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Author Topic: Gifts of the Lord Protector  (Read 11295 times)


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #60 on: July 12, 2011, 12:53:02 pm »
It had been a good spring, a busy one, but fruitful. Twenty five acres of barley grew in the summer fields of his friend, Mulevy, and He and his wife now had a son, hale and hearty. Both his trusted friend and his wife insisted they name the boy Daniel after him. It was an honor he could not refuse.
 Daniel mused over this with a broad smile as he placed several suits of old armor in donation boxes. He hoped they would find use for causes other than what they were designed for - perhaps reforged into farm implements, but practicality of the situation was they would probably find their way to some front or another. No matter, the trues they represented would be for a good cause, feeding those wretches who suffered in the war's wake. Hefting the heavy bag and limping slightly he made his way through Hempstead and gratefully left the load with a person responsible for collecting such things. Daniel also had on his person two letters to draw upon his personal finances, one was for Commander Jennara and the foundation, should he chance upon her in his travels. The sum involved should be more than enough to commision a shipload of grain to be sent where it was needed. The other was for the Temple in Northpoint, where his only blood child, Rebecca, continued to stay. He hoped to visit her soon.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #61 on: July 18, 2011, 03:46:20 pm »
Studying his medallion intently, Daniel sought the path of the truth as revealed to him by the Gold.  As his gaze remained locked on the image of the golden claw, his thoughts and heart shifted through the rituals and prayers required to bring about the prescribed blessings.  Satisfied he had prayers locked firmly in his mind and heart, he gathered instruments of war and stepped into the portal.  There was hunting to do.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #62 on: August 08, 2011, 01:04:17 pm »
The first bank note had been left with someone he trusted to be delivered with his thanks to the Aerindinites of North Point.  After some consideration he felt this was the best way to firstly avoid notice of those unscrupled elements that might seek to use his daughter as leverage and secondly to avoid the scrutiny of his peers in a matter they may view as improper.  Now to find Section Commander Jennara.  She seemed to be absent more often than not whenever he called upon the Silver Buckle.  Perhaps if he waited long enough she would appear.  Time would tell.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #63 on: August 16, 2011, 09:21:26 am »
So much death. The force of dark elves he had fought in the Fort of Last Hope had killed cleanly, quietly. The fallen his brothers and sisters, yet this time, it had been a slaughter. Corpses piled here and there, some staked fully, others simply a head. He grieved to see them as he and his fellows cut them down and wrapped the remains in wool blankets for transport home to their kin.
 Later, at the now diminishing camp, Lana sang a dirge, a lament for a fallen of the Gold, yet somehow fitting for all the souls slain.
 Alas, a noble soul has gone, his flashing blade is stilled.
 His amber eyes are closed in death, his mission unfullfilled.
 The Gold he loved, the Gold he served, Oh Gold take him in death.
 He tried to save a brother's life, and served with his last breath.
 Alas, a noble soul has gone, his loving heart is stilled.
 Illsare's sweet dart in vain did pierce, his duty called, he willed.
 The Gold he loved, the Gold he served, Oh Gold take him in death.
 But comfort send to one he loved and called with his last breath.
 His hoarse voice joining others over the final lines, Daniel sang quietly by Lana as the last of the victims were loaded into the wagons. "Pack up my friends, brothers, and sisters, we are at war. We make for Haven this day." With a quiet prayer, Daniel mounted his horse and led them away from the grove.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #64 on: August 30, 2011, 11:35:57 am »
He'd ridden long and hard to make it back to Wayfare from Haven. He'd left Lt. Mulevy in charge after the man's sudden appearance early in the winter. Although retired the once trusty sargeant said he needed a break from the life of a farmer and husband and Daniel was more than happy to recommision him for a month or two.
 Entering the underground dwelling, he made his way up the familiar stairs. It was so very quiet without the children there, yet the familiarity was comforting. Making his way into the room he had shared with Bella, he paused and ran a finger along the old dresser. A bit of dust had accumulated, it seems Lana wasn't one to disturb things overmuch. Daniel frowned and walked out of the bedroom. A few strides brought him to his father's old desk and chair, exactly the same as he had left it many years ago.
 Daniel stood there, hand resting on the back of the white chair thinking. The path the Lord Protector had set before him had never been easy, instinctively, he knew such a path was to test him, yet must he be alone until he was reunited with his mother and the other faithful? He did not know. The Gold chooses one and only one for the lifetime, yet Bella had disapeared from his life, he accepted that fact and the old hurt that lingered from the seperation. Perhaps he should have handled her now obvious discontent differently, but now, it was far to late. He hoped she had received what she wanted in any event. Sighing, Daniel settled into the chair. It fit his frame almost perfectly and he couldn't help but smile remembering the soft notes of Lana voice singing old country songs to the children years before. The remembered notes lulled him into a brief nap and he felt much refreshed.
