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Author Topic: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures..DragonSworn  (Read 539 times)


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Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures..DragonSworn
« on: July 01, 2006, 12:45:17 pm »
It is said in the far off lands that a man could be truly wealthy if his story is set down in pictures(The swirling writings that make up the text of Jaleel's people and culture).

Following the black and red horror that was the end of his peace on Mistone..when the blades had flashed in the night,the blood of his friends and mentor pooled on the ground and his haven from the past had been razed to smouldering ashes...Jaleel had wandered.

In time his travels took him to he ended up there he could not be sure...a dream or destiny?He dreamed of a great Dragon it is said and this set him on his course...along with what his late mentor,Steward,had taught him of the ways of Rofirein..and the skills to survive.

So there he was in the rustic town of Hlint,a gathering place for all types of adventurers..a small cosmopolitan boiling pot of intrigue,politics,debate and adventure.
His first days in Hlint were slow and small terms of adventuring or training to better himself...he defeated some sort of rat beast that lived underneath the town,he helped drive away some goblin scouts and met one Robert Hearth,a fellow Rofirein adherent and a  most noble man.
His first adventure with Sir Robert..took him to the upper levels of the mines of Haven...where ogres had staked their claim,killing and driving out the local miners and all but ending plentiful iron supplies in the region.On the way to the mines the two companions happened on a strange yet enchanting and hauntingly voiced girl...possibly of elven origin..who seemed quite shy and talked not in the tongues that we know but seemed to project her emotions by a series of differently resonating clicking sounds and intonations.
Somewhere along the way...the girls name was somehow determined,at least in the common tongue..or as near to it as was was Auuumi...and the two original companions,although letting her accompany them,did not know if she meant them ill will or good fortune..and so watched her with caution.
After several battles with the ferocious ogres in which Sir Robert took the lead..the party ascended back to the levels of Haven..and after splitting what treasure they had acquired and exchanging farewells..they went their seperate ways.

Jaleel had made some new friends in his early days in Hlint..had observed the potential inadequacies of his preferred weapons(Shortswords..or shortsword and small sheld)..and had resolved to possibly ,at some time in the future,get to know the more common weapons used...namely the longer bladed sword such as Steward had once weilded.
Other things had troubled him,however....why and what were the images that seemed to rise from his deepest mind...moonlit blades,dark robes,heat,blood...strange tongues....?The more he was involved in battle the more he saw a need for a few tricks...perhaps he should seek out a tutor at some stage to help him become more of an agile warrior?

Many Paths and many questions lie ahead for Jaleel Ibn Isran Al Korak...


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2006, 01:47:23 pm »
As the days passed by in Hlint,Jaleel began to experience more and more the diverse cultures that would assemble in the town...all races,religions and callings would gather in preparation for adventure.
One such group that assembled took him into their numbers...and even now he owes gratitude to Miss Addison for this opportunity.They trekked through marshes and swamps...fought lizard-folk,trolls and even entered a tomb where they fought with some vile bloodsucking restless dead.
Much coin was gained and these experiences helped shape and mould Jaleel into a more competent fighter as his companions offered advice on these creatures weaknesses,tactics to use and such.

After a couple of days in the wilderness much of the party dispersed,leaving a small group of around 5 remaining  and it was decided to travel to a cave near acquire some metal deposits and fight the ogres there.The going was hard and many wounds were sustained before the party withdrew to a camp that overlooked the cave entrance..awaiting a better opportunity to strike within.
Alas,the ogres had brought fresh troops to the battle and the party was being overwhelmed...and one Kinson Ravenrock showed bravado or was it arrogance in trying to battle the ogres with a mining tool?Jaleel tried his best to stem the tide but a blow felled him and as he hovered between death and life...the party moved out.After a while he awoke in a weakened state..lost,disorientated and utterly alone...and it was only by good fortune that he happened upon of the party..who guided him to where he had fallen so he could recover his dropped gear.With regard to the seemed they had abandoned him..especially once the good paladin Kinson had taken over leadership.
After a long and hazardous trip back to Hlint....Jaleel sought out and confronted Kinson about what happened...he seemed somewhat off-handed in his manner...saying that the loot taken had been split and blaming one Talen for taking most of it.Jaleel tried to get the point across about the abandonment but this was ignored or not realised by Kinson and his friends..including one Rhynn who appeared to wish to buy Jaleel's silence.He would not take blood money and left the conversation slightly embittered but a little wiser.

During these adventures and the days of less activity Jaleel still experienced the dreams and the blackouts..and People say of him talking in strange tongues and mentioning names ..If only he could recall.He has learned something of human nature and wonders if all paladins are as dishonourable as Kinson...and why does Rhynn give off a bad aura...and why would a paladin consort so much with one who does so...and what of sweet,innocent Auuumi who appears to be under Kinson's sway?
Jaleel is even more resolved to follow the Dragon and protect his charges as best he can..and not leave any behind in lands they do not know.He has also realised he needs to be a bitlighter on his feet and as his strength as a warrior relies on speed and such...must try and find a teacher who can better help him strike from a position of advantage...something,he knows not why,he feels a strange affinity for..hitting from the shadows..surprising opponents et al.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2006, 09:27:37 am »
And so we continue on with this record...

Jaleel now felt that he could put little trust in many in and around Hlint...and thus attempted to strike out on his own..a decision he would regret as time after time he had todrag his battered and bruised body back to the town from the Redlight Caverns.
He suffered much..and endured such hardship that it shattered his very spirit and temporarily locked inside his mind memories of recent experiences.

