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Author Topic: Gifts of the Lord Protector  (Read 11283 times)


Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2010, 03:20:44 pm »
A tired looking Daniel leans over his journal by a small divine globe of light as a cool wind blows down the darkened streets of Wayfare. Muffled girlish giggles are heard briefly before a stern 'shh' sound is heard then all goes quiet again.
 Tunar, Jenra 3, 1471
 There is much that weighs upon my mind this night. First and foremost is glad news from the Church in Vehl. A Knighting Ceremony is to be convened in less than a fortnight and those initiates among the faith will undergo testing to determine our worthiness. In this matter I feel mostly confident. As a priest of the order, much of my training has prepared me for the hard questions certain to be posed upon potential Knights. Lest my confidence betray me, I will pray for wisdom at the Temple a full days time before the initiations.
 The other matter is the Church's decree of aid to Lord Rael's campaign and my personal resolve to act as the commoners advocate in the theatre of Southern Dregar. To this end I have invited my fellow initiates to journey with me so that we may bear witness under the pretense of following the decree, but more purposefully to guard against any an all acts of lawlessness or cruelty regardless if they be committed by Rael's troops or others. A tyrant is never to be trusted and a tyrant is what Lord Rael remains regardless of whatever witchery he utilized to convince my superiors to back him.
 Ever have the Knights of the Wyrm stood for this purpose and I intend give it my full measure. When the hour is darkest, the golden light shines brightest. May the Great Dragon grant me his strength and wisdom.
 Daniel Benjamin Poetr, High Protector
 Candidate, Knight of the Wyrm.
 Wayfare, Mistone
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2010, 10:43:15 am »
Satari, Jular 28, 1471
 The Knighting Ceremony went as expected. I was both pleased with the brothers that turned out for the testing and disapointed that Sister Amireana did not make it. All passed as I hoped they would, even the large man, Justice. He is slow to realize it, but faith is a matter of the heart not head and I know he will do well as a Knight. To my astonishment, I was inducted as a Knight Captain of the Wyrm, an honor I immediately repaid by volunteering to to travel to Fort Hold near Prantz in accordance with the decree of the Golden Voice that all Rofireinites stand with Rael.
 I have been here in Fort Hold for some time now and the other night we saw our first action. It was horrendous. A large band of Dark Elves attacked our camp at night and quite a few under my command fell before I could rally them and drive off our attackers. Word is that many attacks were launched simultaneously on Rael's lands and the force brought to bear against us was a small strike force. It is times such as these that I miss my family in Wayfare the most and it is my hope that my stand here will shield them from these horrors of the deep. The injured and dead are tended, but now I must write the letters to the loved ones of the fallen. It is a duty I truly wish I could delegate, but it falls upon myself as their commander to notify next of kin. Great Dragon grant me the strength and wisdom to do so.
 Daniel Benjamin Poetr,
 Knight Captain of the Wyrm
 Fort Hold, Dregar.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #22 on: November 02, 2010, 09:13:58 am »
A weary Daniel sorts through the small pile of missives on the crude camp desk in his command tent. Coming upon a personal letter addressed some weeks ago, his face goes shock white and he stands clutching the letter while yelling at the top of his voice for his aide de camp, "Sargeant Mulvey, I require your presence in here, IMMEDIATELY!" After several moments, bare feet are heard on the path outside his tent.
 "Yes sir?!" Sargeant Mulvey enters the tent, his nightshirt askew and only one sock on, quickly he slides both feet into the boots he has under his arm and stands at attention.
 "Why was this letter not brought to my attention immediately, Sargeant?" The cold controlled tones of Daniel's voice shock the normally disciplined aid to the core.
 "It was a personal letter sir, sealed by your wife I believe. I did not read it but placed it on your usual pile of correspondence. The Raelites must of covered it with the usual military reports after. Is something amiss, sir?" Sargeant Mulvey responds, unsure what has his usually thoughtful Captain so on edge.
 Realizing his anger is misplaced, Daniel's tone softens,"Quite alright, but I am afraid my service to the Knights here is ended. Effective immediately, I resign my position , Sargeant. You are in charge until a new Captain is assigned, am I clear?"
