chop sha-do. Pee-pal chop sha-do. Jon pra. Duur go Lint.

Duur see lee-tel pee-pal. Pee-pal is Blak-ston. Pee-pal say meebee Duur help chop ogr inna hol. Okies. Duur chop ogr. Duur chop gud. Meebee Duur need Fi-er Chopur.

Duur see Spur. Duur giv Spur min-ral. Spur say meebee Duur hav Fi-er Chopur. Duur sho Spur. No fi-er chopur. Duur want Fi-er chopur. Spur say meebee Spur mak Fi-er chopur. Spur gud. Meebee Duur git Fi-er chopur.

Duur git medul. Duur go Lint. Duur got lee-tel ow. Lee-tel man help Duur. Lee-tel man is blud stopur. Lee-tel man is Do-ran. Til-da is blud stopur. Til-da lik bons. Duur say meebee Do-ran lik bons. YUP! Do-ran lik bons. Duur giv Do-ran bon box. Do-ran giv Duur goldee. Do-ran gud.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2004, 12:56:00 pm »
Duur rest in Lint. Duur sing song. Dum dee dum do. Duur is gud. Dum dee dum dum do.

Lee-tel man cum. Lee-tel man say meebee Duur lik gud armur n gud chopur. YUP! Duur lik armur n chopur!! Man is Harg. Harg go mak.

Harg cum bak. Harg kik Duur. Harg say look dis armur n chopur. Duur git up. Duur see GUD armur n chopur! I-ron armur n chopur. Duur lik!

Duur show Harg sak uv goldee. Harg tak sum goldee. Harg giv Duur armur n chopur. Harg is gud!

Duur wer armur. Armur fit gud. Duur tri chopur. Chopur chop GUD!

Meebee Duur git fi-er chopur. Fi-er is gud.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2004, 11:21:00 am »
Duur meebee chop wit nu chopur. Duur go onna wok. Duur see ork. Duur chop ork. Duur go wokin. Duur see big big burd! Duur chop burd. Duur go wokin. Duur go inna trees. Duur see bar. Meebee Rin lik bar skin. Duur chop bar. Duur git skin wit lee-tel chopur. Duur go wokin. Duur find Lint. Duur hom.

Duur see Jon. Jon say meebee Duur cum chop. Yup! Duur chop. Duur see Spur! Duur giv Spur pree-sant. Duur giv Spur red guts. Duur sho nu chopur! Spur say gud chopur. Jon say gud chopur. Duur say meebee Spur cum chop. Spur say meebee go Fort Hop. Meebee go sand. Okies. Duur see Rin! Duur sho Rin bar skin. Meebee Rin lik bar skin? YUP! Rin lik bar skin. Rin giv Duur goldee. Rin say meebee Rin cum. Yup. Rin cum chopin.

Rin is pri-tee ki-tee. Spur say look Spur. Spur git big big! Meebee big lik Duur. Spur git lee-tel. Spur fli. Jon go. Duur see Do-gan. Do-gan no go chopin. Duur see Jons Drag-din. Duur say Dum Drag-din git Jon. Drag-din go. Jon cum.

Duur go sand. Duur chop wig-gal. Wig-gal ow Duur. Duur git sikees. Duur chop bug meebee tin bug. Spur say meebee rest. Duur rest no mor sikees. Spur n Jon say meebee help Duur. Duur git fi-er chopur. Duur git po-wer!

Duur see ogr meebee tin ogr! Duur chop ogr. Ogr ow Duur. Rin help Duur. Spur say Duur car-ful! Dur see mor ogr meebee tin ogr! Duur car-ful. Duur chop ogr. Duur chop gud. Ogr ow Duur. Spur say meebee rest. Duur rest. Duur see ogr. Spur n Jon say meebee help Duur. Duur git fi-er chopur!

Duur chop ogr. Ogr ow Duur. Ogr tuf. Spur n Jon n Rin say RUN! Duur run. Duur see wig-gal n bug. Duur no chop. Duur run! Duur leev sand. Wig-gal ow Duur. Duur git sikees. Meebee Duur chop wig-gal? Nop! Dur run. Spur fal. Wer Rin? Duur no see Rin. Duur run. Sikees bad. Duur slo. Duur see Jon. Duur n Jon go Lint. Duur see Spur n Rin! Meebee sand n ogr tuf.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2004, 09:09:00 pm »
Duur see pee-pal. Duur see Li-za n Kin-dra n Lee-na ki-tee. Pee-pal say HI DUUR! Duur see big man lik Duur. Big man is Hurk. Hurk got big chopur. Duur sho Hurk nu chopur. Duur see Mik n Shad.