Somewhat chastened by these experiences he knew that he must find friends...true ones at that to help him and be helped in return if he were to follow his mentor,Steward's,teachings and over the next few days he met several.
First there was Aeryn..a kindly soul and a good companion,happy to share the front line if needed.
Second there came Eghaas..a newly arrived weaver in the town..a fairly quiet but capable fellow.
Thirdly came Thomas..a Paladin of Rofirein..a good man..but with flaws.

During this time..aside from a few adventures with the aforementioned..also undertook many tasks for persons in and around Hlint and Fort Lalst..delivering messages..collecting weapons for the guard in Fort Llast etc.Having made a bit of gold and travelled far..even across the seas...something which he wasn't all too pleased to do...he is also acquired a splendid helm.

The dreams continue...people still keep saying he is speaking in tongues every now and then and falling in to trances and such...but he remembers nought.Is it his past seeking him out?If only he could remember.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2006, 05:19:42 am »
And so time moves onwards...

Jaleel has gained in experience..that as a warrior,that as a person..and most importantly the experience of people..and friends.
He has adventured with many since his first days arrived in Hlint...and has,he hopes learned from them and the experiences and adventures they have shared.
Jaleel has travelled far and wide in thse past months..the far flung lands across Mistone...the far reaches of Rilara...and even to dangerous and wounded Dregar.

He still has been having episodes...and fits...although,as time passes,he seems more able to control this...even if he still cannot find within himself the cause or the memories he has lost.
Money comes and goes..spent on outfitting himself with some of the finest weapons and armour he can use and well as a healthy supply of healing poultices and infusions..ah the joys of trying to lead the fight in light mail.
Jaleel now trains for an hour or two each day..trying to perfect his techniques..and even attempting some new styles....that he has seen practiced by some of his companions...the way to move without being seen or strike with surprise and such...and he has started trying to locate a teacher for such.

As to adventures.....that is for the next time



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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2006, 05:37:33 am »
And so to some of the adventures experienced...

Aside from the usual travelling companions...Jaleel has met enigmatic Monk called Silverhand has shown him kindness and much coin and in the benefit of experience.
They have mined topaz together..been into a crypt at the foothills of the experience where thanks to a Dwarf named Kurgin..Jaleel managed to survive...barely.

Jaleel has also been in the company of a mysterious hooded maid..pretty of face when it is seen...called Talia...whom his friends Aeryn and Eghaas have also accompanied.

Perhaps his most challenging adventure up to this date was when he went with the Lady Jennara..and an assembled group into the Forests near Haven...there they encountered bandits who they drove off with some ease...before entering a dungeon..a deep,foreboding and spiritless place...After battling their way down through hordes of creatures that could confuse the mind..or cause the earth to erupt..they entered what appeared to be a crypt...dark..dank and silent..
All of a sudden the silence was shattered by malevolent chanting and a ferocious battle ensued with what appeared to be walking dead...later identified as first the battles went well..but as time went on and the group grew fatigued..the relentless horde began to drive them of the party..Dean fell..and several were sorely Jaleel having,or so it seemed,some of their very life essence robbed from them.
The group decided to head out..and after battling more creatures..the end,and escape,were in sight...but fate had decreed that some should fall...and amidst a crashing and crumbling of the ground...4 or 5 of the party fell and were engulfed..Jaleel amongst them.Luckily the few survivors managed to drag the badly injured and near dead to safety and secure transport to Hlint...where they all amnaged to time.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2006, 05:52:29 am »
Jaleel,now a little wiser and a little more accomplished..ranges further and further afield with a broad range of differing friends..Aeryn,Eghaas,Agron and Dean,Silverhand,Robert Hearth from time to time,Jennara,Thomas Stormsynger and Daniel Poetr...the latter both Paladins of the Rofireinite order.

Jaleel still trains and still looks for guidance and teaching in perfecting the more shadowy and potentially deadly forms of combat...he feels still a growing affinity for this style..but cannot discern why he feels so drawn to it.

As for adventure..many tasks have been undertaken and only a few remain..

He has sought some lost oil in the Greypeaks..with Addison and Treana...and was so close to attaining the prize before being struck a near fatal blow by an ogre's he tried to put himself between a rushing ambush of ogres and miss Treana.
He has met two ladies of dubious frequents Hlint much..her name is Muireann..and he fears she shall hurt a good man...Eagle...for she seems fickle in her choice of company..and quite shadowy company it is she keeps some of the time.
The other..although a bit of a painted lady..who he surmises enjoys life's pleasures...she does follow Xeen after called Sillol..and she had an interesting and quite fulfilling conversation with him.She witnessed one of his turns..and has offered words and guidance to help in trying to determine what the nature of this affliction is...and even invited him for a relaxing bath and talk at her home in Fort Llast.
She kept going on about marriage...getting confused and thinking he was in love with one who he calls a friend..but his duty is to his God..and the one who does tug a bit at his heartstrings is a ward..and thus he will protect her..but not progress any other intent with her.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2006, 04:57:13 am »
Ah..where was this humble chronicler...ah..let me see..oh yes..

Jaleel..the lay blade of Rofirein..

well...he made it with one other to secure some of the lost oil consignment in the Greypeak mountains...Gal'lerion Windsbreath if what he told me is correct...names get jumbled over time's passing.Through the use of magic and trickery..the pair got to the hold of the Ogrish leader and although Jaleel was gravely injured..the prize was secured.

