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Author Topic: A road of Honor, Truth, humility, duty and vigilance.  (Read 146 times)


A road of Honor, Truth, humility, duty and vigilance.
« on: July 17, 2011, 06:04:05 am »
[SIZE=18]To be one of the great leader servants, one must understand each of these virtues. To uphold them in every days actions, live them, feel them and let them live through you. It is not so much for your own edification, but for those who looks to you to learn and see how the fruits of these virtues can apply to their lives and help them grow stronger, in their lives and in their faith.

As Toran calls us to be shining beacons in the darkness where evil may grow, where the burden of life could bend the knees of those living under the oppression and injustice, it is important that we, worshipers of The Hand of Virtue be examples for them. Exceptional deeds can indeed bring the hope of the people up, but it will only last for so long, but if through your daily dealings the same people were to see how the virtues of Toran guides your life, then a seed can be grown into their hearts, that will grow with time as a strong tree. With roots so deeps that no matter the storm winds that would be howling at the tree, it would not fail or break.

It is my belief that if you live your life as a humble man or woman, without looking down on those that are not as blessed as you are, that you can reach more hearts. That those around you will look at you without a thought of distrust that when you rise up to a situation, it is not for your own personal glory that you do so, but because it is truly from your convictions and sense of duties that you act the way you do. A humble person would not try to pride himself of deeds he may have made to others. He would not boast of actions he is about to do. But instead he would rely on Toran to give him the strength to accomplish such deeds. "With The Great Leaders will, and strength I will be able to accomplish what tasks has been assigned to me". A humble man doesn't show how ever that through his humility he is not an entity by himself. He is a man or she is a woman in their own rights, they live and breath the same as any other that does around them. But to pride themselves of any deeds, to appropriate the success of such as their own, is not what Toran looks for when he seeks the heart of one of his own.

"Do no seek out title or glory for yourself, as this is not the way of the humble man, but instead accept that the strength was given to you by Toran to perform every day what he places in front of your path. Do not let your heart be filled with overwhelming pride at the actions you have made, but instead, be proud that you were blessed by the Great leader gifts to accomplish such tasks. To acknowledge your mistake is not a sign of weakness, but it is a sign of humility, truth and honor, as your heart shows it is not clouded by blinding pride."

These were the words that Brother Jamison and Sister Sarah taught me. Pride is the worst enemy that one in our position can have. It is what has for so long plagued our faith and turned the eyes of the people unfavorably against us. And through the pride of those that came before me, before them, the eyes of those who would look to us for help, have turned them away from Toran. No matter how much good Toran provides to them through your actions, it is not the blessing of Toran that they would have seen, but the chivalry of the one that accomplished the deeds. And instead of giving thanks to the one who has made it possible for the deed to be accomplished, they would give it to the one that accomplished the deed.

In such, a servant of the people, and the Great Leader, should always question his actions before he is about to pause them to be sure that he or she is not doing them for their own personal gain, but to further the will of Toran, and to make sure that such actions are truthful to what Toran has taught us and wants us to teach to those around us.

Honor is one word that can also be confused to what the meaning truly is. A honorable man is not one that finds honor in what he does. It is not to worry that what you would say, do or think would bring shame to you, your family or even those around you. But a honorable man seeks to be true and constant to the teaching of our mighty god. It is to follow through a promise that one has made. To keep true to the teachings that you have given, and not do the opposite once no one is looking. This is the reason why, a honorable man should never give his word easily. If one gives his word, he is bound by it. And to come back on this bound is to be dishonest. It is why one should say "I shall do my best, with Toran will ....". If what you give your word to would bring you to take action in a way that is untrue to Toran, you should not give your word. As if on the moment you are called to uphold the word you have given you may find yourself in a position that places you at odds with the oath you have taken. It is better to never give your word, than be force to come back on your word. Not because you protect yourself from shame, but because this way you ensure that what ever inequities you may be found to do, as no one is ever perfect, would not reflect on the one you serve. As you made your oath to serve the Hand of Virtue, you pledged yourself to follow his teachings and tenants with the very breath of your life. This takes precedence on anyone and anything in your life. No word, no promises is more important than this one, and in such none should ever jeopardize the oath you have made. If someone needs assurance from yourself, take the moment to reflect on it, to pray Toran for his will, let him guide you to what is best. But do not be hasty, in the wish to please or the eagerness to do good, to pledge yourself and through yourself Toran, into something that you should not. There is no further enemy to honor than dishonesty, may it be willingly or unwillingly.  And in such a honorable person will take the time to weigh in every words that is given.

