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Author Topic: Gifts of the Lord Protector  (Read 11297 times)


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #40 on: March 25, 2011, 11:32:07 am »
Daniel sets in a ramshackle stone and wood beam building near the front line. The battles are fewer now, both sides reconciling the losses suffered with the gains made. With a profound sigh, he pulls forth a sheet of ill used parchment and dips his quill in a portable inkwell.
 To the family of Gareth Woodhollow,
 I would like to say that your son died a heroic death, felling many of the enemy as he did so, but I am compelled to limit myself to the simple truth. He fell doing his duty to the Great Dragon fighting alongside his brothers and sisters so that these same Knights along with our allies could hold a city that barely resembles the metropolis it once was. We of the Dragon are weary to our very bones and soul sore with this conflict, yet I feel compelled to assure you that his death was not in vain. Every Knight and soldier in my command that I lose is a lost brother or sister to me. Yet, I know each stands with our Lord Dragon in his place. We still hold this city and will remember and honor your son's name as one who fought among us to keep it.
 May the Gold offer you comfort where my poor words cannot,
 Daniel Benjamin Poetr, Knight Captain.
 Daniel writes many such letters long into the night, pausing only to tilt his head and glance at Mulevy, who is addressing the dispatches for shipment to Western Gate. "See that these go out immediately, Sargeant. I am certain the families of these men are eager for news, even dire." Daniel resumes his writing of the notifications.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2011, 08:48:53 am »
As the final enemy soldier surrendered, Daniel closed his eyes and gave thanks. Auderia had been held. Opening his eyes once again, he gave the city an honest appraisal. It would be years before any sense of normalcy returned to these streets. For now, there were burial rites to perform, more letters to be written, wounds of the mind and flesh to heal and then, another front to march to. Yet first there was something he must do. Making his way toward the area of camp that help the adventurers, now heroes of the war, he put his most business like face on and stood outside of Viper's tent. "Mercenary Viper, by the authority of the Rofireinite Church you are hearby bound by law. You will submit to myself for questioning or be taken with force." As Steel glances his way, Daniel flashes a crude handsign for friend, then winks. Ignoring the alarmed looks of the rest, he enters the tent. All is quiet for several long moments before the Captain emerges again. Hastily he reassumes the stern expression and marches off. As he makes the next block, the soldiers he passes can hear him whistling a cheerful tune.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #42 on: April 01, 2011, 09:33:18 am »
 Daniel pokes the small fire at the crossroads resting place thoughtfully. The soft snort of an almost too plain brown horse made him smile slightly, but he did not turn to see who it was.
 Instead he waited patiently. With a soft whisper, a lithe figure sat next to him, face shrouded by a brown cloth hood. Quiet words were exchanged in concerned tones. Aye, he would ask about on the presence of Charlie, their adopted son. It had been far to many weeks for him to have gone missing. Again , a nod, then a smile as he pulled forth a soft ball of cloth from his pack and handed it into her small gloved hands. A gift of kings it was, yet one given freely.
 A lesson was started and finished with the promise of more. Finger signs came to him with some difficulty but he was focused and she patient in her teaching. It felt good to spend this time together. The learning itself was not overly different than the prayers signs he had learned as a priest and it only took a few repetitions and correction until he was satisfied he had learned what was needed. -B-E-L-L-A, he fingered signed at her and she shook her head explaining in a whisper and gesture that her name was a combination of signs meaning snake and blade. Daniel sighed inwardly, perhaps the woman he loved was truly gone, but he had to be certain. He made a name for himself in her signs for Dutiful Shield and made himself content with sitting close, hands touching until the lesson was over.
 He helped her back on the non descript horse, enjoying the feel of her in his hands, yet restrained. As she turned her mount towards Vehl, he said the words softly, but he knew she heard them.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2011, 02:42:21 pm »
Daniel carefully divested himself of his armor, shield, and blade handing them to the somewhat nervous Aeridinite acolyte, "See that these never leave your sight, young miss." He spoke sternly, as he carefully tucked the dragonclaw medallion beneath is white robes. Other than the blood red and gold trim of his robes, I could pretend I was one of the Aerindinite Healers here, he thought. "Now, if you would ask another to guide me to my daughter, please?"