Lee-tel gurl cum out uv in. Hahahaha! Lee-tel gurl say meebee cum her sto-ree. Duur lik sto-ree. Duur cum. Lee-tel gurl go fi-er. Duur go fi-er. Sum pee-pal go fi-er. Duur rest.

Lee-tel gurl tel gud sto-ree. Goldee Drag-din gud. Drag-din fli inna ski. Drag-din chomp gud. Big fit. Drag-din meebee tin drag-din n Blud ar-mee. Blud ar-mee hav sleep chopur. Big big fit inna ski. Sum drag-din ded meebee tin drag-din. Sum ar-mee ded meebee tin ar-mee. Mil-ston mak grav.

Jon cum fi-er. Hi Jon! Sto-ree tim! Jon her sto-ree.

Goldee Drag-din fit big big badee. Fit day n day n day meebee tin day. Drag-din chomp badee hed. Uh o. Drag-din fal. Lee-tel gurl say meebee Drag-din sleep. Meebee drag-din drem drag-din.

Lee-tel gurl tel gud sto-ree. Gurl is gud!


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2004, 01:09:00 pm »
Duur rest in Lint. Sum pee-pal say Hi Duur. Sum pee-pal say Duur okies? Yup Duur gud. Duur rest. Sum pee-pal say Duur la-zee. Meebee Duur la-zee.

Ree-us cum. Ree-us say Hi Duur. Ree-us say meebee Duur lik majik pri-tee. YUP! Duur lik majik pri-tee. Ree-us say meebee Duur lik hel-tee ring? Ree-us giv Duur ring. Duur giv Ree-us goldee sak. Ree-us say to much goldee Duur! Ree-us giv Duur goldee meebee tin goldee. Duur say meebee Ree-us lik bons? Nop! Ree-us say Ree-us got bons.

Ree-us say meebee Duur lik amlit mak Duur no clum-see? Meebee Duur lik udder ring make Duur STRONG? Yup! Duur lik majik. Ree-us say meebee Duur no want. Meebee al Duur goldee. Duur want! Duur no need goldee. Sum pee-pal giv Duur goldee. Ree-us say Duur wat meebee rest. Ree-us mak amlit n ring.

Duur rest. Man cum. Man say Duur okies? Yup Duur rest. Man is Lek. Lee-tel boy cum. Lee-tel boy kik Duur. OW! Y lee-tel boy kik Duur? Lek say meebee Duur kik lee-tel boy. Meebee. Meebee lee-tel boy is meen kiddee. Meebee Duur kik lee-tel boy. Lek mak majik. Lek mak Duur strong n hel-tee. Lek is gud. Lee-tel boy say Duur no kik. Okies meebee.

Ree-us cum. Ree-us got pri-tee! Ree-us say meebee Duur like ring n amlit? Ree-us giv Duur ring n amlit. Duur giv Ree-us goldee sak. Ree-us say hmmm meebee Duur git sum goldee. Ree-us giv Duur sum goldee meebee tin goldee.

Duur lik majik. Duur hel-tee n strong. Duur no clum-see of. Ree-us is gud. Ree-us say meebee Duur sho chopur. Okies. Duur sho chopur. Ree-us mak fi-er chopur! Duur lik FI-ER chopur. Duur mak fi-er chopur dans.

Ree-us say meebee Duur cum trees. Meebee Duur help chop? So-ree. Duur no go trees. Duur rest. Okies. Sum pee-pal say pee-pal go trees. Ree-us say Ree-us lik shroom pow-dur. Duur got shroom pow-dur! Duur giv Ree-us pow-dur. Ree-us giv Duur goldee. Ree-us go.

Meebee Duur rest. Nop! Man cum. Man is Dil. Dil say meebee Duur mak chopur n pown-dur? Nop. Duur mak armur n blokur no chopur n pown-dur. Dil say meebee Duur mak armur n blokur? Okies. Dil say meebee Duur lik goldee? Yup. Duur lik goldee. Duur say meebee tin goldee. Dil go. Duur rest.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2004, 08:10:00 pm »
Duur see sum pee-pal meebee tin pee-pal. Duur see Ree-us. Ree-us say cum see sho. Sum pee-pal mak moo-zak. Sum pee-pal dans. Duur dans!

Sum pee-pal say meebee chop ji-ant. Da n Ma say Ji-ant bad. Duur chop ji-ant. Sum pee-pal say meebee need blud stopur. Duur say meebee Ree-us cum. Yup! Ree-us cum. Ree-us gud blud stopur.