It is written that between these adventures and meeting people he continued to exercise both his mind and become a more nimble and able warrior...and he actively sought out potential trainers.Many of these were surprised at how quickly he adopted their styles and oft enquired if he had trained in such a manner before...but he could not remember and thus it was put down to his thirst for the knowledge and a natural grace and ability being the reason he did so well.

Over the next several weeks,following his near fatal...but successful journey into the peaks..he completed almost all of the tasks that people wished done..
Breaching the Ogre ridden mines of Haven and personally helping to bring down the mighty Ogre warlord laired within...braving the undead menace in the crypts of Krandor with the aid of a steadfast group..and many other tasks..trivial and not so..

Soon he was devoid of any clearlydefined tasks..and it was time to seek out adventure further afield..wherever it could be found and where the most good could be done..But that is another story..


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2006, 05:36:07 am »
And so it came to pass that Jaleel joined several different adventures..further afield and even wandered beyond Mistone to areas he had not braved before...One of the most noteworthy achievements is listed here in this brief account..

He partook of an excursion into the lair of some foul Bugbears..fierce goblinoid creatures who hold an island off the coast of Rilara near Point Harbour.The group was small,the danger great...but the rewards and satisfaction offered were bountious.
The group had been larger..but several left saying that they would all die,they were not strong enough,they were foolish..and other such remarks..
The party made it;s ways across the seas,avoiding Mists baleful eye..and reaching the lair without encountering resistance...they happened upon a lady..who joined the five determined bringers of justice..and they entered the dark and foreboding ruins.
Within the ruins..the stench of death and the cold creeping grasp of evil pervaded the whole atmosphere...fear was choked back,dry mouths could utter no words as they began to encounter strong opponents...ferocious in their defence and determined in their resolve to resist the party.
The battle grew harder...the clash of metal on shield,metal on armour and the twang of bows was oft supplemented by the cries of the wounded and the colourful and magical projections of those so gifted on both sides.
After what seemed an age..the din of battle began to subside...wounds were tended and sweat begrimed warriors lifted their helms and lowered their arms...victory had been achieved..
None had died...and the enemy leader was much for the ne'ersayers back in Hlint...much was owed to Rofirein for protecting them and much to the mysterious lady of the blade who,by chance,had joined them at the last moment.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #8 on: July 24, 2006, 08:46:55 am »
Time rolls onwards..people like the days come and friends..sad partings.

Jaleel still felt like an outsider to many...was it his accent,his skin colour..or the memories of his culture...the only thing that seemed to survive that far away struggle with the lady of storms.
Does his experience of almost drowning at Mist's behest colour his judgement..perhaps..for he had many clashes with milady Muireann..a fair and comely woman who was a follower and priestess of Mist.Her way with men,her flirtations and even the way she dressed showed more of a Xeenite leaning than of her true path..but each to their own..I suppose all may interpret their dogma as they see fit...unless,of course,it harms others.
After many clashes with Muireann regarding her fickle ways and her beguilment of a string of came to a most unwelcome situation.Muireann,indignant at Jaleel's was her who interpreted them as a slur on her chracter...and as some say,if the cap fits...anyway,I digress.
Miss Muireann,showing as much self righteous indignance as would be fitting for a Toranite..bade that Jaleel should meet her in the arena in Fort Velensk.Jaleel agreed after much goading and cajoling as he is not one who likes fighting women.
After a hard fought match..Jaleel beat her down,and then,a little embarrassed by it all...proclaimed the matter done with.
He would try to keephis thoughts on Muireann to himself..but will she remember to observe the quiet also?He has beaten her in a fair honour challenge and thus the eyes of the law his word is proved..and she is,to all intent and purpose..through this trial by combat proven as whatever he wishes..but he sought not vengeance...he just did what had to be done.
Only time will tell if the lady can control her anger..but being a is more likely that her anger will rise and fall with the tides...unleashing in a storm of words and possibly actions..for Mistites do not observe the laws of the civilised.

As life progressed..Jaleel adventured far and wide with some of his usual friends..and new ones too..the De'Averlaines..a Brother and sister sworn to serve the Dragon..and their less than savoury and perhaps non too trustworthy brother Ark.Beli..a monk short in stature but big in heart and soul..and Silverhand..another monk of exceptional capability.

Themeetings and the new skills Jaleel observed the likes of the above using has drawn him to try and adopt some of their methods in his training...and some of the exercises he does..seem to touch on latent memories...perhaps drawing on skills or energies of his past?


