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Author Topic: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures..DragonSworn  (Read 537 times)


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #20 on: August 01, 2006, 02:55:42 pm »
One issue that troubles me greatly,well two to be honest are as follows...

Firstly..Pranzs and Blood's former General..idf such can be said Broegar.A man responsible for much death and destruction..the sacking and pillaging of holy places..he is now feted as some sort of saviour who has restored order..but at what price?Many of his laws are morally wrong..they restrict personal freedoms that people fought and died to retain...and yet many who stood by the those harsh battles openly accept Broegar's rule and laws.
What does this say..Do they not think that it dishonours the memories of those that they not think that their inaction and acceptance of this tyrant nullifies most of what they fought for..and dishonours themselves.
Should a former..(sic(General of Blood be allowed such free reign..and by doing nothing are they not allowing him to just consolidate his power..possibly in preparation for his next conquest and subjugation?

Secondly..What of Rofirein's church?They stay silent on many matters..they do not seek us,the faithful out to give us instruction or goals..there is little or no guidance...why do they stay silent?


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #21 on: August 03, 2006, 04:48:56 pm » I am writing now for what to record..ah yes..

Met up with Silver and went to the Berhagens...had a person to see in some Dwarven Fortress thereabouts...on the way there and back we had a merry time with some Golems and Giants..Silver is truly a wonder to watch in combat..seems to hardly ever get struck and does some devastating damage...wonder if there is anything I could learn from his style and adapt to mine?
Met up with Drogo,a dwarf named friends Erik and Aeryn..and think it was Tash'r and possibly one or two others for a foray deep into the High Moors.
We worked our way into the depths of a cave system there..a stronghold of some Lizard folk who have been troubling Hlint...After a few close calls we struck the leader down and emerged with his head..which Drogo and myself returned to Garent in Hlint.

Managed to make it safely through the Greypeaks to see Charles Dawson...and bring him what he needed...gave me a book that has some sort of magic upon it..could be useful.Fell foul of some ogres on the way back...slew a good number afore I was nearly laid so low as to see the soul mother by a berserker..seems I still grow overconfident sometimes.

Travelled to North Point on Dregar where I had heard tales of a party gathering..something to do with a lich..and since an incident in Hlint...many months ago..I had sought some way to avenge a wrong wrought by such a creature..perhaps this very one.
Many had gathered and after the tension of drawing lots...I made it in..just.
Not sure whether I was as elated as I should be as both Rhynn and Ozymandias accompanied is self serving and more than they seem I think..and the an moment quite palatable..the next wreathed in dark threats or apathetic musing.
At least Rhynn has her voice that is good..then again...seeing as she has said she will kill me..may have been better for her not to have the power of her magics to aid her against me...such is fate..good news and bad rolled into one.
Well..we located some sort of underground dwelling..dark,musty and foreboding...I say located..more like stumbled we all ended up in the same place by some magical means.
Firstly after much preparation and much discussion we set forth to investigate..demons..devils..all the same to me..but such unholy summonings we encountered and fought...or in Ozymandias case..bargained with.
Eventually we encountered a cadaverous looking man..who it turned out was a lich..but a most pleasant and personable..and very reasonable one it seems.The bad half of him is the terrorizing one so he says..and amidst all the talk of curses..demi-liches and such..several goals were determined..
Thus..we head out to find locate a lost love..lift curses..and eventually defeat the beast.and lay hs good half to rest...I hope.

Latest venture I got involved in was to the dire woods and the cave therein..oh and another excursion into the Berhagens...undead..spectres so I'm told..golems fashioned of living..or would that be dead bone?..ogres..harpies..more Golems hewn of living mineral..Giamts..
All in the company of some steadfast companions..Silverhand..Eredel..Cymmeran..Wren Thendor..and several others.
Much gold and even some items..that for some reason..I am stuck poor oxen is beginning to suffer greatly at the burden..must try and find a room and get storage as soon as possible.If only the church provided such.

Still no word from the Church and nought of the Knight's of the Wyrm..perhaps Daniel's recommendation did not make it to them..or they deem me not worthy of matter..I shall continue to do the Lord Protector's work to the best of my ability wherever I can.



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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #22 on: August 04, 2006, 11:34:46 am »
More adventures and more tasks....

While recently in North Point and Willows Weep I managed to pick up a further two doubt there are many more such tasks out there...firstly I am tasked with defeating a bull-headed chieftain and,no doubt,a lot more besides for a person in Willows Weep...some Maze-like to find it and some stout companions to aid me.
Secondly..I spoke to a priest at the local temple in North Point..alas they would not let me see the cloak...but he,by way of consolation..I know not why..mentioned a ring belonging to Drezneb or somebody..and said I should seek out a wandering priest called Athus..well..only Dregar and who knows where else to trek across to locate this man.

Of adventures...was part of a group that traversed the lands near fort Velensk..some of us had a bit of experience and had been this way many times..others however..were new hereabouts and I feared for them.
We,luckily for us I suppose,encountered Wren Thendor on the way..and with this extra strength..and the know how of Tegan..sacked the nearby cave of it's Topaz and slew or drove off many ogres...and then we traversed the Ajari swamps..discipline and good preparations allowed us to cut a swathe through the vicious trolls there..and much bounty was forthcoming.I think the less experienced party members learned much from this.
A note or two on the above venture...firstly..we were left at the last moment by one who called himself Hood..a dark elf..he seemed eager for adventure yet when it was close ,as was the danger,he left without word or warning..a coward perhaps..or a maybe,as some suggested...he wished to see us all die..his loss as we made much coin from this.
Another thing learned..spellcasters need to be more careful for the warriors who act as a wall to break enemies initial onslaughts...several times we were injured by our own mages eagerness to throw fire at the enemy.
Then again..according to Praylor..a Paldin or a priest..we are no more than ,as he termed it,meatshields to protect the casters...I sthis how it is?Are casters more valuable than we..are our years of training and mastering our combat skills seen as little more than an annoyance by enemies..or lesser skilled and expendable commodities by casters?Hmmph..They may be able to transmute themselves into creatures or summon magical aid..but I wonder how long many of these casters would last without us.