Duur go big wak. Duur go trees. Duur see gra men. Pee-pal chop gra men. Duur chop gra men. Duur go Fort Hop. Pee-pal mak sparklee n majik. Ree-us say meebee Duur lik fi-er chopur? Yup! Duur lik fi-er chopur. Duur mak fi-er chopur dans!

Duur go hil. Duur see wuf n ji-ant n ogr! Duur chop. Duur chop wuf. Duur chop ji-ant meebee tin ji-ant. Sum ji-ant ow Duur. Sum ji-ant tro rok. Ree-us help Duur. Duur see big big gra ji-ant. Duur chop. Duur see mor ji-ant meebee tin ji-ant. Duur chop ji-ant. Sum ji-ant ow pee-pal. Sum pee-pal ded. Ree-us say meebee help. Ree-us gud. Pee-pal no ded! Duur go Fort Hop. Man giv Duur goldee. Duur go Lint.

Duur mak bronz blokur. Duur see blak ston dorfs. Blak ston say y Duur mak medul? Blak ston say ogr no gud medul makur. Duur no ogr! Duur big man. Duur say strong man mak medul. Dum dorf. Duur sho Blak ston blokur. Blak ston say meebee gud meebee dorf mor gud. Meebee. Duur see Dil. Duur giv Dil blokur. Dil giv Duur goldee meebee tin goldee. Meebee Duur mak bronz armur. Nop! Duur no mak bronz armur. Armur tuf. Dil say meebee Duur tri. Okies.

Duur see pee-pal. Duur see Mav n Kwin. Mav say meebee Duur chop ogr. Meebee git ol fir la-dee. Yup. Duur chop ogr. Duur look inna sak. Duur say innee pee-pal lik bons? Nop. No pee-pal lik bons. Duur say innee pee-pal lik spi-dee guts? Man say meebee see guts? Duur sho guts. Man say nis guts. Man no want guts. Okies.

Pee-pal go hil. Duur go hil. Duur see ogr. Duur chop ogr. Duur go uppa hil. Duur see mor ogr meebee tin ogr. Duur chop gud. Duur go uppa hil. Duur see mor ogr! Meebee tin ogr! Sum ogr mak sparklee. Sum ogr ow Duur. Blud stopur help Duur. Man find ol! Duur go Fort Las. Man giv la-dee ol. La-dee lik ol. Man giv Duur goldee meebee tin goldee.

Duur git medul. Duur go Lint. Meebee Duur mak bronz armur? Nop. Duur no mak armur. Armur tuf. Duur rest.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2004, 10:10:00 am »
Duur see blak ston dorfs. Wut u do? Tel say meebee git i-ron medul. Meebee Duur help? Tel say okies Duur help. Dorfs go inna ogr hol. Duur go inna ogr hol. Tel say Duur heer Tel. Tel say need tak-tik. Tak-tik gud. Tel say Duur wat inna hal. Tel git ogr. Duur chop. Okies. Duur wat. Duur chop. Duur chop ogr meebee tin ogr. Tel say dorfs chop medul. Meebee Duur chop medul? Yup. Tel say Duur chop medul. Duur strong! Duur git medul meebee tin medul. Dorfs lev hol. Duur lev hol. Duur giv Tel medul. Tel giv Duur goldee. Duur go Lint.

Duur git copur n tin medul. Duur find min-ral. Duur go Lint. Duur melt medul. Duur pownd medul. Duur mak bronz blokur. Duur wash min-ral.

Duur see pee-pal. Duur see Ree-us! Hi Ree-us. Duur see la-dee. La-dee is Sin. Meebee Sin lik bons? Nop. Sin no lik bons. Sin no blud stopur. Ree-us no want bons. Meebee Ree-us lik min-ral? Ree-us say meebee sho min-ral? Okies. Duur sho Ree-us min-ral. Ree-us say Duur! U hav min-ral! Ree-us lik min-ral. Duur giv Ree-us min-ral. Ree-us giv Duur big goldee sak.

Duur see Tel. Meebee Tel mak Duur I-ron blokur? Tel say meebee git mor I-ron. Okies. Tel go inna ogr hol. Duur go inna ogr hol. Tel say Duur! Tak-tik! Okies.  Duur wat inna hal. Tel git ogr. Duur chop ogr. Tel chop medul. Duur chop medul. Tel go Lint. Duur go Lint. Duur rest. Tel cum. Tel mak I-ron blokur. Tel say Duur lik? Yup! Duur lik. Tankee Tel.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2004, 10:01:00 am »
Meebee Duur git I-ron medul. Meebee Duur find Blak ston dorfs. Nop. Duur no find Blak ston dorfs. Okies Duur go.