 The young acolyte nodded and pointed to another young man, newly initiated by the startled look he gave, "This way sir, your daughter is one of the meditation rooms, she prefers it quiet. My name is Anthony, sir." He said by way of directions and introduction. Daniel frowned at this, his visit was to ascertain the girls recovery from whatever dark nightmare still haunted her. It had been nearly three years, surely the quiet interlude at the Temple in Northpoint had helped? Dragon forfend otherwise. Anthony led him to an inner room with a small sunroof. Under it Rebecca sat on a pillow in a beam of errant sunlight. How thin she looks, Daniel thought, almost as if she has to be reminded to eat. Truly the eight year old girl with light brown hair resembled Bella, her mother, more than him, but still, for a girl about to enter her flowering in a few years, she still possessed the small innocent look of a girl child much younger. Daniel dismissed Anthony with a small wave and approached his youngest daughter.
 "Rebecca, it is I, your father." He said quietly, his voice accustomed to giving commands intentionally softened still managed to echo painfully in the stone chamber. Rebecca made eye contact for a mere moment then looked away, still unable to face much outside the fantasies in her own mind. Daniel sighed and sat down close to her, watching from the corner of his eye, her reaction to his presence. was as if he was not even there.
 Thinking of the many events and things in his life, Daniel thought about his last conversation about Bella about their child. Rebecca was in full flight inside, any mention of violence, His Dragon, even a raised voice would send her deep within herself. How to reach her then, that was the question that had confounded him three years ago. In that span of time, he had learned something about himself and his place in the world. He had found a balance of sorts, with Bella and Charlie, a niche where he was comfortable. His one true desire was that his remaining family could be together. With a small smile, Daniel began to hum a lullabye he had used often when Rebecca was an infant. Her brown eyes shifted and he could tell she was in the present and there with him. Progress. Slowly, he finger spelled her name. R-E-B-E-C-C-A. A hint of smile and her own hands came up and fashioned two letters. D-A.
 Daniel wiped a tear away with his robe sleeve then hugged Rebecca gently for a long while. "How would you feel about staying with some of Da's friends, Dear one?" He asked her, repeating the question in finger spelling. A small nod. "One is a singer and another is a healer like those you have stayed with. I think you would like it there, Your mother, Charlie and Katelyn lived there too. Though both are grown now, I am certain they would make time to play." Daniel studied her expression, looking for distress, he was pleased to find none. "I can take you there now if you like, dear one, but I do not wish to frighten you."
 Rebecca frowned and her hands made several small signs, none of which Daniel knew. "You will have to speak to me as If I am a baby, dear one, I do not know many signs as of yet." Daniel grinned a little and was even more encouraged by his daughters painfully shy smile in return.
 Patiently, she finger spelled out I-WILL-GO-WITH-YOU, DA. Daniel closed his eyes and gave thanks to the Dragon, careful not to utter anything outloud.
 "Good good. I shall need to speak the priests here and make some arrangements, but an hour or two at most and we shall be on our way. Rebecca, I know it is a lot to ask, but I will need to wear my armor and carry my sword, can you see these things without .." Daniel left the question unsaid as Rebecca's eyes slowly dimmed in awareness. "Nevermind, I shall carry them in my pack, child. Come, we will give a gift to the temple here for your care and be on our way to the Silver Buckle. That will be your new home, child. It has been far too long."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2011, 03:08:44 pm »
Letter addressed to Heart of the Wyrm, Section Commander Jennara Creekskipper c/o Vehl Temple, Vehl, Kingdom of Co'rys.
 I have a personal request to make of yourself that requires what I believe you possess.  I have taken my daughter, Rebecca, from North Point and brought her to stay at the Silver Buckle in Mariners Hold.  My request is thus: Would you consider training my daughter to aid in her recovery?  I understand your many duties keep you busy elsewhere, but it is my hope that your patience, understanding, and most importantly ability to speak with your hands and small stature will be a boon to my daughters recovery. Any time you could spend with the child in any capacity would mean much to her and myself.  If you agree to help you would have the eternal gratitude of a father.  I eagerly await your answer.