After some rest,reflection,respite and training..I took up my sword once again..and ventured forth from Hlint to Velensk..I had heard rumours that a group of my friends were in that area..and so..after a journey that was a little arduous...4 griffons attacked me on the way from Fort Hope...I managed to locate and join up with Silver,Erendel adn Cymerran...oh..and Malor was there as well.
With thse friends and a few others..dwarves..a man named Earl and such..we set forth into the Berhagens..Golems and Giants fell to us in large numbers...and after a successful trip we broke up into a smaller some cared not to travel with us to Dregar.

Note..Seems that for adventurers not many are really so adventurous..making interminable assaults on the mines in Haven or the Topaz in the Dire Woods cave seems to be the extent of their adventurous ambition.I thought adventure was about striking forth into unknown lands and ridding them of evil..but to many it seems it's gossiping in Hlint or sallying forth where little risk lies.

Anyways..On to we..Silver,Cymeran,Eredel,Malor,Earl and myself teamed up with Tegan and Tash'r..this would choose in the end to be an unwise choice it seems.Tash'r is like a mischievous child..always playing practical jokes..and being a bit of a disruption to any party..something of an attitude that seems to rub off on Tegan also...but more of this soon.

The party set forth from Pranzis..and after cutting our way through to the desert mines..and picking up some nice loot on the way..a book..a wand..some robes and an Iron Longsword..we made our goal.The party was a little disjointed at times with Tegan and Tash'r sharing their own companyb and proceeding at thier own pace..oft well to the rear of the group.
In the mines itself we found much combat and also once again....more miscast spells..that did ourselves harm...Tegan was very useful here..for her magical defences and skills...
On the way out however..things went awry..the party scattered somewhat...some running well ahead of the rest..and as I was picking over the corpses of the fallen giants..I soon found myself alone..

Note..Why do parties often run ahead and leave their gatherers unprotected and isolated?You would think they would take more care of those who carry the spoils. I tried to leave the cave..3 Giants attacked me..I battled for a shortwhile thinking my companions would swiftly return to support me..they did not..I made a run for the exit..only to seea giant place itself in a firm blocking position.I had little choice..I had to fight..3 Giants..against me weighed down with coin and items...and my wards and protections failing or spent..
I think I had cut one down and wounded another afore I fell unconscious...hovering on the edge of the soulMother's garden....then snapped back,after what seemed an companions had returned..and master Cymerran had managed to revive me and draw me back from the clutches of impending death...lucky I carry two soulstones.
Here things started to go seems Tegan and Tash'r had views..about abandoning comrades and's I must admit I am in some agreement with..and yet..they were two of the first out of the cave.So double standards..They then began to snipe at varoos people and even seemed to ignore others by having a conversation with each other..and they rushed off ahead..the party decided to take it's time and be free of such chaotic divisiveness.

Eventually we reached Pranzis and safety..well safety under Broegar's boot..hmm..maybe not...But here we split the gold..which was not as much as hoped for..due to the fact that when I of the giant blows must have ripped the coin sack asunder and spilled much of the coin.We then travelled to a house in Loridar and made our way back to Hlint from it..all the time I was being pestered by Malor for a robe..Did he not trust me..or is it just the way of mages and such to be impatient..they should learn some discipline.

Hindsight Addendum..Must admit..was not too happy with losing Tegan and Tash'r..not so much for it being an injustice or they clearly followed their own path and were not really concerned as to party welfare...but more because they did not receive a share of the coin garnered.
Silver,Eredel and Cym are friends..and thus I have to stand by them and go with their decisions..they have done much more for me over time than Tegan or Tash'r..but I still feel troubled over depriving the latter of their share.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #23 on: August 08, 2006, 03:21:39 am » we are again...another break in my routine that allows me to find time to tell a bit more of my adventures,my life and my aspirations.

First off..even though I am unsure now as to my progress and direction...I still seek to enhance my skills and master those that I do have..and still I watch the likes of J'ser and Silverhand or their ilk for any incite into their techniques that I can adopt or adapt or both..for my own routines.Furthermore..I still wish to engage in more formal training should J'ser ever manage to find the time...perhaps gain some practical knowledge from others broaden my choices as I am sure there are many variations on each style.
Still my friend Aeryn insists the bladesong is a secret and so I shall seek out,perhaps,another who may know it's secrets and nuances..or one who can point me to a teacher.Aeryn knows I wish to master my art and yet he holds back on this..I cannot see why..surely my use of it would bind us closer as friends and brothers in arms..and would help perpetuate this noble artform?

Of Events..Ozymandias and Rhynn..with the aid of others were acting in the streets of Hlint..playing Blood and his minion(Wonder if she enjoyed playing his slave as I am sure she wishes to be under his power in more ways than one..and yet still she puzzles me.)..and a pair of Black Wizards.
This display caused much concern hereabouts and although,with hindsight,one can see a certain warped humour in this..the situation itself is not one of it was frightening for many common folk.Did give some insight into a few things though and a third Dragon God was told of...whoever or whatever it may be.

Of Adventure..well..I was asked to meet brother Daniel in Sandstone for a gathering...and adventure.I went but was non too sure as to what it was all about...maps..ancient temples..other places..all strange to me.
I arrived in the small port town...on the coast of the Anuroch..and waited for some 2 days afore my friend and his band hove into the port.2 Days of boredom and the sounds of the sea...
 We travelled forth into the dunes of the Anuroch and after some travel found ourselves in an oasis valley..with a small village..and a few natives dotted about..although most slunk into their homes and hid or watched sullenly from the shadows.One man however did give us some information regarding our goal but tempered our enthusiasm by mentioning that the snakes were in the midst of the breeding season and it would be most treacherous to attempt the journey at this time.
Thwere was much deliberation,a certain amount of division and much disorganisation...and with these conditions in play and the party scattered all of the mages made forth intothe serpentine vastness of the desert..the place where the snakes lay.
I,and I think Daniel...and perhaps others..felt duty and honourbound to follow her..even if we thought it folly..Daniel and I are of Rofirein and are sworn to protect no matter the danger to ourselves..and thus had little choice in the matter.
There was much damage wrought by the snakes..many sat at the soul mother's table this day...and it just showed how destructive such division and indecision can be.
Let us hop it goes better next time...and that the leaders are more coherent as is the group.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #24 on: August 08, 2006, 03:50:47 am »
After recent adventures to Dregar..including a couple of short excursions not mentioned in detail I found myself wandering back in Hlint.Not much to do except train and talk.