 With a mute nod, the stunned Sargeant acknowledges this shocking news as Daniel packs his few meager belongings and stuffs them into Edward's saddlebags. "My daughter has been killed, Sargeant." Daniel says with barely controlled grief. "The Great Dragon protect you, Sargeant. See to the Men and remember our purpose here, all reports continue to the Church in sealed diplomatic pouches and are to be transported only by our own Knights." With that, Daniel mounts and rides hard for the nearest portal to take him home.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #23 on: November 02, 2010, 12:36:49 pm »
Some time later...
 Distraught Daniel hears of the news of Rachel's funeral from a fellow priest who conducted the ceremony and makes his way to the small gravesite. Kneeling beside the grave, Daniel succumbs to the grief he felt coming since reading the news. "I am soo sorry my dear singer to the morning, Rachel. Da should have been there to fight for you and Becca not you alone defending your sister." Daniel weeps for a time before continuing. "You were a true Rofireinite, my daughter, even if only for the briefest of instances. I shall miss you always. I know you are with your grandmother now and the Lord Protector so after today, I shall not grieve but seek to find those responsible and bring them to justice, my beloved daughter, wherever and whomever they should be. I make this vow on your final bed. Sing your songs for the Great Dragon when you wake in his realm, Rachel Tariana Poetr. I will see you soon."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #24 on: November 03, 2010, 09:56:35 am »
Lying there, fully dressed with Lawgiver within easy reach, Daniel forced his breathing to assume the cadence of deep sleep, even allowing his throat to relax to the point of snoring, which he detested in others, but had found during his tour at Fort Hold to be the only effective way to make aids leave him to rest. There, hovering between full conciousness and psuedo sleeping, he listened to the sounds of the newly built Arms settling into its foundation and adjusted his senses to slowly block these common sounds. It was a trick he had forced himself to learn after the dark elf attack. Sleep lightly for the only warning you will get is the soft hiss of blade plunging for a vital area. Instead of a blade; however, he heard instead a soft gurgle and the shifting of a slight body followed quickly by cat like footsteps and the pressure of a door opening and closing. Opening his eyes a quick glance confirmed his guess, Bella had more than likely gone to the kitchen for a snack.
 Daniel reflected quickly on the almost painful conversation they had earlier. His observations of Bella led him to several conclusions. Her movements however stifled in his presence could not hide the fact that somehow her bladework continued. He could see plainly the unconcious grace and small swagger that only a seasoned swordman or is this case, sword woman possesses. She was hiding something from him as well. She appeared almost fearful upon his conviction to follow and question Viper. Small tells such a licking of the lips and her eagerness to deny knowing much else about the mercenary Viper, made him believe if she was not lying to him, she definitely knew more than she was telling. With a grim determined look, Daniel slid Lawgiver into his belt and prayed two quick prayers. The first the grant him Dragon sight, the second to make his physical body fade to ethereal. He left his boots off and hurried after Bella in his stockings, holding his blade in hand to silence its rattling.
 Rounding one of the numerous corners, he was almost startled to hear movement coming from a lamplight room. Freezing in place, trusting in the prayer to keep him unseen, he paused to listen. "it's yers iffn ya want it. He's huntin' Viper... jest figgered I'd let ya know. Dunno how much he's really here ta see me an' how much he's lookin' fer her... and, well Becca obviously..." Silence followed and despite straining, no more words were heard. Stepping forward slowly, Daniel peers through a crack in the hinge and stands still watching as Steel tucks back a loose hair and stands close to Bella. The act alone bespoke a closeness that bothered him more than a little, but he could tell there was nothing more than close friendship by her response. What intriqued him more was the curious wrist grabbing and gesturing Bella and Steel were now engaged in. It brought back memories of Steel and Viper during his impersonation of the mercenary Hal in Vehl. Frowning, Daniel could tell the conversation was about over as Bella turned to leave still holding her sandwich. "Night" was all he heard as he rushed down the hall and back to the stairs. Making as much haste as he dared, he put his sword back on the floor and laid next to it. As the doornob turned, he dispelled the prayers and closed his eyes falling back into his semi concious watchfulness.