 Yours in the Gold,
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2011, 10:11:54 pm »
Daniel awoke to the same feeling he had after battle south of Hlint many years ago. His head hurt horribly, only this time there was no wound to treat. His mouth tasted like someone had stuck their boot in it halfway through the night and left it there to settle on his tongue. Pulling and tugging at his robes, he was dismayed to find he had been robbed as he slept in the thin patch of woods just outside Center. Luckily, the thieves had left his gear alone and taken only the small amount of true of his purse.
 Then he remembered, Bella's words. I. want. a. divorce. She told him as the blood whooshed in his ears and his vision narrowed. She did not want him in her life or as she put it, she did not want to be in his. Giving a deep sigh, Daniel leaned against a small tree and tried to compose himself. He was dishonored. She had admitted to infidelity, at least, she had not denied it when he proclaimed their union over due to it. It was better than the alternative for her. If she had claimed to commit a crime he would have been forced to arrest her right there and take her in. Leaving Rebecca with neither parent. Something he could not do.
 He had drunk an entire bottle of Xeenite Red after, more to wash the bitter taste from his mouth than anything, but it hadn't helped other to make him feel numb, terribly nearsighted and to be even more clumsy. He must have apologized to half a dozen people in his walk to the portal at the Buckle. Each giving nothing more than a wooden stare in return. Blast it! Why did she ask this of him. Daniel sat down and wept.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #46 on: April 15, 2011, 10:49:47 am »
*some 3 weeks later*
 Daniel glanced again at the note given to him by the young lad in Center again. Meet me at the Lake, come alone it read and was unsigned. With a shake of his head, Daniel called softly to the Great Dragon, touched his eyelids and the world changed around him. Gone were the shadows, edges seemed outlined in bright light and a clarity of sight was found. This is the truth of the world before me as the Dragon sees it, he thought donning his helmet. Striding purposefully, he left Center behind him.
 Arriving at the spot, his vision took in the landscape. A small fire burned in a clearing with a few larger trees, "You can come out now, Viper." he said loudly to the trees, guessing she was near. She did so, casually, moving to the fire where she laid out some raw meat to cook. As she spoke to him, his thoughts were hopeful. Perhaps she wished to make amends, to explain her actions of the previous weeks, to seek..comfort. As her words penetrated these thoughts, he saw this was not to be. Bitterly, he realized she meant to attempt to use him as she had so skillfully done before. He'd been a fool, an idealistic, lovesick fool. In his mindseye he saw as the blade she was, unbending, deadly, an instrument of death, not worthy of the Gold's protection or his love, anathema to what he was as a shield. The blade severed the final heart thread inside him and he uttered more words of denial. Viper had consumed his Bella fully. The fire inside him that was the Dragon burned dimmer, but just as hotly, now fed not by idealism, but cold pragmatism. No more, find another pawn, Snake, your words are poison. He left her there with her information. She could not be trusted.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #47 on: April 19, 2011, 03:58:55 pm »
Daniel left Edward, second of the name, staked below close to the start of the narrow trail that climbed steeply to this semi secluded place he knew from his childhood. The animal was well trained and would be content for hours to graze upon the overgrown grasses below.
 Reaching the top, he scanned the small bowl shape, smiling slightly at the everpresent yellow tullips that grew where his mother's ashes had been spread by his father nearly fifty years previously. They represented her body, these flowers. Always blooming in the spring, as it was now, only to lose their golden petals each fall to lie under the snows, then to be reborn anew again. Her spirit he always felt more keenly in the Temple at Vehl. She had been an unseen comforter to him in those first years then later a guardian and protector to the young priest. He knew she looked upon him from the Great Dragon's realm and wondered what she thought of his heavy heart. She would be aggrieved he knew, but compassionate, not just for his suffering, but for Bella's as well.