During one of these conversations,involving Lady Muireann and others..somehow Kiva's name was mentioned...not in any offensive manner..unless a listener thought so of him him or herself.The words spoken were purely of a neutral intent and meaning and thus any who could form a decision based on what they heard or thought they heard..such as one fellow did..must have ill will or a low opinion of Kiva themselves.This fellow..Jareg by name..said he had heard me insult Kiva...when actually all that was said in reference was"Kiva and his ilk" how this can be construed as offensive only the Gods know..for it could refer to Kiva asa heroic type..or such.However this is interpreted is surely in the mind of any who may have heard..although at some twenty or more yards from a private conversation..amidst the murmurs of a busy this fellow heard anything is amazing.
But..if he did..then it is his own twisting or interpretation of the meaning or what lies in his mind that corrupts the doubt with a little help from that evil and spiteful demoness..Tash'r.
This Jareg..who took umbrage..left having made threats...hah..can he not see the fault lies in hmself and not others..perhaps this Kiva has slighted him or caused him pain..maybe over a these oft cause dissent between friends.
And on the subject of Brother Daniel...he kissed a miss Drawna in public view..does he go down the road of Thomas and Caighd?Is he being led from the path by base lusts?He is not even sworn to this woman..not by ceremony..not by declaration..and yet he undertakes such lewd public displays with her.

Of adventure..I have had several..although mostly humble affairs...there was one however,that troubles me greatly for I was one of the more experienced members of it.

A party had assembled and we headed out for adventure..out to the Silent Watch hills where we fought goat men...thence to the Topaz caves and the Dire woods...Ogres.Giants,Harpies,Undead..all fell before our cleansing blades and spells and the arrows of our bowmen...nought could stop us..and we had grown by the addition of Wren..a mighty warrior.
We then turned to the Ajari..a place reeking of evil..a place of trolls..and a place of a greater evil...but initially all went well...we did as before..worked our way forward with discipline and zeal.Trolls fell in droves and we advanced deeper into those festering mires.
After a battle at some sort of Trollish temple..we happened upon a tomb or emanated evil..and I recognised it under the growth of the past year..Twas a place I had travelled to twice before..once with miss Addison and a very eexperienced group..and another less successful encounter where we had stumbled into it rather than a planned entry.
Many of the group wished to enter..I did not..and warned against such folly..with the resources we had at hand...but brave Wren was very convincing and thus the group descended into the depths.I had to go with them as is my duty...and sadly I convinced miss Talia..who had returned to the area.
Things went badly...the group listened not and some rushed forward and were slain by some sort of summoned devil lizards...but..after a heavy fight these were beaten back and the party withdrew.It looked as if most would escape..but once again..some in their exuberance either did not heart he words to follow in my footsteps ..or did not listen..and took a different ambush was sprung and more of these horrors appeared.Several fell after a battle on the bridges..and with about half the party..or perhaps 2 fifths..down..a withdrawal was ordered.

Not learning from what had gone before..a Druid..Kargoth I think his name is..careered forward with some summonings and was set upon by Trolls before the party had time to recover or reoragnise after the debacle below..and mor e fell...It was sad...where there had been discipline and measured there was chaos..and such had cost many lives.All for the glint of riches.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #25 on: August 08, 2006, 10:51:48 pm »
Ah..tis an ill wind that blows..probably the doing of one of Mist's supposedly loyal followers...only loyal to herself that one...a of demonic stock..always trying to cause argument and strife..always trying to bully with her overt spell displays and transformations into a hulk..must be some sort of attention seeking ploy by her..mind you,as time goes on more and more grow tired of her antics and see her for what she is.

Ah..why the sudden outpouring you ask..well..after the incident with Jareg that I mentioned last time..there were developments...
 Firstly,whlst having a nice chat with some friends..Daniel,Praylor,Shamur and another one or two..Kiva,Nepp and Ash showed up.Comments were made by Kiva and Nepp..trying to bully and intimidate.I rose to I was at a low ebb following the recent catastrophe in the Ajari tomb..they threatened death and such..and said Jareg would be the instrument..hah..they cannot even fight their own battles now..but must use their friends.
This group were then so rude as to sit down amongst us..uninvited..such bad manners and the desert..for this they would pay with their lives for only invited guests are shown the honour of safe passage.

Several days later..having just risen from my bed..I spied a small group watching a man atop the Hlint watch platform..he seemed to have an ensorcelled elf as his slave..I s that not a crime?
Then Muireann showed up..and when the elf broke it's bonds...and tried to attack the strange one who had attempted to control it..She called forth the power of her Goddess and slew the elf.
Two.observers then launched into a tirade against Muireann..calling her a murderer and such..and I suspect they were looking for any excuse for trouble..for I tried to defend Muir's actions..they turned their attentions to me.
They made some if they knew me or of me...and made some veiled and not so veiled threats..the large half ogre or giant..following the smaller one's lead..if they had not been so insulting and threatening..then it would have been comical to see such a display of circus magnificence...All the little man needed was a hoop for his larger friend to jump through.
After an exchange of words they departed and conversed with Tash'r..

At first I put their malice down to Kiva and Nepp..but the fact they had converse with Tash'r would suggest her malignant and poisonous little hand in it.Perhaps she paid them to incite trouble..I would not put it past her..yet another who cannot fight their own battles it would seem.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #26 on: August 08, 2006, 11:21:15 pm »
Ah..back to adventures..well..after a quick word to myself and any who may read this one day.

Why is it that people seek conflict amongst their fellows?Is it because Blood is dead and now they have no common purpose or goal...are they so bored they must create tension and trouble?

