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Author Topic: From the ashes  (Read 3373 times)


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #40 on: June 27, 2010, 10:03:04 am »
I am so cross with myself.  I do not understand half of the random bits of knowledge Priestess Glenna tosses at me.  I try and try.  I work hard.  I practice hard.  I shuffle along side her.  Why she continues to refuse a wagon or a carriage... a litter for Stars sake I simply cannot fathom.  She's  OLD!  Really and truely OLD.  Yet she wants to walk every step all the way to Spellgard herself.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #41 on: June 27, 2010, 10:05:53 am »
Half the page is scribbled out.  Her handwriting under the scribbles has an aggressive slant to it and if you spent the time to read under the scribbles you would find a great deal of frustration and unhappiness.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #42 on: June 27, 2010, 10:14:21 am »
Priestes Glenna is not speaking to me... again. perhaps it is still.  The weather turned and I just refused to allow her to trudge on in the mud.  I also decided that I am now incharge of the detail and sent half of us back.  There is no reason we needed 16 armed guards for one ancient but stubborn priestess.  I also insisted she ride in the litter we constucted.  We all gave up our extra cloaks and made a fairly weatherproof and warm nest for her.  We all take turns in rotation carrying one corner of the litter  which for security is acceptable as I see it.  I may get to Spellgard and learn I no longer have a place within the Guards of the Temple but I wil at least deliver the charge I  accepted responsibility for in good health and safe.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #43 on: June 27, 2010, 10:27:20 am »
The grumblings amoung the others has stopped after two days.  We have worked out a compromise with each other and with Priestess Glenna.  Who blackmailed me into letting her walk by refusing to eat.  We modified the litter to be more like a chair so she could see as we traveled instead of lying flat and being "Toted about like a body".  We stop frequently so she can walk some.  Each time we break down the litter she would choose one of us to assist her as she walked.  Its now developed into a rotation.  Left front carrier then Rigt front carrier ~  Left back carrier then right back carrier~  then rear guard ~ then escort ~ After that you are point guard and scout.  
 We are still traveling at a snails pace but morale is better and our charge is once again being reasonable.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #44 on: June 27, 2010, 11:13:54 am »
I have never in my life been so happy to sit down.  We finally arrived at Spellgard and the Temple.  Upon our arrival we were tasked along with a horde of others with helping a small local community who had a retaining wall holding back a fairly swift moving river.  The storms from a few days ago weakened it, and the whole structure was ready to collapse.  Nothing like moving a small mountain of stones in knee deep mud to work out the kinks of a long march.  
 There is more written but it is apparent that the writer was more asleep than awake and the final line written is merely where the quil slid across the page as the hand that guided it gave way to gravity and sleep.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #45 on: June 29, 2010, 09:15:02 pm »
//place holder for CDQ write up... but I need to work on it more.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #46 on: July 01, 2010, 04:41:51 pm »
She silently leans against the door frame, watching him work. Muscles flex and relax as he goes about his tasks, the weight of her glance is like a physical touch and his head lifts. It takes mere heartbeats for him to find her. Tossing the objects he had in his hand aside in a nearby crate, he moves toward her. She straightens and moves toward him. Moments later his arms enfold her and she tucks herself against his heart. They speak softly to each other, without moving for long moments. They share simple words, gentle caresses, blending into a reaffirmation of the love they share. Sometime later the topic of renovation of the house is discussed and the pair set off to see it.
 The house is quiet and cool as they arrive just before sunset. He takes great pride in showing off all the new changes and improvements. Acquainting her with his favorite places. The door closes behind them and the outside world fades into nothingness for them. Possessions are discarded haphazardly in the next moments. Candles are lit as night darkens the room. What began as quiet tenderness escalates to a joyous celebration. Suddenly a loud crack followed by the sudden crash of a corner of the bedstead to the floor cause the pair to freeze and look in surprise at each other. As realization sinks in they both burst out in laughter. They continue to laugh as they readjust to offset the odd angle of the bed. Mirth gives way to everyday conversation yet remain entwined as they talk.
 Sometime later he gently pulls away to reach for something tucked in garments hastily tossed on the floor. Taking something from a pocket he returns to her. A question earnestly asked. A ring adoringly offered. The answer reverently given. The gift gently placed upon her finger. As a gentle kiss realigns the course of thier lives, the two revel in the joy they share. As the candles burn out and leave the room painted in the softest moonlight they sleep. Her hand in his, resting softly upon his chest. Her head upon his shoulder the soft beat of his heart in her ear. His cheek nestled in her hair. The future full of promise glistening on the horizon like the dawn.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #47 on: May 23, 2011, 10:56:08 pm »
The life of service to the church is gruelling, especially when she wields no natural talent for it.  As her peers progress to positions within the service, she remains.  She is questioned time and time again if this service is really what she was called for.  Steadfast as the stars she turns her gaze to, she will not be detered.  She has her family and the support of the man she loves with every beat of her heart.  This is where she belongs, this is the path she was destined to follow....and so she remains.


Re: From the ashes
« Reply #48 on: May 24, 2011, 06:04:37 pm »
Oddly enough her skills with a sword and shield became an asset finally.  She would be assigned as protection for various clerics and church officials.  Being a student of the Al'Noth as well as a warrior, she became a bridge between two groups who often did not communicate well and her skills as a negotiator improved.  She would travel with the teams sent to investigate wild magic or areas of dead magic.