 Sighing, he shook off the thought and began to make a small camp. Setting aside his instruments of war, he examined them first. His shield, he kept immaculate and well maintained. It was a symbol of his faith and deserved no less than perfect maintenance. His armor; however, he'd let go. Mottled rust and dirt and worked its way into the chain at the joints and the normally lusturous bright gold had faded to a duller darker color. He set his armor aside after removing the rust, but deciding to leave the duller discoloration alone. He was in grieving. His wife was dead to him. Let some part of him show this, he thought. Daniel finally set upon his blade, a shining length of mithral with an arrow straight dual edge. Heavy and embossed with silver and other runes, it needed little tending, yet he oiled it with the diligence of a voraxian soldier. It too, was a symbol of his standing as a Knight. He covered all with a bit of tarp and moved to the waters edge, peering closely at his reflection.
 Eyes blue as sky looked back at him from sunken sockets. He'd taken to eating sparsely, moreso due to a lack of real appetite than a lack of available food. Heavy crows feet around the sockets and a fine array of blonde stubble ran the length of his jaw. His hair was receding, not as badly as Storold's but enough that perhaps less jokes should be directed at the old Lucindite, he thought, a rare grin appearing and disapearing on his features. Finally, his pride of a mustache, not nearly as neatly formed as his namesake, yet substantial in its thickness, like his father's. It had taken him nearly a decade to grow it out so and he would not shave it off upon pain of death. Some said it was a mark of his family, this bit of hair on his lip and he intended to keep it.
 Turning back toward the flowers, Daniel lit a small fire and set a travel pot to boil. Half would be used for tea, the other to shave himself, but first, he would take a dip in the cold clear water of this park and cleanse himself of his weariness and sorrow. Stripping down his under padding, he first washed it throughly and set it to dry. Casting a final glance around to ensure his privacy, Daniel dove into the small lake and crossed it with powerful strokes, reaching the far side, he reversed himself and swam back. Reaching the shore, he allowed himself to be dried by the sun as he shaved his stubble and trimmed his mustache neatly. He stoked his small fire as evening came on, now dressed in his padded under robes, he sat on the bench munching trail bread he had made for himself before leaving Hempstead.
 Ausir shining would be out tonight, the moon feeding the Gold's eye to a moment of splendor, as it did every twenty eight days. As he gazed upon the Gold's Eye, he felt a moments wonder. While love may be gone from his heart with the death of Bella, the Great Dragon was reminding himself of his duty. There were others deserving of his protection and he would not fail them, not while he still drew breath. Daniel lay back on the bench after murmuring a prayer of thanks and he slept.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #48 on: April 20, 2011, 10:17:16 am »
Passing through Hempstead, Daniel stops at the Guild Hall. Scooping up the package addressed to him, he moves to the meeting room at the Hall and sits down in front of the fireplace. Reading the note inside, his first reaction is to stuff the note back into the box muttering about oathbreakers and betrayal. Pondering for a few moments, he moves closer to the fire as if to toss the box and its contents into it. Consternation, anger, and grief cross his features until finally, he sets the small box off to the side and leaves it there. There will be time enough to study its contents after this war.  Duty calls.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #49 on: April 27, 2011, 01:23:05 pm »
The idle hours of vigilance pass slowly for Daniel at the Fort of Last Hope.  Making his rounds, speaking quietly to the sentries, observing the preparations of defense and the rebuilding of the wall.  At the end of the day, he is restless so he pulls out several parchments.  One is obviously a copy of ancient records.  Rewritten in his neat script, a glance by the casual passerby would wonder at the flowing words that seem to be from another age.  As he studies the parchment, Daniel makes several notations on another sheet.  As the hours pass, a full sheet of flowing script emerges bearing the semblance of a song.  Glancing toward the area where Andrew is working on yet another net, Daniel regards the bard shrewdly for a few moments before freeing the sheet of paper from the rest.  He stows his other writing materials and approaches Andrew holding the paper in his hand and shares a few quiet words with the Bard.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #50 on: May 01, 2011, 10:58:18 pm »
*some time after the campaign in Fort of Last Hope*
 It had been a long month back in Hempstead, there had been the usual trips to gather supplies with friends and a few conversations with customers across the counter, yet Daniel's spirits had not returned.  He felt tired and old.  Perhaps it was the way he tried to lose himself in his work, or perhaps it was the death he had seen too many times while fighting in the war, but his step lacked spring and his eyes had lost much of their luster and zeal. He'd forgotten to care for himself as he should and had lost weight as well, sometimes forgetting to eat for days on end.  Now Zira was mothering him and telling him to eat, a grown man of nearly sixty winters!  