 He set to tidying the place the up, Sweeping, dusting, and taking out the trash. The new knee brace provided by the Prunillians kept his knee stable and he felt no pain these days from it. Much better, he thought to himself before baking a pie and leaving it for Lana in her pantry. Satisfied, he left and rode his horse toward Hempstead, he had a boat to catch to Mariners Hold.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #65 on: August 31, 2011, 09:48:32 am »
Blast it, the rug outside the guest room at the Buckle was much harder than the welcome carpet on the main floor, but a duty was a duty. Daniel flipped over to his right to ease the sore spot on his backside and adjusted his helm so the wing of it wouldn't be poking him in the temple as he rested his head on the padded neckbrace.
 As he lay there the settling sounds of the inn made creaking noises. Above it all was the soft sounds of bells striking the hour of three bells. All else was quiet. Frowning at a sudden impulse, Daniel stood and checked the door to the room behind him. Locked, he nodded his approval and looked up and down the dim hallway thinking about the way Lady Jillian had downplayed the threat Lady Saida had made as the woman was leaving. He had tried to explain the danger the woman represented, but Jillian, secure in her faith, did not seem overly concerned. In fact, the light in her eyes reminded him of her true inner beauty and he had said as much in quiet whispers by the main door earlier as they stood guard. Her reply had at least been a polite - I will think on it.
 Still, he had persuaded Jillian to not travel this night and instead take the guest room with an armed guard - himself. Knowing further real sleep was past him, Daniel murmured a quiet prayer and the hallway around him snapped into sharp focus. Sitting back down, he stretched his legs out in front of himself, easing his bad knee and leaned against the door. It was going to be a long three hours until dawn.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #66 on: September 20, 2011, 09:43:05 am »
Daniel gently closed the door to Justicar Reus' office, his expression thoughtful. His other hand clenched an archiac copy of the oaths sworn by the Holy warriors of his order. Underlined were the words "Thou shalt keep thyself chaste for the sake of her whom Rofirein has chosen for thee to love. "
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #67 on: September 27, 2011, 03:45:26 pm »
Daniel lay awake in the double bed and tried to puzzle out what had awakened him.  He heard the birds singing outside, the hawkers selling thier wares, and there, there it was a near silent footfall and the dull thud of the door to the downstairs closing.  Ty was going out again for his morning run.   Daniel smiled and rolled over reaching for his vestments and boots.  It was past time for rising anyway.  Those who stayed in bed past the rooster's crow were either lazy or to ill to move to his mind.  He'd moved back to the home in Wayfare, partly to assauge his growing lonliness and partly to be within sounding of Captain Tunnings Office.  
 The first reason, he reflected, was more problematic than the latter.  It came to him while fighting giants in far off Northern Dregar.  Lana was at his side, per thier usual arrangement, striking about ferociously with her tamborine and singing a rousing battle tune all the while.  The wards granted to him by the Lord Protector encased them both as they fought back to back at times, his sword arm thrusting and slashing while his shield blocked blows meant for them both.  If he was of a more musical mind, he would say it was a duet of sorts, a dance with a deadly purpose.  Daniel grinned, Andrew was influencing his thinking it seemed.   Still, there was much to be said for such steadfastness and he wished he could give her more of himself, yet he was constrained both by his vow to his father to keep Lana safe and his own views of his failed marraige to Bella and the Gold's will.  No help for it, he would have to explain himself to her soon, he knew.
 As for Captain Tunnings, Keela had shown him the letter she found at the Bullseye Inn.  Alarming at best, it revealed a plot for further attacks on the trading post in Center.  He'd forwarded a copy to Reus and still awaited the High Justicar's counsel on the matter.  He simply hoped there would be time to uncover this supposed rogue Rofireinite in league with the orcs and the author of the note.  Until that time, his hope was that the mustering of Tunnings forces in Wayfare would alert him as well to any trouble brewing in Center.
 Those thoughts still in his mind, Daniel set out a flask of fresh milk, several fried eggs, toast, and few slices of cold ham on the table just as the door opened revealing Ty's return. "Good Morning." Daniel said with a smile.  It was nice to have someone in Charlie's old room again.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #68 on: October 10, 2011, 03:02:31 pm »
Sunra, Junar 1, 1488
 Many concerns beset me, yet I remain steadfast. Of late, a disasterous trip to the rift in which I allowed SehKy to take the lead. I say disasterous due to the final encounter with dark elves led all of us to the magic of the bindstones. I will speak to him more of it when next we meet. Lady Saida has laid some manner of curse upon Miss Melodious and perhaps the Silver Buckle. One of my brethen attempted to lift it, but it lingers still. Ferrit reported sightings of undead creatures at the Hempstead House. My personal investigations revealed nothing, yet with dilligence, I attempted to sanctify the house and cleanse it of evil spirits with holy water and prayer.
 Someone hateful to my order was posting rewards for the death of my brethen. By all accounts from the clerk in Vehl, Section Commander Jennara has gone in search of those that would take a protector's life. May she and the Gold's justice find them.
