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Author Topic: Journal of my past.  (Read 72 times)


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    Journal of my past.
    « on: November 30, 2006, 08:20:23 pm »
    Page 1

    I recently decided to start this journal, as a way to prove to myself my past in case anything like the incident three years ago repeats itsef.  I do not want to be left in the dark again about my past.

    Entry 1:
       Today I talked to someone outside the Hlint Courthouse about finding some tax records, I haven't found them yet. I also met a Dwarf by the name of Exodus, who nearly killed Garent for stepping on his foot.  He was with an elf named Wren who talked him out of it, saying, it was only an accident.  Wren also healed my wounds from the rats in the sewers.  Thats about it for today , all-in-all pretty boring.

    Entry 2:
        Today I wandered off to the east of Hlint and was ambushed by a goblin who nearly killed me.  I ran from him, though I am not sure how. I was so weak. I moer than likely would have died too, if it wasn't for an elf, that went by the name of Lin'da, coming to my aid.  She healed me and killed the goblin that chased me into Hlint.  She seems nice and also helped another halfling in the same way.  That other halflings name was Selevein, who accompanied me into the Hlint sewers with another person I met by the name of Kerrin.  Kerrin had a cat that went by Jedri, who was a mean kitty, she was the one that felled the ratman in the sewers, and made it look easy.  This allowed me to get the tax records from the ratman's dead corpse, and return it to Florah who gave me 200 gold.  I ended up giving 40 of it to Kerrin for doing most of the work.


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      RE: Journal of my past.
      « Reply #1 on: December 02, 2006, 08:43:35 am »
      Page 2

      Entry 3:
         I ventured out past the Hlint merchants today and came across Hlint's public crafting house. Inside a man named Johan stopped me and asked if I could help him with something. Having nothing better to day I agreed.  I was to find a rat pelt.  I started to leave but remembered my encounter with the rats only yesterday.  I looked in my pack and sure enough I did have a rat pelt.  I returned to Johan and gave it to him.  He thought it was funny I just happened to have it and asked if I could do him another favor since I made the first seem easy enough.  This time I was to find some bat skin.  I didn't know where to look but agreed to the task anyway, promising to return when and if I found the pelt.

         I ventured back into Hlint to ask around about where come bats were.  Quartermaster Talon said that there may be some in the goblin caves west of Hlint, and asked me if I tould bring him back some goblin ears, since I was going that way.  I informed him that if I came across then then I would definately return them to him.  I made off for the cave and got into it with a few goblins on the way.  Luckily I was victorious.  I used my skinning knife, and cut their ears from their heads, knowing that Talon needed them.  Once inside the cave, I felled a few more goblins and collected more ears from the ones possible.  It wasn't long until I found a few bats. I made short work of them, collected their pelt, and quickly made my way back to Hlint, because at that point I had many wounds and wanted to tend to them. However on the way back to Hlint I came across some badgers, killed them and collected their pelt.

         I arrived back in Hlint and properly thanked Quartermaster Talon for sending me to the caves, because I did indded find some bats.  I also informed him that I was able to find 6 of the goblin ears he wanted. He insisted that 5 was plenty, and gave me a handsome reward for each.  I left Talon, and made for the crafting house to return the bat pelt to Johan.  Johan was surprised to see me back so early, and properly thanked me and gave me a small reward for retrieving the bat pelt, and inquired about whether or not I had or could find a badger pelt. I smiled and let him know of the badger pelt I found only mements ago on my way back from retrieving the bat pelt. I gave it to him and he paid me for this one as well.  His next request would send me after a badger pelt.

         Shortly after leaving the craft house I met a postmaster that went by the name of Vale.  He must have sen I was on my way to Hlint and asked if I could take a delivery to to Systrian in Hlint.  I couldn't refuse the offer after he informed me should would pay me upon delivery.  I asked around for Systrian and was escorted to her by another adventurer, gave her the letter and did receive a decent sized reward for bringing it to her.  I returned to Postmaster Vale to see if by chance he may have more work that needs done as far as deliveries go.  I was right he did but this time his request sounded a bit more challenging.  I was to deliver a letter to Johan Bordan on the ocntinent of Rilara. I have no clue how to get there but agreed to his request not letting him know that.