Be it known that a honorable man or woman is not proscribed to have humor, or even have a good moment with friends. But he or she would know when such moments may bring harm to one an other. Is it honorable that through a friendly jive with a friend, you would hurt his feelings even if it is unwillingly? Even through humor one has to be mindful of what he does or say. And as it is with humility, it is honorable for a servant of Toran that does a mistake to come forward and not only apologize for such, but do what is necessary to correct such.

Truth goes hand in hand with honor. You can not be honorable and not be truthful as you can not be truthful and be dishonest. And in such to lie is as much a lack of honor as it is of humility. As one only lies to protect his honor. And in such one is blinded by his pride. To steal is also to lie to yourself and those around you if you say you are a honorable man or woman. In fact, no honorable and truthful person should even have to say they are honorable. The way they live their lives truthfully in line with Toran's teaching speaks by it self of the trueness of such person. If you have lived your live truly to what you have pledge to uphold in front of your god, you will never have to prove that your word is true, or that you are a honorable man. Those that sees the fruits of the teaching of Toran through you, will speak on your behalf of the trueness of your heart. Be mindful that again, in such instance, not to fall sway to pride. Be thankful always for such people who are willing to vouch for your heart, but do not expect such person to have to do it. And if they do not, do not let bitterness cloud your judgment.

If one challenges your words as untrue, do not let anger seep into what you say. Instead listen to the man, and talk with him with pause and always caring of him, even if he slanders you. A man that is set to destroy you with words, will find himself hard press to make his point valid, if those around you see that you remain true to yourself, to Toran, and do not let yourself be drawn into a moment of anger. In that moment of anger you may very well bring injustice to the family of that person, as the skills Toran has given you are dangerous to use foolishly. Even if someone slanders you, and you may feel that injustice is being done to you. You are a servant of the Great Leader and you must show example. Use the proper ways that are offered to you, but do not act harshly as such would not be True to what you are, and what you have been taught.

Duties are the same as taking your breaths. Duties have prepared you to the will of Toran. One must always do his duties as they are given to him, without delays unless of exceptional circumstances. Some may call you knight, paladins, holy warriors. But none of those words hold sway in the fact that the Great Leader calls you to be to your duties as you are to truth honor and humility. It is through your duties, studies and training that Toran has forged the will in you to push forward, even if your body was broken and tired. It is through them that he has taught us patience and empathy. This is why it is important for us to understand that no duties is every to small to be done right. Perfection is only in the realm of the Great Leader, but we should seek to be as perfect as one can be and still look to become better, in how we do our duties. Not for pride, nor title or renown. But because these are the things that forges who we are. A man that leisures himself in debauchery, can not understand the plight of a man that has worked all his life only to be able to bring the food on the table of his family. And in such, as we were training, and even still today, if our duty calls to bend on our knees and take the time to scrub the temple floor, remember that through this simple duty, you are learning what it is to be human. If you show the same dedication to the simple duties in every day of your life, then you can understand the dedication a farmer has to raise up every day at dawn to tend to his farm, until past the sunset. By tending to the wounded that comes into the temple, no matter how badly the wounds are, you learn the compassion that the healer shows to those that come to them, and the dedication to life that they have.

There is never a too small duty, all are important and it is only those that truly show dedication to each of them, that will understand the impact of each of them on our very lives. Ask yourself this, how can you call people to take up the shield to defend the weak, if you yourself have never shown the example by doing your own duties? Would Toran had seen how true your heart is, if you had done halfly the duties he had set you forth to do?

Vigilance is taught to use not only to always be prepared of the growing evil in the world, so that we can protect those under our care, and those who are too weak to protect themselves. But vigilance starts with ourselves. We have to be vigilant that we do not stray from the teachings of the Great Leader. Vigilant that our mind do not get fooled by the words of the seductors of this world. That we do not grow prideful from the deeds we have accomplished in his name. This is where vigilance starts. It's start with ourselves so we can learn of the signs to seek in others. There can be no vigilance if there is no understanding. I am not saying that to understand you must live the sins, but I am saying that understanding your own mortal penchant, you can become vigilant about them in others. Knowing that evil is in every one, is the first step in being able to fight it and best it. It takes only a moment of weakness for even the most pious to fail to his inequities. And in such one must always be aware of his own weakness and pray everyday that Toran gives us the strength to overcome them. But even if one prays and have faith in Toran that he will give him the strength to overcome his weakness, one should not tempt Toran. If you know that you can not hold even one drink of an ale, then do not tempt you weakness by taking the drink in the first place.