Anyway..back to the matters at hand..adventure..
I decided to head down to the Dire Wood area near Fort Velensk..both for some peace and to be nearer my God's temple..It transpired to be a most fortuitous path on the way to my goal I happened upon no lesser person than Lord Tarradon Duvall..a Captain of the Knights of the Wyrm..such an honour..such fortune..the Dragon surely works in mysterious ways..and I think it was the Lord Rofirein's doing that we should both meet out there in the middle of nowhere.
We talked at length about various church affairs..and he also gave me a task..a message to pass on to Brother Daniel..of whom,despite a recent moment of weakness,I still praised highly..if any should be invested as a Knight of the Wyrm it sis he..for he has the most honour,loyalty and duty that I have ever seen in a man.
Tarradon then invited me to go forth intothe Dire Wood with him..and I accepted...our blades grew thick with the ichorous blood of the spiders there and cold to the touch from the many spectres slain.
After a time he departed for business at the Temple in Fort Velensk...whereas I ..with my spirits lifted by the encounter..set off to do battle with some giants...

A day or so later..I encountered a group..who numbered amongst them my friends Dulan and Roy..and several others..including the bard Karn..and one called Vugar I think.After some quick work in the Topaz caves..we set off towards Fort Velensk..where we encountered both Jamesan the bard and Good of my truest friends.
Aeryn seemed not his usual happy go lucky self but acceded to my request to accompany us on an adventure of exploration...and assembled..we set sail for the mysterious Dragon Isles.
At the docks we fell inwith another adventurer..Rakan I think he is called..and then proceeded to explore and battle the dangers and evils ofthese new lands.
Walking Trees..driven mad and twisted by evil's touch...a fire drake..twisted and corrupted forms of humanoid..and then Bull-Headed men..deep ina cave...and a fierce bull like creature..that petrifies with it's breath.
The company was steadfast through all these trials..Dulan lead us with vigour and was ever ready to lay healing where needed...the bards aided us with hearty and rousing songs of battle or laments to dampen the spirits of the enemy...and the others all pulled together as a team..hacking and slashing through whatever horrors fate threw our way.

Alas..poor Aeryn..he was not himself..gone was the beauty of his song..the blade did not sing with it's normal vitality..and he seemed lethargic in his strokes..I wisH I knew what ailed him so I could counsel or aid him.

The party then took a boat to another part of these lands...where Dulan said wolfmen lived..but sadly he had to leave as he had pressing duties..and soon thereafter...following a battle with a horde of Harpies..Jamesan also had to take his leave.It was thus decided we should turn back for our healing and magic was now depleted and to press on further into unknown lands seemed like folly.
Several battles took place along the way..more of the evil and ugly walking trees...and another drake..a close run thing..but we made it and took ship to Fort Velensk where we bade each other safe travels and went our seperate ways.
Aeryn..though..just left without word..I did not see him go..but recall him talking to a dock perhaps he has taken ship somewhere?I hope he is safe..and thathe will soon return to his old self..this change in him troubles me.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #27 on: August 08, 2006, 11:35:53 pm »
Several days after the excursion to the Dragon Islands..whilst sojourning in Hlint..I was asked by Samir to accompany him and Sa'kura to Dregar...thsi I duly did and we also took with us Praylor..the Toranite Paladin.
When we reached Dregar..we were joined by another traveller and frequent companion of mine..Malor..a likeable..but sometimes clumsy casting little fellow.

We headed to the Anuroch..ah how I feel a stronger bond to that place each time I visit..almost as if the wind over the dunes whispers my name and welcomes me as a long lost friend.
A stiff encounter with some Giants at the oasis ensued..and thence we met another party bound for home..amongst it's number were Wren..the brave warrior..and much to my distaste..Tash'r.the evil,scheming dark caster of Mist.I am sure I heard her utter some words..perhasp an we exchanged greetings with Wren...wonder if she cursed us?

Ah..foul witchery and curse it must have been for after a brief stop in Saudiria..we travelled into a nearby cave in search of Silver..and were cruelly ambushed by two groups of Giants..and then mauled by others as the party retreated...all but one fell gravely injured..and he,Samir only just survived by the skin of his teeth and the Lord Protector's providence.

We regrouped and went back..this seems the magic of Tash'rs curse had dissipated for we gained the silver with some ease and made to return to Pranzis and thence home..
After another stiff battle at the oasis..we amnaged to get back..and I then led Praylor and Lady Sa'kura across Rilara..and back to the safety of Hlint as I had promised Samir.

Hmm..perhaps I should be more wary of the demoness..and get some wards from the temple to confound her black curses?I shall consult with the temple in Velensk on such things and see what may be done...I just hope others realise just what she is before she works her dark arts on them.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #28 on: August 11, 2006, 09:47:58 am »
The pondering on my path I draw on the vague memories that lie buried at the depths of my mind..and that have started to surface bit by bit...they point me in the direction of learning more of the guileful arts.Yes..I have been studying the way J'ser and others like him fight..with a little impromptu training thrown in..and yes..I have also watched the way Silverhand gracefully ..but methodically deals with enemies..but the question I learn more properly some of these skills..or stay more strictly on the path of the warrior?
New skills could enhance the way I work in combat and be a boon for me and a bonus for those I seek to aid and protect..but could be a double edged sword...leading to a dilution of my current art..a time of choice draws near..and soon I will have to make a decision..very soon.

Of other events and adventure..I have travelled a fair bit lately with Dulan...and Jamesan..and feel I am becoming attached to the professional but easy attitude of Dulan and his Un-Named guild.I have also spent time with an assortment of friends...Silverhand,Eredel and Cymeran..
Been to Dregar once again..another trip further into the Dragon Isles.and most recently a trip to gather platinum amongst the battle fens.

Of the Dregar trip..went as part of a mid sized party into the Anuroch again..had a late addition in the form of Lillian into our party.A good warrior..if a little rough around the edges..possibly pointing to a rushed learning of the various skills and missing out on the finer points of the art..not that this lessens her abilities.A little bit forceful in trying to command the battle lines mind you.
A good trip..with no casualties and some good coin...travelled with Eredel for the trip home via his house portal and on the way..picked up a nice bow..he said it was very old and had been crafted during the old race wars.