 Miss Breanna seeks to run from her past and her mistakes. I have counseled her to face her fears and be strong, and yet remain a friend. To this end Andrew and myself help procure the services of an illusionist, a woman named Yawa Ekat. Breanna hopes the woman can change her appearance and thereby hide, but I distrust such a notion. How can one hide from oneself? I have asked for any information from the temple about this woman, but letters take many weeks to come and go. May the Great Dragon give Breanna courage to face her personal challenges. More disturbing to myself personally is Keela and SehKy's reluctance to have anything to do with Breanna. To date, I have heard nothing of consequence, other than Keela hinting at dark actions on Breanna's part.
 Hope remains, whilst the temple moves slowly to investigate my reports of a traitor or false priest in our midst, the attacks on Center have stopped for now. Hempstead Council remains deaf to my pleas and reasoning that Center is worthy of their protection, yet Wayfare has sent men at arms to at least patrol the road. The Buckle food drive in conjuction with the Angels Guild was a great success. Nearly two million trues worth of foodstuffs have been sent to relieve the suffering of those hungry. It has meant a great debt for us, but it one we gladly pay to facilitate such a noble cause. I am grateful to my guildmates for their willingness to pursue my idea.
 Finally, the younger generation of adventurers, Protector Samantha Merrit, my own Charlie, Katelyn, Robb, Young Ty, and the myriad others whom I see in Center daily. They fill me with hope that when the common man's need is most dire, someone will be there to answer the call of duty.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #69 on: October 19, 2011, 12:24:16 pm »
I was attacked by those self serving bounty hunters! I find the whole episode a fitting end to a long night of ups and downs. Perhaps, however; I should begin at the beggining, eh?
 I made my way to the Arms where I was assured an amusing night at least for Andrew had once again arranged a sharing of tales. Upon entry, Andrew seemed in a fine mood ,even giddy, as he surprised me with a kiss upon my cheek. Blushing fiercely I made my way to a table, for mine was a serious mission, despite the levity of Andrew's foolishness. I carefully straightened the table cloth and felt for the ring in my robes. Heavy with gold and adorned with an emerald, it was my hope that Lana would accept it for what it was, a token of esteem, of friendship. My personal convictions would not allow for more. As I took my seat, more folk wandered in, greetings were exchanged, more light hearted banter. Andrew's mood was infectious and I found myself relaxing despite my apprehensions. Perhaps a glass of wine for us both, I thought as the man I recognized as Finn approached. His usual sour demeanor set aside for one of passing servitude, he asked me what I wanted.
 At that moment, a flash of gold and blue caught my eye from the entryway and I turned. Resplendid in a gown I had not seen before stood Lana, her hair turned up as it usually was, yet accented with a gold comb to make the gold thread highlights of her gown stand out even more against a medium blue. Her green eyes shown with a wisdom and a knowing that she did indeed look the part of a queen. I stood transfixed as I felt my will, my resolve weakening. She should have better, she deserved better. At that moment I almost cursed the Great Dragon's will but I did not. Be honest with her, with yourself fool. I thought to myself. What do you know of love? less than nothing. Reaffirm what is and let the rest go. My hand clenched the token in my pocket briefly before I made my way to her side and uttered the required phrases extolling her beauty. I escorted my dear friend to our table and signalled for wine from server Finn.
 I barely heard or comprehended the stories told after that moment so intent was I professing my feelings, attempting to clarify to Lana what it was I felt. In the end, the ring was given and the oath I gave my father was affirmed. She said she understood. I must leave it at that for at that moment a familiar form walked through the doorway. She made her appearance here. I sat stunned, my mind awhirl. Of course, this was Steel's Inn, she would be here. After months of no reports, no sightings, I had assumed she had moved on. I was clearly mistaken. Lana made noises to the affect she was to perform a story and I forced a smile and sat rigid as Lana told her story and Bella ate and drank at the bar.
 Andrew, sensing my distress or perhaps simply being more observant than most, sat down beside me. His humming carried in its notes a calming effect and I smiled gratefully at him as the magic took hold. I could think rationally again and what I had thought was a long healed scar was still a weeping wound underneath. "Steady old friend." He said, pausing in his humming melody. I reached for the glass of wine then shoved it away. There were no answers there. Instead I focused on Lana, still very aware of Bella as she said her goodbyes and made for the door.  My manner returned to the rigid and I could feel the hardness of my own eyes and jaw as she made her exit.  Once gone, my anger left me and I began to take in the tale Lana spun with her usual finesse.  Ragrian Bards and orcan tombs.  I smiled and offered my thoughts in a loud voice, "Good warriors, despite being Illsarian!" Andrew grinned from across the room where he had reseated himself next to Lady Elohanna.