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #9 on: July 24, 2006, 09:02:54 am »
The dreams,the nightmares and the waking fits have subsided somewhat..Jaleel grew more in control of his being and having doen this could actually bring himself to adventure further that which,for some unknown reason,he once dreaded...dark and mysterious Dregar.
Greta Pranzis lay in ruin...and the dangers were more threatening here..but so ws the wealth..and the opportunity to learn new techniques and better old ones..not only through practical use but also through observing the more seasoned adventurers who frequented the dark places here.
In the space of a week or two Jaleel had made several trips to Dregar...firstly in a group of many skilled persons...he fought side by side with them..watched them..learned from them.
Secondly with Robert Hearth...together..just the two of them...went deep into the Deserts and fought many creatures...and made a fair sum into the bargain.
Jaleel marvelled at Roberts skills..and acted more as a support to the flashing blade of Robert than an equal.One day perhaps he will be of comparable day.
The excursions closer to Hlint also proceeded..almost daily ventures abroad with the likes of Beli and company..often into the Blood Desert or the Swordrust mountains...and adventures with Silver also continued.
Learning that Jaleel needed oak for a be presented to a lady in Haven...for the armoury there..Silver offered to help Jaleel get the oak...and so the pair went deep into the High Forests..trying not to kill without need nor angering the tree spirits of the place.
Gathering the wood was no easy task as spiders and other creatures assailed them..but the pair prevailed and after some time the oak was gathered...all seemed well..
As Jaleel loaded the last of the oak into his pack or fixed it about his shoulder...a large group of spiders and beetles emerged from the undergrowth..Jaleel was overwhelmed and poisoned..and soon fell into a near death he dreamed a poisoned dream...the soul mother came into his vision and took a part of him for her trouble..then sent him back,barely the world of the living.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #10 on: July 27, 2006, 04:44:03 pm »
Not long after his first Visit to the soul mother's table...whilst getting oak in the High Forest...he found himself back in the area.
This time he was part of a much larger,and in fact,chaotically organised group...who blundered their way along rather than any organised expedition.They fought griffons..orcs...and then the turning point came..
 A bear was slaughtered for no real reason other than it was was not near the path...and was no threat to the party..yet...a bloodlust was seen amongst some that was disturbing..including at least one member of Jaleel's own faith.
The party moved onwards..and then provoked the Treants of the forest,the ancient guardians and keepers of the place...into a battle..and once again the bloodlust clouded the eyes and the minds of many who should have known better...Jaleel could not accept this breach of the laws of the Forest..something he had discussed a time before with an Orcish resident called Kor...and so he left the party to their own devices and destruction.

A while after this incident..and with relations between brother Daniel and Jaleel healed following the formers descent into bloodblinded savagery..Jaleel went with a group into the Crypt at the edge of the Greypeak's...named for it's builder or it's resident..Storan's.
After much battle and a hard time within..the group had battled to the inner sanctum..where the one called Storan..did indeed reside amidst his undead minions.It was here and at Storan's hand Jaleel had his second meeting with the Soul Mother...but once again she did not desire his company too long and he was sent back to the living world.

There have been many smaller episodes of adventuring that have happened to Jaleel...Greypeak expeditions,the trolls of the Ajari..ogres in the blood desert...and even a trip or two to Rilara nad Dregar.

J'ser..a man of guile and who is light on his feet has made acquintance with Jaleel during these times..and has offered to show him a little instruction in ways to improve his prowess in such areas..ones that Jaleel feels will enhance his own skills with the blade and combat....thus he has worked some more routines into his daily regimen of training and honing of his skills.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #11 on: July 27, 2006, 06:49:15 pm »
Ah..time seems to move on faster..the dreams are almost it is more of a nagging ache in the back of Jaleel's mind as some memories hover in his sub-conscious as ghostly time..perhaps he will remember...could it be all the trips to Dregar...does the answer to his past lie there?

Adventures come and go..with friends old and new..the great cycle continues on it's relentless journey..and some,like Jaleel,are caught up in it's wake.

Ah Miss Muireann...she has made several comments about things Jaleel has said in the past..or has twisted what he has said..and tries to goad him..even after he had won her challenge in the arena and said the whole thing was in the past and done with.

Jaleel has adventured more with his close friends..and others who grow closer like Silverhand and Beli..the latter usually in the company of the De'Averlaines and an eyecatching priestess of Rofirein..Serissa.Her graceful walk..her calm words ..and often kind ones..and her soothe the aches of battle from Jaleel's bones and keep the chill of the darkened skies at bay.

As to adventures...expeditions into the deserts and forests of Dregar have yielded good coin and some items..including a pair of valuable boots..which Jaleel cannot decide whether to keep or to sell...the most notable adventure involved a most convoluted situation...involving missing artifacts that a halfling wished retrieved...
Jaleel had heard rumours of a gathering and decided to try and aid as best he could...after some debate with the halfling..and a man named Epheris...the party,numbering some powerful personages,headed into the depths of the blood desert.
After battling many desert dwelling ogres and such...a man clad in full armour..who claimed to have fled Pranzis was located..somewhat annoyed at us killing his friends..the ogres.
He clutched a shield in a fierce grip..a shield that seemed to radiate some sort of magic..a magic that it was determined held sway over the fellows mind.After much conversation and persuasion the man was persuaded to take some rest and during his slumber..the party managed to extricate him from his shield..and break the mind spell that held him.
After some deliberation it was decided to take both the shield and the man to a temple..a place where mind and body could be healed,a place known for it's militant defence..where the shield and it's threat could be kept safe out of the hands that so desperately desired it..for the fulfillment of some dire plan.
The party managed to gain their goal safe enough..but just as they went to enter the temple...the man called Epheris showed up..hah..a man..transpired that he is in fact some sort of demon or devil that shifts or possesses forms.
A most desperate battle ensued...with the party and a force of guardsmen attempting to defeat this Epheris..who appeared to be a master of the blade and whose blood heritage offered him supernatural defences.Many guards did some of the party...Jaleel called out to throw the bag containing the shield up to one standing at the door so that it could be taken into the holy sanctuary..whether he was heard or not does not matter..because someone had the presence of mind to do just as he had suggested..and the party and shield managed to gain the safety of the holy ground.
Members were healed..the gravely wounded and near dead were nursed back to health by the temple's healers and they gave their word to secure the cursed shield in their strongest vault and place it under a heavy guard and ward.

And the end..the party prevailed..but ..the story..I am sure was far from done.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2006, 04:44:16 pm »
The wheel moves onward and the pendulum swings....