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        RE: Journal of my past.
        « Reply #2 on: December 02, 2006, 04:38:30 pm »
        Page 3

        Entry 4:
           I set out for Fort Llast earlier today, to see who and what was there.  The only thing that happened there worth noting as of now is the fact that I completed a few quests for Lt. Jerson there.  He is apparently in control of a small armory there and needs to restock it.  He had me get him a copper dagger, which I already had a spare of.  He also had me bring him a light hickory crossbow, which I just ran and bought, hoping the reward would be good. He then wanted a copper shortsword, which I also had a spare of.  And the last thing I gave him was a light hickory bow which I also bought, however the buying and giving to Jerson didnt seem like it was paying off financially, so after he requested the copper long sword, I thought I would just wait to pry one from a dead foes fingers and give it to him rather than buying them from nearby merchants, wasting my supply of gold.

        Entry 5:
           I was given a quest by Ronus earlier today to go into the Red Light Goblin's Cave and kill the goblin overlord and collect his head.Me being the sneaky rogue that I am, snuck around taking out the goblins that were in groups of no more than three.  More than three and I just decided it best to pass them right up and save my strength for the overlord.  Well it was a good thought but I wouldn't have enough strength to handle him even when I did get there. He was a powerful foe and I had tro retreat from him.  He followed me out of the cave, where luckily a strong adventurer was in wait, for what I do not know.  He ended up killing the goblin and leaving without many words.  I thanked him but wasn't able to get his name.  I took the head of the goblin as my proof of killing him, though I hadn't, but Ronus did not have to know that did he?  I gave the head to Ronus who thanked me and gave me a hefty reward. I was pleased with it.


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          RE: Journal of my past.
          « Reply #3 on: December 03, 2006, 03:25:11 pm »
          Page 4

          Entry 6:
             I ran into Kerrin again today and mentioned to him that I had found some bats, since he was in need of their pelt only days ago.  I accompanied him to the cave wher I had seen the bats, killed plenty of them, and allowed him to take their pelt before leaving.  My debt to Kerrin was paid.  I also met a halfling today. His name is Sab Kaylag. I overheard him mentioning the crypts in conversation with an elf that went by Kin'ashien Cerad, and inquired about what was going on down there. He filled me in about Erag wanting him to get an essence from down there, and since Erag had offered me the same quest we thought we could help each other.  The crypts were filled with many zombies and ghouls, that nearly killed Kin on multiple occasions.  Thankfully though, he cwould summon a dire boar to defend him while he healed his wounds right before death was brought upon him.  We finally got the essence and returned to Erag who rewarded the two of us.  I talked to Sab about what tradeskills he was interested in and he let me know that he did some tinkering, and some poison-making as well as some alchemy.  I am interested to know how he goes about these things and have asked him to teach me some of what he knows he agreed but informed me it would have to be another day.  I hope to run into him in the near future and take him up on his offer to show me some of what he knows.


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            Re: Journal of my past.
            « Reply #4 on: December 04, 2006, 05:52:48 pm »
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            Entry 7:
               Today was filled with much learning as well as exploring.  I ran into Sab again today, and he took me out into many of the surrounding forrests, to show and teach me things.  He showed me the basics of trapping on a boar whose hide I needed, which I got and later returned to Johan for some quick gold.  He also showed me how to use a shield effectively, and can not wait to get one myself and try it out.  I also observed how he used his shortsword to take note.  The only melee weapon I am well versed in at this moment is the dagger. I hope to get better with many other types of weapons as time goes by, as well as hope to learn how to effectively use shields.  All day I watched as Sab moved nearly silently through the forrest, he seemed so in tune with his surrounings while among the wild, I guess is is just part of being a ranger.  I strive to pick up some of his skill, and wish I had some of his talents.
            Later in the day we ran into a friend of Sab's, his name was Lif'lo Aldar, and he was a paladin of sorts.  We ended up passing by Fort Llast and tons of forrests and vales, and so on on the way to Fort Hope, where I guess one of them had some business to attend I was just along for the pure enjoyment of travelling.  While in Fort Llast on the way there I did give in and buy some more of the weapons Lt. Jursen needed for the armory, the Copper Longsword as well as the Hickory Long Bow, he rewarded me for both but I still ended up losing money from it all.  Shortly after leaving Fort Hope we were attacked by fire ants, one of which weakened me to the point I could barely even stand.  They insisted I rest, I did and still felt unable to carry on so requested that they return me to Fort Llast to get proper care. They did so and we ended up parting our ways.  I can not wait for tomorrow, hopefully it will be another day full of exploring, adventuring, and learning.


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              Re: Journal of my past.
              « Reply #5 on: December 07, 2006, 02:10:24 pm »
              Page 6