 Lana finished her tale with a note that I agree with wholeheartedly, even those brutish as Orc kind possess a form of honor.  Dissents rang out from those around me.  Denials.  I moved quickly to help my dear friend from the stage.  I was growing tired yet something pricked my mind with fear.  The attacks against the Gold's faithful were by all accounts increasing and we had yet to make our way home from Leringard.  I professed tiredness to Lana and she agreed.  It was time to make for home in Wayfare.  As we bade our farewells and made the back door, I bid her to prepare herself for battle which she did by ducking into a unused room and changing into her usual attire, tambourine in hand.  We exited the Arms thus clad for battle, the full power of the Dragon bared and made for the Twin Dragons and a portal.  Eyes alight with the All Seeings vision, we made our way cautiously until nearly upon the door to the Twin Dragons.  A flash of steel caught my eye and I opened my mouth to protest, to reason, to even attempt persuasion, yet it was Lana, dear Lana who reacted with the proper amount of violence in defense who came to my aid, handily smiting the ruffian upon his brow with the force of the Great Dragon's strength behind her blow.  He was felled nearly instantly.
 What followed was what to be expected and now I sit, a guard, in my own dwelling awaiting Ty's return from whatever night haunts he has sought.  Dawn is not long off.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #70 on: March 03, 2012, 10:32:05 pm »
By the Dragon he was tired.  The interview he'd had with Rose had left him disturbed.  Some evil was behind it, yet Miss Rose herself was unable to grant much clarity on the matter other than a vague description of a crow haired man with red eyes.  At times, she was semi lucid, yet still not herself.  Near as Daniel could tell she was acting out various parts, some past master, herself, killer, and victim.  Still, he'd done what his heart and the tenets of the Gold bid him to do.  He'd dutifully submitted his report to the Temple in regards to her condition and was gratified to find that Knight Naldin possessed a reasonable explanation, if a chilling one, for speaking of removing Rose's hand.  The matter was behind him now unless more attacks took place in Center, until then, he'd left Sargeant Denier in charge of the Knights and gone about his business promising to check in a weeks time.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #71 on: May 26, 2012, 05:29:51 pm »
A sheet of parchment is inserted into the journal. Written in a neat list is what follows:
 Curse of the Destroyer
 Sect of Pyrtechnon created a flawless red ruby called Blood Fire(rough dimensions and a crude sketch in the margin) in the era before Sinthar Bloodstone.  It's purpose was to spread destruction though all it came into contact with or were in proximity.  Specifically it caused a great curse to befall on the people in which they were stuck down by a plague like fever and burned from the inside out.  Healers attempted to cure this malady but such was the nature of the curse that it sometimes infected them as well.  This curse was mostly unresponsive to all known healing magic of that time and even to intercession of the gods in removing curse. (apparently rarely tried as it was thought to be a plague and not a curse.)
 The Rofirein Church summoned a great host of allies to make a counter curse of sorts in the form of an amulet called Life's Tear.  It's components and making were a summation of all those Pyrtechnon viewed as enemies.
 1. First coin of profit made by Deliar. (May have the original , in care of the numinists of Aragen possibly)
 2. A flawless Emerald, cut and sanctified by the Priests of Beryl.
 3. Metal of a Hero's axe designed and fashioned by those of the Illsarian faith.
 3.  Ritual of the necklace's making and the complete list of components used held by the Lucindites.
 4. Dragon's Blood was supplied by the Rofireinites.
 5. Blood of a True Saint supplied by the Toranites.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #72 on: June 16, 2012, 11:26:33 pm »
Daniel dozed his Knight's claw rested heavily on his robed knees as reclined in his father's old white chair at 189 Wayfare. Bella had returned looking a wane and tired, yet strangely more alive in some way than before. She was torn, her ghosts and regrets troubled her. He'd given what absolution he could as a man and a husband but was forced to admit that the Dragon does not know mercy. There was nothing that could be done for her regrets in the eyes of the Gold. They talked long into the night of those very regrets, the death of two children, their feelings about the same. Many times , Daniel refused his anger and withheld his judgement and was rewarded with an honest apology and a confession. "I am sorry I ran away."
 Her life's thread was running out, she was not afraid of the end, but was afraid to leave so much unfinished between then. Pity that his heart's flame had long ago grown dim for the one Rofirein had chosen. Still, enough was there to offer sanctuary, sustenance, and a willing ear. Even as he dozed, Daniel's brow furrowed. Perhaps she would find rest under this roof, perhaps she would not. In truth, she needed to forgive herself for her past, not ask for his. Coming roughly from his rest in the moments before sunrise, Daniel walked to the door of Charlie's room and opened it a crack, peering in. "Bella, it is nearly dawn. I have a small breaking of your fast prepared should you require it, then you should go." Daniel spoke the words quietly but firmly.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #73 on: July 05, 2012, 02:29:59 pm »
A list of elvish words is inserted in the journal along with a small note: Ask a elvish guildmate to speak them so your pronunciation is not so ghastly.
 I have asked our newest guildmate, Aden, to teach myself and Lana elvish. I despair at some of the words pronunciations, but marvel at the ease in which Lana seems to pick them up. Perhaps it is simply that she has had some childhood experience with the language or even her elvish blood that aids her. I cannot say. For my own part, I will continue discipline my mind and tongue until mastery. Father's journal will help with the words, but it will take a living teacher for the rest.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #74 on: July 07, 2012, 06:58:40 am »
*more words and some phrases added with the word* PRACTICE!