Duur go inna ogr hol. Meebee Duur mak tak-tik. Duur wat inna hal. Duur wat. Uh. No ogr cum. Tak-tik no gud. Uh. Meebee mak nu tak-tik. Duur run inna room. OGR! Meebee tin ogr! Duur chop ogr. Nu tak-tik gud.

Duur go deep inna hol. Duur see ogr. Duur chop ogr. Duur tak-tik gud. Duur see i-ron rok. Duur chop medul meebee tin medul. Duur leev hol.

Meebee Duur go Lint. Meebee melt medul. Nop. Duur see Na-ga n udder Rin n dorf. Duur no no dorf. Dorf help Duur. Dorf is blud stopur dorf. Udder Rin say meebee Duur cum chopin inna hol? Wut hol? Udder Rin say meebee nu hol? Okies. Duur help chop.

Duur go inna hol. Duur see big baddee. Duur chop gud. Sum baddee muv grownd. Duur go deep inna hol. Duur chop baddee meebee tin baddee.

Sum baddee chop dorf! Dorf ded. Udder Rin scard. Meebee go? Udder Rin n Na-ga say meebee hid. Udder Rin n Na-ga hid Duur. Duur leev hol. Meebee udder Rin chop baddee? Yup. Udder Rin chop baddee. Baddee chomp udder Rin! Udder Rin ded. Dum udder Rin. Meebee no chop baddee. Duur leev hol. Duur go Lint.

Duur melt i-ron medul. Meebee Duur mak I-ron blokur? Nop. Duur tri. Nop. Duur tri. YUP! Duur make lee-tal i-ron blokur.

Duur rest. Duur see Spur! Hi Spur! Meebee Spur lik min-ral? Yup! Spur lik min-ral. Ork cum. Dum ork. Duur pownd ork. Dum ork. Duur say Duur mak i-ron blokur! Spur say Duur gud. Yup! Duur gud.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2004, 04:17:00 pm »
Meebee Duur git i-ron medul? Yup.
Duur go. Duur see Ree-us! Hi Ree-us. Duur say meebee Duur git medul. Ree-us say gud meebee Duur git fel-spar min-ral. Min-ral inna ogr hol? Ree-us say yup. Okies. Duur git min-ral. Duur go inna ogr hol.

Duur chop ogr meebee tin ogr. Duur see min-ral. Meebee fel-spar? Nop. Duur go deep. Duur chop ogr meebee tin ogr. Duur see min-ral. Meebee fel-spar? Nop. Duur see i-ron rok. Duur chop medul. Duur find min-ral. Sum ogr cum. Duur leev.

Duur wash min-ral. Meebee fel-spar? Nop. Duur see Ree-us. So-ree. Duur no find min-ral. Meebee min-ral no inna ogr hol? Ree-us say min-ral inna ogr hol. Min-ral deep deep. Okies. Duur no go deep deep. Meebee Ree-us lik udder min-ral. Yup! Ree-us lik. Ree-us giv Duur goldee.

Duur see pee-pal. Pee-pal tak. Hmmm. Sum man say innee pee-pal lik gluv? Ogr gluv? Duur lik gluv! Meebee mak Duur strong? Yup. Man say ogr gluv mak Duur strong. Meebee big goldee sak? Yup. Duur giv big goldee sak. Duur hav majik gluv. Duur strong!

Duur hav majik ring n udder majik ring n majik amlit n majik gluv. Meebee Duur git majik belt. Meebee Duur git fi-er chopur. YUP! Duur lik fi-er chopur. Meebee Duur git.

Duur rest.

Meebee Duur go onna bot? Yup. Duur go onna bot. Duur go nu sitee. Meebee Duur go Him-lad? Sum man say meebee wak. Okies. Duur wak. Duur wak. Duur no find Him-lad. Duur find ji-ant. Ji-ant ow Duur. Duur chop ji-ant gud. Duur ow. Duur go nu sitee. Duur go onna bot. Duur go Lint.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #12 on: November 22, 2004, 09:43:00 am »
Duur chop gud.

Duur see Mav. Mav say meebee Duur lik chopin Ji-ant. Yup. Ju-ant big baddee. Duur lik chop. Duur go Bur-gan. Duur chop Ji-ant meebee tin Ji-ant. Duur go Lint.

Duur chop wud meebee tin wud. Duur mak club. Duur mak papur.