If one can not be vigilant about his own frailties, than one will never be vigilant of the enemy at the door steps. We are called to protect those around us, but first we must guard ourselves from our own nature. Some times we must even be vigilant that our Great Leader is not in fact testing us with our own fears, our own weaknesses, as like he forges our characters through the duties he gives us, he can also strengthen us through testing us, and it may come in any shape or form. Thus one has to be vigilant every single day of his or her life.

This is what I have come to understand of what our Great Leader calls us to be. Although this is only part of my thoughts and I will keep expanding on them as I gain more insight. If one day Toran decides that he would give me the opportunity to teach his wisdom, then maybe these pages of this book may help the one he sends on my path gain a better understanding of what it is to be a servant of the Hand of Virtue. But as I have already written, it is all in his will.


Re: A road of Honor, Truth, humility, duty and vigilance.
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2011, 12:46:51 am »
This day, I have seen the scourge of the earth, the evil working of the worst kind, the walking soulless bodies. I would have thought, when Sister Sarah told me of such thing, that I would feel compassion for them, and yet I do not. All I feel is pure hatred toward them, and a need to cleanse them. I do not know if such feelings toward what is dead but yet walking is against the teachings of the Hand of virtue, but he calls use to rid the world of the servants of evil, and I cannot but see these as mindless servants of evil.

I have taken upon me to go and cleans the three strong holds of those walking dead as I have found them. In Center, Vehl and in the glooms woods. And the more I hunt them down, the more I feel it is right for me to do so. Where I would usually use restraint so I would not bring injustice to a living being, I feel no compulsion of doing so with them. I use all my faith in the Great leader, calling on his blessings and using them against those foul beings. And part of me feels pleased that our mighty god, would bless me with those. But I do not let those feelings overcome me. I am overjoyed that Toran blessed me with his powers, but it is by his will that I have them, and always shall I be thankful for them and not taking them for granted.

Although, this hatred I feel for these walking dead, I know not if they are warranted. I will seek out council from the clergy on this matter.


Re: A road of Honor, Truth, humility, duty and vigilance.
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2011, 04:13:01 am »
I have yet been able to speak with a cleric or paladin in the church about my hatred towards the walking dead. And each passing days that goes by, I feel the urge to do as much as I can to bring them back to their restful peace. I go forth every night, and also during the day, but mostly during the night, and destroy them as I see them, using the gifts The great Leader has giving me. I pray to him and they turn and move away if they survived the prayer, and if they did, I then use my sword that I titled Vigilance to finish them off.

This day I have found an abandoned castle in the glooms wood. The only entrance I could find was a small crack that led to the basement it seemed. And from there I had no choice but to keep going in, destroying the walking dead as I found them. There was many different kind, from the ghostly spirits to the one called Ghasts I think. But no matter how little protection I had, how little knowledge I had, I pushed on. Praying and cutting at them with Vigilance. In the glory of Toran one by one, if not many at once with the prayers, they fell. And as I finally found my way out of that castle, I knew that this day, Toran had given me success. Without his gifts from my prayers, I would never have survived the ordeal. It is without a doubt that I give all the glory to him and none to me. He made it possible for me to survive. And from now on, this place will also be on my list of places to go at nights, to place them back to rest.

I truly need to speak to someone about this, I have no idea if it is even normal for a servant of the hand of virtue to roam the nights and hunt the walking dead the way I do. There's something familiar about it though, but I can't remember what it is. Maybe something I heard or read when I was a child, but I do not know.

Toran, once again I give thanks to you for providing me with the strength and gifts to do your work this day, and I give myself to your needs. Give me the wisdom and strength to continue and put them to rest once again.


Re: A road of Honor, Truth, humility, duty and vigilance.
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2011, 05:39:18 pm »
I have spoken to brother Marl the other day and his words got me thinking. My hatred, although not really hatred it is still hard to explain, toward the walking dead seems to be something that I should not aspire to keep within me. That it is prone to go against my training and virtues that are taught by Toran. He also seem to think that I should travel to Huanjin and meet with the order of shining hand. Maybe some of their council would help me better control this feeling I have when I see the walking dead rise from their grave.