Brother Daniel..a true and noble man had put forth Jaleel's name to be listed on the rolls of the Knights of the Wyrm..a great honour...and one Jaleel felt he was somewhat short of.He was no paladin,had no airs and graces,he was freer in his mindset than many who followed the order..A humble could he who spurned the use of the restrictive heavy armours and who preferred to weild two blades...not the sword and shield or greatsword of knights..even be considered for such an honour.

He has grown,as I his chronicler was informed,somewhat confused as to what to do with his path...he feels drawn to develop a fighting style more suited to his physical where he can attack speedily and from surprise...But he is undecided..especially in what path to pursue later.He continues to train in such skills..but is no longer sure if that is where his path lies.

As to other things..Erik..a priest ..and good friend has suggested the forming of a small adventuring guild..where Jaleel,he and other like minded people of comparable skill and interests may set out on quests and mission of exploration and aid together.This is a thought for the future..
And with regards to things that have been on his mind or have troubled him..well..he sees Miss Serissa spending more and more time in the company of Barion..a great warrior and could he ever match his prowess?Also of late..a truce of sorts between Muireannand Jaleel has ensued..they have even had some good discussions..on all manner of things..even religion.

Adventure has been somewhat slow...mainly confined to the local areas around Hlint..and an excursion or two into the mines of Haven...although one adventure does deserve some note..
A party had assembled at the Ox Merchants..for he was troubled by disappearances...after questioning him and his oxen..and searching about...a small fissure was found in the barn.
The party descended into the depths of some dark subterranean hold..and were soon engaging orcs and other beasts..including hulks.
After much battling..and some wounds..and sadly..a few losses...the goal was achieved and the oxen located..but alas..they had to be left down in the depths for no way could be found to bring them out...



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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2006, 05:16:53 pm »
The shadows grow and time marches relentlessly onward...

Ah joy of joys...Barion is to be married..and not to miss Serissa..there is light in the darkness.
Jaleel's training continues..but he grows more and more unsure of his future path..even as the times of decision draw nearer...

As for adventures..well...he has encountered a man called Pendar..who always goes about wearing a hood..he knows not why..that is Pendar's business..but the two of them ventured forth into the Ajari and slew many lizardmen...Pendar was a sight to behold and weilds mighty magics as well as he does a sword.

A further great adventure was at the behest of the great hero Kobal Bluntaxe...who asked for adventurers to gather at the port of Lorindar on Dregar.Here Jaleel was amongst a large company,so large that they split into two groups...and Jaleel was luckily placed amongst friends and people he knew such as Celith,Elrend,Barion,Gunther,etc.
H enoticed that Barion seemed relieved to not be in a party that contained one Angela Swann..for soem much as he was relieved not to be placed with Ozymandias..the lord of lies.
The party travelled form Lorindar top Pranzis..where a disagreement between Lin'da and Elrend resulted in the former,without thought for the party or their fate,to quit and vanish..luckily the day was saved when they acquired the services of Miss Serissa and a good friend Godim Harjuna..a mage of no little talent.
Thus re-inforced the party set forth for the Firesteep mountains on an island off the coast of Dregar..something about the name stirred up ghostly memories within Jlaeel..but he had no time to dwell on this..nor ascertain the the party moved at a good pace.The journey was long and dangerous...giants..giant..nay...Huge scorpions..trolls..evil druids..all lay in their path...and all were ..through the grace of Rofirein..defeated..
After a boat trip..they reached their goal...fiery and dark mountains..where the darkened sky semed to be more oppressive than ever..yet where the cold could not reach.Here in these treacherous lands they battled numerous kobolds and even drakes..before gaining some respite ,after much tinkering,in a fortified manor...alas poor Celith was ambushed as we entered and lost to the onslaught of a kobold attack.J'ser tried to save Celith but also was struck down..butMiss Serissa called on the powers of the Lord Proetector and risking harm..managed to bring J'ser back from the soul mother's limbo.
After a pitched battle at the walls..the enmeies lay dead and the party managed to escape the refuge that had become a prison..and Celith was raised..and so onwards they went search of precious metals and minerals.
All went well....aside from an accident by one of the mages..where he went on ahead of the party..and was quickly overwhelmed by kobolds..missile fire took them all down and miss Serissa performed yet another far the losses had been to ill luck rather than bad master Barion and Gunther had ably led the line..
At last we sighted our goal..a cave in the mountainside..wherein lay riches...but..we were ambushed..a horde of Kobolds overwhelmed master Barion..elemental beasts and creatures of living rock assailed the party..and then..a mage cast some foul enchantment..half the party fell..and those few left..decided discretion was the better part of valour and made for home.

Mistress Serissa fell..and as he had been charged to defend her..Jaleel..who barely survived the spell...felt responsible..he had failed in his duty..and now wonders how to atone.

After a long hard trek home..with a few close calls..getting lost..stumbling through a giant camp and such..the party..or those left made safe ground in Hlint.Here the loot was divided..some argued for it to be split among those left..but Jaleel and a couple of others remained firm and said it should be split equally between all who had made the trip.
A somewhat shady figure..called Aly-something had been tasked with looting in the main for the party..yet when it came time to share..he had but 6000 or so gold and one set of monk's robes he had found.Jaleel was suspicious as given the enemies fought and what the natives of Dregar often carry..this seemed somewhat lower than it should have been..especially item wise.Even worse was the fact that this man..this thief..took the robes without drawing lots as he said non could use them as they were for a monk..was he a he stole from those who had assisted him..and will not be trusted again..or should not be..for he places his own self before the others.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2006, 10:16:18 am »
And thus it was that Jaleel was visited by the soul mother a third time..assailed by a flock of four griffons after he had completed his training in Port Hampshire.