 In the dark hours of the morning Daniel leaves a note for Bella and Rebecca it reads, "Have gone to Vehl for orders. Will return when I can. Daniel"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #25 on: November 22, 2010, 12:50:29 pm »
*A mix of notes upon loose parchment*
 Remember the card reading, You can force the issue or accept what is. Either will reveal the truth, but one is the wiser course.
 Known facts:
 Viper has gone to ground and has not been seen in some months.
 Viper has not come forward of her own free will for questioning.
 Bella is hiding something from me.
 Both Bella and Viper have a connection to Steel.
 Both Bella and Viper can speak with their hands. Further, as Angela pointed out, Bella has been able to do so for much longer than a month due to her obvious fluency.
 I have seen both Bella and Viper in one place at the same time, but only once and at a distance.
 Viper is more endowed or appears so. (off to the side is a another note: Padded armor?)
 Other considerations: The Dream.
 Must speak to Defender Argali about the mist.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2010, 03:34:38 pm »
The dream is waiting for him as he slips into his slumber. Once again fear pervades his thoughts and once again he drives it back with the twin litany of duty and love. As the darkness starts to overtake him at the end, Daniel looks for the face of his beloved, only this time to find the mask of the mercenary, Dreadblade Viper. Before he can ponder the significance of this change, he feels himself growing smaller, a lad of some ten winters and under his hand is his father, Benjamin. The wound that stretches the length of Benjamin's thigh is fresh, a garish bloody gash clearly made by a large axe. The muscles barely held together by his father's crude bandaging weep his lifesblood slowly upon the grass. Young voice quavering with doubt and question, he begs the Dragon to heal the injury as he had seen his mother do many times  and the power fills him, bringing with it a sense of profound order and joy. As he struggles to make sense of both vision and rememberance, a hand gently touches his shoulder and he wakes with a start. Inquisitive ruby eyes slanted in elvish fashion regard him with a mixture of concern. "Are you well, Daniel? You cried out in your sleep." Miss Saira asks.
 "Aye, simply a dream of long ago, Miss Saira. I apologize if my cry disturbed your own rest." Daniel replies gathering his things. How odd, he thinks to himself, that such a person, a dark elf Illsarian, would help me to release my anger over Rachel's death. Shaking off that sudden thought, "I found my faith here in this very spot many years ago.." Daniel continues on as stands and leads them both in the direction of Mariner's Hold, both chatting as old comrades do.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #27 on: December 06, 2010, 01:58:55 pm »
With a groan, Daniel wakes and squints through the eyeslits of his visor. As his vision slowly focuses, his head throbs and unconciously his hand finds a rather large dent where a wing used to be. "Praise the Gold I was wearing my helm." He mutters as his vision takes in a largish section of worked stone lying next to him at the bottom of the hill behind Moraken's tower. Looking up he spots where the stone came from , some two giants high on the southeasterm corner of the tower a section bears the marks of lightnings and fire. Standing on shaky legs, he removes the now dented helm and attaches it to his belt. Taking stock, he calls upon the fire inside him only to find while the holy fire remains, his ability to reach it seems diminished by his inability to form the focus in his mind to call to it. "Hmm. Head wound." With a shrug, Daniel quickly wraps his head with some bandages from his pack and makes his way slowly across the torn landscape finally emerging near the western gate of Hlint only to find the way barred by a squadron of the Queen's Regulars.
 "Let me pass!" He asks to which the regulars in response, raise thier crossbows. Frowning Daniel reads the proclamation posted on the wall and steps back. "Bad news indeed, what day is it then?"
 A Sargeant steps forward, "It has been some two days since the Dragons came, Ser. All are forbidden entry as some of those still here have a sickness. I would send for a healer, but those inside are occupied and you may not enter. Queen's orders Ser." With that he steps back into the protection of his squadron and motions Daniel away.