So for this reason I have made arrangement to go to the citadel, and hopefully I will be able to meet with them. Maybe it's something more than I have comprehended, maybe it's just that I need more training to temper this side of my temper. Only the hand of virtue knows, but maybe they can guide me in the proper direction.


Re: A road of Honor, Truth, humility, duty and vigilance.
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2011, 11:49:28 am »
I have went to Huanjin as Brother Marl had suggested I did. It happened that at the moment I visited the citadel, there was a coronation of new recruits. The priestess I had briefly met once as she was doing some enchanting training at the temple of Fort Llast, Raelyn, was present too for her ordaining. It was a beautiful ceremony much bigger than the one I had had for my Vows. It was only me and Brother Jamison and Brother Marl.

In any case as the ceremony went on, The Hand, Leader of the Shining hand, the order Brother Marl wanted me to talk to, was present and took speech. It is almost as if he was answering all of my question right there, without me having to speak to him, and when he called those who felt the pull, who felt the calling to stand up and come forward there was no hesitation for me. I still had my questions but at the same time, I knew deeply inside of me, this was the call. This was the reason I felt this way.

After the ceremony I was able to speak to him and the division commander, and they both confirmed that it was normal for me to feel that anger against the un-living. But that this anger should not control me. It never has, but it is a good thing to say. In the end the division commander has told me that I should seek out Captain Stuart as her ranks had some openings.

The next day I went to find her, and as Toran would have it, she had received orders to train me. We spoke lonely about what the Shining hand order did, the hard choice that many of us will be faced with in our lifetime of service to the Great Leader. She herself was placed in front of such choices, the kind that has never right answers. She never said what she did, but I understood the choice she had and I think I know what she did. She also said something that has me pondering. My family and friends has always been the people that lived at the fort Llast temple, as far as I can remember. I was raised in the temple by a priest. I lived, prayed, ate, did my duty, learned and trained there all my life. But yet Captain Stuart said that I should enjoy life to some degree, and to be able to rely on friends. Most importantly to find the person who would keep me grounded, as many who have not found those thing go crazy with time, due to the choices they are faced to make and the constant anger that we feel. I am sure Toran has his plans for me, and up until now I have never asked myself what those plans could be. And I try not to. If it happens it happens. But could it?

Since our first meeting a few weeks ago, where she had told me to study all I could, all the scrolls and books I could find, I have exhausted the reading material that I could find at the Temple. I need to expand my knowledge, and I'm left wondering where I will find other scrolls or book. Captain Stuart said that if need be I could ask some cleric of Aragen if they have any more material to learn from. It feels weird but it is needed. Until then I will keep training pushing myself further and further. I will not fail him.


Re: A road of Honor, Truth, humility, duty and vigilance.
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2011, 01:02:40 am »
Beside my duties, I have spent most of my time in Huanjin to train more and learn more about the un-living, reading the scrolls that are available at the citadel is truly educational. I've been here for two months now, and the reading has been continuous. Toran willing, I will learn all I can and become a beacon of his light even in the most tainted of places, and through his will and power vanquish those wretched un-living. The additional Martial training that Captain Stuart has put me through has been rewarding also. It reminds me of Brother Jamison, as he was training me when I was younger.  She is tough but yet a warm person, dutiful and yet knows when to relax and have fun, some times at my expenses which I find amusing too. I am learning immensely under her and I praise Toran that the shining hand has placed me under her orders.[/B][/SIZE][/font]


Re: A road of Honor, Truth, humility, duty and vigilance.
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2011, 01:37:31 am »
I am now a beacon of the shining hand,

It all started when I received my new orders from the shining hands recently, ordering me to report to Katherian and take charge of a murder investigation. I was perplexed at first why they would send me to the city of vice, but orders were orders and I was happy to serve. I stumbled on Raelyn at the temple, working her enchanting smiling as usual. I stopped to say hi and see how she was doing as I had some time before the ship left, and we ended up talking about the new mission I was assigned. I must have been showing excitement as it is my first mission that I would be in charge of, as she just kept smiling and she asked if I needed her help. Her knowledge of healing and the human bodies would indeed be very useful and I said yes that I would need her help. And so we left.  Prior to leaving I had sent a messenger for Captain Stuart, to let her know of the orders I had receive and if she wanted to join us.