Of the Dragon Isles trip...Dulan led us..we managed to avoid a lot of the potential threats traversing to where a boat took us to a rocky we fought harpies before venturing into a place ..a temple of sorts..where many werebeasts lived.
Then it was through forests and swamplands ..fighting or avoiding satyrs and trolls..before descending into the depths of what looked like a trollish temple..and thence further down into a place where drow walked and kept lizard folk in cages..I wished to free them but there was some discussion as to them being evil also...although not wholly convinced as there is good and bad amongst every only have to look around Hlint to see this...the arrival of a large group of drow made our decision for us..and thus we headed out and back the way we came.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2006, 10:09:01 am »
Continuing on from my last entry...

Have been spending a lot of time around Fort Velensk..the air there is cleaner and less polluted by the smell of ox dung that hangs in the air around Hlint.I have time to venture forth and combat undead..mercenary bandits and such at my leisure...and be away from the petty bickerings that are arising more and more amongst the adventurers that gather in Hlint.Exodus and Celgar appear to have had a falling out over something there..tis bad when heroes of the battles with blood begin to fight each other..Is it something in the air..or just boredom and no common enemy to fight that does this?

Finally got the message from captain Duvall to brother Daniel..he seemed grateful but a little sad that it was not grander news..and I see even his faith perhaps begin to show cracks as we of Rofirein gain little word or direction from our leaders.
On a related issue..there are rumours..even printed in the Dragon's Whisper apparently..that our faith is somehow in league wioth and supporting Broegar...surely this cannot..could not be true..his justice is twisted and divisive..stripping many of their basic freedoms...are we not for justice and also for protecting such freedoms.Would our leaders who held the citadel long after the city of Pranzis fell..give in so meekly to a usurping tyrant?

Recently went back to see if any of my friends were about...saw Aeryn..still a little melancholy..which I do not like to see..apparently Dorena was not what she seemed..he mentioned some sort of shifter..and I offered some advice which he seemed to take on board and which ..I hope has lifted his spirits a little.
Bumped into Eghaas..who was a little beside himself as apparently certain people had been trying to goad him with spells and derogatory remarks...perhaps some time in the stocks would calm their errant behaviour? mentioned before..a trip into the Battle Fens..Dulan,Karana,Jamesan and myself..very profitable with a haul of much coin over 2000 each..and a hefty weight of mined platinum..what I mined I donated to the Un-Named..for if I had a skill,although Dulan has offered to help me with some crafting...I would be trying to join them.
Karana is something to behold in combat..wild..fierce..and sometimes uncontrolled..but even the largest of Trolls fall before her.
As a side note to this trip..we snuck down into a cavern..where once a dragon laired...very eerie..and still radiating a sense of is now inhabited by spiders and a strange beast..callled a beholder..the former,or some of the former we slew..the latter..we injured afore it made it's escape.
The hole in the ceiling is foreboding as..with such a fine natural habitat..tis only a matter of time before one of these wandering dragons we hear reports of finds this place and rekindles the terror that must once have emanated from these fens.

As to my path...I have decided..that I shall seek to find more formal training in the ways that call out to me from my memory..the way that J'ser seems to use so skillfully...I think it will be but a brief sojourn but the skills could be most useful and allow me to construct a more devastating and effectice style of fighting.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #30 on: August 11, 2006, 10:40:29 am »
As I sit here..awaiting the gathering of the Explorers party..a trip to lands across the seas..I have remembered two a couple of other things I must record.. of a sort..and quite horrific and disturbing at that..Whilst in converstaion with Praylor came to be said unto me that ..Tash'r..the one responsible for many pranks and spells being perpetrated in Hlint..and witnessed in assaulting a priestess of the faith with spells some months back in Hlint..has gone further..
 According to Praylor..she assaulted and near killed a druid out in the Goblin wastes..not sure what the trouble was over..but apparently he tried to heal the druid's wounds afore Miss Brisbane came along and carried her off..hopefully to recover.Will this act go unpunished or will this dabbler in the black arts finally be tried for the crime against Serissa nad have this added to the growing list of rule-breaking she has been party to?

Secondly..travelled to the Great Library..ah..what a wonderous..and large repository of learning and the written about Blood..a book by Ozymandias Lewelyn less.Also browsed other tomes..of Rofirein..of death by a Rofireinite cleric..and a treatise on the geography and history of Dregar.Most informative place...although possibly in need of a little tidying up as it does look in a bit of disorder.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #31 on: August 13, 2006, 09:54:24 am »
Well..I have started some rudimentary preparations for my extended training in a new fighting style...or is it?Each time I watch or discuss on the skills that J'ser and others like him use..I feel an affinity with the style..not so much learning a remembering what once was.

And other deeds..

Was part of an expedition that went into the deserts in search of a drow woman..all to do with a puzzle and a dilemma concerning a troublesome lich and it's intent to become a more powerful being...known as a demi-lich.Is there just one lich that suffers two personalities..has it come to pass that..the original really is split asunder and is two seperate entities?Are we being manipulated and played for fools?
Tis hard to tell what is right and what is wrong...we were sent on this errand to find Thomas Artorius lost ask for forgiveness..yet,as was said by Rhynn..why?Yes..why would one who loved a person so..inflict new pain..more pain..pain that had been healed and a wound that having closed was now ripped open and bled as fresh as the day it happened past?
Now the sad maiden wishes to see her undead love..hmm..some concerns over that..and what may transpire.

A trip to the haven mines...started out as a nice sized group..soon snowballed into a cumbersome and unweildy one...some order of sorts was retained..but..often people would rush off ahead without planning or there was a confusion of different voices and instructions.Perhaps the best sized group is one of around eight adventurers..from experience this seems a well manageable and successful size..of course it would also be dependant on striking the right balance of it's constituent members and their professions.



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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #32 on: August 13, 2006, 10:18:02 am »
Travelled out to Rilara...a gathering of a group..artifacts..and choices..
Lasttime we had gathered on this particular path..disunity and strong-mindedness had cost us dearly in the Anuroch..this time..we strove for a better handling of it all.