Duur see Weg. Hi Weg. U lik ogr hol? Duur go inna ogr hol. Meebee Weg cum? Yup. Weg cum. Sum lee-tel boy cum. Duur go inna ogr hol. Duur chop ogr. Ogr ow lee-tel boy. Meebee lee-tel boy no cum inna ogr hol. Duur chop medul. Duur get medul meebee tin medul. Weg git medul. Duur go Lint. Duur melt medul. Weg say Weg no mak i-ron! Hahahaha. Dum Weg. Weg say meebee Duur lik medul? Yup! Weg giv Duur. Duur melt medul.

Duur chop wud. Duur mak club. Duur mak papur. Duur see Red. Red say Duur chopin wud? Yup. Duur chop wud n mak club n mak papur. Red say Duur gud. Red say meebee Duur chopin baddee? Meebee Red cum?

Duur say meebee Red lik ogr hol? Yup. Red lik ogr hol. Duur go inna hol. Duur chop ogr. Duur git medul. Red blud stopur. Red help Duur. Red gud. Duur go Lint. Duur melt medul.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #13 on: November 27, 2004, 08:52:00 am »
Duur see Ree-us! Ree-us say meebee Duur lik chopin ded baddee? Meebee go Kran-dor. Sum gurl say meebee Duur git ash. Yup! Duur chop ded baddee. Weg cum. Dra-na cum. Kel-gar cum. Duur go Kran-dor.

Ree-us say Duur lik Fi-er chopur? YUP! Duur lik fi-er chopur! Ree-us giv Duur fi-er chopur. Duur mak fi-er chopur dans. Duur mak tuf skin. Nu hat gud. Duur go inna ded hol. Duur see ded baddee. Sum bons. Sum shad. Duur chop ded baddee meebee tin ded baddee.

Duur see shroom. Duur git shroom. Duur see dirt. Duur git Duur. Ree-us git dirt. Ree-us u lik dirt? Yup. Ree-us lik dirt. Duur giv Ree-us dirt.

Duur go deep. Duur see mor ded baddee. Duur chop gud. Duur see green baddee. Ree-us say Ree-us chop. Ree-us mak chopur wal. Ded baddee cum. Chopur wall chop gud. Duur chop ded baddee meebee tin ded baddee. Ree-us git ash. Duur lev.

Ree-us giv Duur ash. Meebee lee-tel gurl lik ash? Yup. Lee-tel gurl lik ash. Weg go inna inn git al. Duur go inna inn. Duur tird. Duur rest.

Duur go Lint. Duur see Ree-us! Duur see Bane n Kel-gar n Weg. Sum pee-pal tak. Duur rest. Duur mak Duur song. Bane lik Duur song. Ree-us say meebee sum pee-pal lik chopin sca-lee? Yup! Duur lik chopin sca-lee. Ree-us say Duur see sca-lee wit bo? Duur chop sca-lee wit bo. Okies.

Duur go inna muk. Ree-us giv Duur fi-er chopur! Duur mak tuf skin. Duur see sca-lee! Duur chop sca-lee. Duur go inna muk. Duur see mor sca-lee. Duur chop sca-lee. Duur go inna muk. Duur see MOR sca-lee! Duur see sca-lee wit bo. Duur chop sca-lee wit bo.

Duur see hol. Duur go inna gol. Hol is sca-lee hol. Duur see sca-lee. Duur see sca-lee wit bo. Duur chop gud. NO! Sca-lee ow Bane! Bane ded. Ree-us cum. Ree-us pra. Ree-us wak Bane! Ree-us gud.

Duur go deep. Duur see mor sca-lee meebee tin sca-lee. Ree-us mak chopur wal. Sum sca-lee git chop. Duur see sca-lee wit bo. Duur chop sca-lee. Ree-us git sca-lee hed.

Meebee Duur lev. Duur go. Duur see sca-lee! Meebee TIN sca-lee. Duur see sca-lee wit bo. Duur chop sca-lee wit bo. Sum sca-lee ow Duur. OW! Duur fal. Duur sleep. Duur wak. Ree-us wak Duur. Tankee Ree-us. Ree-us gud.

Duur lev. Duur go Lint. Duur no lik sca-lee hol.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #14 on: November 27, 2004, 09:10:00 am »
Na-ga say meebee Duur cum onna bot. Sum pee-pal cum onna bot meebee tin pee-pal. Duur go onna bot. Kel-gar go onna bot. Kel-gar sssshhhhhhh. Kwin go onna bot. Na-ta go onna bot. Dum moo-zak man go onna bot. Ba-ma go onna bot. Sum udder pee-pal go onna bot.