The travel was quite uneventful , and gave us some time to talk a little and get to know each other slightly better. and within the week we had arrived at Katherian. City of vice indeed, you could almost smell the decadence in the air. But no matter my personal feelings, I was there to complete a mission and I would do it no matter what. We were greeted by Sir Justin Deibel and Sir Michael Roderick. They had been on this assignment for some time now and had hit a stone wall, due to the nature of the city, the corrupted officials, so they thought some new faces would be beneficial. We started right away as they led us to the latest murder site. There on a broken lamp post a heavily mutilated body was impaled. Seeing the body at first, with the bite marks, and the overall state of it, zombies crossed my mind, and I asked Raelyn if she could examine the body without telling her exactly what I thought, so it wouldn't influence her examination.  During her examination, Captain Stuart and Riley her husband finally met up with us, and Raelyn was pointed out to the missing organs but she did come up with some odd looking crescent moon birth mark. That brought up many questions that took some time to get an answer to. I guess I need to work on asserting my authority more, if I'm in charge of a mission. But I have to say that the questions that were brought by all were good ones.  There was this city guard that was with us, his name was Edward. He was the only guard that was willing to work with us, as the others were all posted to protect the richer houses of the city, that and they would not have anything to do with us, as I found out later that corruption had spread even within the city militia.

After some time of talking and examining the body, Edward finally brought us to one of the other murder spots, and this time we even found out that bones had been taken by the small remains we could find. My theory of zombies was coming to an end at this point of time, but with this new find I wanted to check the local graveyard to see if any tombs might have been ransacked for body parts and bones. To my relief the soil had not been tampered with, and all was in order in their cemetery. Edward did say that they kept a vigilant eye on it, unlike other towns. At this point I asked him a question that was on my mind for a while but had been unable to. If he knew any of the victims. In fact he did, the latest one was a dock worker who often hung out at a local bar at the docs called the Trog's neast Tavern,  at this tavern we met up with a few people, A Halfling that we managed to persuade to tell us all that she knew with some ale and a pie, And old man that seemed to have a liking to his scrolls, and more.  As the Halfling was telling us all about the things she knew from the murders and also the mightily beautiful hookers that worked near the docks, I motion to Riley to go talk to one of them that was in the bar. For some reason out of my control at one point I just got stung by her physical beauty and received a hand behind the head from Captain Stuart, Raelyn and her giggled at that as Riley managed to start talking to her. I can take being the butt of a joke as long as our duties are not being impaired by it, and seeing Raelyn laugh.. and Captain Stuart, was contagious and I starting laughing too. Captain Stuart seemed to think that he would stumble on his words and fall flat on his face of sort, as he seems to have problems talking to women. But he actually managed to get in with her and she guided him to a back room. It didn't take long for me to sense that something was horribly wrong, and I hurried in my armour and rushed the room. As I got there, the woman was coming out of the room enraged, beastly, it took Riley and Captain Stuart to actually manage to bring her down, but she was stricken with so much rage and strength that they had trouble keeping her steady. I warned her that if she didn't calm down I would render her unconscious, and as she didn't listen she gave me little choice. Raelyn found a vial that seem to hold some magical essence to her, and for myself I hurried out back to the front door to get Edward and order every one out of the tavern. As we got back to her, I was just in time to see her change from the beautiful woman she was to an old lady past her prime by a few decades. It struck us that it was what was in the vial that morphed the old lady into the beautiful object of desires, and when the effect were coming to an end, it had a radical drawback that made her become the murderer with the strength and rage that actually ravaged the bodies. I had my doubt that she would be the only one, and so had the others. The Halfling had already told us where the employer of the working girl was located and that's when I had told Edward to gather as many men as possible to surround that building. And it is at that point that he told us that Bork, had a deal with them so they wouldn't even come close to his business. We decided to head back to the other beacons and go to that enclave of villainy.