amecw - wild

Iream ilma aey? - How are you?

E ills Ceelaca - I am lovely. (blasted elf!)

Cilill - Lana

Wileac - Daniel

"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #75 on: July 12, 2012, 03:02:07 pm »
Sunra, Seplar 22, 1500
 A new age is upon us, one of hunger and many dangers yet of hope. My charges continue to grow despite the simple fare Lana and I are able to provide in these hard times. Jo is walking now, albeit with a limp. I feared his leg will never heal completely after Reb assaulted him, but with time, healing prayers and much patience his recovery is assured. Of all the children, he will be a great archer given enough practice. Jo has the makings of a knight in him and I plan to train him harder than the rest in sword and shield. Of the girls, Martha and Emil, Lana has taken them under her wing and taught them her songs and what gem lore she has to teach. I have given them the basics in archery and while they seem to enjoy the instruction, but they lack enthusiasm for the task. I have heard nothing further of Reb since his fleeing. I pray for his safety daily.
 Mine own path lies before me and I take up its challenges with vigor I have not felt in many years of service to the Gold. I dare not write details even here, but Lana is supporting me strongly and I am content to take the path before myself. Both Lana and myself continue to strive to master the few Elvish words we have learned with the help of our mutual friends.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #76 on: July 26, 2012, 04:19:47 pm »
*a short list in elvish on parchment is inserted between pages*