 She had come to the store, the woman who took his Bella and offered him another box of signs.  It may have been a foolish wish, but he thought he detected a hint of remorse in her offer to continue teaching him her signs, but then those words came back to his mind. "I want a divorce."  Bitterness rose in his chest like the viper she had become and he responded coldly.  Telling her to go and he tossed the box in amongst the merchandise at the store.  He wondered if he could recall where exactly.  No matter, it was best left undisturbed, like his feelings for his dead wife.
 Daniel finished up recording the sales, shaking his head as he completed the entry for Tyra, thinking how foolish she seemed, so idealistic.  There was a time when he had hoped the Church would make allowance for what she proposed - employing agents who used stealth and concealment to spy for it, but Justicar Reus had been very clear in his letter.  "We serve the Law."  That was what he wrote in reply to a much younger priests inquiry.  So it stands, no exceptions, no allowances regardless of intent.  He had come to accept that stance and defended it with vigor.  He would not be swayed.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #51 on: May 03, 2011, 02:13:39 pm »
Daniel returned to his cot at the Guild Hall with a bemused and somewhat puzzled look on his face.  While he cared for his guildmates dearly, he found much of their conversation confusing. Still, it had lightened his spirits.  After some thought, he unboxed the package she had left him and began studying the symbols and thier meanings.  "Ah, so that is how one says building with thier hands." He muttered flipping to the next card and the next late into the evening.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #52 on: May 04, 2011, 02:25:50 pm »
With a heavy heart, Daniel watched the gulls circle above Vehl harbor as the sails extended under a brisk westerly wind.  He had done as prescribed by his order and turned Tyra over to the goaler and filed his report, yet he did feel some remorse.  She was trying to do the right thing, but by the Dragon, in such a childish, unthinking way!  At least the baby was well enough after the care it had recieved by the temple clerics at least.  He'd made certain of that before he'd left.  He'd left instruction with the guards that it was his wish that the inquisitors not be used for Tyra. In her testimony she confessed to the crimes she was accused of.  There was no need for the Inquisitor's methods to ascertain the truth.
 Casting his gaze out to the sea, Daniel furrowed his brow.  Chance had returned Melanna to them, but it had been his idea to seek out Elohanna to examine his first cousin.  She had told a fantastical story about a creature of amber and being trapped by its magic and finally freeing herself, injuring her arm in the process.  Sooth, she had not appeared to have aged any if at all during the sixteen years she had been away, but still it worried him.  He would have to check upon her person when the ship finally made dock.
 Daniel returned to his cabin and pulled out a deck of cards filled with signs.  By the light of a prayer, he studied then slept, the light fading to darkness.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #53 on: May 05, 2011, 08:48:54 am »
Cousin Melanna was fine, in fact she was even better than fine.  He had witnessed the greeting exchanged between her and her husband, Zakariem.  Like he had known, his elvish nature had thought little of the time span and he seemed sincerely glad to hold her once more.  Elohanna's treatment of her injury had been effective as well.  Never would he had thought to reopen the wound on her arm to purge whatever was still there, yet that is what she had done.  The neat stitching and the clean healing of the result spoke volumes of Elohanna's skills as a healer.  One problem solved, but yet there was another he must tend to.
 Once more he found himself on the road to Vehl.  He'd made a promise to Miss Breanna and he was a man of his word.  Still, there would be difficulties.  In order to speak directly to Tyra without observation or interference he would need her permission to become her counsel.  While not exactly taboo, such a request was irregular.  He had been the arresting Knight after all.  He pondered these issues as his footsteps took him back towards the place that he thought of as home.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #54 on: May 09, 2011, 10:01:24 pm »
His efforts in defending Tyra were a mixed blessing. She had confessed to her crimes therefore the Church upheld its right to sieze her property despite his objections. With no word on when a hearing would take place, he'd left instruction to send a bird and gone on a bit of holiday with Andrew to Haungjin to visit family again.