As we got back to the docks, we came upon the bodies of our comrade. They had been murdered quite violently and desecrated beyond measures. Raelyn tried her best to bring them back, but she couldn't feel his presence at the moment, as if something was blocking us from Toran. It is at this point that we were attacked by a group of bandits. To their dismal we easily dispatched them all, but one that we kept alive. After Riley managed to stabilize and heal him, I came to him and looked him straight in the eyes. Making my purpose clear to him, I told him it would be in his best interest to answer us. He promptly complied. He told us that a Bork sent us due to the questions we were asking, and that even he was receiving orders from a higher power about the murders. The orders were coming from a small fellow called Lucian, him and Borka apparently were not from the town and had come to secure a part of the crime ring. After some more talk I made a deal with this man, that if he would show us where they were hiding, I would ensure him safe passage back to Fort Llast where he would be able to live safely and atone for his actions.  Edward was in the same predicament now that they had seen him work with us, Kitharen was no longer safe for him. The bandits agreed and showed us how to get there and also told us that to get in we would have to use the password "Swordfish". But not just said so, we had to mix it in a sentence.  At this point Edward and the man were ready to leave, and Raelyn offered herself to accompany them back to the temple at fort Llast. It was a good choice but at the same time as she left, I felt a sadness in me that I'm not sure how to explain.  But I was on a mission, and I couldn't let this feeling keep me from my duty. I would see this mission through, no matter what, and so I pushed it back and held fast to my mission.

We made our way to where the bandits had told us to go, and saw the guard that was posted outside of the building. In a quick thought I asked him if he knew any good swordfish recipe, at that he let us in. We were greeted by one of the lady of the night employed by Bork, inside who asked us if we were the new hands that were hired, and with our vague answer she went to get her boss, we all sensed how evil this building was filled with and prepared ourselves accordingly.  Instead it's a volley of vampires that came to us. Again with the will and strength of the hand of Virtue, we dispatched them with ease. We pushed ourselves through the corridors, dealing blows after blow, praying and using the gifts that were given to us by Toran to vanquish the un-living that were being thrown at us, I had noticed some gaseous forms that also attacked us, but they had retreated before we could deal the last blow on them. And once that was done we went to the furthest room. In there we found two ladies again, one was still very much in her beautiful form and young, and there was an older lady that had attacked us and we unfortunately killed her. She had an vial of the potion on her too. The other one was much too frighten to run to safety thinking that it was a trick that was being plaid on her. We made our way to the other room.

In that room we were met with the outmost form of brutality one could imagine. There sitting on a stool, chained to an alchemist table, there was a gnome badly beaten with his legs sawed off. As he saw us he pleaded for us to kill him, to take him out of his misery. I refused, even with his insistent plea for us to kill him. After some time we managed to get him to talk. He explained to us that he was forced to brew the potions for his wife would be killed if he did not. He had warned them that the potion was unstable, that there would be dire consequences to those who drank it. That the more they drank it the more of their soul they would lose. He also told us that to make the potion work, it needed a powerful reagent, vampire blood. It was that blood that gave the potion the effect to make them young again and give them the beauty, but at the same time as it faded, it gave them the strength and hunger to get more. I proposed to him to take him to a safe place but at first he still wanted to die. I told him I would have none of this but he could live away from here, after making sure that he was not going to be bonded to continue to brew the potions even if he was far away. He told us mixed in his plea for death that his name was Rogan. He told us that they were keeping his wife down below where Bork and the Thornes, the master mind behind all of this, were holed up.  

We made our way down below after making sure that it was safe to leave him there, and as before, fought our way through hordes of vampires and ghouls. Defeating them one after the others with the power of Toran's through us as vessels.  And finally we met face to face with Bork who chose to run off once his forces that was guarding him were dispatched easily.  I ran after him until I met with a strange looking vampire who managed to confused me, but not enough for me to rely on my years of training and slowly retreat back to Captain Stuart and Riley, making sure that the strange un-living was following me. He taunted us as he ran, but groups of vampires after groups o ghouls we defeated them all until finally we found a room filled of bodies, where more ghouls were feasting on. It is there that we found Rogan's dead wife. I could still feel the evil reeks in this place, and I used my senses to guide us to where it felt the strongest. Finally we met with Bork, he had nowhere to run left, and he fell for the atrocities he had committed. Justice had been dealt and as his last breath escaped, he cried out a "not again" and after only a few seconds his body vanished. I understood right there, that I might stumble on this half orc again one day as he was stone bound.  We kept pushing further and further until finally we met with the master vampires. The Thornes. Again as the others we dealt with them, although trickier than what we had faced, they paused no challenged to our combine forces guided by the will of our Mighty Toran. And again as we destroyed the vampires bodies, I noticed the gaseous shade move back and it entered a sarcophagus. We opened it and found a couple enlaced in each other's arms into their eternal sleep. Captain Stuart emptied a bottle of holy water on them and it started to boil over them. I used my sword to cut down the post of one of the torch and then threw it in the sarcophagus and watched it burned good. It was done, we had vanquished the villains, the un-living were put to rest and we had managed to save at least two  of the unwilling parties. But our ordeal wasn't over yet.

As we started to make our way back to the topside, we smelled smoke. The building was now on fire, and poor Rogan was still chained to his alchemist table. We rushed to save the ladies first, Captain Stuart guiding the crazed woman out, as I took the dead one in my arms, and then with Riley we rushed to Rogan. Again he pleaded for us to leave him die there, a punishment to his crimes. But I wouldn't have it. I set the dead body over one of my shoulder and started to hack at the chain with my sword. Poor metal it is made from I couldn't even scratch it. but Riley swiftly cut through it and he picked up Rogan to make our way out of the building fire, in the nick of time.  The neighboring residents already chained to bring buckets of water to put the fire out, to which I joined the effort. Once the fire was done, I explained to Rogan that we had found the body of his wife, and how sorry I was for his loss. He was stricken with grief. The poor gnome had tried his best to protect his wife by doing what he was forced to do by the vampires powers to only find out that it was all for nothing.

As there was nothing left for us to do, I brought Rogan to the temple. After speaking with the high clerics of the temple, they had agreed to perform the healing ritual on him to regrown his legs, but he refused. He would have nothing to do with it as he was still struck with grief for what he was forced to do and the death of his wife. I was also notified upon our return, that my commission had been granted and that I was now a full fledged beacon of the Shining hands.  Captain Stuart even requested I be placed under her orders as she was already training me, to which they agreed.  It's been a few weeks since then, and I have yet to get used to the title of Beacon. During this time I have also went and visit Rogan, spending time to comfort him and pray with him, hoping that with time he would find the comfort within Toran's love and peace.  He seems to be starting to get better, but I know it will be a long road, and I will be there as much as I can with him, as my duties permits, to guide him and support him. After all he's went through, it's the least I can do for him.

I thank you Toran for the strength you have given all of us to complete the mission that was set forth in front of Us. It's not by our strength but only by yours that we vanquished the covenant of vampires and their minions. And by your will and your strength I will keep fighting those Un-living until the day you judge my life to an end and call me to your side.


Re: A road of Honor, Truth, humility, duty and vigilance.
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2011, 11:56:12 am »
*After coming out from a foray against the undead in Krandor. Kian sits by the water and takes out his journal.*

My faith and My duties first, and only for always. It is not that I had not been as diligent as I was in the past, but I had opened myself to explore things that were told to me by Captain Stuart. I am sure for some it is needed, but as I have learn, never again. Toran, has been, is and will always be the only one of matter, and my duties and faith to him unequivocally a priority.. my only priority. And this til my body exhales it's last breath in his service.

*He closes his journal and takes a moment looking over the water, praying.*


Re: A road of Honor, Truth, humility, duty and vigilance.
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2011, 05:10:23 pm »
*It's a cold and stormy night, the howling wind claiming any heat the fire tries to provide, almost extinguished with the incessant rain and each gust of wing. Kian sits under the make shift shelter, only two branches and a roof of cut down branches and leaves. He stares waiting at the night, taking the time to write some of his thoughts.*

It's been months since the last time I have been back to the temple. Since my talk with her. I have focused myself on my duties only, hunting every night the walking deads. Toran has provided me with his strength and his protection, although I know that even then I have to always be vigilante. And now my supplies are running out I think it's time I head back to the temple to restock and check on any orders they might have for me. And then as before, I will head out again, to roam the restless nights and bring peace to those tortured souls, to the soulless bodies that are unearthed by the Evil that lurks these lands.

Such is my service to the Hand of Virtues.

*As the wind and rain finally wins their battle against the fire, Kian puts his journal away and dons his armor. The rain batting on it mercilessly, he takes out his Shield and Sword and looks at the tomb entrance. He looks up a moment to the lightning filled skies, saying a small prayer before placing his helmet on his head, and finally makes his way down the complete darkness, the eternal flames that was once cast on his shield, his light source, as the Ankh itself glows as a Shining beacon.*