Sum wa-tur baddee cum. Duur go inna wa-tur! Duur no lik wa-tur. Duur see rop. Duur go onna bot. Duur no lik wa-tur. Duur no lik bot. Moo-zak man dum. Duur no lik moo-zak man. Meebee Duur tro moo-zak man inna watur.

Sum baddee cum. Duur chop baddee meebee tin baddee. Duur go port. Duur lik port. Duur no lik bot.

Duur go Linsk. Duur see ded baddee. Sum pee-pal chopin ded baddee. Duur chop ded baddee. Pee-pal go inna fort. Duur go inna fort. Man say sum ded baddee cum. Meebee stop ded baddee. Okies. Duur chop ded baddee. Sum pee-pal say meebee go see dorfs. Okies. Duur go. Duur see ji-ant. Duur chop ji-ant. Ji-ant cum bak! Duur chop ji-ant. Ji-ant cum bak! Wut? Duur chop ji-ant. Sum pee-pal run. Duur run. Duur see ded baddee. Sum bons. Sum shad. Sum ded man. Duur chop gud.

Duur see dorfs. Dorfs say okies, cum inna si-tee. Sum dorf say bad man mak ded baddee. Meebee find. Meebee chop gud. Bad man hav green chopur. Sum pee-pal lev. Duur lev. Duur go uppa hil. Duur see ded baddee meebee tin ded baddee. Duur chop ded baddee. Duur see blud n baks. Duur chop baks! Duur see mor ded baddee. Duur chop gud.

Sum pee-pal say meebee go dorfs? Okies. Duur go dorfs. Dorfs say GO! Pee-pal say meebee go uppa hil. Okies. No baddee. Duur see sum blud. Sum pee-pal say meebee go dorfs? Okies. Duur go dorfs. Dorfs mak wal! Dorfs no tak. Sum pee-pal say lev? Meebee go Last? Okies. Duur lev. Duur see ded baddee meebee tin ded baddee! Duur chop ded baddee. Ded baddee ow Duur! OW! Duur fal. Duur sleep.

Duur wak. Wer Duur? Sum pee-pal say Duur inna To-ran. Wut? Wer Duur? Sum dorf say Duur in Last. Okies. Sum pee-pal say meebee go Last. Duur in Last. Duur gud. Sum dorf say meebee baddee inna ded hol inna muk. Okies. Sum pee-pal say go inna muk? Yup. Duur go inna muk. Duur see trowl! Meebee tin trowl! Duur chop trowl meebee tin trowl. Duur chop gud. Duur chop mor trowl. Sum trowl ow Duur. OW! Duur sleep. Duur wak. Lee-tel gurl wak Duur. Lee-tel gurl blud stopur. Lee-tel gurl is boo-pee. Boo-pee gud.

Duur go inna ded hol. Duur see big big baddee. Sum pee-pal say baddee dee-mon. Duur chop. Duur go deep. Duur see ded baddee. Sum bons. Sum shad. Sum ded man. Duur chop ded baddee. Duur see mor ded baddee. Duur see man wit green chopur! Duur chop ded baddee. Sum ded baddee ow Duur. OW! Duur sleep. Duur wak. Boo-pee wak Duur! Boo-pee gud. Duur chop mor ded baddee. Ded baddee tuf! Duur chop ded baddee. Sum ded baddee ow Duur. OW! Duur sleep.

Duur wak. Wer Duur? Duur see sum pee-pal. Wer Duur? Duur inna dark. Duur sleep. Duur wak. Wer Duur? Duur inna wud. Wut wud? Duur in Kran-dor! Duur tird. Duur go Lint.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2004, 11:08:00 am »
Duur see Ree-us! Duur see Bane! Hi Ree-us. Hi Bane. Ree-us say meebee Duur lik go Dra-gar? Wut? Wer Dra-gar? Ree-us say far. Meebee bot? Nop. Ree-us say cum Ree-us hom. Ree-us mak majik go Dra-gar. Okies. Bane cum. Val cum. Duur go Ree-us hom. Duur see majik. Ree-us say majik por-tul. Okies. Duur go inna por-tul. Wer Duur? Ree-us say Duur in Pran-zus.

Ree-us say cum. Meebee go sand chop ji-ant. Okies. Ji-ant bad. Duur chop gud. Ree-us mak Duur fi-er chopur! Duur mak fi-er chopur dans! Duur see bug-bar. Duur chop bug-bar meebee tin bug-bar.

Duur go inna sand. Duur see ji-ant. Duur chop ji-ant meebee tin ji-ant! Ree-us sho hol. Meebee go inna hol? Okies. Duur go inna hol. Hol is ji-ant hol! Duur see ji-ant. Duur chop ji-ant gud. Duur see mor ji-ant. Duur chop ji-ant meebee tin ji-ant.