 It was pleasant to bask in the warmth of the Reid's friendship as they met Elohanna as Andrew's love for the first time. The Beacon, Lady Jillian, came with as well and while his heart grieved for his lost wife, Daniel was not immune to the beacon's charms, but strived to keep the relationship light, yet respectful. His personal conclusion was there were too much alike to consider romance despite her great beauty. There was one moment when Jillian stepped on his bare toe, reminding him that one, he had a hole in his stocking, and two, she had seen it and did not think much of flawed hosiery!
 Upon his return to Mistone, his heart felt lighter and the food had done him much good. Most of the weight he had lost returned and with it his usual vigor and zest for Gold's duties. The more he dwelt upon it, the less the ache inside him hurt until he decided to send her a letter. He'd been working hard to learn the signs she'd left him, but knew instinctively that some tutoring was needed. She eventually tracked him down in Center and they spoke at length. In the end, they agreed on a few items of mutual interest. She promised to get back to him when she knew more and he had another box of signs to work upon having mastered most of the more common terms found in cities and country.  Still he wondered at the price of a kiss, however bitterly given.  Could it be Bella still lived inside that monster?  He did not know.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #55 on: May 13, 2011, 10:34:12 am »
Daniel paced the carpeted halls of the Guild restlessly.  He'd long given up the semblance of sleep and decided that pacing would help so here he was, wearing the expensive carpet just outside the fountain room.   High Darkwatch had just sounded meaning Ausir was high in the heavens, perhaps the Gold would help him puzzle though what he was thinking, if not feeling.
 It was gnawing at him, his visit with Viper.  One moment she could seem so cold and professional, the next patient with his attempts to learn her signs.  Maddening to say the least, yet as he struggled to learn, he'd tried to ignore the pain in his heart and read her body language.  There was something there, a small bit of remorse he was certain of it, yet what to do about it?  Perhaps nothing perhaps..
 Daniel sighed and resumed his brisk walk, back and forth across the carpet again. "Blast it, I am getting nowhere with this!" He exclaimed and retired to his room.  Taking up the latest box from her, he busied himself with studying the pictures and diagrams of prayer forms by magical light until he heard the  crow the predawn hour.  Eyes drooping, he lay down in his simple robes and slept, cards neatly stacked on the table next to his cot.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #56 on: May 26, 2011, 08:55:25 am »
*Somewhere in southern Dregar*
 Daniel pulled the neatly bound tome open and put quill to paper. It had been a good trip, yet there was something troubling his mind. The crux of the matter rested solely in the idea of whether he was a Protector or a Justicar in training. He'd followed his heart and been a protector during his younger years yet his heart had been betrayed and he had stumbled upon several situations that lead him to act more the lawman than he cared to. Not that such duties were beyond him, yet it seemed they were fraught with perils and generally left him feeling unsatisfied with his service.
 First was Tyra's case, the second was his current involvement with her. In both cases, he'd found himself contemplating actions that were neither honorable nor just. In fact, the more he contemplated ramifications, the more he found the notion distasteful. He was no seeker of criminals, even with the backing of the church, it was simply not his preference. Others were better suited to such things and would would pursue them with much more vigor. Still, he would keep his eyes open and perform the Gold's justice, he simply would not go looking for such on such random and incomplete bits of information. Aye, that way lies the greater folly. Best to leave it be and strive instead to be a beacon of the Gold's will, as the good commander suggested. The lands needed protection and healing, he could do both with a glad heart.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #57 on: June 01, 2011, 02:17:05 pm »
*At the crossroads, Northern Dregar*
 Daniel made his way back to the fire after the rest had left and sat back down heavily upon the log.  He'd done what he could for those under his protection during their trek into the mountains and all things considers it had been a good trip.  No one had died, a fair number of the undead beasts had been slain and he'd even seen an ancient ruin he'd never seen before filled with ice creatures.