We split into two Karthy bound..the other to make for Lannisp[ort.Not exactly sure what our goal was..but..I am a dragonsworn...thus I am there to protect and guard as best I can..not to question our goal.
We moved from lake Rillon to Lannisport without much incident..Ashiel led the our scout..our blind Gnome brought up the rear..tapping his way along with a stick..and causing us some concern as he meandered along his way.
In Lannisport..Lin'da tried to swim down to a commune with the priests there in search of answers to our quest..but..near drowned..and Rawkin's healing with victims of the sea..seems to be a little rusty.Freldo however seemed to have the right medicine as I am sure I saw a smile from Lin'da when he gave her what he called mouth to mouth.
After some questioning of a local shiphand..we managed to gain information relating to an old woman..a witch no the swamps who could make amulets that allowed breathing underwater...and so we set off..
A long and hard fought trek through the swamp of Lost Souls..nice name...many a troll fell to our blades and magics...then there were large snakes...why is it always snakes..and more trolls.
After a day ortwo travelling..we made our destination...a solitary tower that seemed like an oasis amongst this desert of festering bogs and hostile creatures.
The woman we had come to see was,luckily,at home and bade us to enter...what a tragedy it would have been had we come all this way for nought.
After the usual pleasantries were exchanged Freldo played some music for her..supposedly related to a staff that was a key to the quest.Many of us..had images or feelings from this..and the woman eventually,seeming a little saddened by the tune,took Freldo's violin bow...and told us a long but absorbing tale..
The tale related to one Saquan..a sea elf..who was the central player in a great that involved treachery and war..mindless slaughter and eventually righteous and vengeful power released.We learned of the current known as Harj's breath..that is a major support to life under the seas,of the elves and merfolk that dwell in it's warming flow...of the great creatures of the depths..stonefish..Kratkin..and whales..and we also learned how men and others had betrayed ages of aid from the undersea residents..driven by greed.
This greed eventually led to the near extinction of the sea beasts..and had effects that touched the very foundations of the undersea society...eventually leading to a great battle..where the heroine..Saquan..and the remnants of the sea peoples destroyed the betrayers.

After this..and Rawkin's desire for more stories..we managed to gain information from the woman as to what she would need for the amulets...

Polished gems of alexandrite,topaz and 2 gold ingots for each...dusts of the same types and enchanting oils..and ruby dust for each five.

Seems that we have many hard tasks ahead to gather the materials...but it shall be an adventure that will not only further our goal but bond us all closer together...and who knows..maybe we Rawkin rewarded with more knowledge and tales from this wise woman?


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #33 on: August 13, 2006, 10:37:30 am »
Ah..I must be off to Fort Velensk to place myself at the mercy of my Lord Rofirein..for I have failed in a task.

I gathered a party together to go into the High Forest and curb the excesses of orcs that lair there..and prey upon traveller s and caravans.
The group that assembled was more than capable..Arkolio..Roy Ainsworth..Erik Kendall..Gruwlz..Miss Serissa..and myself...and so assembled we set forth..clearing kobolds and birdmen on the way..and then felling a couple of griffons that assailed us at the edge of the Forest.
Then we were there..we prepared and struck at the Orcish raiders...a couple of sharp fights ensued and they I thought..into a nearby ruin..I urged we follow..and drive them from this place...and so...we all entered a nightmare.
The ruinous halls were gloomy and fetid..and we were immediately beset by foul monstrous rats...I expected orcs and yet we saw none..just these beasts..the deeper we went..the more that appeared..
I was surprised we encountered no undead in such a lifeless place..thankful of that though.
We struck down lower..and alas..good Gruwlz ran ahead...he called out there were slimy creatures and then..I heard it..
A lumbering beast was upon him..and soon the others...a breath of charnel stench..and a roar that reverberated around the dark halls..I saw it then..a dragon..or at least a dragon of sorts..Gruwlz,Erik and Roy fell..Serissa and myself ..sorely wounded retreated...and of Ark..well..all I could hear was a cry for we retired to recover.
Serissa nad I managed to gain some safe ground where we rested and prepared..afore going forth and attempting to aid our grievously injured or fallen comrades..more many ..they wer like a living sea...and then..blocking our way...the beast least 25 feet seemed..the Dragon...which Serissa said was a Wyrm..great claws flashed and cut at;s putrid breath grasped at our throats..but with blade and faith..we slew it..and made our way to the place of the fallen.
Of Ark there was no sign..Gruwlz alas..had made the journey along the path of souls...Roy and Erik..miss Serissa brought back from the edge of death with her skills and divine magic..though it cost her dearly.

We made good our escape from those terrifying halls..and now I seek to find out more about them and what dwells day..when our strength has cleanse them and halt their decay and vileness spreading and corrupting the High Forest.

But now..I must go and pray for forgiveness..and take task to atone for leading my friends to such folly..a hard lesson..but a valuable one I suppose.



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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2006, 12:48:49 am »
Ah what to write about...not really done too much worthy of note since I last put quill to parchment...but I shall try to gie a little commentary on a few things that have transpired.

Went forth into the mountains with Shamur,Talia,Roy and others...led by Ireth..
We were seeking a matriarch beholder or such...and Ireth's laying down the law beforehand..saying thing's such as follow my orders or I will abandon you all and such rankled with true or noble warrior should leave their charges and comrades without a very good reason..
The caves we entered high in the Sworderusts started easily enough..just some spiders...but then came soldiers of living rock...seemed much tougher than any others I had encountered and our weapons laboured,as did our swordarms,to make any impact...but after a time..we managed to beat them down..and then entered the next cavern where another horde greeted us.
CHARGE!Shouted much for the care and attention to detail she had so vehemently preached aforehand...and soon..the battle turned against us..we should have drawn them in small numbers to a defensive line...not rushed forward like a bunch of Drunken Voraxians.
Sweet,innocent,fragile Talia..out of mgics I guess..rushed into the fray with her dagger and was struck down instantly..and I swear I saw the soul mother hover above her out of the corner of my eye.
Then Ireth called for us to run..which all but Shamur fact one of our number..had long fled..and quit our hour of need.Luckily good Pendar had come behind us and applied copious amounts of healing..thus keeping us alive.Ireth..having got us to safety then returned,for Shamur I expect,and told us to continue fleeing..something which I could not do..I cannot abandon a comrade..let alone good friends in the midst of a fight.Ireth fell..and we tried to perform a fighting the confusion..I passed a hastily retreating Pendar as I went back to aid him..and my exit was blocked and in no time I was pummeled to the ground by these creatures..where I lay deathlike for some time.
After we had all managed to reassemble and had regained ourselves and our composure we debated long and hard over the morals and failings of this debacle...Ireth strongly holding her point in front of Pendar and only admitting some small blame after he had departed.At least she had the decency to admit that.Perhaps her friends would happily abandon each other to a grisly fate...maybe that is their way..but it seemed that Roy,Shamur and myself al have a certain honour debt relating to ours and do not agree with abandonment.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2006, 09:33:21 am » training and grasp of new skills starts to progress and in time..perhaps shall bear fruit.I say new skills and yet,somehow,I feel accustomed to much of what I am learning..feel voices calling to me in a low murmur..wonder what it means..