 Daniel pauses to think a moment then snaps his fingers, the action sending a wave of pain to shoot up the back of his neck. Wincing his makes his way to Edward, tethered near the meeting fire and turns toward Llast.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #28 on: December 27, 2010, 09:06:59 am »
*letter addressed to Bella Poetr c/o Leringard Arms, Leringard, Mistone*
 I have been asked by the Church to return to Prantz once again to investigate the cause of the fires that burn there.  Best rumors are that the Dragon Cult is behind these attacks, but Sir Breton Parth and Justicar Reus both say they are in need of more information.  Rebecca was unchanged when I left, but I did ask Lana to come visit with her for a time, if you allow.  I will send word when I am able.
 Yours in the Gold,
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #29 on: January 12, 2011, 03:26:47 pm »
*letter addressed to Bella Poetr, c/o Leringard Arms*
 Wedlar, Apreal 25, 1476
 I have been aiding the Principium investigators here in Prantz for some time now. While the damage was minimal, it did destroy some records and I wish to know which before I return to Mistone so I may be delayed some time yet. Otherwise, all is mostly quiet, dare I say boring, other than the rumor that Prantzian forces engaged Kuhl. I can neither confirm or deny this has occurred as the word that reaches Prantz proper is nearly the same as other locations and the forces of Rael are nothing if not disciplined. I would say further that despite my reservations about Lord Rael's political ambitions regarding Lor, he does seem to care for his people and his people respond with a fierce pride, discipline, and the usual dwarven and human industrialism. Much of the physical damage from the attack here has been dealt with due to these traits. The memory of the cult attack will remain; however, and will provide the fire that fuels Prantzians to fight the Cult.
 How does Rebeccah fair? Any change, has she spoken? I pray for her and you constantly and keep alive the hope that she will return to the child she once was and that we may return our union to what it once was as well. Please pass along my love to our daughter.
 Yours in the Gold
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2011, 10:10:19 am »
As Daniel returns to his men on the north wall, he says little but makes his way to the defensive ballistas and reinforces them with prayers to the Lord Protector.  That work finished he reminds the crews that those weapons are to be utilized at all times regardless of what friendly troops may be in the way and to be protected at all costs. "Remember, our lives may be forfeit, but we are defending the common people.  Watch the skies and focus your attacks. Do not fail in your duty and you will be judged accordingly"  As a final reminder he grimly tells them that even if he, thier captain, is standing in the path to let loose.  From there, he moves to the small contigent of Knights and stands ready for the final assault calling upon the Great Dragon for strength, endurance, and sight for the warriors who stand with him. As the Myrdachs close, he leads the charge from the north gate, the Golden Dragon emblem of his shield facing the enemy.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2011, 09:08:19 am »
Daniel accepts the commision with a grim look and dismisses the messenger before turning to his remaining men. The last few days of combat operations has taken a toll on him. Grey to silver hair now grows in place of his once blonde locks and his face has taken on a dark brown weathered look much like the surrounding landscape. Exhaustion is clearly evident in his step, but his eyes remain clear and blue. Picking out trusted sargeants from all the groups below him, he reassigns them into working squads and begins dispersing them to various areas in the northern quandrant. "Just to be clear, henceforth, you are fingers in a fist, hit and run are our tactics now. We need to change the focus of this battle and quickly. Do not under any circumstances engage the dragons directly, but focus on reclaiming the ballistas and slowing the ground forces. Daniel orders the squads to begin moving under cover whenever possible to avoid the Dragons in the skies and to push north toward the initial breach. He hurriedly assigns whatever engineers are left to the various squards with orders to salvage any all ballistas and bolts. "There we we will reform, strike, then disperse again. The Gold be with us."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #32 on: March 11, 2011, 12:01:39 pm »
As the fighting continues in small pockets throughout the northern quandrant, Daniel and his small band come across a larger group of Succession soldiers moving haphazardly southward away from the fighting. With sour looks and scowls the Succession soldiers push a calvary sargeant to the front to speak for them. Stepping up, Daniel is heard muttering a prayer. "Mother, grant me your grace."