 Still , he was troubled.  He had wronged Beacon Jillian, inadvertantly to be sure, but still.  She had responded to his teasing with some of her own and for a moment he'd forgotten his despair over his lost wife, he'd felt a man again.  She seems to respond to his flirting with a lightheartedness he'd found invigorating,  but then he'd told Commander Daniella that he wasn't serious in his pursuit of the Beacon and things went downhill from there.  Lady Jillian turned colder, more formal.  Daniel cursed his ineptness with women.  The wisdom of decades in service to the Lord Protector did little to help him see the folly of what he was doing and for that he was sorry.  He had apologized earnestly on his part, but she was unswayed.  Perhaps with time and more congenial conversation he could make her see he meant no harm.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #58 on: July 08, 2011, 01:16:33 pm »
Wedlar, Mar 18, 1484
 Looking back I see it has been some time since my last entry.  I and much of what I once thought I knew has changed.  Bella and I are officially divorced, I have served the Church in the lands of Dregar and elsewhere and have been recognized for said service.  The cult of the Green Dragon has been dealt a mortal blow but endures.  Charlie, my adopted son, is now a man grown.  All of these events make the man that I am, but it was none of these that drove me to a year of solitude in the Shifting Sands of the desert.
 In truth, I found myself in need of a place outside all outside influences and so sought out a remote corner where I discovered a shallow cave, or so I thought.  A small passage led deeper into the dune and inside that I found a makeshift shrine clearly dedicated to Lord Protector by the now nearly mumified body of its creator, clearly another Knight by his armor and sigil, which lay prostate in front of a small golden dragon statuette, common in the times of old.  A sign I should stay, I thought.  I blessed the body and the shrine and settled in for my stay and was pleasantly surprised to find a small trickle of a spring off to the side inside the cave.  
 Long days alone, hunting vipers and gathering what vegetation I could find to eat were contrasted to the longer nights spent in contemplation of what my service was to be.  At the end of a full year, I could reach no other conclusion than to semi-retire. Other smaller matters I settled on were to forgo love entirely.  Illsare had never been kind to myself nor should I expect her to be since my heart has been for the Great Dragon since I was a small boy. No, I would limit myself to fullfilling the needs of the Church when called upon and performing my duties with the Angels Guild.  Bidding my fallen brother farewell, I made my way back across the sand.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #59 on: July 12, 2011, 09:19:50 am »
Threas, Mai 19, 1484
 Daniel wiped at the dirt stain on his clerical robes frowning then sighed. He would be taking yet another bath in the cold stream behind Mulevy's new farm again tonight and washing his robes. Giving Edward another tug on the lead, he continued to guide the strong horse in its traces as Mulevy steered the heavy iron plow through the semi rocky soil. He'd been pleasantly surprised to hear his trusty lieutenant had retired from service and bought a farm on the outskirt of Hempstead with his earnings. He'd been even more pleased when Mulevy and his new wife, Sarah, had both asked for help getting the new crop of barley in. Labor was in short supply as many of the younger workers had taken up swords to fight the cult in one army or another-and too many had not returned, which was why he was here now, laboring like a field hand.
 Grinning, Daniel slipped Edward a slice of apple and ate the rest as Mulevy drank heavily from a canteen. "Back ten acres are nearly done, Lieutenant, I mean good farmer. Is Sarah in condition for the sowing? She is nearly three quarter a season along with your child."
 Mulevy snorted then grinned back, "She's a strong one, my Sarah, Sir. Gold willing we'll have the crop in before the rains come. I'm glad you're here for the planting and birthing though, I'd never had done it alone with just Sarah. I cannot thank you enough."
 Daniel shrugged and gave Edward a pat, "Thank my horse; he is the one that labors." Seeing Mulevy grab the plow handles once again, Daniel turned and tightened his grip on the reign, leading them along in straight lines, furrows in their wake.
 "Sirs!" Jonathin, a young boy who was Mulevy's neighbor by a stone's throw, came running up. "You'd better come quickly, Missus Sarah says the baby is coming!"
 Daniel and Mulevy exchanged looks and disengaged Edward from the traces; Daniel mounted bareback and set off at the trot. "All will be well, my friend, trust in the Dragon." With that, he set off at a brisk canter for the homestead, Mulevy trailing behind at a jog.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