Had a trip into exciting...well maybe not so...but wasa good exercise in teamwork...we struck first at mercenary bandits that plague the lands near Haven..and thence into the mine itself.
Pretty uneventful there and back...except that we encountered Brisbane...kept changing from Bear to attractive female..quite disconcerting really..never know whether to speak to her or growl at her.She was helpful though in healing a fair amount of wounds we picked up following an ambush.
Had a self declared mercenary..Thomas of Hurm he calls himself..along with us...his skills showed some improvement as he got the feel for fighting the ogres and displayed some bravery.Alas he fell to an ambush as we made our way out and as we waited to recover his belongings..Miss Talia..wandered off..and a long wait ensued whilst we searched for her.I sent the majority to the surface to rest whilst IO stood guard at the place we had last seen case she returned...and then went to rest myself...when the others had rested and come back to stand vigil.
In the end all was well..Talia was found..we recovered Thomas belongings and then split coin...a good team effort different from some of the larger party affairs where hardly any listen,many rush forward leaving the gatherers exposed to ambush...or where personal gain and favour is placed before the welfare of the party..

Hlint has become quiet of sign of Tash'r randomly casting spells..and making nasty comments..quite refreshing really.Some peace in Hlint...although I spend much time in and around Fort Velensk nowadays..seeking solace in my God..for any wrongs or those of my comrades.
I pray oft at the Temple..hoping for a sign or word from the to our direction...or on the Knights of the day perhaps..

Whilst mentioning signs from the Gods..a strange encounter not so long back...whilst with Eghaas tracking down and halting mercenary bandit attacks near Fort Velensk..we were set upon by two huge Griffons..never seen them hereabouts before..I was laid low..although I stopped I lay there dazed..fearing for Eghaas safety..a great whitle light shone down on me and I was healed...I thence proceeded to slay the two Griffons...I cannot explain what happened..i can only think it was my God..watching over me and protecting me..and also allowing me to fulfill my duty to my friend and save him from death...


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #36 on: August 17, 2006, 09:46:54 am »
Ah..the temptations of the flesh...a pretty smile..a shapely leg..
Mybrother in Rofirein smitten it seems...not with Lady Dora in whom he appeared to show a little interest..but with of Xeen..and the very one he recently kissed in public on the street of Hlint.
Now he spends more and more time with who is from an opposed faith to our own..not that it is an issue with me..I take people as I find them..irrespective of what we are led to believe..after all miss Silool of the same faith...Xeen was also kind to me in the past.Laws and rules are made as guidelines..some are just others are made by inflexible men..who have their own agendas and prejudices and thus..such laws can be bent to ones own need or even ignored should they be unacceptable.I think the laws of our church that govern who is and who is not an enemy are in the latter I have met some amongst so called enemy faiths that are decent and honourable...and good company ij their own ways if one sets aside the religious differences.
What bothers me about Daniel's situation is that following the kiss..he recanted what had happened as a weakness on his part..and yet now he returns to the same it truly love or does she enspell him?I hope it's the former for his sake..and also hope the church will accept this union..and not be blinded by bigoted and slanted views.
Neither Daniel or myself are Paladins..thus we are not bound as tightly to the church rules..although we honour as much as we can or as much as we see as right...and with little word from our leaders..and no guidance why should a brother of the order not find comfort in his hour of need where he finds it..if this is the love that the Lord Protector decreed than who am I or any of us to denounce it.
I just hope the lady's intent is honourable and that Daniel is not turned or made to stumble on his has happened to Thomas and even Caighd...He would be a great loss to the church..and should be inducted into the Knights of the Wyrm as readily as can be attained..for he has honour and duty that outshines many supposedly more devout.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #37 on: August 17, 2006, 10:38:29 am »
Ah a grand adventure these past few days...

Aside from the usual laying to rest of undead that spew forth in the vicinity of Storan's ancient crypt...and the regular trips to Fort had become a little slow of late.
Granted..following Dulan's words and Eredel's regarding teaching me some crafting in the former case and helping him craft some items in the latter..I have slowly..begun to nurture my skills in this area..primarily smelting and a bit of tinkering for now..but perhaps I shall progress into armour and weapon crafting..we shall see.

Anyway..back to the original thoughts I wished to set down..regarding a trip to the Dragon Isles..
Took Bee,of the Dragon's Whisper there aided ably by noble Shamur..for an extended mapping and sighteeing tour..we traversed much of the islands..and encountered mushroom men,Bears with the heads of owls..great Forest horrors...Harpies..
Then we travelled deeper..fighting a small group or two of Satyr's and avoiding the larger for we only numbered three..and had no healer or mage to aid us.
Further and further we travelled..with Bee making maps and notes along the way ..especially of point s of where the Drake lairs...the Troll Temple..the hall of the werebeasts and such...
Alas we did make one error in we travelled amidst a swamp..we came upon a boat and took it...apparently,according to the Serpent Isles..not a place I shall return to we were assailed by vampiric,blood draining which..brave Shamur succumbed.
Bee and myself managed to drag Shamur's near lifeless form to safety and in time..with Bee's attentive ministrations he recovered...
To round our trip off we entered the Bullman caverns and fought with some and the beasts they seem to use as guardians..foul smelling Bull-like creatures that can turn a man to stone.All in all a good trip with a decent reward of coin and I hope much good information for master Bee.