ela, amame, anirmaa, oeym, oeela. - one, two, three, four, five

silla - many.
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #77 on: November 13, 2012, 02:52:06 pm »
Daniel's eyes had long closed and his six foot two frame had slumped in the white chair when the door to the room slowly opened. Cautiously, the young man advanced acrossed the rug only stopping once as a loud snore ripped loose from Daniel's mouth. Smirking, the young man crept foward and opened the cabinet, the source of wealth he sought in this humble home. Taking his prize in both hands he inhaled then sighed with pleasure. As he did so, Charlie realized the snoring had stopped. Mere seconds later, he felt a strong hand on his shoulder and he stood very still.
 "You do know if you wished for apple pie that badly, all you had to do is asked, eh boy?" Daniel's deeper tones asked with a touch of humor. "This act of larceny is hardly called for. Still, I see that your skills of stealth have remained despite the years. This is good, but I prefer dealing with those I can see plainly " With that, warm light fills the room at a word from the old priest. "Now come and sit and eat like a man and not some skulker come to rob me. I have a task for you, one you may even enjoy."
 Charlie took the offered seat across from his Da and began eating hungrily. It seemed like years since he'd eaten something this good. In fact, it had been mere months, but a diet of roasted meat and fish on a fire is good preparation for truly enjoying a baked treat like Da's apple pie. "So, what's the job?" He asks between mouthfuls.
 "I need you to find someone, a seer. Someone I believe you know, Charlie. A Miss Rose of Leringard." Daniel says softly. I have reason to believe her life is in grave danger and that she may have some answer to a riddle. Suffice it to say, your job is to merely try to locate her and assure she lives. You are at no time to contact her directly or if you think you are being followed, you are leave off trying to find her. If and when this is done, and I suspect no more than a months time to pass at most in this. I expect you to report to Storold in person. He too, is deeply concerned. Do you understand, Son?" Daniel's expression is earnest as he continues, "At no time are you to endanger yourself or her."
 Charlie's mind turns the request over and he nods, "Sure thing, Da. Recon Leringard, find Rose, tell old man Storold she's a'right. Got it. Now um, ya gonna pay me in pie or true, I take either. Fer yerself, I'll even give a special rate..say two apple pies and a cherry." He flashes his father an entirely insincere crooked grin.
 With an exasperated sigh, Daniel hands the young man a wrapped package, taken from the same cabinet pilfered earlier "Only the one pie, your favorite, plus a few potions to help. Use them wisely. Now if you are quite finished eating, I would like very much to get some more sleep." Daniel stands and gives Charlie's shoulder a pat before settling back into his chair. "Dragon shelter you, Charlie. I trust you will not disturb Lana or the other children as you leave."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #78 on: November 21, 2012, 10:17:22 am »
Sunra, Augra 15, 1506
 "Elane anira ceviran eo aeym ceela oem anira tyaetyca eo anirela amemcw ama laanaty, ane oecceam anira tyilanir aey laaan fa aeym amecc."
 Daniel looked at the words he'd written, saying each in turn. He knew their meaning by heart, yet throughout his struggles to learn Elvish, he'd always felt there was a feeling or perhaps a different view that lie just beyond his ken. Despite his attempts to make the words as a prayer form, a technique he'd learned at the temple for learning prayers to the Gold, the cadence of the words strung together still eluded him. He sounded as a child, a dim witted Elvish child, if there was ever such a thing. Sighing, Daniel put his face in his hands.
 Lana's gentle voice reached his ears as he felt a hand on his shoulder, "Try singing, Daniel. Your voice may be untrained, but I always find Elvish much easier if I sing the words." Daniel turned to look into her green eyes before replying.
 "Of course, your mother and father are fluent, and your voice is highly trained. You, my dear Lana, are nearly fluent yourself. Ceelaca ils Cilill." He grinned knowing she knew his meaning. "That comes easily enough, eh? Yet, I will try as you suggest, only.. If you agree to sing with myself and cover my horrible notes." Lana nods and begins.
 "Elane Anira ceviran.." As they finish the words of the oath in Elvish together, a third presence is felt in the room.
 "That was beautiful!" Jo exclaimed, clearly overcome. "Um, sorry to bother you sir, ma'am, but Sir Daniel promised me a sword lesson."
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde


Re: Gifts of the Lord Protector
« Reply #79 on: November 26, 2012, 01:32:30 pm »
Daniel sidestepped the overhand blow and then stepped back in, shield leading to give Jo a shove. Reacting quicker than expected, Jo simply stepped around the attack and drove his hilt guard point past the now angled shield to poke the shoulder brace of Daniel
"Give a man a mask and he will show you his true face." 

Oscar Wilde