 "Captain," the Calvary Sargeant begins speaking, keeping his tone neutral. "Me and my men received word that our Commander was slain by General T'sek, We're leaving this fight." He finishes spitting upon the sandy ground.
 "As you will, Sir, the general has given me the authority to hang each of you to a man for this dereliction of duty, but as every sword is needed in this fight, I will not pursue that course for pragmatism must guide my hand and I will not spare the Knights needed to effect such a thing. Instead I offer you this. Our foe will not be content with the defeat here but will continue to press until all of Dregar falls under the Cult's dominion. Your families, wives, children, mothers and fathers will all be enslaved or killed. That is what we fight for here. You know this, yet you would allow a personal dispute in the higher ranks to become an excuse to quite this field of battle? Mark me, I know there are those among you who know the true meaning of honor and duty. Do not forsake our common cause now, if not for the peoples of Sederra, but for your own families. Return to your duties and I will forget this encounter. Do not, and I will have each of you named deserters. May the Great Dragon judge you appropriately."
 Daniel narrows his eyes and stares hard at the Sargeant then to the men with him then turns and leads his men further north among the carnage.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #33 on: March 14, 2011, 08:48:30 am »
As the Corrupted Dragon fell, Daniel's horse, Edward, gave a shrill cry forcing Daniel to dismount. A quick check revealed the worst possible news. In the mad charge to bait the dragon, Edward had lost a shoe and stepped badly, breaking the small bone near the beasts hoof. With a sigh of deep regret at his own weakness, Daniel calmed the horse with by rubbing its neck, the other hand sliding Justice free. A quick merciful stroke follows. "You have earned your rest, my dear friend. Sargeant Mulevy, "Daniel barks out the name grief heavy in his tone. "See that this horse is burned as a proper warrior should be. I have not the heart." Daniel makes his way to the General's command post to report the battle.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2011, 12:55:29 pm »
Daniel walked quietly amongst his men, taking small comfort in the raised spirits, but sent more than one worried glance northward. "Sargeant Mulevy, front and center, I have orders." He continued to scan the new positions of the Cult intently until the footfalls of his trusted second could be heard behind him.
 "Sir?" Mulevy said standing at rigid attention despite a slowly festering acid burn on the right side of his neck, now heavily bandaged and greased.
 Turn to view his aid, Daniel's stern visage softens, "We have paid a dear price this day, Sargeant, but our payments must continue. Order the men to a third rest, third to keep watch, and a third to begin new defensive positions. General T'sek's idea of cover is a good one and I mean to utilize it extensively. Have the men scavage anything that can be used in this city and begin building rabbit holes for the calvary. They will be needed ere this battle is finally over I think." Daniel gazes toward the spot where Edward fell. "I will be leading on foot from here on out, battles with dragons are no places for horses and I will not see another fine animal destroyed to this folly. Oh, and Sargeant, request Thane Kobal's presence along with any of his dwarves that are injured and not evacuated already. The Great Dragon has seen our sacrifice and I have healing fire yet in me. Such valor and courage should be rewarded in some way."
 "Yes Captain, as you say" Mulevy runs off.
 A short time later, Thane Kobal gathers with the remainder of his dwarves, some grievously injured, others merely curious. Daniel, in his priestly robes stands quietly, his lips moving and a slow golden glow emanating from his amulet. "Gather to me, those that are in need, for I bear a gift from the Great Dragon, healing fire. He has heard my call and answered." Daniel utters softly, the amulet flaring to new heights of radiance.
 Thane Kobal looks worriedly to the front, not two hundred yards distant. Visions of archers or worse, another dragon swooping in come to his mind, yet the radiance cannot be denied, a feeling of peace and order sweeps over the assembled. Letting go of his fears he steps closer, helping a comrade hobble towards Daniel, his foot badly acid burned during the fight.
 Daniel's vision darkens from the edges as his first burst goes forth. Garish wounds close quickly to the silver strings of long healed scars on those closest to him, starting with Mulevy. Again, he calls out and again the radiance surges outward healing those farther out still. Daniel's leg begin to buckle under the strain, but still he prays, until finally, darkness grips him completely and white robes fall to the sand only a glimmer of the original fire of the amulet can be seen in the failing light.