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #38 on: August 18, 2006, 04:52:17 am »
Ah tis good to be here in Fort Velensk..a clear sea breeze..and the contemplative restivness of Rofirein's I can gather my thoughts,reflect and set down on parchment such things as come to mind.
I am here resting from battle wounds...and so I shall continue my tales...

A group of us had gathered in Karthy..set to have converse with the good lich(aleegedly)..Thomas we could help him atone through a meeting with his long lost love..and indirectly bring his worse half to his downfall.
The Journey into the snowcovered peaks of Northern Dregar was fair and uneventful..the cold was biting however..and it was almost a welcome relief to enter the portal tomb that would take us to the Lich's abode.
Once there..much was talked of..and a sense of distrust and apprehension began to ripple through the gathering...A lich being good goes against all teachings on the matter and near enough all folklore and oral tradition also.Can this monster be trusted..onwe who would fill the heart of one he loves with renewed anguish and ease his own burden?Only time and providence will tell in this matter...and we must be ready for any treachery and from any direction...perhaps we shall have both of Thomas' selves to lay to rest through more forceful means than we hoped for?...perhaps he will betray us...or perhaps he does speak the truth and wishes to atone...although I trust the Lord Protector to guard and protect my soul from such as this Lich..I may need it.
I think I trust master Ozymandias more than this creature...and that is some leap of faith on my part.

Anyway..I digress from the main story here..always get caught up in my own thoughts...
Whilst treating with the Lich Thomas..he informed us of a ritual and an article he needed to form a vutal part of it.It transpired that this item..some form of sacred bowl had been carried by caravan...and all would have been well..had it not..the caravan that is..been waylaid by marauding orcish raiders.The vessel had not been well guarded as the ones who possessed it knew not of it's nature..value..or power...we could only hope the orcs were similarly blind to it's provenance.
And so..with time against us...for how could we know whether the orcs could discern the items use and power...we went to Dalanthar and then struck into the hills and peaks seeking out the Orcish fortress...the main bastion of which we reached after a plethora of short sharp skirmishes with orcish pickets and patrols.
The resistance within the citadel itself was much stiffer...and the battles became laboured...even some foul abyssal creatures came into the fray..but eventually..we gained the main hall..where the chieftain and hopefully the bowl...our objective lay...
Another sharp in which both Ferrit and myself were struck down gravely and left hovering so close to the soul mother's realm afore being plucked back by divine intervention.
A thorough search was undertaken...a chest unlocked..a helm and an axe..both greatly enchanted were found..but no bowl.
Where was it..ah..revelation..if they knew not it's nature..would it still.most likely..just be with the other mundane goods of the caravan..probably still without...and as if to echo my thoughts..Master Ozymandias turned up..bearing the object..and I had foreseen in that moment of calm...that it had been without and we had not needed to breach the inner sanctums of the fort..the two who gained the items..the helm and the axe..wee most grateful we had however.
So what we return to the lich..are we all just pawns being manipulated at his whim..are there really two liches or is it Thomas pulling a double bluff and will the ritual he wishes to perform be a way of securing this demi-lichdom that he seeks...and hides this by blaming a supposed evil half or twin?And what of his former love..what of she safe or has the lich claimed her as a part of this ritual..will we see her and make sure she is safe..or have we all played into his hands anmd ultimately..will we be responsible for unleashing a more terrible threat upon the lands?


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RE: Jaleel---Writing his story in pictures(The Earliest Days)
« Reply #39 on: August 22, 2006, 03:52:32 am »
And now a story of great folly...

First there was a trip to the Dungeon near Haven...a place of dread set amidst the woods where mercenary bandits ply their trade.The place is called the Un-Named Dungeon...although how it exists without a name relating to the danger and death within is quite beyond me.
A decent sized party had formed to tackle the place..and the journey there was fairly uneventful as were the early descents....we dealt with the hulks and xorn pretty easily.
Then we came to a lower where I knew vampires laired..we prepared and I warned that there were vampires left and right and that we should be cautious.I was slightly slower than the others entering as I adjusted my pack and made sure my wards and such were holding..they went on ahead.
Did they not listen?For as soon as I entered..I saw them rush forth in a mass...where diligenge would suggest to try and divide the enemies and bring them to us in small numbers.The first to fall was Dalan..a dwarf...wonder if he had led the charge?The vampires were amongst us all now..along with other creatures..fourlegged skeletal monstrosities with a brain like protuberance on their backs...and massive bears with glowing red eyes.People were dropping left and right...I tried to rush to wherever a comrade was in danger of being overwhelmed but the tide was too strong..and our numbers grew less and less.Still they came...I tried to cut a path for those left to escape..I think some made it into the upper tunnels...then..with a quick look around and hearing the command run..I tried to withdraw..bleeding and weakened from deep wounds..I was blocked and battled my way out the door and up...but the enemies were in pursuit.
I made it up to the next level of tunnels..someone was ahead of me...and they roused the hulks,horrors and xorn in those I was trapped..and before I had time to consider an option..I was drifting into blackness.
I awoke..albeit in a weakened state and tried to regain myself...but this ultimately was to fail one of my companions decided to use a bow...bad idea as he alerted a horde of beasts..and a xorn..took most of what strength and health I had managed to draw from deep within.Praylor fell..and I heard the sound of battle as another,whom I knew not,and who had not been in our party tried to battle the angry xorn that the bowshot had awakened..I went to aid..but too late..he fell..and the creature turned fully to me...I was lost..for weakened and bloodied..I was in no fit state to meet it on equal terms.
The black void overwhelmed me and I saw memories cast adrift from my mind as sand blown across the desert...I reached for them..but they were gone. sum up..we failed...why do people let their overconfidence rule their heads.They were warned of the dangers and yet..they did not listen..and cost many of us..due to their bad tactics.
When will people with bows learn..why do they insist on shooting a bow into a horde of creatures when one is a match and prudence suggests to draw them forth to battle one at a time..
As a footnote to this...I later learned that a rescue party was formed with some new people and some of the old party..why did they not wait for us all to join..why did they just selfishly,in the case of the old party members,think of themselves and consider not the rest of us.
Seems there are always those,regardless of experience and sound tactics,who prefer to only listen to their own counsel.......