I,Jaleel's chronicler write the following words as they were spoken to me by Jaleel.

Of life and such..Mistress Serissa seems to have grown distant and does not talk as much as she once did...wedded to the church perhaps..and possibly a little unrequited love for Barion..or one of his adventuring companions perhaps?
Of Muireann..seen her a few times in the company of Ark..she seems to draw a certain type to her..predators..who I sense see her as easy meat and desire to bed her ..not wed her.Tis a shame as we have actually begun to converse often and without much conflict..perhaps the church would frown on such..but I make my own choice on who I speak to..I may be faithful to Rofirein..but I'll not be ordered by others as to how I conduct my social interactions.What point is there to justice and order if it strips one of the freedom and will to make one's own choices and decisions.

Of Events..
I came into Hlint to seea gathering about the well.near the wagons..many were gathered there..some I knew others I did not..this group..primarily made up of the "Great and the Good*..and the likes of Ozymandias Lewelyn and his sycophants..great perhaps..but more evil than good.
I had missed much of the conversation..but references..half in jest and half serious were made about laying waste to Hlint..and other such unsavoury remarks..
The group was then called to move by Ozymandias..and so we all went to a different area..then the party moved once a gain..going into the courthouse..a public building..but here they showed their true intentions...and asked many to leave and saying it was a private meeting.I left and proclaimed them elitist bigots..heroes of the people hah..self serving and servile puppets of Ozymandias more like.I t never ceases to amaze me just how much influence one like him exercises over supposedly noble personages..seems they do not realise that he is most likely using them to his own ends..and that they are merely dancing to the tune he plays.

Jaleel then went on to say more about this incident..

A while after this slap in the face for the common people and the closing of a public building by these elitists..Ozymandias and Celgar..passed where I sat.I remarked on the situation..and within a few sentences..he..the oh so wise and knowledgeable bard had contradicted himself.First he said I personally had not been asked to leave or excluded..then within a sentence or two had said I was rude folowing them and eavesdropping on their meeting..hah..what a fool.Firstly they convene a meet in public..eventually a public building..and say to follow and then wonder why and get all high and mighty when the public wish to see what they speak of.
So..what secrets do they try to keep from us..what plan does Ozymandias now try to put forward for himself and his dark masters?And why do such noted citizens and heroes follow so blindly as sheep would a shepherd..and not see that this shepherd is more the wolf than the protector?Self confidence and arrogance and misplaced pride is a failing amongst many it seems..

Jaleel also made note of a couple of other incidents related to this..

Celgar,who I had recently travelled with..tried to belittle me by harping on about his acts and heroism in the defence of Pranzis and the fall of Blood..such a lack of humility.just shows his like for what they are..Egotistical and self opinionated fools.He seems to not realise that many had not the opportunity to take part in the defence of Pranzis or such..yet tries to use it as a soapbox for his own ego.

Rhynn..with whom I had much sympathy following a recent which I shall refer later..hanging off Ozymandias coat-tails as if he is some sort of svengali that offers her the comforts she so desires...most likely she wishes to learn from him and further her consortations with demons and devils...much in the same manner as he...and one day she will lust for the power he has and try to usurp him and it.Power corrupts..
Why do good people even have contact with the likes of such diabolists?It goes against all that is good..what next..necromancers pillaging Hlint's graveyard so that their dinner parties can be well attended?


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2006, 10:29:58 am »
Jaleel now makes mention of a peculiar incident involving Pyrran..Himself..Brisbane and Tyrian...oh..and indirectly Rhynn.

After an excursion abroad with Pyrran as part of the group..we came to rest at a camp outside of Hlint.Our rest was soon disturbed however as Pyrran was seized about and had a blade placed to his throat by Epheris..some sort of demon or devil that I had encountered in the past.
T'was strange really as I had not long before this asked Pyrran as to what Epheris could be doing in Pranzis ,as I had spied him there only a few days previous.

Epheris kept telling us to back of and such as both Tyrian and myself had drawn our blades..and meant to engage him in an effort to free Pyrran.Before we could do much however..Lady Brisbane a Druid of no little power arrived as if from nowhere and after a brief war of words with Epheris transformed into a large red coloured dragon with a crest of gold..and carried Pyrran,in front of our awed and not a little feared eyes.
Epheris was not happy..he said as much and it was written across his face..and thus Tyrian and myself tried to intervene..lest he should go and try to take out his anger on the town and it's populace.What seeed like a good idea at the time turned out to be not so wise as after a count of three we both lay gravely injured at the roadside as Epheris showed a display of supernaturally efficient swordplay.
Twas not until later we heard of further doings by this man-devil....who apparently had threatened Tash'r..although some corrective punishment for that one was well overdue...and had struck Rhynn with a curse that deprived her of the ability to speak and thus the use of her magics.

As a footnote to the last two entries..Jaleel informed me that Rhynn had threatened him with a note she displayed after the confrontation with Celgar and Ozymandias..seems she is sweet on the aged bard or something..and is also close to Celgar..perhaps she works her way through the official census?


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2006, 10:48:49 am »
Training and honing skills continued..

Events and recent adventures had once again started to confuse Jaleel's mind with questions..and the search for answers.

Jaleel undertook a trip or two into the battle fens with such stalwarts and friends as Freldo,Silverhand and Thorkain at his side..and these proved both profitable and very fulfilling as he gleaned a little more knowledge on various fighting styles.
Now..if only he could find out more about the bladesong and how to master the basics of it and work therm into his techniques.

An important expedition..across the continent of Dregar was undertaken..another artifact was to be recovered like the shield afore it...this time it was a cloak...and it was noted that such had disappeared froma temple in the North...
The trip to the temple was fairly uneventful as most dangers were avoided..and the party made their goal just as light was fading.
Some spoke of eyes watching them..and creatures sent to spy...but jaleel saw nought of this and awaited further news from those who entered the temple to treat with the priests within.
Soon it was determined that a girl,no more than a child had taken the cloak with her and disappeared from the the mountains where the trolls dwell they said..
And so..the party travelled into the snowy wastes and after a long battle with trolls..came upon the girl wherein a delicate negotiation took place between the possessor of the child and the party.
Several offered themselves in exchange for the girl..and Jaleel..tried to use the truth in his heart to deceive the fiend to take him instead..even telling some untruths...and hoping that when it looked within it would perhaps catch a glimpse of whatever it was his past held and would be confused by his now true heart..I mean..would he lie..or could he lie?
What happened next is somewhat hazy..but according to the party..after an excellent shot by Jil to the clasp of the cloak...making it drop and thus removing the possession...jaleel seized the cloak and made to run off with it...luckily he was prevented from this as he may never have escaped the frozen wilderness or it's denizens.
So..the cloak was recovered and the girl returned to the temple..where her poor mind..if it could not be fixed..could at least be soothed.
The party then made it's way to a place where the cloak could be secured and warded...but agents of whoever had interest in it..devils..pit firnds some called them...blocked the way .but after a few short sharp skirmishes the party and the cloak were safe.
What will happen next ..and how will the other party fare in their quest on Xantril?


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #17 on: August 01, 2006, 12:39:50 pm »
Time has almost reached full circle and Jaleel will soon need this old chronicler no more as he has learned enough from me and may choose to write his own accounts...but another adventurer or two will no doubt find my humble home and set me new tasks.

Quiet times in Hlint and the area..jaleel has taken part in a few groups ho have olundered parts of the ogre held Haven mines..and done some small party and solo adventuring also..including a trip deep into the Sielwood with Drogo and others..where great manwolves dwell and also a creature that someone said was a basilisk or something..quite deadly.

The most interesting things to happen recently where an expedition to Saudiria on Dregar..a desert surrounded town on the eastern coast.Jaleel was lucky that a friend..and sometimes adventuring companion Samir was encountered en-route..for without his assistance he would probably not have made it to the town.Whilst killing a little time they went and plundered a cave in the desert..fighting giants before they said their farewells.
Jaleel then awaited the rendezvous time...with others arriving as the hours..and even a day or two slipped by.He felt at home here in the hot desert lands..and something was stirred within.

As the gathering grew he recognized a friend,Gunther was somewhat weak and pale...and had been assailed by some giants back at an oasis on the way to the town..adn an effort was made to rouse some volunteers to go and help Gunther recover some losses incurred and to avenge his injuries.
A small group was gathered from the people assembled..although several declined or seemed not to care..most shockingly of all...the Paladin Caighd of the Rofireinite Order..was in a listless modd..and failed in this duty of care.Seems nowadays he has been paying more attention to a female bard than his holy duties.
Even with such derelictions by various persons Gunther was aided and the balance set right.

After more waiting and an even greater gathering..Jaleel encountered a woman who was the object of their gathering..a woman who paid him some unwelcomed attention..and who in fact..made his flesh crawl...But one has to make sacrifices for the faith and thus he tried to play the polite and concerned adventurer and servant of Rofirein.
It transpired that the woman had lost her cat..a Malar beast of over-large size and provided a blanket as a means for the party to both track and coax the lost companion home.With what knowledge that could be gleaned the party headed out..first to the docks..where after questioning a few sailors,dockhands and ships captains..the party had a lead and managed to secure passage to a jungle infested land a fair distance travel away.
Jaleel,after his recent escapades with another cloak..grew quite attached to the one the woman had given..and this drew some strange looks from certain of the company.
Hacking their way threw thick undergrowth and surviving..with some casualties ambushes by pygmies and then lizard folk...eventually a village was reached and some respite from the jungle terrors.
A deal was struck with the local headman of the pygmies and the party was given some indication as to where the cat may be..and after another arduous though safer trek..they descended into some sort of underground cavern system.
Across an underground river a beast was spied..was this the malar beast?Jaleel did not know for he had never seen one..and so,as some of the party approached and tried to soothe it..Jaleel pulled forth the cloak from his bag..hoping to get a positive the woman had said,from the beast...unfortunately it did not go to plan so he went to replace it into his pack.Suddenly he felt a force upon him and his arm was struck so hard that the cloak went tumbling into the water...and when Jaleel looked to see who had done this..he saw it was Caighd..who then proceeded to abuse him and make which Jaleel retorted in defence..afore the woman who appears to have turned Caighd's head and thus draws him from his path as a paladin intervened...she also berated Jaleel as Caighd smugly hid behind her skirts..oh how the valiant have fallen...and how the Paldin's of our faith all seem to waver and fall or are found wanting...oft because of a shapely turned ankle or a pretty face.

Whilst this went transpired that the beast was in fact a sailor who had been transformed somehow by the woman..Jaleel had a feeling something about her was not quite right.After some mighty spells were cast upon the manbeast it was transformed back to a man..and true to his word..the pygmy chieftain allowed the group safe passage back to the boat...

On confronting the woman....about all this..she once again tried her charms on Jaleel but using the very cloak she had given Brisbane held her down in a bear form...he bound and gaged that she could be brought to justice and any others she held captive could be located and freed.
Alas..somehow she escaped..some form of spell or item...but justice and right will be served for images of her have been drawn  and placed in prominent positions around the ports of the lands..and when a lead is found..perhaps she can be found and made to pay her debt.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #18 on: August 01, 2006, 02:27:54 pm »
And here we are...almost at the present..I have learned much since being called by the Dragon...the lamented Gold Dragon Ozlo I beleive.Perhaps I was one of the last called afore he fell..?

Just a few personal notes and views...some thoughts laid out on parchment so I can refer to them..

Of my friends.. elf and a weilder of the bladesong..a style of combat that intrigues me and makes me wonder if it or some form of it can be adapted to my style..that of two blades...can it be learned..can it be fashioned..or some form of it to suit my need?

Daniel..A steadfast and true friend..a most devout follower of Rofirein..with views on a par with mine..compared to the majority of our faith's paladins this man stands head and shoulders above them for duty,loyalty and honour.

Erik...A priest,a fellow joined in adversity..a level head to temper my wilder who sees the need and has the vision to try and establish a regular cadre of seasoned adventuring friends...a group where elitist attitudes would have no place.

Beli..A redoutable Monk..leader of many adventures..a flurry of fists and feet..and possibly the fastest thing on two legs I have ever seen..Alas he has been called back to his monanstery for some time.

Robert Hearth..An honourable and adventurous who does not bother about one's rawness or talent..but who will guide a person and help them that the only true way to learn is to experience the danger firsthand.

Silverhand..much do I owe this man..adventure..guidance..learning from the nuances of his fighting style and adapting a little as best I can.He has taken me into danger..but more often than not has brought me out safely again.

Thorkain..a steadfast dwarf..of gruff toner but large heart..stands as a rock amidstt a sea and lets wave after wave of enemies break upon his hammer.

Freldo..A pleasant change from many of his experience..happy to assist..always there with a witty tune or spirit lifting conversation.

Samir..the same as Freldo in his ways with the less experienced..but more practical and a good guide to follow.

Pendar..a warrior and a mage of sorts..good with both magic and sword and seems to share some thoughts along the same lines in regards to some issues.

Eghaas..a simple and uncomplicated sorceror..happiest when his friends are happy..and happier still when they have a gift of bat guano for him so he can make more fireballs.

Serissa..ah..a priestess of Rofirein..dutiful,honest..good company..a smile that lights up the darkened and clouded sky...a breath of fresh air..and like a light summer breeze she lifts one's spirits when they flag.

Many others..many names..too many to count who have helped or are regular companions in many adventures abroad..

oh..and last but not least Muireann..a priestess of Mist..who my faith decrees I should have no converse with..yet..there is much to be said for intelligent conversation..especially between supposedly contrary religions or people.From such discussions..ones from different points of view much can be learned,compromises reached and a common ground of tolerance reached.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #19 on: August 01, 2006, 02:47:34 pm »
Of those I have issue with..

Ozymandias Llewelyn..yes a powerful who calls the tune many others dance to..more fool them.He gives of an aura of something not quite meat left hanging too long.He apparently walks the planes,deals with demons and devils and even has relations with one of the latter I believe.Many seem to trust his words and I know not why..he may have been a great hero once..but now..I suspect he will olead many to their dooms in the search or is it lust..for his own power and that of whatever unholy masters he serves.

Rhynn..a confusing day quite cold and callous ..the next helpful and ..well..she used to be ..talkative.Another who deals with demons and evidenced by the situation with Epheris.One who seems to pay more than a passing interest in various consorts but who seems especially attached to doubt he would need some magic potion to enable him to satisfy whatever desires she holds for him

Ark..a black sheep of the De'Averlaine family...shady..underhanded and one who would threaten harm to those who serve his brother's church.A man devoid of faith except in himself and with it loyalty only to himself.

The great and the good..this encompasses a gathering of so called heroes..pompous,overbearing,self opinionated,self righteous and self centred elitist bigots..foremost amongst them is Celgar..but then again..he seemed to be Rhynn's latest plaything so could possibly be forgiven in part for such foolishness.

Tash'r..a mishievous,irritating and oft law breaking follower of Mist..flouts the local laws of Hlint as if they do not exist..frightens the common folk and yet escapes justice..oh and has openly assaulted a member of my faith..for no more reason than she wished to.

Then there are those that fall or falter in their duty or stumble on their path..

Brother Thomas..a Paldin of the Faith..cited in a case of ribald attention towards Muireann..but also noticably seems to withdraw from expeditions or fights as the danger increases..thus failing in his duty to protect.

Brother Caighd..oft a quiet man..which is no sin..but lately has become sullen.moody and afflicted with disinterest in his duties..has openly struck a fellow follower..has refused a duel of honour and has failed ,when called upon to assist in helping a felow adventurer for no more reason than he was in some sort of melancholic stupor.Also tends to hide behind the very skirts of the woman who has unmanned him and persuaded him off his path..

There are others that trouble me with their attitudes it tolerance or just a careless way with the lives of others..such has been seen of Darkchild..also known as Kiva..but who has redeemed himself somewhat of late.Nepp..also changed a little of late..for the better..Aly..a rogue and vagabond who steals from his party and makes off with anything he deems worthy without the option to share...he will take a party's protection and healing but is so selfish as to try and rob them..