 Kobal purses his lips and motions to Mulevy to check on the priest. Looking around with wide eyes, all those within fifty yards have been healed completely, no trace of injury remains. "Hmph, See that the Captain gets his rest, Sargeant, I'll be in command until he wakes." The gruff Dwarf marches off with stomping feet.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #35 on: March 18, 2011, 12:08:46 pm »
*Letter addressed to Bella Poetr c/o Silver Buckle*
 Andrew informed me before I returned to Dregar to resume my duties that you were staying at his Inn. I hope you will forgive him his indiscretion. He means only to offer comfort not pry.
 The battles being fought in here in Sederra leave me to exhausted most days to even think of writing and truth be told, I know not what to write of, but I shall try.
 Before I returned to this place of death, I attended a ceremony of Illsare. Despite a slight headache, itchy eyes and nose, I went to the festival of Pink to welcome our newest guild member, Keela. Who is now the wife of SehKy. I would like to say I enjoyed the entire affair, but my allegies to mums made the whole experience one I was forced to cut short lest I find myself sneezing uncontrollable over all in attendance. Still, I felt Illsare's presence keenly there moreso in the puzzled and somewhat fearful stares of some of the attendees. One elvish gentleman even asked if my presence meant a law was being broken or that someone was in trouble. Yet, the love expressed between SehKy and Keela was real enough which brings me to my writing. Can we heal this rift between us or have you fully embraced your life as a Dreadblade?
 I must confess a certain loneliness of heart of late. Charlie seemingly has gone deep into whatever world he has found on his own, Rebecca remains much the same, and you...I will simply say thus: I recall our wedding with fondness not regret. I hope this letter finds you hale and well. May the Great Dragon shelter you.
 Yours in the Gold,
 *Daniel affixes the note to the falcon's leg with a pink ribbon he picked up at the fair and sends it off*
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #36 on: March 19, 2011, 09:11:50 pm »
Daniel awoke to the sounds of fighting very close by. Sargeant Mulevy was shaking his shoulder. "Sir, Captain" Rising panic was clearly evident in Mulevy's tone even through the dull ache that seemed to be Daniel's head.
 "I am awake, Sargeant. By the Dragon, stop shaking me and fetch my armor." As he donned the golden armor, carefully cleaned by Mulevy, he was informed of the situation in Sedderra. "Blast and bother it all and you let me sleep for sixteen hours!?" Daniel's tone was nearly loud enough to overcome the occasional dragon roar from outside the shattered home. Considering how he felt, however, perhaps Mulevy was simply unable to wake him. With a sigh, Daniel finished fastening his armor and hefted his shield and went out to assess the situation.
 What followed was a near journey into the pits, Every man and woman able to fight was thrown at the newly arrived reinforcements of the Cult, yet still they lost ground in chaotic fighting until they were forced to retrench themselves near the heart of the city with less than half of the brave fighters he had the day previous. If he survived, Daniel had many letters of commendation for the Knights under his command and would carry a grudging respect for Raelites forever. It was during a too brief lull in the fighting that Daniel recieved word from a page of the battle General T'sek had fought and almost not survived. With barely a word to Mulevy regarding troop placements, Daniel made his way to the current resting place of the General.