Duur lev ji-ant hol. Duur see mor ji-ant. Okies. Duur chop ji-ant. Ree-us say meebee go Pran-zus? Okies. Duur see mor bug-bar. Duur chop bug-bar gud. Duur go Pran-zus. Duur gud! Duur strong!

Ree-us say Duur gud. Meebee Ree-us mak Duur ting. Wut ting? Meebee Duur lik fi-er chopur? Meebee Duur hav gud fi-er chopur? Wut? Duur hav fi-er chopur? Meebee. Ree-us say cum. Ree-us go tow-wur. Duur go tow-wur. Ree-us mak majik. Ree-us say giv Ree-us chopur. Okies. Duur giv Ree-us chopur. Ree-us mak majik. Ree-us giv Duur nu chopur! Chopur is red! Chopur is hot! Chopur is FI-ER chopur! Hahahahaha! Ree-us gud! Duur gud.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2004, 11:17:00 am »
Sum pee-pal say meebee Duur mak i-ron blokur? Yup. Duur mak. Meebee Duur go inna ogr hol git i-ron. Duur see Tel. Tel lik ogr hol? Tel lik plat. Tel say okies. Duur see Log. Hi Log. U lik ogr hol? U lik chopin ogr. Log lik pownd ogr. Okies Log cum. Mi-kee say meebee Mi-kee cum? Mi-kee lik ogr hol. Okies Mi-kee cum.

Duur go inna ogr hol. Duur chop ogr. Log pownd ogr. Log pownd ogr gud. Duur lik nu fi-er chopur. Fi-er chopur chop ogr gud!

Duur git i-ron. Duur chop i-ron gud.

Sum ogr ow Mi-kee. Mi-kee ded.

Duur go deep. Tel lik plat. Plat deep. Duur chop ogr. Log pownd ogr. Tel chop ogr. Sum ogr ow Duur! Meebee Duur sleep? Nop! Log help Duur. Log blud stopur! Log gud!

Duur git i-ron. Duur chop i-ron gud.

Duur git ogr hed. Duur giv Log hed. Sum man lik hed. Meebee u giv sum man.

Duur lev ogr hol. Tel go Lint. Duur sho Log sum man. Sum man giv Log goldee!

Duur go Lint. Duur melt medul. Duur pownd medul. Duur mak blokur? Nop. Dum Duur. Duur pownd medul. Duur mak blokur? YUP! Duur mak blokur. Duur gud.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2004, 11:29:00 am »
Duur see Log. Hi Log. Log say meebee Duur help Log. Okies. Log say meebee find gurl pri-tee. Dum gurl. Okies. Duur help.

Duur go inna wud. Duur chop bug. Duur chop spi-dee. Log lok ski. Log mak fi-er chopur! Wut? Log mak fi-er chopur? Yup! Log gud.

Duur go inna lee-tel scalee hol. Duur chop lee-tel sca-lee meebee tin sca-lee. Duur see jel-lee. Duur chop jel-lee. Duur see lee-tel kiddee. Duur see bug-bar. Duur chop gud. Duur find pri-tee. Duur giv Log pri-tee. Meebee giv lee-tel gurl pri-tee.

Duur go Lint. Log go lee-tel gurl. Duur go hi.

Log cum. Log see Duur. Wut? Duur hi! Log cum hi. Duur tro fi-er. Duur mak fi-er onna grownd! Hahahaha.

Duur go grownd. Log go grownd. Sum man hid Log! Wer Log? Sum man hid Duur! Hahaha. Meebee boo pee-pal. Duur see sum pee-pal. Duur boo. Log boo.

Duur go inna in. Duur see sum pee-pal. Duur boo pee-pal. Log boo pee-pal. Hahahaha.

O. Duur no hid. Log no hid. Sum pee-pal see Duur. Sum pee-pal see Log.


RE: Duur gud
« Reply #18 on: December 10, 2004, 02:15:00 pm »
Deep beneath Hlint's courthouse, Duur rests in a small and cramped cell in the town jail. The smell from the waste hole doesn't bother him much, but Erred, who was kind enough to stay with him for company is starting to be disgusted by it. He passes the time mumbling to himself, sleeping, and eating like a pig. The guards were good enough to leave his big sack, Talon was likely a little afraid to try and take it from him.

He picks through the sack looking over his collection of odds and ends, occationally pulling out a piece of smoked meat to wolf down. Erred tries talking to him and occationally Duur looks at him and tries to comprehend what his babbling is about. He nods his head and grunts occationally because it seems to make Erred happy. Most of the time though he sticks to amusing himself with his things.

His naps begin to get longer and longer, almost entering a stage of hibernation. When he isn't napping he stares at the leaf Erred gave him.


The trial
« Reply #19 on: December 17, 2004, 10:35:00 am »
Duur waits alone as the trial nears. Erred was sent away in preparation for the trial. A small troupe of guards comes to bring Duur to the courtroom. The leader barks orders the large man has trouble understanding. He understands “come” and follows, head hung low. As they enter the courtroom, Duur sees a crowd of people; many strike some latent memory. His eyes scan the room and land on Plenarius. “REE!” he shouts, his face actually lighting up for the first time in days. Plen walks over to greet him and leads him to his bench with the guards.

The room is told to stand and the judge enters. He motions for all to sit and calls on the prosecutor to open. The woman steps forward and begins announcing the charges. Duur doesn’t understand all the big words she is using. He can’t understand why he is here. She points at him repeatedly during the recitation. Confused, he remains silent. Plen begins prodding him to say something. The words make no sense. Duur tries his best to mimic what Plen says, “No gitee.” Hushed whispers travel through the crowd and Plen is given a chance to open. Again, large and confusing words swim over Duur’s head. He stands quietly, scratching the occasional itch.

The prosecutor begins calling witnesses. During the questioning Duur stands there silent and confused. Plen often reprimands him for scratching or touching himself. Duur tries to hold his hands still, but often is distracted. During the questioning of the first witness Duur sees the prosecutor flicker and change into a horrible monster leering at him. He grunts and starts toward her. She flickers back to normal as Plen and several others call him back and take him to the bench.

Erred is called as a second witness, during the questioning the prosecutor again flickers and changes into a horrible monster. This time the monster is approaching Plen with a hungry look. Duur screams and grunts and moves to intercept the monster. The prosecutor backs off, flickers back to normal and Plen and several others once again call and try to restrain Duur. Confused he sits on the bench leering at the prosecutor, wary of what she might do next.

After Plen cross-examines Erred, he is told to sit down. The prosecutor then begins again and as she is talking she flickers and becomes the monster again. Each word she speaks cuts like a razor blade through Duur’s brain. He screams and grunts and bangs his head. He charges the monster and hits it. The pain is horrible and Duur chases the monster around the room. He pulls out his axe and finally manages to catch up with the creature. He swings and leaves a large fiery gash.

The people of the court room rush to grab him and contain him. It takes several of them but they manage to hold him down. He struggles and continues to try and bang his head. Some guards lead the prosecutor off to safety, the whole time the monster leers at Duur, mocking him.

Plen manages to convince the judge and those attending that mind altering effects were the cause of the outburst. A search of his bag produced nothing, but the good dwarf Bama spots a collar around Duur’s neck. The judge orders an investigation into the artifact and releases Duur to Plen’s custody.

The entire courtroom begins to discuss the events of the trial as well as past events. Plen and Thordan warn people of the Mind Flayers and the dangers. Duur stands by Plen confused, a dull ache continues in his head. He occasionally grunts and bangs his head with his fist. Plen tries distracting Duur and coaxing him to concentrate and focus his thoughts. He asks him of mining and metal work. Memories surface and begin to take hold. They are shattered though when an enormous fire giant appears in the room. Duur runs to attack and the giant’s fiery sword burns several deep cuts. Plen and Thordan call and try to restrain him. The giant rampages around the room, and then disappears. Someone heals Duur’s wounds and the burning subsides.

At one point, while Duur was distracted, Thordan jumps up and rips the collar from Duur’s neck. A violent shock races through his system and Duur passes out, as good as dead. Some time later, Duur is revived, but confused. He stands their trying to get his bearings and the judge flickers and becomes a monster and goes running off. Still disoriented, Duur stays put, but many in the courtroom take chase. They eventually come back, the monster nowhere to be seen.

Reality starts to bend. Duur is jumped from area to area in the courthouse. He gets dizzy and confused. He grunts and bangs his head. Sometimes Plen is there, other times he is surrounded by others. Eventually reality takes hold and Duur is together with everyone. Another monster appears. It taunts the group and speaks of things Duur can’t understand. It soon leaves and everyone, though a bit dazed, begins to wander off. Plen and Brisbane comfort Duur. He grunts. His head feels better. He wanders off out of the courthouse. He wanders the streets of Hlint, no destination in mind, confused and not sure what has been happening.

Plen and Bris invite him to come with them. His face lights up a bit and he follows them to a nice campsite. He curls up on the ground and begins to doze off, somewhat content.