 As he stood by the makeshift litter that served as a bed, Daniel prayed harder than he ever had before and was dismayed at what his heart and wisdom told him. There would be no miracles for the General from the Lord Protector. T'sek was not of the Dragon and would not accept such a gift. His thoughts heavy, the Rofireinite Captain waited for death with his General. His last hope resting with the sighting of many adventurers reported to be making their way to Sederra.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #37 on: March 21, 2011, 09:25:38 am »
Daniel was about to tell Commander Jennara something profound, something he had no real proof of, merely bits and pieces along with a deeply intuitive feeling, when his sight revealed a woman who walked with the grace of dancer moving toward the fire. He paused mid-speech, considering. "Bella?" He'd said stupidly, not sure what else to say. Gathering his wits about him like a man grasping for a ship's line after being thrown overboard, he went to her and hesitantly made to kiss her cheek. There it was, the stiffness, a reluctance of spirit, a coldness of posture clearly evident in her stance. He kissed her cheek anyway to show his feelings and regard. The small statecraft he had observed taught him that much: It was better to make the gesture of goodwill and mean it, even if the other side was hostile. Perhaps it was a hopeless endevour to even attempt to heal the rift between them, but by the Dragon, that would not stop him from trying. Had he not made a cause of hopeless endevours of late? The battles in Sederra were but the final chapter, yet still the effort must be made. Propriety, duty, and his heart made him do so.
 The witter at the fire continued for some time. Events, persons, and places being mentioned in an increasingly awkward spiral, at least it felt so to him, until finally Bella made noises that she should go. He fumbled to his feet, remembering the notes tucked in his belt. "Here, Beloved. I want you to take this." He'd said holding out a substantial note to draw upon his finances to her. She seems surprised, unusual for her, and tried to refuse. "I insist." I added, for what good is worldly wealth to one such as I? Better that she should have it, besides I had a fair idea of Silver Buckle's rates for food , drink, and the like. She would need it. Bella expressed her thanks and moved to go, but I, emboldened by her presence, moved quickly to kiss her and wish her well. My anger had long since fled, leaving only a small lonliness and longing. As I watched her go, more people approached the fire and I despaired at the chance to speak privately with Jennara.
 More talk of things both small and large. My thoughts would not be still so I made an excuse of the need for a walk and took my leave. As I headed for Wayfare, a flash behind me and I quickly drew my blade fearing bandits. "Commander Jennara." I sheathed my blade quickly as she mentioned no interruptions. With a smile, I told her to follow me, leading us both deeper into the light woods off the path. "So, there is nothing to say but what I believe to be true, Commander. Bella is the mercenary Viper. What do you advise I do?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #38 on: March 22, 2011, 08:52:10 am »
Commander Jennara was correct. There was nothing to be done yet in that decision he had found a measure of peace. Daniel touched his lips, still remembering the first real kiss from his wife in years. Something bittersweet remained in his eye, but he was whistling as he brought forth a paper for a letter and his quill,
 To: Andrew Reid c/o Silver Buckle, Mariner's Hold.
 My Illsarian friend,
 I once asked you to watch over someone, I am now asking you to leave off. The task is finished and I no longer desire the information you would give me by pursuing that task. I thank you for your efforts to date, but they are no longer needed.
 I know you have questions, but I dare not speak so plainly here. Suffice it to say I love my family as you do yours.
 May your Muse inspire you and the Dragon shelter you under his wing.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #39 on: March 22, 2011, 04:02:30 pm »
Daniel chuckled silently to himself as he made his way toward the rendezvous he had arranged with Bella earlier via letter. He was shrouded under a prayer. Rounding the old oak in the light woods he almost gave a small gasp of surprise at the unusual yet familiar clothing she wore and decided that attempting to sneak up on her and give her a friendly tickle was not a good idea. There was something menacing about her posture and he knew from their life together her hearing was fair. She may just be able to stick him with his father's swords before he could drop the shroud revealing himself as no enemy. This new arrangement will be hard to get used to, he thought to himself. With a sigh, he rubbed the stone on his belt, dissipating the energy of the Al'Noth, effectively dropping the shroud. "Hello Be..." He said quietly cropping the last word deliberately. "Thank you for coming. I have a request to make. I would like to learn your handtalk." His earnest blue eyes searched her brown ones deep under her helm before continuing. "I would like very much to communicate with our daughter and yourself of course."

Bella shrugged, an obvious air of indifference blending with nuanced menace she carried about her when wearing that particular garb. She began to reply almost by instinct with hand gestures and Daniel stepped forward to gently restrain her laying his hands over her gloved small ones. "I will need words as well. I do not know your signs as of yet. Perhaps you should change so we can converse in a more normal manner?"
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde